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Volume Number:8
Issue Number:6
Column Tag:TCL Workshop

Related Info: Picture Utilities Resource Manager

Object Support for Resources and cdev's

How to integrate Toolbox calls with Object Programming

By Joeseph Simpkins, MacTutor Regular Contributing Author

Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.

About the author

Joe is a programmer with over 18 years real time programming. He has used a variety of minis while working on several automation, seismic and telephony systems. He is completing a Geology degree while looking for his next job.

What is ScreenPicker?

ScreenPicker is an INIT/cdev that selects a PICT resource from the file StartupScreen at random by swapping the ID with the PICT resource ID = 0. This selects a random screen for the next startup. It performs the same function on the file DeskPicture, used by the extension DeskPict. The associated control panel enables or disables the randomization of each file and display of an Icon on startup. ScreenPicker does not patch any traps. This is a very simple example of an init with a control panel.

Why ScreenPicker?

As a diversion, I have created several startup screens and would like to see them without manual manipulations. This trait is called laziness, the key attribute of any effective programmer. I tried out two public domain randomizers, one manipulated a set of startup screens as files. It was painfully slow. The other operated on one file with multiple PICT resources. It ran fast enough but had the habit of crashing.

I disassembled the INIT that used the multiple PICT approach with the latest ResEdit and used it as a starting point. How should I implement the new routine? I considered assembly, normal Pascal and then Object Oriented Pascal and selected Object Oriented Pascal using TCL. When I examined TCL, I found little support for munging resources. This starts sounding like fun.

Project Organization

This project was developed in Think Pascal 4.0 and used a library generated by Think C 5.0. There were three major parts to this project, the ShowIconFamily library, the ScreenPickerINIT code resource, and the ScreenPicker control panel code resource. The ScreenPickerINIT project outputs the resource file for the ScreenPicker project. The resource file for the ScreenPickerINIT project was built using ResEdit. Here is a picture of my development folder:

ShowIconFamily Library

This library has only one entry point, the procedure ShowINIT. This is an implementation in C written by Patrick C. Beard and modified by James W. Walker. They were inspired by the oft used “Thank You Paul” routine. I was far too lazy (aka wise) to do more than compile and use the code as suggested by those authors.

ScreenPicker INIT

The critical functions of ScreenPicker are accomplished by manipulating the ID’s of resources. Resources pose some interesting problems when treated as objects. These are not naive objects with everything implemented as data. Many methods cannot obtain the needed information from instance variables but must query the system. In an object oriented environment, the users of the object are shielded from such gruesome details. Where possible, the methods’ connection to the toolbox calls is obvious. I implemented three objects to support the resource operations defined in Inside Macintosh Volumes 1 and 4. These sections of IM must be mastered to understand the code for this module. The class cFlags defines the flags used to communicate between the INIT and control panel. Here is the class hierarchy for the INIT:

Class CAllRes

The class CAllRes implements the toolbox resource calls that pertain to all the resources active in the system. Some of the methods for this class include the functions CurResFile and Unique1ID as well as the procedure SetResLoad. CurResFile returns the reference number for the current resource file. Unique1ID returns an unused ID in the current resource file for the specified resource type. SetResLoad enables or disables loading the data for resources.

The inspiration for this module would crash on startup with memory problems. I prevented this by calling SetResLoad to load only the resource information header, without loading the PICT resource data.

There is one coding trick used in all toolbox calls presented as methods in this and the next two classes. The actual toolbox call is implemented in a locally defined inline procedure or function. This avoids name conflicts since I used the toolbox name for the function wherever possible. One interesting thing about this class is that it has no instance variables. This class is intended for general use and is defined in the file TCLResources.p.

Class CRes

The class CRes implements the toolbox resource calls that pertain to individual resources. Some of the methods for this class include the functions GetType and GetResAttrs as well as the procedure ChangedResource. GetType returns the resource type defined in the instance variable for the specified resource. GetResAttrs returns the resource attributes from the system. ChangedResource sets the specified resource to be updated at the next appropriate time.

The instance variables for this class include the resource handle, type, ID number and name. There is no function to query which fields of that data are current. That sounds like a possible extension. If one needed to support the 7.0 feature of partial resources, one could derive a class from CRes with the needed instance variables and methods. I did not want to clutter up the normal case with unneeded instance variables nor did I need such methods in this module. The largest ScreenPicker resource manipulated is three bytes long.

Class CResFile

The class CResFile implements the toolbox resource calls that pertain to resource files. Some of the methods for this class include the functions GetRefNum and GetResFileAttrs as well as the procedure UpdateResFile. GetRefNum returns the file reference number defined in the instance variable for the specified resource file. GetResFileAttrs returns the resource file attributes from the system. UpdateResFile updates the disk copy of a resource file without closing it.

The instance variables for this class include the file name and file reference number. There is no function to query which fields of that data are current. That sounds like a possible extension. The largest ScreenPicker resource manipulated is three bytes long.

Class cScreenSet

The class cScreenSet is an application specific class that illustrates a derived object. It is descended from CResFile and defines the method RandomizeScreenSet. This is the method that does the major functions of the INIT. Look at the code for the details.

Class cFlags

The class cFlags is an application specific class that communicates between the INIT and cdev code resources. The flags are written by the cdev and read by the INIT. The Free method overrides the method from TObject.

Unit UScreenPickerINIT

The mainline for the INIT is this unit. It interfaces between the nonobject oriented startup environment and the object oriented rest of the module. The major interesting point is the manipulation of A4. Read and understand the ReadMe file that comes with Think Pascal 4.0. That is the only documentation for linking requirements. They define the requirements for using object oriented techniques in code resources such as INITs and cdevs. Here is segment view of this project:

ScreenPicker Control Panel

The ScreenPicker control panel is a very simple example of a control panel. It supports three check boxes and a display. However, it is implemented using object oriented techniques. The resource classes and the flag class are also used in the control panel. There are three modules dedicated to the cdev code resource. These are detailed below. Here is the class hierarchy for the cdev:

Class cControlPanel

UControlPanel defines a control panel class. That class provides default methods for all control panel messages. Even the cursor message that is described only in the Tech Notes is supported. The methods support command key equivalents for cut, copy and paste. All the arguments are copied to instance variables so that all arguments are available for all messages.

Class cCPScreenPicker

UCPScreenPicker overrides the specific methods and defines the instance variables used by ScreenPicker. This class overrides three methods Init, Deactivate and Hit. This is intended to be a very simple control panel. The method DoControlPanel is the common point for all messages.

There is one very important design decision in this module. I discovered that the graphics support in TCL was unusable in a Control Panel. TCL assumes that an application is present and contains the window. In a control panel, the window resides in the system. This made the TCL graphics support unusable. I decided there was too much work involved with complete object support, so I used conventional toolbox calls in the methods of this class.

General Comments

UScreenPicker is the interface between the conventional world and the object oriented environment of ScreenPicker. It handles the A4 manipulation and declares the ScreenPicker object. It passes every message to the ScreenPicker object.

To modify this routine for a different control panel, just replace the string ‘ScreenPicker’ with the name of the new control panel. The comments might need some updating before reuse.

Resources for ScreenPicker

Each code resource, ScreenPicker has the cdev and the INIT, requires a resource dedicated the object support. These resources are named in the Segment Type field in the dialog from the Set Project Type item from the Project menu. The default resource name is CCOD. The names must be unique to each code resource. I used CCIN and CCCP for my two resources.

General Comments

This was an educational exercise. I hope there is better object support for code resources in the future. TCL should be extended to support object oriented graphics for control panels. Symantec should update the User Manual for Think Pascal and should add the information from the ReadMe file. I leave porting these classes to C or MacApp as an exercise to any interested reader.

Listing:  UScreenSet
{ UScreenSet©1991, Joseph R. L. Simkins }

{ DESCRIPTION:  Provides the data type UScreenSet, }
{ which is an object class.  UScreenSet inherits }
{ its variables from CResFile. }

{ USE:  Add this file to your THINK Pascal project }
{ below ObjIntf.p and above your main program file }
{ or unit which uses this unit.  In your using code, }
{ include a 'uses' clause listing UScreenSet. }

unit UScreenSet;     { File is UScreenSet.p }


  ObjIntf, TCLResources;

{ Here we declare the CRcScreenSetFile class; its method }
{  bodies are postponed until the implementation }
{  part below. This class does not support }
{  manipulations on partial resources. (IM6) }

  cScreenSet = object(CResFile)

{ No New Instance variables }

{ Methods }
    procedure cScreenSet.IScreenSet (n: Str255);
{ Initializes a cScreenSet object with a Name }
    procedure cScreenSet.RandomizeScreenSet;
{ Selects random PICT, ID = 0, for a ScreenSet object }

{ Note:  These method names include the optional class }
{ name prefix, }
{ as in 'procedure cScreenSet.IScreenSet;' }

{ Note:  The class also inherits all of }
{ class CResFile's methods }
   end; { Class cScreenSet }


{ Here we implement cScreenSet's method bodies. }

 procedure cScreenSet.IScreenSet (n: Str255);
 { Assign parameters to instance variables }
 { Note the name IScreenSet instead of Init }
 end; { cScreenSet.IScreenSet }

 procedure cScreenSet.RandomizeScreenSet;
   oldPict, newPict: CRes;{ ScreenSet's resources }
   pictCount: Integer;    { ScreenSet's number of }
 { pictures }
   pictIndex: Integer;    { ScreenSet's number of }
 { pictures }
   resources: CAllRes;    { Global Resources Object }
  if self.OpenResFile <> -1 then begin
    { set up for resource information }
    { get number of PICT resources in file }
    pictCount := resources.Count1Resources('PICT');
    if pictCount > 1 then begin
      { get information on active (ID = 0) PICT }
      { continue only on no error }
      if oldPict.ResError = 0 then begin
        { work on next active PICT }
        { compute random index from tick count }
        pictIndex := abs(TickCount mod pictCount) + 1;
        { continue only on no error }
        if newPict.ResError = 0 then begin
          { only update if different resource chosen }

          if newPict.GetIDNum <> 0 then begin
            { set old ID = 0 to ID from new }
            { set new ID to 0 }
 end; { cScreenSet.RandomizeScreenSet }

end.  { Unit UScreenSet }

Listing:  UFlags
{ UFlags©1991, Joseph R. L. Simkins }

{ DESCRIPTION:  Provides the data type UFlags, }
{ which is an object class.  UFlags has instance  }
{ variables of the show icon flag, startup flag }
{ and the desk flag. }

{ USE:  Add this file to your THINK Pascal project }
{ below TCLResources.p and above your main program file }
{ or unit which uses this unit.  In your using code, }
{ include a 'uses' clause listing UFlags. }

unit UFlags;     { File is UFlags.p }


  ObjIntf, TCLResources;

{ Here we declare the CResFile class; its method }
{  bodies are postponed until the implementation }
{  part below. This class does not support }
{  manipulations on partial resources. (IM6) }

  cFlags = object(TObject)

 { Instance variables }
    fFlagRes: CRes;{ cFlags's resources }
    fFlagResFile: CResFile; { cFlags's resources }

 { Methods }
    procedure cFlags.IFlags;
   { Initializes a cFlags object }
    procedure cFlags.TSetShowFlag (f: Boolean);
   { Sets the display icon on startup flag }
    procedure cFlags.TSetStartupFlag (f: Boolean);
   { Sets the randomize StartupScreen flag }
    procedure cFlags.TSetDeskFlag (f: Boolean);
   { Sets the randomize DeskPicture flag }
    function cFlags.TShowFlag: Boolean;
   { Returns the display icon on startup flag }
    function cFlags.TStartupFlag: Boolean;
   { Returns the randomize StartupScreen flag }
    function cFlags.TDeskFlag: Boolean;
   { Returns the randomize DeskPicture flag }

    procedure cFlags.Free;
 { dispose of handles }

     { Note:  These method names include the optional }
   { class name prefix, }
     { as in 'procedure cFlags.IFlags;' }

   end; { Class cFlags }


  flagsIndex = (ShowIndex, StartupIndex, DeskIndex);
  flagsString = packed array[flagsIndex] of byte;
  flagsStringPtr = ^flagsString;
  flagsStringHdl = ^flagsStringPtr;

{ Here we implement cFlags's method bodies. }

 procedure cFlags.IFlags;
 { Get the flags from the resource }
 { Note the name IFlags instead of Init }
  { set up resource with control flags, one per byte }
  { set up for update of ScreenPicker Resources }
 end; { cFlags.IFlags }

 procedure cFlags.TSetShowFlag (f: Boolean);
 { Sets the display icon on startup flag }
  { update both copies of the flags in memory }
  flagsStringHdl(self.fFlagRes.GetHandle)^^[ShowIndex] :=
 end; { cFlags.TSetShowFlag }

 procedure cFlags.TSetStartupFlag (f: Boolean);
   { Sets the randomize StartupScreen flag }
  flagsStringHdl(self.fFlagRes.GetHandle)^^[StartupIndex] :=
 end; { cFlags.TSetStartupFlag }

 procedure cFlags.TSetDeskFlag (f: Boolean);
 { Sets the randomize DeskPicture flag }
  flagsStringHdl(self.fFlagRes.GetHandle)^^[DeskIndex] :=
 end; { cFlags.TSetDeskFlag }

 function cFlags.TShowFlag: Boolean;
   { Returns the display icon on startup flag }
  TShowFlag := Boolean

 end; { cFlags.TShowFlag }

 function cFlags.TStartupFlag: Boolean;
 { Returns the randomize StartupScreen flag }
  TStartupFlag := Boolean

 end; { cFlags.TStartupFlag }
 function cFlags.TDeskFlag: Boolean;
   { Returns the randomize DeskPicture flag }
  TDeskFlag := Boolean

 end; { cFlags.TDeskFlag }

 procedure cFlags.Free;
  fFlagRes.Free; { dispose of the handle to the }
 { flags resource }
  fFlagResFile.Free; { dispose of the ScreenPicker }
 { file reference number }
  inherited Free;{ dispose flags data }

end.  { Unit UFlags }

Listing:  ScreenPicker
{ ScreenPicker   ©1991, Joseph R. L. Simkins }

{ DESCRIPTION:  This program consists of the main }
{ program, in this file. }

{ USE:  Create a THINK Pascal project that builds }
{  a code resource. Include UScreenSet.p and }
{ ShowIconFamily library. Then insert their }
{  dependancies. }

unit UScreenPickerINIT;   { File is UScreenPickerINIT.p }


  UScreenSet, UFlags;

 procedure Main;

 procedure Main;

   rs1: cScreenSet;{ defined in unit UScreenSet }
   flags: cFlags;{ Control Panel Flags }

  procedure ShowIconFamily (iconNumber: Integer);
 { show icon at Start up }

    {$S %_MethTables}
  procedure LoadMethTables;


 begin { Main }
 { point to globals }

 { get old control panal flags }

 { display startup }
  if flags.TShowFlag then

 { Randomize StartupScreen }
  if flags.TStartupFlag then begin

 { Randomize DeskPicture }
  if flags.TDeskFlag then begin

 { prepare for exit }
 end; { Main }

end.  { Unit ScreenPicker }

Listing:  UControlPanel
{ UControlPanel  ©1991, Joseph R. L. Simkins }

{ DESCRIPTION:  Provides the data type UControlPanel, }
{ which is an object class.  UControlPanel inherits }
{ its variables from CCollaborator. }

{ USE:  Add this file to your THINK Pascal project }
{ below CCollaborator.p and above your main program file }
{ or unit which uses this unit.  In your using code, }
{ include a 'uses' clause listing UScreenSet. }

unit UControlPanel;       { File is UControlPanel.p }



{ Here we declare the cControlPanel class; its method }
{  bodies are postponed until the implementation }
{  part below. }

  cControlPanel = object(TObject)
  { Note heritage of this class }

    { Instance variables }
    fItem: Integer;
    { local copy of Item for this call }
    fNumItems: Integer;
    { local copy of number of cdev items }
    fCPid: Integer;
    { local copy of Base resource of Control Panel driver }
    fEventptr: ^EventRecord;
    { local pointer to event record }
    fDlg: DialogPtr;
    { local copy of Control Panal Dialog pointer }

    { Methods }
    function cControlPanel.DoControlPanel (message, item, 
       numItems, CPid: integer;
       var event: EventRecord;
       dlg: DialogPtr): Longint;
    { master entry point }
    function cControlPanel.DoInitDev: Longint;
    { initialition of cdev }
    function cControlPanel.DoHitDev: Longint;
    { user clicked dialog item }
    function cControlPanel.DoCloseDev: Longint;
    { user did something to deactivate control panel }
    function cControlPanel.DoNulDev: Longint;
    { desk accessory run }
    function cControlPanel.DoUpdateDev: Longint;
    { update event }
    function cControlPanel.DoActivateDev: Longint;
    { activate event }
    function cControlPanel.DoDeactivateDev: Longint;
    { deactivate event }
    function cControlPanel.DoKeyEvtDev: Longint;
    { key-down or auto-key event, automaticly }
    { decodes undo, cut, copy, paste }
    function cControlPanel.DoMacDev: Longint;
    { check machine charistics }
    function cControlPanel.DoUndoDev: Longint;
    { standard menu undo }
    function cControlPanel.DoCutDev: Longint;
    { standard menu cut }
    function cControlPanel.DoCopyDev: Longint;
    { standard menu copy }
    function cControlPanel.DoPasteDev: Longint;
    { standard menu paste }
    function cControlPanel.DoClearDev: Longint;
    { standard menu clear }
    function cControlPanel.DoCursorDev: Longint;
    { custom cursor processing per TN 215 }

   end; { Class cControlPanel }


 function cControlPanel.DoInitDev: Longint;
  DoInitDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoHitDev: Longint;
  DoHitDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoCloseDev: Longint;
  { minimal Control Panel has no additional data }
  DoCloseDev := Longint(nil);

 function cControlPanel.DoNulDev: Longint;
  DoNulDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoUpdateDev: Longint;
  DoUpdateDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoActivateDev: Longint;
  DoActivateDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoDeactivateDev: Longint;
  DoDeactivateDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoKeyEvtDev: Longint;
  { Minimal Control Panal does not support text processing }
  DoKeyEvtDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoMacDev: Longint;
  DoMacDev := Longint(true);
  { Minimal Control Panal runs on all machines }

 function cControlPanel.DoUndoDev: Longint;
  { Minimal Control Panal does not support text processing }
  DoUndoDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoCutDev: Longint;
  { Minimal Control Panal does not support text processing }
  DoCutDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoCopyDev: Longint;
  { Minimal Control Panal does not support text processing }
  DoCopyDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoPasteDev: Longint;
  { Minimal Control Panal does not support text processing }
  DoPasteDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoClearDev: Longint;
  { Minimal Control Panal does not support text processing }
  DoClearDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoCursorDev: Longint;
  DoCursorDev := Longint(self);

 function cControlPanel.DoControlPanel (message, item,
       numItems, CPid: integer;
       var event: EventRecord;
       dlg: DialogPtr): Longint;

   ch: char;{To get the character pressed}

  { save arguments for this call }
  fItem := item;
  fNumItems := numItems;
  fCPid := CPid;
  fEventptr := @event;
  fDlg := dlg;

  case message of{Check the message sent}
    DoControlPanel := self.DoInitDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoHitDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoCloseDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoNulDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoUpdateDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoActivateDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoDeactivateDev;
   keyEvtDev:  begin
     if event.what <> autoKey then
     {If its not an autoKey event}
       if BitAnd(event.modifiers, CmdKey) <> 0 then
       {Is the Command Key down?}
         ch := chr(BitAnd(fEventptr^.message,charCodeMask));
         {Convert to char}
       if ch in 
         ['z', 'Z', 'x', 'X', 'c', 'C', 'v', 'V'] then
         fEventptr^.what := nullEvent; { per TN 215 }
       case ch of{Translate the standard Edit Cmd Keys}
       'z', 'Z': 
         DoControlPanel := self.DoUndoDev;
       'x', 'X': 
         DoControlPanel := self.DoCutDev;
       'c', 'C': 
         DoControlPanel := self.DoCopyDev;
       'v', 'V': 
         DoControlPanel := self.DoPasteDev;
         DoControlPanel := self.DoKeyEvtDev;
      DoControlPanel := self.DoKeyEvtDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoMacDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoUndoDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoCutDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoCopyDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoPasteDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoClearDev;
    DoControlPanel := self.DoCursorDev;


Listing:  UCPScreenPicker
{ UCPScreenPicker©1991, Joseph R. L. Simkins }

{ DESCRIPTION:  Overrides the genegic procedures }
{ defined in UControlPanel inherits }
{ its variables from UControlPanel. }

{ USE:  Add this file to your THINK Pascal project }
{ below UControlPanel.p and above your main program file }
{ or unit which uses this unit.  In your using code, }
{ include a 'uses' clause listing UScreenSet. }

unit UCPScreenPicker;     { File is UCPScreenPicker.p }


  UControlPanel, UFlags;

{ Here we declare the CControlPanel class; its method }
{  bodies are postponed until the implementation }
{  part below. }

  cCPScreenPicker = object(CControlPanel)
  { Note heritage of this class }

    fFlags: cFlags;{ Control Panel Flags }

    function cCPScreenPicker.DoInitDev: Longint;
    { initialition of cdev }

    function cCPScreenPicker.DoHitDev: Longint;
    { user clicked dialog item }

    procedure cCPScreenPicker.Free;
    { dispose of flags as well as control panel }

   end; { Class cCPScreenPicker }

  controlIndex = (skip, ShowIndex, StartupIndex, DeskIndex);

 function cCPScreenPicker.DoInitDev: Longint;
   itemType: Integer;
   itemHandle: Handle;
   itemBox: Rect;
  { get old control panal flags }
  { copy flags from resource to dialog }
  GetDItem(fDlg, fNumItems + ord(ShowIndex), itemType,
    itemHandle, itemBox);
  GetDItem(fDlg, fNumItems + ord(StartupIndex), itemType,
    itemHandle, itemBox);
  GetDItem(fDlg, fNumItems + ord(DeskIndex), itemType,
    itemHandle, itemBox);
  DoInitDev := inherited DoInitDev;

 function cCPScreenPicker.DoHitDev: Longint;
   itemType: Integer;
   itemHandle: Handle;
   itemBox: Rect;
   boxValue: Boolean;
  GetDItem(fDlg, fItem, itemType, itemHandle, itemBox);
  boxValue := not
  SetCtlValue(ControlHandle(itemHandle), ord(boxValue));
  case controlIndex(fItem - fNumItems) of
  DoHitDev := inherited DoHitDev;

 procedure cCPScreenPicker.Free;
  inherited Free;{ dispose Control Panel data }


Listing:  ScreenPicker
{ ScreenPicker   ©1991, Joseph R. L. Simkins }

{ DESCRIPTION:  This program consists of the main }
{ program, in this file. }

{ USE:  Create a THINK Pascal project that builds }
{  a code resource. Include UScreenSet.p and }
{ ShowIconFamily library. Then insert their }
{  dependancies. }

unit UScreenPicker;{ File is UScreenPicker.p }



 function Main (message, item, numItems, cPanelID: Integer;
       var theEvent: EventRecord;
       cdevValue: LongInt;
       CPDialog: DialogPtr): LongInt;


    {$S %_MethTables}
 procedure LoadMethTables;


 function Main (message, item, numItems, cPanelID: Integer;
       var theEvent: EventRecord;
       cdevValue: LongInt;
       CPDialog: DialogPtr): LongInt;

   controlPanel: cCPScreenPicker;

 begin { Main }
  { point to globals }

  { allocate ScreenPicker control panel object on init }
  if message = initDev then
   controlPanel := cCPScreenPicker(cdevValue);
  if controlPanel <> nil then
   Main := controlPanel.DoControlPanel(message, item,
     numItems, cPanelID, theEvent, CPDialog)
   Main := 0;

  { prepare for exit }
 end; { Main }

end.  { Unit ScreenPicker }


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AT&T is offering the new iPhone 16e for up to 65% off their monthly finance fee with 36-months of service. No trade-in is required. Discount is applied via monthly bill credits over the 36 month... Read more
Use this code to get a free iPhone 13 at Visi...
For a limited time, use code SWEETDEAL to get a free 128GB iPhone 13 Visible, Verizon’s low-cost wireless cell service, Visible. Deal is valid when you purchase the Visible+ annual plan. Free... Read more
M4 Mac minis on sale for $50-$80 off MSRP at...
B&H Photo has M4 Mac minis in stock and on sale right now for $50 to $80 off Apple’s MSRP, each including free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – M4 Mac mini (16GB/256GB): $549, $50 off... Read more
Buy an iPhone 16 at Boost Mobile and get one...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering one year of free Unlimited service with the purchase of any iPhone 16. Purchase the iPhone at standard MSRP, and then choose... Read more
Get an iPhone 15 for only $299 at Boost Mobil...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering the 128GB iPhone 15 for $299.99 including service with their Unlimited Premium plan (50GB of premium data, $60/month), or $20... Read more
Unreal Mobile is offering $100 off any new iP...
Unreal Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering a $100 discount on any new iPhone with service. This includes new iPhone 16 models as well as iPhone 15, 14, 13, and SE... Read more
Apple drops prices on clearance iPhone 14 mod...
With today’s introduction of the new iPhone 16e, Apple has discontinued the iPhone 14, 14 Pro, and SE. In response, Apple has dropped prices on unlocked, Certified Refurbished, iPhone 14 models to a... Read more
B&H has 16-inch M4 Max MacBook Pros on sa...
B&H Photo is offering a $360-$410 discount on new 16-inch MacBook Pros with M4 Max CPUs right now. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 16″ M4 Max MacBook Pro (36GB/1TB/... Read more
Amazon is offering a $100 discount on the M4...
Amazon has the M4 Pro Mac mini discounted $100 off MSRP right now. Shipping is free. Their price is the lowest currently available for this popular mini: – Mac mini M4 Pro (24GB/512GB): $1299, $100... Read more
B&H continues to offer $150-$220 discount...
B&H Photo has 14-inch M4 MacBook Pros on sale for $150-$220 off MSRP. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 14″ M4 MacBook Pro (16GB/512GB): $1449, $150 off MSRP – 14″ M4... Read more

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