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Linking Text
Volume Number:7
Issue Number:11
Column Tag:MacOOPs!

Related Info: TextEdit Edition Manager

Linking Text Objects

By Scott Steketee, Philadelphia, PA

Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.

TLinkItem: A MacApp class to link the content of text objects

“An injury to one is an injury to all.”

[Scott Steketee, a former teacher, has been programming the Apple II for many years, and is now adapting his popular GradeBook Deluxe program for the Macintosh.]


This article presents a MacApp class which allows several TEditText or TStaticText objects to be linked, so that they always show the same contents, even while one is being edited. It also presents a subclass of TEditText which is capable of controlling such a link, and explains how to create subclasses of other objects so that they too can control and be controlled by the link. The objects which share the same text can be in the same or different windows, and there can be any number of such objects.

Macintosh applications frequently provide several different ways of viewing or changing some item of data. In a spreadsheet, for instance, the item may appear in a grid cell and in a separate formula bar where it can be edited. In a color program, the percentage of red may appear both in numeric form and as the position of a slider. In a database, the user may be entering data in a special record entry dialog, while the data appears in a second window as a row in a grid and in still another as an item in a report. In my own application (a teacher’s gradebook program), the teacher can enter information about a student in either a dialog window or a grade entry window; if both windows are open at the same time, changes in one should be immediately reflected in the other.

MacApp provides a good environment in which to construct this capability. The strength of MacApp, as an object programming system combined with a large Mac-specific class library, lies in the programmer’s ability to re-use the classes already provided, and to create new classes by modifying the existing ones. This strength shows up well here; the entire unit requires only one new class and relatively minor changes to three existing classes.

Publishers and Subscribers

For the remainder of this article, the objects that initiate the updating process by sending update information to the link are called publishers, and objects that accept and display update information from the link are called subscribers. The function of the link is to accept information from a publisher, and to forward the information to all the appropriate subscribers. Any object can function as a publisher by calling the appropriate method of the link. The present unit allows TStaticText, TEditText and TTEView objects to function as subscribers; other classes can be added by overriding the appropriate method.

A publisher which provides a visual representation of the data is usually also a subscriber, so that if any other publisher changes the data, the first publisher will get the updated information and be able to change its own visual representation of the data. On the other hand, a subscriber which only displays data and doesn’t change it will not be a publisher.

The unit ULinkItem provides the links between publishers and subscribers, and allows TEditText items to publish their data while the user is entering it. This unit allows all the subscribers to be updated each time the user changes the data, either by typing a character or by performing some other editing action. An application could provide several TEditText objects which can be used to enter data; as the data changes, the link updates the subscribing views in real time. The unit allows TEditText, TStaticText and TTEView objects to function as subscribers, with no limit to the number of subscribers which can be linked to the same item of data. (Of course, if you’re simultaneously updating a dozen objects on the screen with every character typed, things could get a little slow ) The classes that can function as subscribers can easily be extended to include your own custom classes. Such subscribers might be grids or lists showing text, or they could be objects capable of showing some other, non-text representation of the data.

Implementing the Links

One new class (TLinkItem) is defined to serve as the repository for one item of data and to keep track of the subscribers that display the data. Three other classes are modified (TEditText, TDialogView, and TDialogTEView) so that a TEditText object can function as a publisher while it is being edited. When the user edits such a TEditText object on the screen, the object publishes each change by forwarding it to the corresponding link item, which in turn forwards the change to all its subscribers.

The first object, TLinkItem, is fairly straight-forward. It requires three fields. The field fText stores the data, and fLinks is a list of all the subscribers. A third field, fUpdating, is set to TRUE whenever the item is in the process of informing its subscribers of a change. (This field is used to avoid the situation in which the link informs a subscriber of a change, and the subscriber, not knowing who sent the message, sends a message right back to inform the link that it has been changed, and the link then starts all over again informing subscribers )

There are five important methods of TLinkItem, in addition to the usual initialization, Free, and Fields methods. AddLink adds an object to the list of subscribers, and RemoveLink removes an object from the list. GetText supplies the current value of the link’s text data. SetText changes the text (usually but not necessarily as a result of the user’s typing) and initiates an update of all the subscribers. Finally, UpdatedLink sends the changed text to one single subscriber. This method knows how to update TEditText, TStaticText and TTEView objects; it must be overridden in order to allow updating of other kinds of objects.

Modifying TEditText

The rest of the unit is devoted to modifying TEditText objects so they can initiate and receive updates. It would be nice if we could modify only the TEditText class, but TEditText depends rather closely on three other classes for its behavior, and two of these three classes need to be modified.

(One of the principles of good object programming is to minimize the connections between different objects. To the extent possible, each object should stand on its own, with its methods and data as little as possible dependent on other objects. MacApp tries to meet this objective, but doesn’t succeed very well in the case of TEditText. It requires close and complex cooperation of four objects--the TEditText, a TDialogView, a TScroller, and a TDialogTEView--just to edit some text.)

The main change to TEditText itself is that SetText must check to see if it’s publishing to a TLinkItem, and if so pass the new text to the link.

TDialogTEView must also be sub-classed. This class is used in editing: when the TEditText is clicked on, a TDialogTEView is installed to handle the actual editing. Two of the methods must be overridden. First, InstallEditText is overridden so that when the view is installed in the TEditText, it is linked to the same item as the TEditText is. Second, all the changes to the text must be caught and relayed back to the TLinkItem. These changes include the typing of characters and the edit menu commands Cut, Paste and Clear. Fortunately, all these editing changes call SynchView to update the display, so SynchView is overridden so that it also updates the text in the TLinkItem.

Finally, TDialogView must also be subclassed, so that when it creates the TDialogTEView which later gets installed in the TEditText to handle editing, it creates our new-style TDialogTEView which knows how to handle links, instead of the old style that doesn’t.

The Source Code

The source code includes five files. Files ULinkItem.p and ULinkItem.inc1.p are the interface and implementation respectively for the classes described in the article. ULinkDemo.p, ULinkDemo.inc1.p, and MLinkDemo.p are the Pascal source files for a demonstration program which allows you to create a multitude of windows with linked EditText items. Finally, LinkDemo.r is the resource file for the demonstration program.

The program has been tested with MacApp 2.0 under both MPW Pascal and Think Pascal. (To run under Think Pascal, the interface and implementation of each unit must be combined into a single file using Think’s Source Converter.)

Extending the Unit

To extend this unit so that a link can forward data to other types of subscribers, you need only override the UpdatedLink procedure. This procedure checks to see if the subscriber currently being updated is one that it knows how to handle. If it is, the procedure takes whatever update action is appropriate and returns TRUE; otherwise it calls INHERITED UpdatedLink. Here is a template:


FUNCTION TMyLink.UpdatedLink
 (subscriber: TObject; theText: str255): BOOLEAN; OVERRIDE;
 { Update the subscribers we know how to do }
 { & return TRUE; Otherwise call inherited  }
 { UpdatedLink.                             }
 IF Member (subscriber, TMyObject)
 THEN   { this is my type of subscriber }
 { Set the text or take some other appropriate                 
 TMyObject(subscriber).SetText (theText); }
 UpdatedLink := TRUE;
 { this is not my type of subscriber, }
 { so find someone else to update it. }
 UpdatedLink := INHERITED UpdatedLink 
 (subscriber, theText);

If you are defining a class with the capability of subscribing to a link, it’s probably best to rely on the link to store the text data, and not to store a copy locally in the object. This finesses the problem of data integrity: the conflict in which the subscriber’s locally stored data doesn’t match the link’s data cannot arise. If there is a local copy of the data (as is the case with TEditText and TStaticText), it’s important to guarantee the integrity of the data. One approach is to make sure that any change to the local copy of the data is immediately sent to the link to be published. The other approach is to ensure that the link is the only object that ever sends new data to your object. If any other object wants to change your object’s data, it needs to do so by updating the link to which your object subscribes.

Besides being easy to extend this unit to allow it to automatically update other kinds of subscribers when the text in the TLinkItem changes, it would also be fairly easy to modify the unit so that the shared data is some other kind of information--numerical data, for instance. This would be a natural way to link a number in a text edit box with some other visual display--the position of a slider or dial, for instance.

Another possible extension to this capability of linking different items within an application is the capability of linking items from different applications. An interface between this unit and Apple’s IAC (Inter-Application Communications) facilities would be a natural. Attention, MacApp hackers! Who can give us some useful IAC capabilities?

Finally, if there’s interest, I’ll write a future column or two on a flexible approach to linking a two-dimensional view (i.e., a TGridView) with a two-dimensional data structure (a two-dimensional dynamic array based on TDynamicArray).


{=========== File ULinkItem.p ===========}
UNIT ULinkItem;
 UMacApp, UTEView, UDialog, UGridView,
 Fonts, ToolUtils;

 TLinkItem = OBJECT (TObject)
 fText: StringHandle;{ the data itself }
 fLinks:TList;     { list of subscribers }
 fUpdating: BOOLEAN;
 { don’t respond to call-backs while }
 { I’m sending update messages to my }
 { subscribers.                      }
 PROCEDURE TLinkItem.ILinkItem
 (theText: str255);
 FUNCTION  TLinkItem.UpdatedLink 
 (theSubscriber: TObject;
 theText: str255): BOOLEAN;
 PROCEDURE TLinkItem.SetText (theText: str255;
 thePublisher: TObject);
 PROCEDURE TLinkItem.GetText
 (VAR theText: str255);
 PROCEDURE TLinkItem.AddLink
 (theSubscriber: TObject);
 PROCEDURE TLinkItem.RemoveLink 
 (theSubscriber: TObject);
 PROCEDURE TLinkItem.Fields (
 PROCEDURE DoToField(fieldName: Str255;
 fieldAddr: Ptr;
 fieldType: INTEGER));
 TLinkEditText = OBJECT (TEditText)
 fLink: TLinkItem;
 PROCEDURE TLinkEditText.ILinkEditText
 (itsSuperView: TView;
 itsLocation, itsSize: VPoint;
 itsMaxChars: INTEGER;
 itsLink: TLinkItem);
 PROCEDURE TLinkEditText.SetText
 (theText: Str255; redraw: BOOLEAN); 
 PROCEDURE TLinkEditText.Fields (
 PROCEDURE DoToField(fieldName: Str255;
 fieldAddr: Ptr;
 fieldType: INTEGER));
 TLinkDialogTEView = OBJECT (TDialogTEView)
 fLink: TLinkItem;
 { the item, if any, the TEView }
 { is linked to                 }
 PROCEDURE TLinkDialogTEView.IDialogTEView 
 (itsDocument: TDocument;
 itsSuperView: TView;
 itsLocation,  itsSize: VPoint; 
 itsVDeterminer: SizeDeterminer;
 itsInset: Rect;
 itsTextStyle: TextStyle; 
 itsJustification: INTEGER;
 itsStyleType, itsAutoWrap: BOOLEAN);  OVERRIDE;
 PROCEDURE TLinkDialogTEView.SynchView
 PROCEDURE TLinkDialogTEView.InstallEditText 
 (theEditText: TEditText;
 selectChars: BOOLEAN); OVERRIDE;
 PROCEDURE TLinkDialogTEView.Fields(
 PROCEDURE DoToField(fieldName: Str255;
 fieldAddr: Ptr;
 fieldType: INTEGER));

 TLinkDialogView = OBJECT (TDialogView)
 FUNCTION TLinkDialogView.MakeTEView:
 PROCEDURE TLinkDialogView.Fields(
 PROCEDURE DoToField(fieldName: Str255;
 fieldAddr: Ptr;
 fieldType: INTEGER));
 {$I ULinkItem.inc1.p}
END { UNIT ULinkItem }.

{======== File ULinkItem.inc1.p =========}
CONST kSizeJump = 8;
 { don’t resize the handle every time }
 { a char is added!                   }

{------------  T L i n k I t e m  ------------}
{$S LnkItmOpen}
PROCEDURE TLinkItem.ILinkItem (theText: str255);
 fText := NewString (theText);
 fLinks := NewList;
 fUpdating := FALSE;
 END { TLinkItem.ILinkItem };
{$S LnkItmClose}
 DisposIfHandle (fText);   { free the text }
 fLinks.Free;      { free the list items }
 INHERITED Free; { and free the object itself }
 END { TLinkItem.Free };
{$S LnkItmRes}
FUNCTION TLinkItem.UpdatedLink
 (theSubscriber: TObject; theText: str255):              BOOLEAN;
 { Updates the links it can & returns TRUE.    }
 { Ignores those it can’t & returns FALSE.     }
 { Override this method to provide the ability }
 { to update other types of objects.           }
 UpdatedLink := TRUE;
 IF Member (theSubscriber, TStaticText) THEN
 { I know how to do static & edit texts }
 (theText, kRedraw)
 ELSE IF Member (theSubscriber, TTEView) THEN
 { I can also do TTEViews }
 WITH TTEView (theSubscriber) DO
 SetText (theText);
 ELSE { I don’t know how to do this object }
 UpdatedLink := FALSE;
 END { TLinkItem.UpdatedLink };

{$S LnkItmRes}
 (theText: str255; thePublisher: TObject);
 { Sets the text for the item and for each of }
 { the linked objects. thePublisher is the    }
 { object which originated the change; it’s   }
 { assumed to have updated itself.            }
 VAR  newSize: INTEGER;
 PROCEDURE FixText (theSubscriber: TObject);
 IF theSubscriber <> thePublisher THEN
 IF NOT UpdatedLink (theSubscriber, theText) 
 {$IFC qDebug}
 Writeln (‘Nobody handled link update for ‘, 
 END { FixText };
 BEGIN { TLinkItem.SetText }
 IF NOT fUpdating & (theText <> fText^^) THEN
 fUpdating := TRUE;
 newSize := Length (theText) + 1;
 { need 1 extra byte for the length }
 IF Odd (newSize)
 THEN newSize := newSize + 1;
 IF GetHandleSize (Handle (fText)) < newSize
 THEN SetHandleSize (Handle (fText),
 newSize + kSizeJump);
 BlockMove (@theText, Ptr (fText^), newSize);
 fLinks.Each (FixText);
 fUpdating := FALSE;
 END { TLinkItem.SetText };
{$S LnkItmRes}
PROCEDURE TLinkItem.GetText (VAR theText: str255);
 theText := fText^^;
 END { TLinkItem.AddLink };
{$S LnkItmRes}
PROCEDURE TLinkItem.AddLink(theSubscriber: TObject);
 { adds the subscriber to the list, }
 { and sends the current data back. }
 VAR theIndex: ArrayIndex;
 theText: str255;
 theIndex := fLinks.GetSameItemNo 
 { add it only if it’s not already there! }
 IF theIndex = kEmptyIndex THEN
 fLinks.InsertLast (theSubscriber);
 GetText (theText);
 IF NOT UpdatedLink (theSubscriber, theText) 
 {$IFC qDebug}
 Writeln (
 ‘Nobody handled link update in AddLink for ‘,                 
 END { TLinkItem.AddLink };
{$S LnkItmRes}
PROCEDURE TLinkItem.RemoveLink
 (theSubscriber: TObject);
 VAR theIndex: ArrayIndex;
 theIndex := fLinks.GetSameItemNo 
 If theIndex > kEmptyIndex
 THEN fLinks.AtDelete (theIndex);
 END { TLinkItem.RemoveLink };
{$S LnkItmFields}
PROCEDURE TLinkItem.Fields (
 PROCEDURE DoToField(fieldName: Str255;
 fieldAddr: Ptr;
 fieldType: INTEGER)); 
 DoToField(‘TLinkItem’, NIL, bClass);
 DoToField(‘fText’, @fText, bString);
 DoToField(‘fLinks’, @fLinks, bObject);
 INHERITED Fields(DoToField);
 END { TLinkItem.Fields };

{------------ TLinkEditText ------------------}
{$S LnkItmOpen}
PROCEDURE TLinkEditText.ILinkEditText
 (itsSuperView: TView;
 itsLocation, itsSize: VPoint; 
 itsMaxChars: INTEGER; 
 itsLink: TLinkItem);
 VAR theText: str255;
 IEditText (itsSuperView, itsLocation, itsSize, 
 fLink := itsLink;
 IF fLink <> NIL THEN
 fLink.AddLink (SELF);
 END { TLinkEditText.ILinkEditText };

{$S LnkItmClose}
 { If I’m a publisher, I may also be a   }
 { subscriber. Try to remove myself from }
 { the list of subscribers.              }
 IF fLink <> NIL THEN
 fLink.RemoveLink (SELF);
 END { TLinkEditText.Free };
{$S LnkItmRes}
PROCEDURE TLinkEditText.SetText 
 (theText: Str255;
 redraw: BOOLEAN);
 VAR  currentText: Str255;
 area: Rect;
 IF fLink <> NIL THEN
 fLink.SetText (theText, SELF);
 INHERITED SetText(theText, redraw);
 END { TLinkEditText.SetText };

{$S LnkItmFields}
PROCEDURE TLinkEditText.Fields(
 PROCEDURE DoToField(fieldName: Str255;
 fieldAddr: Ptr;
 fieldType: INTEGER)); 
 DoToField(‘TLinkEditText’, NIL, bClass);
 DoToField(‘fLink’, @fLink, bObject);
 INHERITED Fields(DoToField);
 END { TLinkEditText.Fields };

{------------ TLinkDialogTEView ----------------}
{$S LnkItmOpen}
PROCEDURE TLinkDialogTEView.IDialogTEView
 (itsDocument: TDocument;
 itsSuperView: TView;
 itsLocation, itsSize: VPoint;
 itsVDeterminer: SizeDeterminer;
 itsInset: Rect;
 itsTextStyle: TextStyle;
 itsJustification: INTEGER;
 itsStyleType, itsAutoWrap: BOOLEAN);  OVERRIDE;
 fLink := NIL;
 INHERITED IDialogTEView (itsDocument, 
 itsSuperView, itsLocation, itsSize, 
 itsHDeterminer, itsVDeterminer, 
 itsInset, itsTextStyle, 
 itsJustification,  itsStyleType, 
 END { TLinkDialogTEView.IDialogTEView };

{$S LnkItmRes}
PROCEDURE TLinkDialogTEView.SynchView
 { If I’m a publisher, get & publish my text, }
 { so the link can update the other displays. }
 VAR theText:    str255;
 INHERITED SynchView (redraw);
 IF fLink <> NIL THEN
 theTextHdl := ExtractText;
 nChars := Min(GetHandleSize (theTextHdl), 255);
 {$Push} {$R-}
 theText[0] := Chr (nChars);
 BlockMove (Ptr (theTextHdl^), @theText [1], 
 fLink.SetText (theText, SELF);
 END { TLinkDialogTEView.SynchView };
{$S ARes}
PROCEDURE TLinkDialogTEView.InstallEditText 
 (theEditText: TEditText;
 selectChars: BOOLEAN); OVERRIDE;
 { When I install myself in an EditText, I }
 { must use the EditText’s LinkItem as my own. }
 VAR theText: Str255;
 IF fLink <> NIL THEN
 fLink.RemoveLink (SELF);
 fLink := NIL;
 IF (theEditText <> NIL)
 & Member (theEditText, TLinkEditText) 
 THEN fLink := TLinkEditText 
 IF fLink <> NIL THEN
 fLink.AddLink (SELF);
 INHERITED InstallEditText
 (theEditText, selectChars);
 END { TLinkDialogTEView.InstallEditText };

{$S LnkItmFields}
PROCEDURE TLinkDialogTEView.Fields(
 PROCEDURE DoToField(fieldName: Str255;
 fieldAddr: Ptr;
 fieldType: INTEGER)); 
 DoToField(‘TLinkDialogTEView’, NIL, bClass);
 DoToField(‘fLink’, @fLink, bObject);
 INHERITED Fields(DoToField);
 END { TLinkDialogTEView.Fields };

{------------ TLinkDialogView ----------------}
{$S LnkItmOpen}
FUNCTION TLinkDialogView.MakeTEView: TDialogTEView; OVERRIDE;
 VAR aDialogTEView:TLinkDialogTEView;
 aDialogTEView.IDialogTEView (NIL, NIL,
 gZeroVPt, gZeroVPt,
 sizeRelSuperView, sizeVariable, 
 gZeroRect, gSystemStyle, teJustSystem, 
 kWithoutStyle, False);
 aDialogTEView.fMinAhead := 1;
 MakeTEView := aDialogTEView;
 END { TLinkDialogView.MakeTEView };

{$S LnkItmFields}
PROCEDURE TLinkDialogView.Fields(  
 PROCEDURE DoToField(fieldName: Str255;
 fieldAddr: Ptr;
 fieldType: INTEGER)); 
 DoToField(‘TLinkDialogView’, NIL, bClass);
 INHERITED Fields(DoToField);
 END { TLinkDialogView.Fields };

{========== File ULinkDemo.p ============}
UNIT ULinkDemo;
 UMacApp, UTEView, UDialog,
 Fonts, ToolUtils, 
 TLinkApplication= OBJECT (TApplication)
 fItem1, fItem2: TLinkItem;
 PROCEDURE TLinkApplication.ILinkApplication
 (itsMainFileType: OSType);
 { Initializes the application and globals. }
 FUNCTION TLinkApplication.DoMenuCommand
 (aCmdNumber: CmdNumber): TCommand; 
 PROCEDURE TLinkApplication.DoSetupMenus; 
 PROCEDURE TLinkApplication.Fields(
 PROCEDURE DoToField(fieldName: Str255;
 fieldAddr: Ptr;
 fieldType: INTEGER));
 {$I ULinkDemo.inc1.p}

{======= File ULinkDemo.inc1.p ==========}
 cMakeWindow   = 1001;
{-------------- TLinkApplication ----------------}
{$S AInit}
PROCEDURE TLinkApplication.ILinkApplication 
 (itsMainFileType: OSType);
 VAR anItem: TLinkItem;
 gAlwaysTrackCursor := TRUE;
 { Suppress creation of new document at launch }
 fLaunchWithNewDocument := FALSE;
 NEW (anItem);
 FailNIL (anItem);
 fItem1 := anItem;
 fItem1.ILinkItem (‘an Item’);
 NEW (anItem);
 FailNIL (anItem);
 fItem2 := anItem;
 fItem2.ILinkItem (‘another Item’);

{$S ASelCommand}
FUNCTION TLinkApplication.DoMenuCommand
 (aCmdNumber: CmdNumber): TCommand;

 PROCEDURE MakeWindow;
 VAR  itsLocation: VPoint;
 itsSize: VPoint;
 ts: TextStyle;
 aWindow: TWindow;
 aDialogView: TLinkDialogView;
 anEditView: TLinkEditText;
 SetVPt(itsSize, 250, 130);
 aDialogView.IDialogView(NIL, NIL, gZeroVPt, 
 itsSize, SizeFixed, SizeFixed,
 kNoIdentifier, kNoIdentifier);

 aWindow := NewSimpleWindow (aCmdNumber, 
 TRUE, TRUE, NIL, aDialogView);
 aWindow.fFreeOnClosing := TRUE;
 kStdStaggerAmount, gStdStaggerCount);

 { make two edit texts linked to item1 }
 SetVPt(itsLocation, 10, 20);
 SetVPt(itsSize, 100, 22);
 itsLocation, itsSize, 255, fItem1);
 SetTextStyle(ts, applFont, [], 12, gRGBBlack);
 anEditView.InstallTextStyle(ts, kDontRedraw);

 SetVPt(itsLocation, 120, 20);
 SetVPt(itsSize, 100, 22);
 itsLocation, itsSize, 255, fItem1);
 SetTextStyle(ts, applFont, [], 12, gRGBBlack);
 anEditView.InstallTextStyle(ts, kDontRedraw);
 anEditView.SetJustification(teJustRight, kDontRedraw);

 { make an edit text linked to item2 }
 SetVPt(itsLocation, 120, 60);
 SetVPt(itsSize, 100, 22);
 itsLocation, itsSize, 255, fItem2);
 SetTextStyle(ts, applFont, [], 12, gRGBBlack);
 anEditView.InstallTextStyle(ts, kDontRedraw);
 { make a fourth, unlinked EditText }
 SetVPt(itsLocation, 120, 100);
 SetVPt(itsSize, 100, 22);
 itsLocation, itsSize, 255, NIL);
 SetTextStyle(ts, applFont, [], 12, gRGBBlack);
 anEditView.InstallTextStyle(ts, kDontRedraw);
 anEditView.SetText(‘unlinked’, kDontRedraw);
 END { MakeWindow };

 BEGIN { DoMenuCommand }
 DoMenuCommand := NIL;
 CASE aCmdNumber OF
 cMakeWindow:  MakeWindow;
 OTHERWISEDoMenuCommand := 
 INHERITED DoMenuCommand(aCmdNumber);
 END { CASE };
 END { DoMenuCommand };

{$S ARes}
PROCEDURE TLinkApplication.DoSetupMenus; 
 INHERITED DoSetupMenus;
 Enable(cMakeWindow, TRUE);

{$S AFields}
PROCEDURE TLinkApplication.Fields( 
 PROCEDURE DoToField(fieldName: Str255;
 fieldAddr: Ptr;
 fieldType: INTEGER)); 
 DoToField(‘TLinkApplication’, NIL, bClass);
 INHERITED Fields(DoToField);
 END { TLinkApplication.Fields };

{========== File MLinkDemo.p ============}
 { The main program must be universal code }
 UMacApp, UTEView, UDialog,
 ULinkItem, ULinkDemo;
 gLinkApplication: TLinkApplication; BEGIN
 IF ValidateConfiguration(gConfiguration) THEN     
 { Make sure we can run }
 { Continue with remainder of initialization }

 gLinkApplication.ILinkApplication (‘????’);       gLinkApplication.Run;

{========== File LinkDemo.r ============}
/* Note: .rsrc files have been changed to .r.o, */
/* as per Tech Note #280. */
#ifndef __TYPES.R__
#include “Types.r”

#ifndef __MacAppTypes__
#include “MacAppTypes.r”

#if qTemplateViews
#ifndef __ViewTypes__
#include “ViewTypes.r”

#if qDebug
include “Debug.r.o”;
include “MacApp.r.o”;
include “Dialog.r.o”;

include $$Shell(“ObjApp”)”LinkDemo” ‘CODE’;

/* Command numbers */
#define cNewWindow 1001

resource ‘seg!’ (256, purgeable) {
 {   “GOpen”;

resource ‘SIZE’ (-1) {
 reserved, reserved, reserved, reserved, 
 reserved, reserved, reserved,
#if qDebug
 500 * 1024, 400 * 1024
 290 * 1024, 218 * 1024

resource ‘DITL’ (phAboutApp, purgeable) {
/* [1] */ {160, 182, 180, 262}, Button { enabled, “OK” };
/* [2] */ {8, 70, 152, 316}, StaticText { disabled, 
 “This program demonstrates simultaneous updating of several TextEdits.” 

 “\n\nThis program was written for MacTutor by Scott Steketee “
 “with MacApp® © 1985-1990 Apple Computer, Inc.”};
/* [3] */ {10, 20, 42, 52}, Icon { disabled, 1 }

resource ‘ALRT’ (1000, purgeable) {
 {44, 48, 130, 358},
 { OK, visible, sound1,
 OK, visible, sound1,
 OK, visible, sound1,
 OK, visible, sound1

include “Defaults.r.o”  ‘ALRT’ (phAboutApp); // Grab the default about 

include “Defaults.r.o” ‘cmnu’ (mApple);// Grab the default Apple menu

resource ‘cmnu’ (mFile) {
  { “Quit”, noIcon, “Q”,  noMark, plain, cQuit }

include “Defaults.r.o” ‘cmnu’ (mEdit); // Grab the default Edit menus

resource ‘cmnu’ (4) {
  {“New Window”, noIcon, noKey, noMark, plain, cNewWindow;}

include “Defaults.r.o” ‘cmnu’ (mBuzzwords);  // Get the default buzzwords 

resource ‘MBAR’ (kMBarDisplayed) { 
 {mApple; mFile; mEdit; 4} };

/* Views by procedure      */
resource ‘WIND’ (cNewWindow, purgeable) {
 {50, 20, 200, 300}, zoomDocProc, invisible, goAway, 0x0, “Window”

type ‘SS11’ as ‘STR ‘;
resource ‘SS11’ (0,
#if qNames
 purgeable) {
 “Application created by MacApp®”

resource ‘BNDL’ (128,
#if qNames
 purgeable) {
 { ‘ICN#’,
 { 0, 128, },
 { 0, 128, }

include “Defaults.r.o”  ‘STR#’ (kDefaultCredits);        // Grab the 
default credits

// Get the default MacApp® application icon and necessary bundling rsrcs
include “Defaults.r.o”  ‘FREF’ (128);
include “Defaults.r.o”  ‘ICN#’ (128);

// Get the default Version resources
include “Defaults.r.o”  ‘vers’ (1);
 // Application or file specific
include “Defaults.r.o”  ‘vers’ (2);
 // Overall package

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Fresh From the Land Down Under – The Tou...
After a two week hiatus, we are back with another episode of The TouchArcade Show. Eli is fresh off his trip to Australia, which according to him is very similar to America but more upside down. Also kangaroos all over. Other topics this week... | Read more »
TouchArcade Game of the Week: ‘Dungeon T...
I’m a little conflicted on this week’s pick. Pretty much everyone knows the legend of Dungeon Raid, the match-3 RPG hybrid that took the world by storm way back in 2011. Everyone at the time was obsessed with it, but for whatever reason the... | Read more »
SwitchArcade Round-Up: Reviews Featuring...
Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for July 19th, 2024. In today’s article, we finish up the week with the unusual appearance of a review. I’ve spent my time with Hot Lap Racing, and I’m ready to give my verdict. After... | Read more »
Draknek Interview: Alan Hazelden on Thin...
Ever since I played my first release from Draknek & Friends years ago, I knew I wanted to sit down with Alan Hazelden and chat about the team, puzzle games, and much more. | Read more »
The Latest ‘Marvel Snap’ OTA Update Buff...
I don’t know about all of you, my fellow Marvel Snap (Free) players, but these days when I see a balance update I find myself clenching my… teeth and bracing for the impact to my decks. They’ve been pretty spicy of late, after all. How will the... | Read more »
‘Honkai Star Rail’ Version 2.4 “Finest D...
HoYoverse just announced the Honkai Star Rail (Free) version 2.4 “Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue" update alongside a surprising collaboration. Honkai Star Rail 2.4 follows the 2.3 “Farewell, Penacony" update. Read about that here. | Read more »
‘Vampire Survivors+’ on Apple Arcade Wil...
Earlier this month, Apple revealed that poncle’s excellent Vampire Survivors+ () would be heading to Apple Arcade as a new App Store Great. I reached out to poncle to check in on the DLC for Vampire Survivors+ because only the first two DLCs were... | Read more »
Homerun Clash 2: Legends Derby opens for...
Since launching in 2018, Homerun Clash has performed admirably for HAEGIN, racking up 12 million players all eager to prove they could be the next baseball champions. Well, the title will soon be up for grabs again, as Homerun Clash 2: Legends... | Read more »
‘Neverness to Everness’ Is a Free To Pla...
Perfect World Games and Hotta Studio (Tower of Fantasy) announced a new free to play open world RPG in the form of Neverness to Everness a few days ago (via Gematsu). Neverness to Everness has an urban setting, and the two reveal trailers for it... | Read more »
Meditative Puzzler ‘Ouros’ Coming to iOS...
Ouros is a mediative puzzle game from developer Michael Kamm that launched on PC just a couple of months back, and today it has been revealed that the title is now heading to iOS and Android devices next month. Which is good news I say because this... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

Amazon is still selling 16-inch MacBook Pros...
Prime Day in July is over, but Amazon is still selling 16-inch Apple MacBook Pros for $500-$600 off MSRP. Shipping is free. These are the lowest prices available this weekend for new 16″ Apple... Read more
Walmart continues to sell clearance 13-inch M...
Walmart continues to offer clearance, but new, Apple 13″ M1 MacBook Airs (8GB RAM, 256GB SSD) online for $699, $300 off original MSRP, in Space Gray, Silver, and Gold colors. These are new MacBooks... Read more
Apple is offering steep discounts, up to $600...
Apple has standard-configuration 16″ M3 Max MacBook Pros available, Certified Refurbished, starting at $2969 and ranging up to $600 off MSRP. Each model features a new outer case, shipping is free,... Read more
Save up to $480 with these 14-inch M3 Pro/M3...
Apple has 14″ M3 Pro and M3 Max MacBook Pros in stock today and available, Certified Refurbished, starting at $1699 and ranging up to $480 off MSRP. Each model features a new outer case, shipping is... Read more
Amazon has clearance 9th-generation WiFi iPad...
Amazon has Apple’s 9th generation 10.2″ WiFi iPads on sale for $80-$100 off MSRP, starting only $249. Their prices are the lowest available for new iPads anywhere: – 10″ 64GB WiFi iPad (Space Gray or... Read more
Apple is offering a $50 discount on 2nd-gener...
Apple has Certified Refurbished White and Midnight HomePods available for $249, Certified Refurbished. That’s $50 off MSRP and the lowest price currently available for a full-size Apple HomePod today... Read more
The latest MacBook Pro sale at Amazon: 16-inc...
Amazon is offering instant discounts on 16″ M3 Pro and 16″ M3 Max MacBook Pros ranging up to $400 off MSRP as part of their early July 4th sale. Shipping is free. These are the lowest prices... Read more
14-inch M3 Pro MacBook Pros with 36GB of RAM...
B&H Photo has 14″ M3 Pro MacBook Pros with 36GB of RAM and 512GB or 1TB SSDs in stock today and on sale for $200 off Apple’s MSRP, each including free 1-2 day shipping: – 14″ M3 Pro MacBook Pro (... Read more
14-inch M3 MacBook Pros with 16GB of RAM on s...
B&H Photo has 14″ M3 MacBook Pros with 16GB of RAM and 512GB or 1TB SSDs in stock today and on sale for $150-$200 off Apple’s MSRP, each including free 1-2 day shipping: – 14″ M3 MacBook Pro (... Read more
Amazon is offering $170-$200 discounts on new...
Amazon is offering a $170-$200 discount on every configuration and color of Apple’s M3-powered 15″ MacBook Airs. Prices start at $1129 for models with 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage: – 15″ M3... Read more

Jobs Board

*Apple* Systems Engineer - Chenega Corporati...
…LLC,** a **Chenega Professional Services** ' company, is looking for a ** Apple Systems Engineer** to support the Information Technology Operations and Maintenance Read more
Solutions Engineer - *Apple* - SHI (United...
**Job Summary** An Apple Solution Engineer's primary role is tosupport SHI customers in their efforts to select, deploy, and manage Apple operating systems and Read more
*Apple* / Mac Administrator - JAMF Pro - Ame...
Amentum is seeking an ** Apple / Mac Administrator - JAMF Pro** to provide support with the Apple Ecosystem to include hardware and software to join our team and Read more
Operations Associate - *Apple* Blossom Mall...
Operations Associate - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Read more
Cashier - *Apple* Blossom Mall - JCPenney (...
Cashier - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Blossom Mall Read more
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