Kool Tools: Nutrition Products
Volume Number: 25
Issue Number: 11
Column Tag: Kool Tools
Kool Tools: Nutrition Products
BrainToniq and GamerGrub
By Dennis Sellers
There's more to life than tech and computing. There's also food designed to help keep us using our tech and computing. At least that's the take of Brain Toniq (http://braintoniq.com) and GamerGrub (http://www.gamergrub.com).
Brain Toniq makes a self-named energy drink that's designed to overcome "head fog" and enhance focus and memory. It's an energy drink that's designed to be healthier than caffeine-loaded drinks such as Red Bull. Does it work? Well, it gets at least one member of the MacTech staff through the early afternoon as well as a soft drink or coffee drink — and without the caffeine level of a Red Bull type drink. [Ed note - said staff member is not me! I enjoy tea and don't mind the caffeine].

Brain Toniq is described as the world's first organic, kosher, botanical-based, non-caffeinated think-drink specifically designed for those who need more mental focus and clarity. Purportedly, it's formulated out of plant extracts and natural compounds. The folks at Brain Toniq say they don't add chemical preservatives, caffeine or sugar. They do add organic agave syrup and natural citrus extracts. It sports a formula made from doses of Rhodiola root, Choline and DMAE (two natural compounds), Eleuthero root (also known as Siberian Ginseng) and wild-harvested Blue Green Algae.
Brain Toniq was designed for software engineers, programmers, designers, systems analysts, anyone who uses author David Allen's Getting Things Done system, technical writers, academic professionals and researchers. But its makers say it's also fine for busy teachers, parents, artists and students.
You can get Brain Toniq for around nine bucks for a four-pack of cans with 8.4 fluid ounces each. Why does it cost more than other drinks? According to the folks at Brain Toniq, they use 5-36 times more active ingredients than any of the 20 top-selling functional beverages, which often contain only 50 or 100 milligrams. In Brain Toniq, there are over 1,850 milligrams. Organic agave syrup is 3-18 times as expensive as other sweeteners (yes, even organic cane sugar), the company says.
Of course, sometimes you need something to snack on as well as something to drink. Enter Gamer Grub, which offers a performance snack formulated especially for gamers. The snack is purportedly packed with select vitamins and neurotransmitters that support fast cognitive performance, as well as vitamins and minerals that improve reflexes. The supplements range from Vitamin A (for improved eyesight) to Magnesium (for the maintenance of muscle and nerve functions) to Choline (for muscle reactions).

Even more attractive is that Gamer Grub is designed to be consumed while you're gaming; without the problems of sticky fingers and crumb-filled keyboards. It comes in an ergonomically shaped plastic container that is designed to be gripped with one hand. Take a pack of grub, tear open the top and tilt the package to one side to drop some grub into your mouth. You never actually have to touch the food.
Gamer Grub is currently offered in four flavors: Action Pizza, Sports PB&J, Racing Wasabi and Strategy Chocolate. Gamer Grub will be available online and at retail stores. They're available in single packs (four ounces) for US$3.99 or $8.99 for a three-pack.
Gamer Grub is available only in the U.S. at the moment. It's sold at Fry's Electronics, ThinkGeek.com, Comp USA, ABCT Y4ME, PlayNtrade, Amazon.com, Toywiz.com, Thumbmonkey and Micro Center.
Dennis Sellers is a long time journalist. He started in the newspaper
business, but has been in the online journalism business for the past
15 years. He's the editor/publisher of Macsimum News