Oct 95 URLs
Volume Number: | | 11
Issue Number: | | 10
Column Tag: | | Uniform Resource Locators
Uniform Resource Locators 
By Jim Straus, URLs@mactech.com
Spare your fingers and find this column online at:
Welcome to this months URLs column. Since the comprehensive list of URLs is getting longer and longer, Im going to try a new format. Each month I will list all the new and updated URLs along with more commentary. If you want the latest complete list, you can find it at: http://www.mactech.com/
or (for a limited time), send mail to: MacTech-URLs@class.com
and youll receive the latest list back.
Latest Updates
Internet Related
Apple-Internet mailing lists http://abs.apple.com/apple-internet/
Clay Basket http://www.hotwired.com/staff/userland/clay/
ForeFront Group (GrabNet) http://www.ffg.com/
Peter Lewis http://www.share.com/peterlewis/
see also ftp://ftp.share.com/pub/peterlewis/
ScriptWeb http://www.gz.com/scriptweb
New Technologies
Apple Guide http://www.guideworks.com/
Dylan news:/comp.lang.dylan
Other Programmer Resources
ACIUS ftp://ftp.dnai.com/pub/acius/
Forth, MOPS,Yerk http://www.netaxs.com/~jayfar/mops.html
MOPS ftp: //taygeta.oc.nps.navy.mil/pub/Forth/Mops
Yerk ftp: //astro.uchicago.edu/pub/MAC/Yerk
TopSoft http://www.topsoft.org/
XCMD Hideout
Vendors, Products and Miscellaneous
Aladdin Systems (Stuffit) http://www.aladdinsys.com/
Bare Bones SW (BBEdit) http://www.tiac.net/biz/bbsw/
CastTech virtual castings http://www.castech.fi/
Ceneca (PageMill) http://www.ceneca.com/
DragInstall http://www.sauers.com/draginstall
Tom Engel
Evatac (Preditor) http://www.access.digex.net/~evatac/
Macintosh Vendor Directory http://www.macfaq.com/vendor.html
NaviSoft http://www.navisoft.com/index.htm
Newton Source http://www.newtonsource.com/
Pictorius (Prograph)
RTFM Productions http://rampages.onramp.net/~rtfm/
Working Software http://www.webcom.com/~working/OEM.html
Since Ive been running the Web version of the URLs column on my server until it moved to MacTechs official server, I will share some interesting statistics Ive collected. The highest volume day showed 132 hits for the URLs page. The highest volume month was July with 2462 hits. People from Austria to Venezuela, from Iceland to South Africa have looked at the page. The most hits from a non-US country came from Canada with 382 hits, followed by 284 for Germany. In the US, North Western University (NWU) had the most accesses to the page, followed by America Online subscribers and then Apple employees.
Those of you doing lots of surfing may want to check out a couple of products: GrabNet and Clay Basket. Each allows you to capture URLs (and other information) and organize and annotate it. They are super bookmark/hotlist editors that work with a variety of browsers that understand AppleEvents. Now, if I can just find the time to annotate all my old bookmarks so I can remember what each was...
Clay Basket http://www.hotwired.com/staff/userland/clay/
ForeFront Group (GrabNet) http://www.ffg.com/
Pictorius, the makers of Prograph, has a web site now. In addition to information on Prograph CPX, you can find Prograph Classic at this site. If you havent heard, Pictorius made Prograph Classic available as freeware. Heres a way to try out a great graphical programming language at a very reasonable cost! There is also a link to Dan Shafers page where hes offering a book/disk set of the Prograph QuickStart book and the Prograph Classic disks. You can get the paper version from him or order the electronic version right over the net.
Pictorius (Prograph)
Those of us into AppleScripting, should check out ScriptWeb. They are working to be the premier source for information on AppleScript and Frontier as well as other OSA environments. There is a wealth of information here and links to lots more.
ScriptWeb http://www.gz.com/scriptweb/
TopSoft is an Internet based Macintosh Programming User Group dedicated to creating ground-breaking free and low-cost software for the Macintosh. Theyve released a product they call FilterTop, a tool for piping together drag/drop applications to make super drag/drop applications. [There is more information about FilterTop in Newsbits . -jk]
TopSoft http://www.topsoft.org/
Now that Guy Kawasaki is back at Apple, he's set up a mailing list to listen to developers. You can subscribe to this mailing list by sending mail to listproc@abs.apple.com and putting in SUBSCRIBE SEMPER.FI your real name in the body of the message.
Neat non-Macintosh sites of the Month
The first site I wanted to share is Earth Viewer. Here you can view the Earth showing the day and night regions, like a map, or you can view the Earth as seen from the Sun, the Moon, or any point in space. The images are based on topographical maps, weather satellite imagery, or a composite image with clouds on the map.
You can also find a random planet (a new one each day) and lots of other interesting stuff!
Earth Viewer http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/vplanet.html
The second site this month is the HTML 3.0 Top 10 List. This site contains links to sites with some very interesting visual effects, including animations. If youre interested in designing your own Web pages, you can look at what other designers are creaing (and borrow their ideas), or just surf these sites and enjoy the experience.
HTML 3.0 Top 10 List http://www.i-link.net/adampr/top10.html
Well, thats it for this month. As aways, if you find something interesting, or have updates, send them to URLs@MacTech.com.
Thanks to Martin Fenner, Joe Levenson, Tom Engel, (GrabNet programmer) Katy Agnor, Arno Louvo, Tony Jacobs, Peter Jensen, Lawrence DOliveiro, Peter Lewis, and many others for their contributions for their suggestions and pointers to new and old sites.
Internet-related Material
Apple-Internet mailing lists http://abs.apple.com/apple-internet/
Bolo http://bolo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/
Clay Basket http://www.hotwired.com/staff/userland/clay/
Consensus http://www.consensus.com:8300
CU-SeeMe http://www.jungle.com/msattler/sci-tech/comp/CU-SeeMe/
DigiCash http://www.digicash.com/ecash/ecash-home.html
ForeFront Group (GrabNet) http://www.ffg.com/
Info-Mac Searcher http://www.mid.net/INFO-MAC
Internet Config ftp://ftp.share.com/pub/internet-configuration/
InterNIC http://www.internic.net/
ISP FAQ http://amazing.cinenet.net/faq.html
ISDN page http://alumni.caltech.edu/~dank/isdn/
Peter Lewis http://www.share.com/peterlewis/
see also ftp://ftp.share.com/pub/peterlewis/
see also ftp://amug.org/pub/peterlewis
Lycos (Index of the Internet) http://lycos.cs.cmu.edu/
MacHTTP (see also WWW)
Mailing List http://www.biap.com/machttp/mailing_list.html
Extending MacHTTP
MacWeb http://galaxy.einet.net/EINet/MacWeb/MacWebHome.html
Matthias Neeracher http://err.ethz.ch/members/neeri.html
MERIT Searcher http://pubweb.nexor.co.uk/public/mac/archive/welcome.html
OpenTransport/TCP gopher://seeding.apple.com
Outland ftp://ftp.outland.com/
Portable Net. Graphics http://sunsite.unc.edu/~boutell/png.html
ScriptWeb http://www.gz.com/scriptweb/
Eric Scouten (TCP) http://www.metrowerks.com/tcpip/index.html
SGML, Info http://www.sil.org/sgml/sgml.html
C Parser ftp://ftp.jclark.com/pub/sgmls
C++ Parser ftp://ftp.jclark.com/pub/sp/
WWW, Jon Wiederspans Mac WWW Development Guide
CGI demo/info http://charlotte.acns.nwu.edu/mailtools/
Intro. to WWW http://www.eit.com/web/www.guide/
Web66 http://web66.coled.umn.edu/
Non-Mac servers
Yahoo (Great index of the Internet) http://www.yahoo.com/
New Technologies
AOCE ftp://ftp.andrew.cmu.edu/pub/aoce/
Apple, ftp ftp://ftp.info.apple.com
Web to ftp http://www.info.apple.com/cgi-bin/lister-pl
DTS http://www.info.apple.com/dev/dts.html
Tech Notes http://www.info.apple.com/dev/technotes/Main.html
see also http://www.austin.apple.com
Apple Guide http://www.guideworks.com/
Dylan http://www.cambridge.apple.com/
see also ftp://cambridge.apple.com/pub/dylan
see also http://legend.gwydion.cs.cmu.edu:8001/dylan
see also news:/comp.lang.dylan
Mailing list archive ftp://cambridge.apple.com/pub/dylan/mail-archive/
Marlais ftp://ftp.cis.ufl.edu/pub/src/Marlais
Mindy ftp://ftp.bdt.com//home/beard/Mindy-PPC.sit.bin
Kaleida http://www.kaleida.com/
OpenDoc/Bento/SOM http://www.cilabs.org/pub/cilabs/tech/
OpenDoc Part Ideas
OpenTransport/TCP gopher://seeding.apple.com
PowerPC http://power.globalnews.com/
Quickdraw GX, Apple http://www.info.apple.com/gx/gx.html
Fanclub http://aah.residences.ulaval.ca/quickgx/quickgx.html
Lawrence DOliveiro http://www2.waikato.ac.nz/ldo/gx/index.html
Quicktime http://quicktime.apple.com/develop.html
see also http://www.info.apple.com/dev/devinfo/quicktime/quicktime.html
Taligent http://www.taligent.com/
Other Programmer Resources
4D http://www.netf.org/4d/4d.html
ACIUS ftp://ftp.dnai.com/pub/acius/
Ada ftp://ftp.seas.gwu.edu/pub/ada
Animation Class Library ftp://ftp.virtually.mcnet.ch/virtually/
Applescript ftp://gaea.kgs.ukans.edu/applescript
BMUG http://www.bmug.org/
Brian Bechtel http://www.info.apple.com/dev/geeks.html
Forth, MOPS,Yerk http://www.netaxs.com/~jayfar/mops.html
MOPS ftp: //taygeta.oc.nps.navy.mil/pub/Forth/Mops
Yerk ftp: //astro.uchicago.edu/pub/MAC/Yerk
Free Development Systems FAQ http://www.europa.com/~sf/fdsm.html
Get1Resource http://www.asel.udel.edu/~haynes/g1r.html
Robert Lentz
Lisp, MCL http://www.digitool.com/
General http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/miller/alu.html
MacHack http://www.machack.com
MacTech Magazine http://www.mactech.com
Matthias Neeracher http://err.ethz.ch/members/neeri.html
Matthew Xavier Mora http://xavier.sri.com/umpg/umpg.html
nick.c good for beginning Macintosh programmers!
François Pottier http://acacia.ens.fr:8080/home/pottier/index.html
also news://comp.sys.mac.digest
Digests archive ftp://ftp.dartmouth.edu/pub/csmp-digest
Jon Pugh (AppleScript) ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/jo/jonpugh/homepage.html
Paul Robichaux http://www.fairgate.com/paul.shtml
Source code, Apple http://www.info.apple.com/dev/devinfo/macsourcecode.html
also Apple http://www.info.apple.com/dev/source/index.html
also UMich ftp://mac.archive.umich.edu/mac/development/source/
also M. Neeracher
Christopher Tate http://world.std.com/~ctate/mac.html
TCL ftp://daemon.ncsa.uiuc.edu/TCL/
see also http://rhino.harvard.edu/dan/TCLArchive.html
TopSoft http://www.topsoft.org/
XCMD Hideout
Vendors, Products and Miscellaneous
Aladdin HASP http://www.hasp.com
Aladdin Systems (Stuffit) http://www.aladdinsys.com/
Alpha (text editor) http://www.cs.umd.edu/~keleher/alpha.html
BBEdit http://www.tiac.net/biz/bbsw/
CastTech virtual castings http://www.castech.fi/
Celestin ftp://ftp.teleport.com/vendors/cci/apprentice
Ceneca (PageMill) http://www.ceneca.com/
Chris W. Johnson http://gargravarr.cc.utexas.edu/
CIL http://www.cilabs.org/
Cyno Technologies http://www.cyno.com/cyno
Digitool http://www.digitool.com/
Dilbert http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert
DragInstall http://www.sauers.com/draginstall
Tom Engel
Erogonomics Web http://tucker.mech.utah.edu/
EduPage newsletter mailto:listproc@educom.edu
in the body of the message put: subscribe edupage your name
Evatac (Preditor) http://www.access.digex.net/~evatac/
Graphical Business Interfaces http://www.gbi.com/
General Magic http://www.genmagic.com/
Global Village Comm. http://www.globalvillage.com/
Iconix http://www.biap.com/Iconix/
Steve Jasik http://www.jasik.com/
Just Some Guy http://www.spies.com/greg/
Language Systems http://www.langsys.com/langsys
FTP site ftp://cais.com/pub/langsys
MIND (DNS Server) http://cybercronx.techwood.org/
Macintosh Vendor Directory http://www.macfaq.com/vendor.html
MacLinQ http://www.wsmith.com/maclinq/
Mac Netswitch http://www.nd.edu/~dwalton1/
MacNosy ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/ma/macnosy
Metrowerks http://www.metrowerks.com/
Motorola http://www.mot.com/PowerPC
NeoLogic http://www.neologic.com/~neologic/
Newton Source http://www.newtonsource.com/
Newton http://newton.uiowa.edu/
PACE http://paceap.com/pace.html
Pictorius (Prograph)
QKS/Smalltalk http://www.qks.com/
QUED/M ftp://ftp.nisus-soft.com/pub/nisus
see also http://www.nisus-soft.com/~nisus
Rainbow Technologies http://www.rnbo.com/
RTFM Productions http://rampages.onramp.net/~rtfm/
Semper Fi mailing list mailto: listproc@abs.apple.com
in the body of the message put: subscribe SEMPER.FI your name
StepUp Software http://rampages.onramp.net/~stepup/
Summit Software http://www.summsoft.com/
Symantec http://www.symantec.com/
Tenon (MachTen Unix) http://www.tenon.com/
TidBITS newsletter http://www.dartmouth.edu/pages/TidBITS/TidBITS.html
see also news://comp.sys.mac.digest
to subscribe mailto:info@tidbits.com
Time Tracker http://www.maui.com/~billm
UserLand AutoWeb http://www.hotwired.com/Staff/userland/
Verb Finder ftp://gaea.kgs.ukans.edu/frontier/oldstuff/VerbStack.sit.hqx
The Well Connected Mac http://www.macfaq.com/
Working Software http://www.webcom.com/~working/OEM.html