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S Authors

Authors Starting with 'S'

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S., David 11.02 Dialog Box
S., Stefan 13.05 Dialog Box
Samuel, Fabien 04.12 Inside Macinkeys
Sanchez, Wilfredo 17.08 How to Build a Way Easy Yet Spiffy App
Sandvik, Kent 10.05 Newton Communication Programming
11.09 QuickTime and Offscreen GWorlds
Sarachan, Brion 09.10 Fast Fixed-point Math Made Easy
Sarkisian, Drew 12.06 SPM, Be My Host!
12.10 Hosting Under Metrowerks
Sasser, Cabel 19.04 How we adapted the Transmit interface for Mac OS X
Sattler, Michael 11.01 Dialog Box
Savetz, Kevin M. 10.05 Installer Roundup
10.08 Internet And The Macintosh Programmer
12.07 Getting the Jump on JavaScript
Saxton, Tom 03.09 A FatBits Editor and Clipboard Viewer in C
05.05 Segmenting DAs
Scanlin, Mike 02.10 Create a Tic Tac Toe Game
03.09 ShiftMod Patch
03.11 Formatted Output for Numbers
04.05 A Vaccine for the "nVIR' Virus
05.04 April Fool's INIT: Scrolling Menu Bar!?
06.02 BitMaps with ResEdit
06.04 Dialog Quake for April Fools
07.04 Xtrap, A Hardware Debugger
08.01 Rotten Apple INIT for April Fool's
08.02 Efficient 68000 Programming
08.04 Programmers' Challenge
08.04 Self Modifying Code is a No No!
08.05 Efficient 68030 Programming
08.05 Programmers' Challenge
08.06 Programmers' Challenge
08.07 Programmers' Challenge
09.01 Programmers' challenge
09.02 Efficient 68040 Programming
09.02 Efficient 68040 Programming
09.02 Programmers' Challenge
09.03 Clean up your folders
09.03 Programmers' Challenge
09.04 Programmers' Challenge
09.04 Rändóm fiNdEr sgnirtS
09.05 Efficient 68040 BlockMove
09.05 Programmers' Challenge
09.06 Programmers' Challenge
09.07 Programmers' Challenge
09.08 Programmers' Challenge
09.08 Efficient C Programming
09.09 Programmers' Challenge
09.10 Programmers' Challenge
09.11 Programmers' Challenge
09.12 Programmers' Challenge
10.01 Programmers' Challenge
10.03 Programmers' Challenge
10.04 Programmers' Challenge
10.05 Programmers' Challenge
10.06 Programmers' Challenge
10.07 Programmers' Challenge
10.08 Programmer’s Challenge
10.09 Programmer’s Challenge
10.10 Scanlin on Books
10.10 Programmer’s Challenge
10.11 Programmer’s Challenge
10.12 Programmer’s Challenge
11.01 Programmer’s Challenge
11.02 Programmer’s Challenge
11.03 Programmer’s Challenge
11.03 Dialog Box
11.04 Programmer’s Challenge
11.05 Programmer’s Challenge
11.06 Programmer’s Challenge
11.12 Games People Write
12.05 The Need for Speed
12.07 Code Fragments Explained
12.08 Tips and Tidbits
Schaut, Rick 22.09 The Style Council
Scheiderich, Thomas 02.12 Notes From TML To LSP
04.06 Serial Port Demo
Schettino, John 13.04 The Tao of Design
13.10 Cross-Platform database 4GL
14.02 Rapid Prototyping
14.09 Resorcerer: What's New in 2.2
Schilit, Bill 07.07 Password Dialogs
Schlegel, Eric 07.05 MultiFile Dialog
11.11 Tips and Tidbits
12.02 Tips and Tidbits
Schlesinger, Denny 03.11 Help Documentation System Review
Schlienger, Eric 05.11 ADB Repair
Schmucker, Kurt 02.12 Reusable MacApp Classes
10.11 Prograph CPX - A Tutorial
11.01 Commands and Undo in Prograph CPX
11.03 Undo the Impossible in Prograph CPX
11.05 MacApp and Prograph CPX - A Comparison
Schorsch, Brent 15.01 Inside InputSprocket
Schrader, Kirby 12.03 A Dedication
Schrick, Brad 12.01 Becoming a Macintosh Service Provider
Schuster, Mike 01.13 Try Pop-up Menus!
02.01 Programming for HFS Compatibility
02.02 Laser Print DA for Postscript
02.03 Lost File Finder DA for HFS
02.04 Nested Volume Manager DA in Megamax C
02.05 Palette Selection in Aztec C
02.06 Place PostScript in MacWrite Documents
Sea, Erik 13.09 Location Manager Pref Treatment
15.02 AppleShare IP Server Additions
16.09 Speaking to Your Software
18.02 Palm OS for Mac OS Programmers
Seaquist, Steven 05.02 Security Patrol for Viruses
Sears, Chris 11.01 Tips and Tidbits
11.07 Tips and Tidbits
12.06 Tips and Tidbits
Sellers, Dennis 24.07 Kool Tools: DVDxDV, DVDxDV Pro: Converting DVD Media into files you can actually use!
24.07 Kool Tools: OmniGraffle Professional 5
24.08 Kool Tools: Axiotron ModBook
24.09 Kool Tools: Jawbone 2 headset
24.10 Kool Tools: Kerio Mail Server
24.10 Kool Tools: Microsoft Expression Media 2
24.11 Geek Guide-Projectors
24.11 Real World Review: Da-Lite Deluxe Insta-Theater
24.11 Real World Review: NEC NP3151W
24.12 Kool Tools: Some Great iPhone 3G Accessories
25.01 Geek Guide: Printers 101
25.02 MACWORLD 2009: Best of Show
25.03 Kool Tools: MacSpeech Dictate
25.03 Kool Tools: Rumpus 6
25.05 Kool Tools: Pulse Smartpen and Livescribe Desktop
25.06 Kool Tools-Etymotic EtyBlu Headset
25.06 Real World Review: Small Tree's Edge-corE ES4548D
25.10 Kool Tools - BookEndz
25.10 Kool Tools: Catching Up with Screen Capturing
25.11 Kool Tools: Nutrition Products
26.03 How To Watch HD From A Cable Or Satellite Receiver On Your Mac
26.03 Kool Tools: ConceptDraw Office
26.03 Kool Tools: Fibre Channel Connectivity Products for OS X
26.03 The MacTech 25 [3]
26.07 Kool Tools-Acclivity AccountEdge
26.07 Kool Tools: Data Recovery Software
26.07 Kool Tools: MacSpeech Scribe
26.07 Kool Tools: PureCM Professional
26.09 Kool Tools: Checkout
26.09 Kool Tools: HansaWorld Enterprise
26.09 Kool Tools: MailPlane
26.09 Kool Tools: TrueShip ReadyShipper
26.10 Kool Tools- AppleTV
26.12 Kool Tools: Aunsoft Video Converter
2611 Kool Tools: 360 Works Email Plugin
2611 Kool Tools: Matrox DualHead2Go DP Edition
2611 Kool Tools: Softpress Systems Freeway 5.5
Sérasset, Gilles 12.07 CGIs in Lisp
Sevin, Paul E. 16.12 Book Review “The C++ Programming Language”
Sevinc, Paul E. 12.09 Dialog Box
15.05 Review-Core Java, Fundamentals
15.10 Review: Cryptography and Network Security
15.12 Programmer's Bookshelf
16.01 Programmer's Bookshelf
16.01 Programmer's Bookshelf
16.02 Feb 00 Bookshelf
16.05 Programmer's Bookshelf
17.01 Patterns
17.10 Frameworks
Shackelford, John 12.08 Using Shared Libraries in CPX
13.07 Creating Multi-file Dialogs In CPX
Shafer, Dan 20.05 Runtime Revolution: Programming for Mere Mortals
Shalit, Andrew 02.11 Simple Graphics Objects
Shapiro, Eric 08.07 Function Logging in Think C
09.08 Patent Stupidity
10.07 Multiple Monitors vs. Your Application
Shapiro, Neil 12.03 A Dedication
Shavit, Dean 20.11 Looking for Open Directory
20.12 NeoOffice
21.01 The Application Formerly Known As. . .
21.02 The Source Hound - Betting on The Dark Horse
21.03 Source Hound - A Smart World After All
21.04 The Source Hound - Coneheads At The Gates
21.05 The Source Hound - Ghost In The Machine
21.06 The Source Hound - Open-Source With Teeth
21.08 The Source Hound - Nuts About SquirrelMail
21.09 The Source Hound - Knock Knock Knocking on LDAP's Door, PART 1
21.10 The Source Hound - Knock Knock Knocking on LDAP's Door, PART 2
21.11 The Source Hound - Bonjour, Mon ami: Automatic Service Discovery in Tiger
22.01 The Source Hound - The Apple - Intel Transition
22.03 The Source Hound - Get Your Growl ON
22.05 The Source Hound - Found in Transition
22.08 The MacTech 25
23.03 MacFUSE: The Man Behind the Mask, Interview with Amit Singh
23.06 The 2007 MacTech 25
Sheets, Patricia 05.10 Understanding Color Icons
05.12 Capture Color Icons
14.08 Protect Your Software with Hardware
Sheets, Steve 14.01 Contextual Menu Basics
14.02 Contextual Menu Modules
14.05 Java Development Environments
14.06 BBEdit Plug-In Programming
14.08 Protect Your Software with Hardware
Sheets, Steven 03.07 Lazy Man's Color
03.08 Hierarchical Menus
03.09 Life-Quickdraw and The Picker
03.10 CDEV Control Panel Files Revisited
04.01 Keyboard Wars!
04.02 Screen Dump FKEY for Color Picts
04.04 The Palette Manager and Color Puzzle
04.05 Palette Animation
05.05 Notification Manager
05.10 Understanding Color Icons
05.12 Capture Color Icons
07.03 Animating PICS
07.04 Non-Standard File Dialogs
07.09 OOP in a non-OOP World
08.05 Icon Family
Shields, Paul 15.09 Preparing for Disaster
16.03 Backup Management
17.11 An Introduction to Relational Database Design and SQL
Shilpa Jacobie, Marianne 23.01 Juniper/Netscreen Protection
23.01 Sound Studio 3
Shin, Brian 19.07 Reviews - Secure File Transfers With Fugu
Shipman, Ty 03.08 Build a Gossip Net on AppleTalk in C
Shirley, Mark 04.10 MenuStuff for Handling Menus
Shoemaker, Phillip 15.09 A Palm Update, Part 1
Shonle, Macneil 11.04 Tips and Tidbits
11.06 Tips and Tidbits
11.08 Tips and Tidbits
11.08 Tips and Tidbits
Shoop, Dan 22.08 Do You Copy?
Shotton, Chuck 15.06 A Conversation With Chuck Shotton
15.08 Apple Event Terminology for CGIs
19.02 Taming Open Source
Shuchat-Marx, Mark 17.11 All in the Family: Relational Databases in FileMaker Pro 5
Shurr, Scott 09.08 Think Top 10
09.12 Code Resources and the A4 World
10.06 Think Top 10
Shustak, Henry 24.08 LBackup
Siegel, Rich 11.08 Dialog Box
Signa, John 17.04 Darwin: Mac OS X’s Core OS
Simenel, Eric 13.09 My First Yellow Box Application
14.02 And then SOM...
16.12 Carbonization 101
Simmons, Brent 18.08 Writing Contextual Menu Plugins for OS X, part 1
19.01 Writing Contextual Menu Plugins for OS X, part 2
Simmons, David 10.11 Implementing Elegant Drag and Drop for Styled Text Fields
Simone, Cal 12.03 A Dedication
13.05 An Ext. Editing Apple Event Protocol
13.08 Dynamic Debugging of AppleScript
14.02 The AppleScript Scorecard Guidelines
Simpkins, Joeseph 08.06 Object Support for Resources and cdev's
Sims, Jason 21.04 Getting More Out of iTunes with Smart Playlists
Sinclair, Stefan 14.07 A Tour of SpriteWorld
Singh, Ravi 21.09 Adhoc 2005
Sisak, Stephen G. 10.12 Adding Threads To Sprocket
11.06 Tips and Tidbits
11.07 Tips and Tidbits
11.10 Tips and Tidbits
12.01 Tips and Tidbits
12.02 Tips and Tidbits
12.03 Tips and Tidbits
12.04 Tips and Tidbits
12.05 Tips and Tidbits
12.06 Tips and Tidbits
12.07 Tips and Tidbits
12.08 Tips and Tidbits
12.09 Tips and Tidbits
12.11 Tips and Tidbits
12.12 Tips and Tidbits
Sisak, Steve 13.02 Tips and Tidbits
13.03 Tips and Tidbits
13.04 Tips and Tidbits
13.05 Tips and Tidbits
13.06 Tips and Tidbits
13.07 Tips and Tidbits
13.08 Tips and Tidbits
13.09 Tips and Tidbits
13.10 Tips and Tidbits
13.11 Tips and Tidbits
13.12 Tips and Tidbits
14.01 Tips and Tidbits
14.02 Tips and Tidbits
14.03 Tips and Tidbits
14.04 Tips and Tidbits
14.05 Tips and Tidbits
14.06 Tips and Tidbits
14.07 Tips and Tidbits
14.08 Tips and Tidbits
14.09 Tips and Tidbits
14.10 Tips and Tidbits
15.01 C++ Exceptions in Mac OS Code
Slosser, Eric 11.09 Tips and Tidbits
Slot, Matt 11.11 Tips and Tidbits
15.10 Oct99 KoolTools
Smith, David E. 01.01 Introducing the Mac Assembler
01.02 Create Your Own Icons
01.03 Start-up ad
01.04 The "Boxes" Program
01.05 Animation Contest
01.06 Editorial, Letters
02.08 Typecasting Rascal to Pascal
02.09 Debugging with LightSpeed Pascal
02.10 Letters and EDITORIAL
03.01 The Generic Multi-Window Text Editor
03.03 Expo Report
03.05 The Mac II Hardware
04.01 Letters
04.01 Reflex Plus- a Mac-Friendly Database
04.02 Readers Respond to Editorials
04.03 How Do You 'Float' a Window?
04.04 The Great DataBase Challenge
04.06 TML Pascal Returns to the Mac
04.07 FaceIt-- User Interface for all Compilers
04.09 Lightspeed 3.0-/Source Code Debugger
04.10 MacWorld
04.10 Prototyper- Face-It and QuickKeys
04.12 Happy Anniversary
05.01 Letters
05.02 Letters
05.03 ADB Demo in ZBASIC 5.0 and LS Pascal 2.0
05.03 Letters
05.04 Letters
05.05 Letters
05.06 Developer Conference Report
05.06 Letters
05.08 Letters
05.09 Letters
05.10 Letters
05.11 Letters
05.12 Letters
06.01 INITs First
06.02 CheckAbort() Revised
06.03 PICT and FCMT Resources
06.04 Great Books for Developers
Smith, David W. 05.01 Bezier Curve Ahead!
Smith, Dori 14.05 What is JavaScript?
Smith, Jeremy 12.04 Programmer's Buying Guide
Smith, Roger 12.12 Leave the Data (Fork) Alone!
Smith, William 25.04 Collaborative Methods: Exchange Web Services
25.05 New Tools for Collaboration-Supporting Entourage with Exchange
25.06 New Tools for Collaboration: Sharepoint 101
25.07 New Tools for Collaboration-Introducing Document Connection
25.12 New Tools for Collaboration: Alternatives for Exchange
26.01 New Tools for Collaboration: A Passion for Exchange Clients
Snider, Lesa 21.03 Review - Near-Time's Flow
21.12 MacTech 2005 High-Tech Gift Guide - Waterproof Camera Housings
Sniderman, Brad 12.10 Trademarks and Software
21.01 Starting An On-Line Business
Snively, Paul 01.09 PrLink Source for MacAsm
01.10 Debugging Techniques and TMON Review
02.02 Standards Needed in Development Systems
02.02 Launch Doc Utility in MacAsm
02.03 Macros for McAssembly
02.07 Chicago Visited and TMON Re-Visited!
03.02 Not So Standard File Dialogs
03.02 Object Oriented Programming for MacForth
04.03 MacScheme vs Coral Lisp
04.10 IAC Driver- Part II
05.07 NeXT Evolution
05.10 (Mumble Paul(About Lisp))
08.07 The Paralation Model
12.06 Revisionist History
Snyder, Matthew J. 05.01 Event Simulator
Sobsey, David 20.12 Business Processes... they're good for you... No, Really
Soldan, Eric 12.01 OpenDoc: Contain Yourself
Spaar, Dieter 11.07 Tips and Tidbits
Spencer, Rob 06.05 Playing Digitized Sound in QuickBASIC
09.02 Date-Typing FKEY
09.09 External Code Modules in Pascal
Staehl, Robert 23.11 Affordable NAS
Standing, Tim 03.02 Build Your Own SCSI 40MB Hard Disk
03.06 SCSI Formatter Project- Part II
23.01 Can RAID be used for Backup?
Stasny, Chris 13.02 The Language of Resources
16.08 HTML Rendering with FutureBASIC^3
Stattenfield, Ken 15.06 NetBooting And You
Stauder, Fred 03.10 HyperCard's User Friendly Programming
04.05 New HyperCard Products
04.06 New HyperCard 1.2 Features
04.07 Auto Hyper Edit Moves in Groups
04.07 HyperTools For HyperProgrammers
04.09 ScriptTips
04.10 Happy Birthday
04.12 The Vertical Market
05.01 ScriptTips II
05.02 Gestural Devices
05.03 String Width XCMD
05.04 HyperChat Award
05.05 Menu Bar XCMD
05.06 HyperArrays
05.07 Interfacing To The Future
05.08 Bits and Pieces
Stauffer, Todd 15.07 Jul 99 NetProLive
15.07 Linux Gains Ground on Macs
15.08 Aug 99 NetProLive
Stein, Emmanuel 21.08 Securing Mail with GPG
21.09 iPod-Linux
21.09 Media Exchange: Storage Interconnect Technologies
21.10 An Open Source Primer
21.11 Vodcasting: Exploring the Future of Syndicated Media
22.02 System-X: (R)evolutions
22.04 Web Benchmarking 101
22.10 Web Performance Tuning
Stein, Lincoln 07.07 MultiWindow/Menu DA
Steiner, Mike 01.08 The Structure of a Microsoft BASIC Program
01.10 Rescue that Protected BASIC Program
01.13 A Mac Paint Simulator in BASIC
02.02 Subprograms in BASIC Explained
Steinman, Scott B. 09.09 Simple Real-time Color Frame Animation
11.07 Why Do I Need Prograph CPX?
13.11 Inter-Computer Coordination
Steketee, Scott 07.11 Linking Text Objects
Stenger, Allen 06.07 Fine Tuning Code with MPW
06.12 Discrete-event Simulations
07.04 Associative Arrays
07.08 Fast Text Browser
08.01 SuperPaint airbrush masking
11.03 Dialog Box
11.04 Dialog Box
Steward, Sid 20.11 Fill Online PDF Forms Using HTML Forms
21.04 Improve PDF Search by Making HTML Clones
Stienstra, Marcelle 20.05 Programming the BasicStamp
Stone, Andrew 13.07 OPENSTEP Porting to Rhapsody
13.11 A Simple Word Processor...On Rhapsody
14.03 Doing Objects Right
16.05 Arise Aqua
16.07 Adding AppleScript Support to Cocoa Apps
16.08 Installing Mac OS 9, OS X and X Server on a G3 Laptop
16.09 More or Less: Drawers and Disclosure Views for Cocoa
16.10 An Intro to Mac OS X's Command Line Interface
16.11 Recursion: The Programmer's Friend
16.12 Creating drag wells in Cocoa
17.01 Dynamic Bundles and Runtime Loading in OS X
17.02 The Art of Safe Haquery, Categorically Speaking
17.04 Help On The Way!
17.05 Building Electronic and CD Software distributions for Mac OS X
17.06 File Formats and Legacy Object Unarchiving
17.09 Internationalizing Cocoa Applications - A Primer for Developers and End Localizers
17.12 Cocoamotion
18.01 Adding automated curly quotes to Cocoa's Text system
18.03 What's So Funny About Peace, Love and Mac OS X?
18.05 DOCtor - Wrapping UNIX CLI's into GUIs
18.07 Writing Plug-Ins for Cocoa: iPhoto to PhotoToWeb Exporter Plug-In
18.08 The Philosophy of Cocoa: Small is Beautiful and Lazy is Good
18.08 Make Your TableViews Autosort!
18.09 Datadump from New York City: The Adoption of Mac OS X.
18.10 How To Workaround Cocoa bugs
18.11 The Ins and Outs of Drag and Drop
18.12 Adding Paragraph Spacing to the Cocoa Text System
Storbeck, Frank 07.12 Library for UNIX-based Clients
Story, Clifford 04.10 HFS Transfer DA
05.04 Re-sizing with Window Corners
05.07 Window Menu
06.04 Ambiguities and Lexical Analysis
06.04 Introduction to Parsing and Inside YACC
06.08 Binary Trees
06.09 Symbol Tables
07.12 Transfer Menu
Stoton, Matthew 17.05 Is 4D 6.7 Really Worth it for RAD Developers?
Stratowa, Christian 06.08 Object Shell, Part I
06.09 Object Shell, Part II
Straus, Jim 11.09 Uniform Resource Locators
11.10 Uniform Resource Locators
11.11 Uniform Resource Locators
11.12 Uniform Resource Locators
12.01 Uniform Resource Locators
12.02 Uniform Resource Locators
12.03 Uniform Resource Locators
12.04 Uniform Resource Locators
12.05 Uniform Resource Locators
12.06 Uniform Resource Locators
12.07 Uniform Resource Locators
12.08 Uniform Resource Locators
12.09 Uniform Resource Locators
12.10 Uniform Resource Locators
12.11 Uniform Resource Locators
12.12 Uniform Resource Locators
Strout, Joe 17.12 Declaring External Functions in REALbasic
Strout, Joseph J. 15.10 Learning from Leonardo
Stubblefield, Jessica 15.08 Aug 99 Newsbits
15.09 Sep 99 Newsbits
15.11 Newsbits
16.02 Newsbits
Sutter, Brian 11.03 Dynamic Localization (on Install)
Swain, David 21.03 Enterprise Information Systems on Mac OS X
21.05 Enterprise Information Systems on Mac OS X, Part II
Swaine, Michael 26.01 Swaine Manor: Of Bling, and Bing, and Ning
26.03 Swaine Manor: iPonder iPad
26.04 26.04 Swaine Manor: Flash in the iPad
26.05 26.05 Swaine Manor: Apple’s Tough Love
26.06 26.06 Swaine Manor: Oh Noes! Apple is Turning into the Borg!
26.07 26.07 Swaine Manor: The Object of Our Affliction
27.01 27.01 Swaine Manor: Bludger and Larrikin Attend a Press Conference
Swan, Michael 16.01 Net Program Linux
Swannack, Wesley 01.11 Desk Accessories in C
Swarzman, Danny 13.09 Putting Java under PowerPlant
15.08 A Bundle of Java
16.06 Solitaire in JavaScript
18.04 Getting started with Palm OS
19.01 Saving Data in a Palm OS Application
21.06 Running A Mac Web Server With A Dynamic IPAddress
Sweet, Haven C. 07.02 4th Dimension Graphics
Sweet, Jerry N. 05.03 Calling the Mac ToolBox from Ada
Swihart, Tim 08.06 Rebuttal to "Computer Knows" Article
Sydow, Dan Parks 14.07 Using The List Manager
14.08 Window Management
14.09 Porting Mac Graphics To The BeOS
14.09 Apple Events
14.10 Animation
14.11 Introduction To Mac OS 8.5
14.11 Color QuickDraw Basics
14.12 Color Animation
15.01 Carbon: Getrting Ready For Mac OS X
15.02 Sound Basics
15.03 Asynchronous Sound: Action and Sound
15.04 Sound Recording And Playback
15.05 Resource Files
15.06 Resource Templates
15.07 Jul 99 Getting Started
15.08 Aug 99 Getting Started
15.09 Sep 99 Getting Started
15.10 Catching up with Carbon
15.11 Getting Started with QuickTime
15.12 Carrying On With QuickTime
16.01 Getting Started
16.02 Speech Channels
16.03 Speech and Voices
16.04 Opening a File
16.05 Opening a Picture File
Sylvester, Andy 24.04 Test-Driven Development Using AppleScript
24.05 Test-driven Development Using AppleScript, Part 2
Szpakowski, Mark 05.07 Prograph Raises OOP To New Height

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Price of Glory unleashes its 1.4 Alpha u...
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The SLC 2025 kicks off this month to cro...
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Prepare to get your mind melted as Evang...
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Let the world burn as you have some fest...
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Full Moon Over the Abyssal Sea lands on...
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Open your own eatery for all the forest...
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Crystal of Atlan opens registration for...
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Price Scanner via

AT&T is offering a 65% discount on the ne...
AT&T is offering the new iPhone 16e for up to 65% off their monthly finance fee with 36-months of service. No trade-in is required. Discount is applied via monthly bill credits over the 36 month... Read more
Use this code to get a free iPhone 13 at Visi...
For a limited time, use code SWEETDEAL to get a free 128GB iPhone 13 Visible, Verizon’s low-cost wireless cell service, Visible. Deal is valid when you purchase the Visible+ annual plan. Free... Read more
M4 Mac minis on sale for $50-$80 off MSRP at...
B&H Photo has M4 Mac minis in stock and on sale right now for $50 to $80 off Apple’s MSRP, each including free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – M4 Mac mini (16GB/256GB): $549, $50 off... Read more
Buy an iPhone 16 at Boost Mobile and get one...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering one year of free Unlimited service with the purchase of any iPhone 16. Purchase the iPhone at standard MSRP, and then choose... Read more
Get an iPhone 15 for only $299 at Boost Mobil...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering the 128GB iPhone 15 for $299.99 including service with their Unlimited Premium plan (50GB of premium data, $60/month), or $20... Read more
Unreal Mobile is offering $100 off any new iP...
Unreal Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering a $100 discount on any new iPhone with service. This includes new iPhone 16 models as well as iPhone 15, 14, 13, and SE... Read more
Apple drops prices on clearance iPhone 14 mod...
With today’s introduction of the new iPhone 16e, Apple has discontinued the iPhone 14, 14 Pro, and SE. In response, Apple has dropped prices on unlocked, Certified Refurbished, iPhone 14 models to a... Read more
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B&H Photo is offering a $360-$410 discount on new 16-inch MacBook Pros with M4 Max CPUs right now. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 16″ M4 Max MacBook Pro (36GB/1TB/... Read more
Amazon is offering a $100 discount on the M4...
Amazon has the M4 Pro Mac mini discounted $100 off MSRP right now. Shipping is free. Their price is the lowest currently available for this popular mini: – Mac mini M4 Pro (24GB/512GB): $1299, $100... Read more
B&H continues to offer $150-$220 discount...
B&H Photo has 14-inch M4 MacBook Pros on sale for $150-$220 off MSRP. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 14″ M4 MacBook Pro (16GB/512GB): $1449, $150 off MSRP – 14″ M4... Read more

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