Established in 1984, MacTech Magazine is the only monthly magazine focused on Macintosh technology. Distributed in over 50 countries, MacTech is read by tens of thousands of technical Macintosh users ... from network administrators to programmers, from solution providers to Enterprise, and in general anyone that's interested in the Macintosh beyond the user level. Subscribe risk free today!
December 2007 Issue
- Mac in the Shell:
Pashua: Helping the GUI Crowd Give your shell scripts a GUI
- The Road To Certification
Increase your knowledge and build credibility along the way
- DIY: OpenVPN Server
How to turn OS X client into an OpenVPN server
- Leopard's New Toolbox
What's new for the system administrator in OS X 10.5
- The Road to Code:
Primary Objective Introduction to Objective-C
- Data Overflow: What's Your Back-up Plan?
Why you must protect an ever-increasing volume of valuable data
- Product Guide
Our annual guide to advertisers and their products
- MacTech Spotlight
Dr. Michael Watson, Freeverse, Inc.
November 2007 Issue
- 5 Leopard Features To Make Your Sys Admin Happier
Here are a few features that will make your life as a systems administrator easier
- Mac in the Shell: Leopard Create Your Workspace
Have all the comforts of ~
- The Road to Code: Leopard Detour
What's new for developers in Leopard
- Changing Spots
New ways of manipulating Directory Services in Leopard
- Using the RADIUS Service in OSX 10.5
Aimed at Airports, but flexible under the hood
- Affordable NAS
Integrating FreeNAS appliance software into a Mac environment
- Exploring Leopard with DTrace
How to use DTrace for debugging and exploration
- Easily Capture video from any VGA or DVI device
Discover how to grab raw video frames and stream them to your preferred utility
- MacTech Spotlight: Kent Sutherland
Independent Developer/Student
October 2007 Issue
- Demystifying Windows network browsing
A behind the scenes look at how it really works
- Strangers in a foreign land
Integrating OS X with Active Directory
- The Road to Code: Getting Oriented
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- Mac in the Shell: ssh Basics and More
Is there anything ssh can't do?!
- Archiving with Tar
Learn how to use the tar tool
- MacTech Spotlight: David Sinclair
Owner, Dejal Systems LLC
September 2007 Issue
- More ftp
I've got a fever, and the only cure is more ftp!
- The Mac Consultant's Guide to Managing Windows Product Keys
Do your customers (and yourself) a favor with our best practices
- The Road to Code: Bits and Bytes and Everything Nice
More Memory Topics
- FTP Clients for Mac OS X
Roundup of some popular FTP client apps
- Quoting in the shell
Dealing with interesting characters in shell programming
- My Sojourn Through Cocoa Boot Camp
Or What It's Like Getting Back Into The Trenches...
- MacTech Spotlight: Brian Webster
Fat Cat Software
August 2007 Issue
An impressionistic report on two very different technical conferences
- Mac in the Shell: Plumbing the Depths
Finding hidden gems in application bundles
- Backups on a Budget
Build your own backup utility with AppleScript Studio
- Developing for the iPhone
OR: how I learned to stop worrying and love Web 2.0
- The Road to Code: Pointing the Way
Game on!
- Understanding SMB in OS X
There are many more pieces than you may realize
- Real World Review: REALbasic 2007r2
- KoolTools: MacCase Premium Leather Collection
- MacTech Spotlight
Dave Schroeder, U. of Wisconsin-Madison
July 2007 Issue
- AppleScript and Apple Remote Desktop
Automating an automation tool
- More from the Unknown
More shell tools that typically go unnoticed
- DIY: BIND DNS Server
How to turn OS X client into a full-featured DNS server
- The Courage to Start
Take the first step toward programming for Mac OS X
- Environment Variables
What they are and how to use them
- Advanced Tables with AppleScript Studio
Learn how to support editable tables and drag-and-drops
- Using NetBooting on the Mac OS X Server for delivery of mass client deployment
- MacTech Spotlight
Steve Modica, CEO, Small Tree Communications
June 2007 Issue
- Automation Potpourri
Shell and GUI scripting come together
- MSX: Client Wrangling 101
How to gain and keep control of your clients
- The MacTech 25, 2007
- Troubleshooting Directory Services
The basics
- Open Source Options for Mac OS X
How to leverage open source applications in Mac OS X 10.4
- Copy That
Why you need a clipboard manager
- MacTech Spotlight
Eric Schwiebert, Microsoft Corporation
May 2007 Issue
- Introduction to AppleScripting Microsoft Entourage
- Learn F-Script in 20 Minutes
And have fun playing with Core Image
- The man Show
Learning shell utilities with and without man
- Perl 6 on XCode
Bringing the power of Perl 6 to the OS X environment
- Apple's Transition from Open Firmware to Extensible Firmware Interface
- Uninstalling with AppleScript
Building an uninstaller with AppleScript Studio
- Real World Reviews:
AMCC 3Ware Sidecar Kit When it's time to step up to more and better
- MacTech Spotlight
Paul Kafasis, CEO, Rogue Amoeba Software
April 2007 Issue
- Remotely Control Your Mac Without a Computer
Use the world, and your location, to control and manipulate your home
- Lego NXT on the Mac
Lego's next generation Mindstorm kits play nice with the Mac.
- Using "Parallels Desktop" with Bootcamp to run Windows XP
- KoolTools:
Maxtor Shared Storage Drives
- MacTech Spotlight
Jonathan "Wolf" Rentszch, Founder, Red Shed Software Company
- SPECIAL SECTION: Moving from Microsoft Office VBA to AppleScript
MacTech's Guide to Making the Transition
March 2007 Issue
- Introduction to Scripting Microsoft PowerPoint
- OS X Failover - Part 1
A beginner's guide
- Apple's Transition: Apple Partition Map to the GUID Partition Table
- The Source Hound: MacFUSE: The Man Behind the Mask
Open Source Strikes Again
- Which Log?
Following up on which log shows you what
- Virtual Reality
Which solution is right for me?
- Local File Transfer on the Easy
Your clients, and their mail server, will love it
- Real World Review:
MyVu Personal Media Viewer
- MacTech Spotlight
Tim Standing, VP Engineering, SoftRAID, LLC
February 2007 Issue
- Introduction to Scripting Microsoft Excel
- Virtual Choices on the Mac
VMWare brings their wares to Intel Macs
- Pwn your Tab Key
Mice are for wimps
- Automate Your Place, Part 2
Have your Mac brew your coffee and take care of the lights on your way out
- More on Logs
Watching log files without really watching them
- Matching satellite Altec Lansing FX 6021 speakers with Apple Display
- Camping in OS X
A file sharing primer
- Real World Reviews:
BravoPro Disc Publishing System DiskWarrior 4
- KoolTools:
RadTech Sleevz and Krussell Music Series Cases iSkin Claro and eVo3 Cases Newer Technology's TRAFFICJamz and NuPower ViDEO+
- MacTech at Macworld 2007
...a gathering not quite like any other
- MacTech Spotlight
Michael Clark, VP Engineering, Marketcircle
January 2007 Issue
- Introduction to Scripting Microsoft Word
- Can RAID be used for Backup?
- Creating and installing Xcode menu scripts using Xcode
- The R statistics package
- Automate Your Place, part 1
Real-world Integration
- On Logs
Everything you need to know about your system
- Jumbo Frame Networks
Tap into extra Ethernet Speed
- Laptop Hard Drive Speed
4200, 5400, 7200 RPMs... does it really matter?
- Focus Review: Juniper/Netscreen Protection
- Sound Studio 3
- Height and Angle FootRester
- MacTech Spotlight Featuring:
Christoph Nadig and Pascal Freiburghaus