Apr 98 - Tips
Volume Number: 14 (1998)
Issue Number: 4
Column Tag: Programmer's Challenge
Apr 98 - Tips & Tidbits
by Steve Sisak
It is easier to quit an app than to close a window because the close window event requires a direct object and a position descriptor to indicate which window. Quitting an app simply requires creating a quit event and sending it.
The following code takes a valid target desc (which I'm assuming you already know how to create) and sends a close first window event to the app specified in that target desc.
The code is modified from similar code I used a while back. I may have made some errors in removing stuff or changing identifiers, but it should give you the right idea. Feel free to e-mail any questions about it.
void CloseFrontWindowOfApp( AEAddressDesc * theTargetDescPtr )
AEDesc frontWindowObjSpecifier;
AppleEvent event;
AppleEvent reply;
OSErr err = noErr;
//initialize descriptors
event.descriptorType = typeNull;
reply.descriptorType = typeNull;
frontWindowObjSpecifier.descriptorType = typeNull;
event.dataHandle = NULL;
reply.dataHandle = NULL;
frontWindowObjSpecifier.dataHandle = NULL;
//create object spec for front window
err = MyCreateFrontWindowObjSpec( &frontWindowObjSpecifier ) ;
if ( err )
goto CLEANUP_SetBounds;
//create apple event-- not sure if close event is in kAECoreSuite?
err = AECreateAppleEvent( kAECoreSuite, kAEClose,
theTargetDescPtr, kAutoGenerateReturnID,
kAnyTransactionID, &event );
if ( err )
goto CLEANUP_SetBounds;
//insert direct object into ae
err = AEPutParamDesc( &event, keyDirectObject, &frontWindowObjSpecifier );
if ( err )
goto CLEANUP_SetBounds;
//send ae
err = AESend( &event, &reply, kAENoReply +
kAENeverInteract +
kAENormalPriority, kAEDefaultTimeout,
kNoIdleProc, kNoFilterProc );
//dispose descriptors
AEDisposeDesc (&event);
AEDisposeDesc (&reply);
AEDisposeDesc (&frontWindowObjSpecifier);
} //end function
OSErr MyCreateFrontWindowObjSpec( AEDesc *frontWindowObjSpec )
AEDesc emptySpecifier;
AEDesc positionDesc;
long thePosition;
DescType propertyType;
OSErr err;
//initialize descriptors
emptySpecifier.descriptorType = typeNull;
positionDesc.descriptorType = typeNull;
propertyDesc.descriptorType = typeNull;
emptySpecifier.dataHandle = NULL;
positionDesc.dataHandle = NULL;
propertyDesc.dataHandle = NULL;
//create objspecifier for window 1 of null container
thePosition = 1;
err = AECreateDesc( typeLongInteger, (Ptr)(&thePosition),
sizeof( thePosition ), &positionDesc);
if ( err )
goto CLEANUP_MyCreateBoundsObjSpec;
err = CreateObjSpecifier( cWindow,
frontWindowObjSpec ) ;
if ( err )
goto CLEANUP_MyCreateBoundsObjSpec;
//dispose descriptors
AEDisposeDesc (&windowObjSpecifier);
AEDisposeDesc (&positionDesc);
return err;
David T. Pierson