Jul 96 URLs
Volume Number: | | 12
Issue Number: | | 7
Column Tag: | | Uniform Resource Locators
Uniform Resource Locators 
By Jim Straus, URLs@mactech.com
Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.
Welcome to the latest update on Macintosh/Internet information. This month we have several Internet magazines or e-zines as well as information on Apples Game Sprockets APIs. As always, there is Internet stuff and programmer resources at your finger tips. Or spare your fingers and find the full list online at:
Latest Updates
Internet Related
Mac Internet Server Software
MacJava Development http://www1.omi.tulane.edu/adowns/decaf
MacJava Discussion Group http://www.mactivity.com/java/java_discussion.html
New Technologies
Game Sprockets http://dev.info.apple.com/evangelism/games/games.html
Other Programmer Resources
Conflict Compendium http://www.islandnet.com/~quill/c3data.html
Emerald Ventures http://www.dataphone.se/~punt/emve.html
Mac Hacking and Cracking http://www.netaxs.com/~hager/machack.html
OpenDoc eZine http://www.partmerchant.com/odz/
PowerPlant Beginners
Vendors, Products and Miscellaneous
Absolute Mac http://www.ie2.u-psud.fr/~peirano/mac_us.html
AppMaker http://members.aol.com/bowersdev/
Casady & Greene
Mac-o-mania http://remus.rutgers.edu/~euge/mac.html
Mac Related Sites http://www.net-army.com/mac/
MacSense Magazine http://www.macsense.com/MacSense/
MacUser Magazine http://www.zdnet.com/macuser/
Read Me 1st http://www.idir.net/~jgamble/
If you want to serve information on the Internet, and are not sure what you will need, you should check out Mac Internet Server Software. It lists Web servers, ftp servers, gopher servers, mail servers, telnet servers, finger servers, domain name servers - anything you could ask for. Each server is rated for compatibility with MacTCP and Open Transport. Also included are some links useful for people setting up servers. An excellent resource.
Mac Internet Server Software
It seems that we cannot go a month without more Java sites.
I am not going to say much about them, just mention them.
MacJava Development http://www1.omi.tulane.edu/adowns/decaf
MacJava Discussion Group http://www.mactivity.com/java/java_discussion.html
First off, if you have not seen it yet, you need to look in on the Apples Game Sprockets site. This is not the Sprocket application framework by MacTech Magazine, but the Apples Game Sprockets APIs. Included are Network Sprockets, QuickDraw 3D Sprockets, Speech Sprockets, Draw Sprockets, Sound Sprockets and Input Sprockets. Sure, you say, these are just Inside Macintosh. Actually, they are SDKs with sample applications, docs, and project frameworks. If you are interested in games on the Mac (or on the Pippin), this is the place for you.
Sprockets (Game APIs) http://dev.info.apple.com/evangelism/games/games.html
If you are looking for more OpenDoc information, read OpenDoc eZine (ODZ). This is a nice-looking Web-based publication that is devoted to OpenDoc. Be warned, it covers not only OpenDoc for the Macintosh, but the other OpenDoc platforms as well.
OpenDoc eZine http://www.partmerchant.com/odz/
For a more mainstream Macintosh e-zine, check out MacSense. It looks to be professionally assembled, and has up-to-the-minute information. Besides pointers to the latest news, there are reviews, columns, editorials, and even letters to the editor. This is a great source for learning about what is going on in the Mac community.
MacSense Magazine http://www.macsense.com/MacSense/
Neat non-Macintosh site of the Month
Whether you are a beginner or an expert Internet user, sometimes you will run into trouble and need help. Help can be found at the Internet Help Desk. If you are getting error messages back when trying to read mail, or problems fetching a file, this is the spot. Even if you are not confused by something, you should check in some time. You might learn some new way to do something, or learn about some aspect of the Internet unknown to you. It is not Macintosh-specific, but it has lots of help. A great reference!
The Internet Help Desk http://w3.one.net/~alward/
Well, that is it for this month. As always, if you find something interesting, or have updates, send them to URLs@MacTech.com.
Thanks this month to Spec Bowers, Jonathan Hirshon, Lukas Hjalmar, Darren King, Peirano Philippe, David L. Slipp, Matt Wronkiewicz, and many others for their contributions for their suggestions and pointers to new and old sites.