Feb 96 URLs
Volume Number: | | 12
Issue Number: | | 2
Column Tag: | | Uniform Resource Locators
Uniform Resource Locators 
By Jim Straus, URLs@mactech.com
Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.
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Latest Updates
Internet Related
Aretha (Frontier) http://www.hotwired.com/staff/userland/aretha/
Java http://java.sun.com/
NetPhone http://www.emagic.com/
Netscape Defrost http://cygnus.rsabbs.com/~ssykes/nsdefrost.html
Open Door Networks http://www.opendoor.com/
WebArranger http://www.cesoft.com/webarranger/webarranger.html
Free World Dialup http://www.pulver.com/fwd/
Remote Printing FAQ http://linux1.balliol.ox.ac.uk/fax/faxfaq.html
New Technologies
Linux for PPC http://liber.stanford.edu/linuxppc/
Other Programmer Resources
Application Generators http://torgo.astro.ucla.edu/Mac.html
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Altura Software http://www.altura.com/
CE Software http://www.cesoft.com/
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MacCentral http://www.atcon.com/maccentral/home.html
MacroMedia http://www.macromedia.com/
Mobilis http://www.volksware.com/mobilis/
Onyx Technology http://www.std.com/onyxtech/
CE Software has introduced WebArranger. It is based on the Arrange software (demonstrated at the WWDC several years ago, to much applause) which CE recently acquired. Besides providing a database for your bookmarks, it has the capability to check bookmarks to see if they have changed, and notify you if they have. It also tracks sites you have visited, making a history log, which helps when you have forgotten how you got to some site.
WebArranger http://www.cesoft.com/webarranger/webarranger.html
Unless you have been off on some remote island developing the perfect application, you have heard of Java and seen all of the media hype. If you want to find out more about this language, browser technology, elixir of life, killer of Microsoft, go straight to the source.
Java http://java.sun.com/
I dont know about you, but I have had Netscape freeze up my Macintosh. Scott Sykes found a problem that appears to be a Macintosh problem, but is actually caused by Netscape. He made an extension to work around the bug. Perhaps it will be fixed by the time you read this, but you might still want to check out his page.
Netscape Defrost http://cygnus.rsabbs.com/~ssykes/nsdefrost.html
Free World Dialup is trying an experiment to provide free long distance calling. Based on the idea provided by programs such as VocalTecs Internet Phone, FWD is connecting the Internet back into the normal phone system. Servers are provided that will place calls in their local (i.e. free) calling area. So, if you want to call someone in Paris and there is a server there, you can do so - for free. These guys are looking for some help to develop a Macintosh client. If you like the idea, contact them. This concept is similar to the Remote Printing or e-mail-to-fax system that is also running experimentally. Check them both out for some ideas on grass root services through the Internet.
Free World Dialup http://www.pulver.com/fwd/
Remote Printing FAQ http://linux1.balliol.ox.ac.uk/fax/faxfaq.html
Frank Henriquez has put together a page discussing Application Generators and Application Frameworks, as well as providing links to some available on the Internet. Application generators allow you to draw an interface and then the program generates an application shell for you to fill in. Frameworks are skeletal programs that you fill in with code to do what you want. Sometimes you can use both together. Check out his page and maybe you can simplify your development.
Application Generators http://torgo.astro.ucla.edu/Mac.html
If you have ever lacked reading material, or needed to find some technical book, this site is for you. Computer Literacy has one of the largest selections of computer books, reference materials, and anything computer related. They also review new books, have galleys of books not yet in print, and provide access to their book database. A very good reference even if you are not near one of their stores.
Computer Literacy http://www.clbooks.com/
Mobilis is an on-line magazine targeted at mobile computer users. It primary deals with PDA class machines, but also deals with issues of interest to users of any mobile computers. It will be especially attractive to you if you are into hand-held computers.
Mobilis http://www.volksware.com/mobilis/
Neat Non-Macintosh Site of the Month
Apple and Adobe have sponsored a very hip weekly on-line magazine called SALON. It looks to be the Internets answer to the New Yorker, but hipper. The last couple of issues I have read have been great. I could even see it make the reverse jump to a print magazine.
SALON http://www.salon1999.com/
Lombard is a brokerage house, but they are providing stock quotes as well. In addition, they are providing historical graphs for any stock of interest. Their one requirement is that you register your name with them (no fee involved).
Lombard http://www.lombard.com/
Well, that is it for this month. As always, if you find something interesting, or have updates, send them to URLs@MacTech.com
Thanks this month to Michael D. Crawford, Frank Henriquez, david hirmes, Devon Hubbard, Scott Sykes, Chris Wysocki, Jordan Zimmerman, and many others for their contributions for their suggestions and pointers to new and old sites.