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Paint Simulator
Volume Number:1
Issue Number:13
Column Tag:Special Projects

A Mac Paint Simulator in Basic

By Mike Steiner, Sierra Vista, AZ, MacTutor Contributing Editor

MacPaint Functions in Basic!

The program, written in Microsoft BASIC, accompanying this column simulates some of the features of Macpaint. “Why,” you are probably asking yourself, “would anyone want to simulate Macpaint in a BASIC program when every Macintosh comes with Macpaint at no extra cost?” The reason is that transferring a Macpaint picture to a BASIC program is not the easiest thing in the world to do. Having your own Basic version of MacPaint can be very helpful. [The real reason is the challenge! And Mike has succeeded admirably. -Ed]

Here are some of the problems of trying to mix picts with Basic: After making the picture, you have to copy it to the clipboard (which limits you to the size of the Macpaint window, thus eliminating the ability to make a full-screen picture) before entering BASIC. Once in BASIC, you then have to transfer the picture from the clipboard to the screen. If you want to use the picture again, you have to save it as a disk file. The program with this article will let you draw a picture, save it to and load it from a disk. The routine that loads pictures from disk can be incorporated into your own programs to let you convientiently use pictures in them.

Program Notes

The program is fairly straight forward and does not use any programming “tricks;” everything used is documented in the Microsoft BASIC manual. However, it requires a 512K Macintosh . A 128K Mac does not have enough memory to handle the necessary arrays and heap requirements.

Instructions are incorporated into the program and are accessable via the Instructions option in the Options menu. There is one area where operation of the program differs from the standard and bears mentioning here. When you save a picture to disk, you are not limited to saving the entire picture. You must select the section of the picture (to include the whole picture if you want) as the first step in the save process.

Fig. 1 Screen of Mac Paint Simulator

How it Works

The program starts by CLEARing memory from the data segment to increase the application heap memory. The heap is where BUTTON, EDIT FIELD, and PICTURE information are stored. Without the increase of heap memory the program results in a system error 25 (out of heap space) whenever it tries to print a picture.

The program then performs a GOSUB to init, which is the initialization routine. This routine causes all variables to default to integers unless they are declared otherwise. (The only other variable format used is string variables.) The program then DIMensions the arrays it will use and generates the drawing window and the program menus. It then dispays the names of the program and programmer and the version and date. (This display is also available by selecting “About...” from the File menu.) It then initializes variables and the cursor arrays and RETURNs to the main program.

The routine called start is the main routine of the program. All subroutines eventually return to start. While in the start loop, the program enables drawing and checks for a menu selection. The loop sends the program to the subroutine cursorposition. This subroutine monitors the position of the cursor on the screen and changes the cursor to an arrow when it is outside the drawing window and changes it to a cross when inside the window. Note the statement “dummy = MOUSE (0)” preceding the GOSUB. References to MOUSE (1) through MOUSE (6) return values related to the most recent click of the mouse button. MOUSE (0) checks for a mouse click, so even though it is not needed by the cursorposition routine, it must have been referenced for the routine to work. The ‘ON shape GOSUB’ line sends the program to the appropriate drawing routine, depending on what shape has been selected to be drawn.

Drawing Shapes

The routines box, roundbox, and oval are essentially the same routine, differing only in the Quickdraw routines they use. They first check to see if the mouse button has been pressed. If it has not, the routines RETURN to start. If the button has been pressed, the routine enters a loop that first goes to a subroutine called getpoints. Getpoints determines the coordinates of diagonally opposite corners of a rectangle. It assigns the top left corner as the start and the bottom right corner as the end, putting the coordinates in the variable array “rect.” Control is then returned to the shape-drawing routine where the shape is drawn twice and getpoints is entered again. Because the penmode was set to 10 (XOR) before the routine was entered, the pen reverses the color of the screen it passes over; by drawing the shape twice, the shape continually draws and erases itself. When the mouse button is released, control is returned to the drawing program where the pen mode is set to 8 (copy) and the shape drawn once again to leave it on the screen. The routine then RETURNs to start.

The straightline routine is similar to the framed shape routines except that starting and ending points are not swapped to insure that start is to the upper-left of finish, and a straight line is drawn. The subroutine called free is the simplest of all. It continually draws a line to the current cursor position from the previous cursor position after moving initially to the point where the mouse button was pressed.

Text first sets the text mode to 1 (OR). A bug in the quickdraw routine that draws text puts blank spaces after the text that is printed. These spaces will erase any black pixels that are close to the end of the text. Setting the text mode to OR eliminates this problem. The routine then sets the selected text size. The first time the routine is entered after it is selected, when the mouse button is pressed, the left margin is set at the cursor's horizontal position. Text is entered normally, and when the Return key is pressed, text continues on the next line at the left margin. You may change fonts, size, and styles of the text while entering it without losing your character's position on the screen. A carriage return uses the current left margin as the left margin. To change margins, move the cursor to where you want the margin to be and click the mouse button.

Selecting Menu Items

When a menu item is selected while the program is in the start routine's loop, the number of menu selected is stored in the variable menu0, which determines the subroutine to be entered. These subroutines are described below in increasing order of complexity.

Menu4 (Shape) checks the menu item selected and unchecks the previously selected item. It stores the number of the selected item in the variable ‘shape.’ Menu5 (Pensize) operates identically to Menu4, using the variable ‘size’ to store the pen size selected. Menu6 (Font) is similar to Menu4, but has to take into consideration that the fonts begin with zero rather than 1. Also, the program does not check to see which fonts are in the System. If a font not in the system is chosen, the default font (currently Geneva) is automatically used even though the menu indicates a different font was chosen.

Menu7 (Style), again, is similar to Menu4, but is a multi-check menu (i.e., more than one item may be checked at the same time), so the routine determines whether item selected is checked or not and toggles the check mark on or off. Also, checking menu item 1 (Plain) turns off all the other checkmarks. To further complicate this routine, TEXTFACE uses a geometrical progression to determine the style in order for the various styles to be combined. As a menu item is checked or unchecked, the variable ‘face’ has to have the appropriate value added or subtracted.

Menus 1 (File), 2 (Edit), and 3(Options) enter subroutines rather than assign values to variables as do 4 through 7. Menu3 gives the choice of selecting the size of the text, using the eraser, clearing the screen, or viewing the instructions. In increasing order of complexity, these routines are as follows:

Clearscreen does a CLS and returns to start. Instructions clears the screen and displays three pages of instructions, waiting for the OK button to be pressed after each page is read.

Erase works the same way as does free, except that it uses an eraser-shaped cursor (the same one that Macpaint uses) and that the pen mode is set to 11 (BIC) which changes all black pixels to white, thereby erasing all that it passes over.

Textsize overlays a second window on the drawing window, first storing the screen area that is obliterated by the window (the way this is done is explained in the portion of this article covering Cut, Copy, and Paste). The window displays an edit field and an OK button along with instructions to type the size of the text. A WHILE -- WEND loop waits for the OK button to be clicked or the Return key to be pressed. It also monitors the cursor position, changing it to an I-beam when it is in the edit field. Because the Macintosh cannot handle text sizes smaller than four points or larger than 127 points, the routine wrongsize is used to inform the user that he has selected a size that is out of range if he should do so. After a valid size has been selected, the window is closed and the portion of window 1 that was erased by window 2 is restored.

Menu2 handles Cut, Copy, and Paste. Cut and Copy use the routine called getit. Getit goes to a subroutine called corners. This routine determines the corners of a selection rectangle the same way that the shape drawing routines use and then RETURNs to getit. Getit then GOSUBs to dimbox. Dimbox DIMensions the array ‘box,’ using the formula given in the BASIC manual, and does a screen GET for the area selected. It then RETURNs to getit. Getit then determines whether it was called by Copy or Cut and, if the latter, erases the selected area of the screen. Dimbox is the routine that also saves the screen area behind dialog windows displayed in textsize, Open, Save, Print, and About

Paste uses the routine putit. This routine first GOSUBS to corners. Then if corners returns a selection rectangle, it PUTs the information stored in box into the rectangle, scaling it to fit. If no rectangle was selected, it PUTs the information on the screen, unscaled, where the cursor is when corners is exited. This position is the top left corner of the pasted picture. A modified form of putit is used to restore screen information when a dialog window is closed. Note that Basic itself does not even do this when system windows overlap!

Menu1 offers the options to start a new picture, Open a picture stored to disk, Save a picture to disk, Print a picture, and get information about the program. About opens a second window, storing the information behind it as described above, loads a picture called “About ” into the window, and waits for the OK button to be clicked. It then closes the window and restores the background. New is an alternate entry point for the clearscreen subroutine.

Open presents a dialog box that displays only those files generated by this program. The files are sequential text files of Type MIKE. After the file is selected, the window is closed and the background restored. The selected file is read into the variable ‘image$’ and the PICTURE statement puts the picture on the screen in the same place and size as it was when it was saved.

Save first waits for the user to select the portion to be saved, using getit as described above. PICTURE ON then causes any screen action to be placed in a buffer in memory. A screen PUT then places the data selected into the buffer and PICTURE OFF ends the record mode. The routine then displays a dialog box requesting the name of the file to which the picture will be saved. After Save is clicked, the window is closed, the background data restored, and the picture printed to disk. The file is then closed and the Type changed to MIKE.

Printit works very much as does Save, with the following exceptions: It prints the entire screen rather than a selected portion, and it sends the picture to the Imagewriter rather than to a disk file. By use of “LPT1:Prompt” rather than the more often used “LPT:” the program allows for selection of tall or tide orientation of the paper, normal or high quality printing, and (if you have the new Imagewriter driver file), 50 percent reduction.

More elements may be added to the program if you want to do so. A few of these are irregular shaped pens (such as | or --), filled areas, patterns for areas and lines, and polygons. I leave this as an exercise for you should you be so inclined.


The Macpaint Simulator requires that the picture file “About ” be on the same disk as the program. If the program were being copied from one machine to antother or being transmitted over a modem, this would be no problem. But, how do you get it to another person via the printed media, such as Mactutor ? This problem proved to be almost as interesting as writing the program itself. The answer became obvious when I realized that the picture file is a sequential text file. I wrote a program (Read Picture) that read the file in one byte at a time, translated the bytes to their ASCII code, and wrote the ASCII as DATA statements to a file called Datafile. Once I had the DATA statements on file, I wrote a short program that translates them back into characters and writes them to a disk file called “About ” I then renamed the program “Make Picture.” Both listings are provided here. You need to type in and run Write Picture before running Paint Simulator. Read Picture is provided so that if you need to send a picture file to someone by this means you will have the tools to do so. The programs are provided in their basic forms, designed only to translate “About ” If you plan to use them often, you will probably want to modify them to prompt you for the names of the respective files.

GOSUB init

    IF shape <> 7 THEN textflag = 0
    menu0 = MENU (0)
    WHILE menu0 = 0
        menu0= MENU (0)
        dummy = MOUSE (0):GOSUB cursorposition
        PENMODE 10
        PENSIZE size,size
        ON shape GOSUB free,box,roundbox,oval, straightline,dummy,text
    ON menu0 GOSUB menu1,menu2,menu3, menu4,menu5,menu6,menu7

    IF MOUSE(0) > -1 THEN RETURN start
    WHILE MOUSE (0) < 0
        GOSUB getpoints
        FRAMERECT VARPTR(rect(0))
        FRAMERECT VARPTR(rect(0))
    FRAMERECT VARPTR (rect(0))

    IF MOUSE(0) > -1 THEN RETURN start
    WHILE MOUSE (0) < 0
        GOSUB getpoints
        FRAMEROUNDRECT VARPTR (rect(0)),20,20
        FRAMEROUNDRECT VARPTR (rect(0)),20,20
    FRAMEROUNDRECT VARPTR (rect(0)), 20,20

    IF MOUSE(0) > -1 THEN RETURN start
    WHILE MOUSE (0) < 0
        GOSUB getpoints
         FRAMEOVAL VARPTR(rect(0))
        FRAMEOVAL VARPTR(rect(0))
    FRAMEOVAL VARPTR (rect(0))

    IF MOUSE (0) > -1 THEN RETURN start
    WHILE MOUSE (0) < 0
        hstart = MOUSE (3): vstart = MOUSE (4)
        hend = MOUSE (5): vend = MOUSE (6)
        MOVETO hstart,vstart
        LINETO hend,vend
        MOVETO hstart,vstart
        LINETO hend,vend
    MOVETO hstart,vstart
    LINETO hend,vend

    IF MOUSE (0) < 0 THEN textflag = -1
    IF textflag = 0 THEN RETURN start
    IF MOUSE (0) < 0 THEN leftmargin = MOUSE (3): MOVETO leftmargin, 
    TEXTSIZE txtsize
    text$= INKEY$
    PRINT text$;
    IF text$ = CHR$(13) THEN PRINT PTAB (leftmargin);

    menu1 = MENU (1)
    ON menu1 GOSUB clearscreen,restorepic, savepic,printpic,dummy,about
    IF menu1 = 8 THEN MENU RESET:END
RETURN start

    menu2 = MENU (1)
    ON MENU2 GOSUB getit,getit,putit
RETURN start

    menu3 = MENU (1)
    ON menu3 GOSUB txtsize,dummy,eraser, clearscreen,dummy,instructions
RETURN start

    oldshape = shape
    shape = MENU (1)
    MENU 4,oldshape,1
    MENU 4,shape,2
RETURN start
    oldsize = size
    size = MENU (1)
    MENU 5,oldsize,1
    MENU 5,size,2
RETURN start

    oldfont = font
    font = MENU (1)-1
    MENU 6,oldfont+1,1
    MENU 6,font+1,2
    TEXTFONT font
    RETURN start
    check = MENU (1)
    IF check <>1 THEN check(check) = NOT check(check): MENU 7,check,ABS(check 
(check)) +1
    IF check = 1 THEN FOR i = 2 TO 8: MENU 7,i,1: check (i) = 0: NEXT: 
face = 0
    IF check <> 1 AND check (check) THEN MENU 7,1,1:check (1) = 1:face 
=  face +  2 ^ (check-2) ELSE face = face -  2^(check-2)
    IF face = 0 THEN MENU 7,1,2
    TEXTFACE face
RETURN start

    SETCURSOR VARPTR (cross(0))

    SETCURSOR VARPTR (textcursor(0))

    IF MOUSE (2) > 0 AND MOUSE (2) <= (bottom - top) AND MOUSE (1) > 
0 AND MOUSE (1) <= (right-left) THEN IF shape = 7 THEN GOSUB textcursor 
ELSE GOSUB crosscursor
    IF MOUSE (1) > (right-left) OR MOUSE (2) > (bottom-top)  THEN INITCURSOR

    WHILE MOUSE (0) = 0
        GOSUB cursorposition

    SETCURSOR VARPTR (eraser(0))
    WHILE MOUSE (0) = 0
        IF MOUSE (2) > 0 AND MOUSE (2) <= (bottom - top) AND MOUSE (1) 
> 0 AND MOUSE (1) <= (right-left) THEN erasecursor
        IF MOUSE (2) < 0 OR MOUSE (1) < 0 THEN INITCURSOR
        IF MOUSE (1) > (right-left) OR MOUSE (2) > (bottom-top)  THEN 

    GOSUB erasecursor
    PENSIZE 16,16
    PENMODE 11

    hstart = MOUSE (3): vstart = MOUSE (4)
    hend = MOUSE (5): vend = MOUSE (6)
    IF vstart > vend THEN SWAP vstart,vend
    IF hstart > hend THEN SWAP hstart,hend
    rect (0) = vstart:rect(2) = vend
    rect (1) = hstart:rect(3) = hend

    tempshape = shape
    shape = 0
    PENSIZE 1,1
    PENMODE 10
    GOSUB waitforpress
    WHILE MOUSE (0) < 0
        GOSUB getpoints
        FRAMERECT VARPTR(rect(0))
        FRAMERECT VARPTR(rect(0))
    shape = tempshape

    DIM box (4+ (((hend - hstart) + 1)* 2 * INT(((vend - vstart) + 16) 
/ 16)))
    GET (hstart,vstart)-(hend,vend),box

    ERASE box
    GOSUB corners
    IF (hstart = hend) OR (vstart = vend) THEN DIM box(1):RETURN
    GOSUB dimbox

    GOSUB corners
    IF (hstart<>hend) AND (vstart<>vend) THEN PUT (hstart,vstart) - (hend,vend), 
box, PSET: ELSE PUT (hstart,vstart), box, PSET

clearscreen:  CLS : RETURN

    GOSUB getit
    PUT (hstart,vstart),box,PSET
    ERASE box
    hstart = 53:vstart = 35:hend = 372:vend = 154
    GOSUB dimbox
    savedname$ = FILES$(0,"Name of Picture to Save")
    PUT (hstart,vstart),box
    IF savedname$ = "" THEN RETURN
    OPEN savedname$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1
    CLOSE #1
    NAME savedname$ AS savedname$,"MIKE"

    ERASE box
    hstart = 53:vstart = 35:hend = 416:vend = 186
    GOSUB dimbox
    getname$ = FILES$(1,"MIKE")
    PUT (hstart,vstart),box
    IF getname$ = "" THEN RETURN
    OPEN getname$ FOR INPUT AS #1
    image$ = INPUT$(LOF(1),1)
    CLOSE #1

    ERASE box
    hstart = 0: vstart = 0: hend = right - left: vend = bottom - top
    GOSUB dimbox
    PUT (0,0), box
    ERASE box
    hstart = 9:hend = 496:vstart = 1:vend = 160
    GOSUB dimbox
    OPEN "lpt1:prompt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
    PUT (hstart,vstart),box
    ON ERROR GOTO errorhandle
    CLOSE #1
    caughtit:  ON ERROR GOTO 0

        IF ERR = 52 THEN RESUME caughtit
    oldtextsize = txtsize
    ERASE box
    GOSUB dimbox
    WINDOW 2,"",(hstart + 11,vstart + 29) - (hend- 4,vend + 14),-2
    PRINT"Enter size of text (min 4, max 127)"
    EDIT FIELD 1,MID$ (STR$ (txtsize),2), (20,40) - (50,55),1
    BUTTON 1,1,"OK",(120,30)-(170,75)
    dialogactive = 0
    WHILE NOT (dialogactive = 1 OR dialogactive = 6)
        dialogactive = DIALOG (0)
        dummy = MOUSE (0)
        IF MOUSE (1) < 20 OR MOUSE (1) > 50 OR MOUSE (2) < 40 OR MOUSE 
        IF MOUSE (1) > 20 AND MOUSE (1) < 50 AND MOUSE (2) > 40 AND MOUSE 
(2) < 55 THEN SETCURSOR VARPTR(textcursor(0))
    txtsize = VAL(EDIT$(1))
    IF txtsize <4 OR txtsize >127 THEN GOSUB wrongsize
    PUT (hstart,vstart),box

    txtsize = oldtextsize
    WINDOW 3,"",(hstart + 21,vstart + 55) - (hend- 14, vend + 3 ),-2
    PRINT"The size must be between"
    PRINT"4 AND 127 points."
    BUTTON 1,1,"OK",(165,20)-(215,45)
    WHILE DIALOG (0) <> 1: WEND
RETURN returnhere

DIM cross(33),eraser(33),textcursor(33),box(1)
left = 3:top = 21:right = 507: bottom = 338
WINDOW 1,"",(left,top)-(right,bottom),3
MENU 1,0,1,"File"
MENU 1,1,1,"New Picture"
MENU 1,2,1,"Open Picture..."
MENU 1,3,1,"Save Picture..."
MENU 1,4,1,"Print Picture..."
MENU 1,5,0,"-"
MENU 1,6,1,"About Paint Simulator..."
MENU 1,7,0,"-"
MENU 1,8,1,"Quit"

MENU 2,0,1,"Edit"
MENU 2,1,1,"Copy
MENU 2,2,1,"Cut"
MENU 2,3,1,"Paste"

MENU 3,0,1,"Options"
MENU 3,1,1,"Text Size..."
MENU 3,2,0,"-"
MENU 3,3,1,"Erase"
MENU 3,4,1,"Clear Screen"
MENU 3,5,0,"-"
MENU 3,6,1,"Instructions..."

MENU 4,0,1,"Shape"
MENU 4,1,2,"Free form"
MENU 4,2,1,"Rectangle"
MENU 4,3,1,"Roundrect"
MENU 4,4,1,"Elipse"
MENU 4,5,1,"Straight Line"
MENU 4,6,0,"-"
MENU 4,7,1,"Text"

MENU 5,0,1,"Pen Size"
MENU 5,1,2,"1 by 1"
MENU 5,2,1,"2 by 2"
MENU 5,3,1,"3 by 3"
MENU 5,4,1,"4 by 4"
MENU 5,5,1,"5 by 5"
MENU 5,6,1,"6 by 6"

MENU 6,0,1,"Font"
MENU 6,1,1,"Chicago"
MENU 6,2,2,"Default"
MENU 6,3,1,"New York"
MENU 6,4,1,"Geneva"
MENU 6,5,1,"Monaco"
MENU 6,6,1,"Venice"
MENU 6,7,1,"London"
MENU 6,8,1,"Athens"
MENU 6,9,1,"San Fransisco"
MENU 6,10,1,"Toronto"

MENU 7,0,1,"Style"
MENU 7,1,2,"Plain"
MENU 7,2,1,"Bold"
MENU 7,3,1,"Italic"
MENU 7,4,1,"Underline"
MENU 7,5,1,"Outline"
MENU 7,6,1,"Shadow"
MENU 7,7,1,"Condensed"
MENU 7,8,1,"Extended"

GOSUB about

shape = 1
size = 1
face = 0
check = 1: check (1) = -1
font = 1
txtsize = 12

    FOR i= 0 TO 15
    NEXT i

    FOR i = 1 TO 14
        eraser(i) = &H8001
    NEXT I
    FOR i= 15 TO 31
     NEXT i

    textcursor(0) = 0
    textcursor(1) = 0
    textcursor(2) = &H630
    textcursor(3) = &H140
    FOR i = 4 TO 10
        textcursor (i) = &H80
    textcursor(11) = &H7F0
    textcursor(12) = &H80
    textcursor(13) = &H140
    textcursor(14) = &H630
    textcursor(15) = 0
    FOR i = 16 TO 31
        textcursor(i) = 0
    textcursor(32) = 11
    textcursor(33) = 8

    hstart = 0: vstart = 0: hend = right - left: vend = bottom - top
    GOSUB dimbox
    WIDTH 60
    BUTTON 1,1,"OK",(460,290)-(500,310)
    PRINT"To draw a picture using the mouse to draw your lines or shapes, 
    PRINT"the cursor to where you want to start drawing and press and 
hold the"
    PRINT"button down.  Now move the mouse to draw on the screen.  Drawing 
    PRINT"when you release the mouse button.  If you want to draw more 
than one"
    PRINT"continuous line or shape, move the cursor to where you want 
and press the"
    PRINT"button; change shape as desired from the shape menu.  Line 
widths can be"
    PRINT"changed from the size menu."
    PRINT:PRINT"To copy or cut a section of the screen, choose Cut or 
Copy from the Edit"
    PRINT"menu.  Place the cursor at a corner of the section you want 
to copy or cut and"
    PRINT"press the mouse button; while holding the button down, move 
the cursor."
    PRINT"A blinking box will outline the area you have selected.  When 
you have placed it where you want it,"
    PRINT"release the button."

    PRINT:PRINT"Click OK to continue."
    WHILE DIALOG (0) <> 1:WEND

    PRINT"To paste what you cut or copied, choose Paste from the Edit 
menu.  To"
    PRINT"paste it the same size as you cut or copied it, place the cursor 
    PRINT"you want the upper-left corner to be and click the mouse button. 
    PRINT"resize the picture, drag the rectangle as described in cut 
and copy, then"
    PRINT"release the button."
    PRINT:PRINT"Choose Erase from the options menu to erase portions 
of what you have"
    PRINT"drawn.  You may also clear the whole drawing window with the 
Clear Screen"
    PRINT"option, also in the Options menu."
    PRINT:PRINT"The file menu contains options to make a new picture, 
load an existing one"
    PRINT"from disk, save a picture or part of one to disk, or exit the 
program.  When"
    PRINT"you select Save Picture, use the cursor to select the portion 
to save, just as"
    PRINT"if you were copying it.  After you choose the portion to save, 
or after you"
    PRINT"choose Load Picture, you will get a dialog box to specify the 
name of the"
    PRINT"picture to be saved or loaded."
    PRINT:PRINT"Click OK to continue."

    WHILE DIALOG (0) <> 1:WEND
    PRINT"To enter text, choose Text from the Shape menu.  You may change 
the text"
    PRINT"font from the Font menu, the size of the text from the Options 
    PRINT"or the style from the Style menu.  The Style menu works the 
same as the"
    PRINT"Macwrite Style menu; you can toggle a text face on and off 
by clicking it."
    PRINT"Pressing return generates a carriage return using the selected 
left margin."
    PRINT:PRINT"Click OK to return to the menu."
    WHILE DIALOG (0) <> 1:WEND
    PUT (0,0),box

    ERASE box
    hstart = 89:vstart = 46: hend = 374: vend = 256
    GOSUB dimbox
    WINDOW 2,"",(100,75)-(370,270),-2
    getname$ = "About..."
    GOSUB info
    BUTTON 1,1,"OK",(110,150)-(150,175)
    WHILE DIALOG (0) <> 1 :WEND
    PUT (hstart,vstart),box

dummy: RETURN

' Read a Pict File saved as text
OPEN "about..." FOR INPUT AS #1
OPEN "datafile" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
    item$ = INPUT$(1,#1)
    counter = counter +1
    IF counter <> 1 THEN PRINT #2,",";
    IF counter <> 16 THEN PRINT#2,MID$(STR$(ASC(item$)),2);
    IF counter = 16 THEN counter = 0: PRINT#2, MID$(STR$(ASC(item$)),2):PRINT#2, 
"DATA ";

' Create a pict file from data statements
OPEN "about..." FOR OUTPUT AS #1
ON ERROR GOTO finished
    READ info
    PRINT #1, CHR$(info);
GOTO loop


DATA 9,34,0,0,0,0,1,61,1,248,17,1,1,0, 10,0
DATA 0,0,0,1,61,1,248,152,0,34,0,0,0, 0,0,196
DATA 1,13,0,0,0,0,0,196,1,13,0,0,0,0, 0,196
DATA 1,13,0,0,5,225,255,1,248,0,7,0,128,226 ,0,1
DATA 8,0,7,0,128,226,0,1,8,0,7,0,128, 226,0,1
DATA 8,0,7,0,128,226,0,1,8,0,7,0,128, 226,0,1
DATA 8,0,7,0,128,226,0,1,8,0,7,0,128, 226,0,1
DATA 8,0,7,0,128,226,0,1,15,224,7,0,128,226, 0,1
DATA 15,224,7,0,128,226,0,1,15,224,7,0,128, 226,0,1
DATA 15,224,7,0,128,226,0,1,15,224,7,0,128, 226,0,1
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DATA 15,224,7,0,128,226,0,1,15,224,28,0,128, 254,0,17
DATA 1,255,248,0,0,15,240,0,48,0,0,3,248,192, 0,0
DATA 3,128,247,0,1,15,224,30,0,128,254,0,19, 1,255,252
DATA 0,0,15,248,0,48,0,48,7,248,192,0,0,3, 128,1
DATA 128,249,0,1,15,224,29,0,128,253,0,5, 195,12,0,0
DATA 6,24,254,0,2,48,6,24,254,0,3,1,128,1, 128,249
DATA 0,1,15,224,29,0,128,253,0,5,195,12,0,0, 6,24
DATA 254,0,2,48,6,24,254,0,3,1,128,1,128,249 ,0,1
DATA 15,224,31,0,128,253,0,20,195,12,62,15, 198,24,248,115
DATA 248,120,6,1,207,255,28,225,135,195,195, 231,240,251,0,1
DATA 15,224,31,0,128,253,0,20,195,12,127,31, 198,25,252,115
DATA 252,120,6,1,207,255,156,225,143,227, 199,247,248,251,0,1
DATA 15,224,31,0,128,253,0,20,195,12,99,24, 199,249,140,49
DATA 140,48,7,240,198,49,140,97,140,97,134, 51,24,251,0,1
DATA 15,224,30,0,128,253,0,19,195,12,3,24,7, 240,12,49
DATA 140,48,3,248,198,49,140,97,128,97,134, 51,250,0,1,15
DATA 224,30,0,128,253,0,19,195,12,63,24,6,0, 252,49,140
DATA 48,0,24,198,49,140,97,135,225,134,51, 250,0,1,15,224
DATA 30,0,128,253,0,19,195,12,127,24,6,1,252, 49,140,48
DATA 0,24,198,49,140,97,143,225,134,51,250, 0,1,15,224,30
DATA 0,128,253,0,19,195,12,99,24,6,1,140,49, 140,48,0
DATA 24,198,49,140,97,140,97,134,51,250,0,1, 15,224,30,0
DATA 128,253,0,19,195,12,99,24,198,1,140,49, 140,48,6,24
DATA 198,49,140,97,140,97,134,51,250,0,1,15, 224,32,0,128
DATA 254,0,21,1,231,158,127,159,207,1,254, 123,222,60,7,249
DATA 239,123,207,243,207,241,231,247,128, 251,0,1,15,224,32,0
DATA 128,254,0,21,1,231,158,63,143,207,0, 254,123,222,28,7
DATA 241,239,123,199,243,199,240,227,231, 128,251,0,1,15,224,7
DATA 0,128,226,0,1,15,224,7,0,128,226,0,1,15, 224,7
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DATA 0,128,226,0,1,15,224,20,0,128,253,0,9, 124,0,4
DATA 2,102,0,0,56,96,3,240,0,1,15,224,19,0, 128,253
DATA 0,1,102,0,254,6,3,0,0,100,96,239,0,1,15, 224
DATA 23,0,128,253,0,12,102,102,7,14,102,99, 192,96,241,227
DATA 62,30,54,243,0,1,15,224,23,0,128,253,0, 8,102,102
DATA 7,158,102,198,96,112,99,254,51,0,56,243 ,0,1,15,224
DATA 23,0,128,253,0,8,124,102,5,246,103,134, 96,56,99,254
DATA 51,0,48,243,0,1,15,224,23,0,128,253,0, 12,102,102
DATA 4,230,103,7,224,28,99,243,51,63,48,243, 0,1,15,224
DATA 23,0,128,253,0,12,102,102,4,70,103,134, 0,12,99,3
DATA 51,48,48,243,0,1,15,224,23,0,128,253,0, 12,102,102
DATA 4,6,102,198,32,76,99,19,51,49,48,243,0, 1,15,224
DATA 23,0,128,253,0,12,124,62,4,6,102,99, 192,56,49,227
DATA 51,30,48,243,0,1,15,224,11,0,128,252,0, 0,6,232
DATA 0,1,15,224,11,0,128,252,0,0,70,232,0,1, 15,224
DATA 11,0,128,252,0,0,60,232,0,1,15,224,7,0, 128,226
DATA 0,1,15,224,7,0,128,226,0,1,15,224,7,0, 128,226
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DATA 0,1,15,224,7,0,128,226,0,1,15,224,7,0, 128,226
DATA 0,1,15,224,33,0,128,253,0,10,102,0,0,3, 0,0
DATA 3,240,31,128,30,253,0,0,48,254,0,4,6,15, 15,31
DATA 128,254,0,1,15,224,29,0,128,253,0,0, 102,251,0,3
DATA 96,1,128,51,253,0,7,48,3,15,192,14,25, 153,152,253
DATA 0,1,15,224,33,0,128,253,0,22,102,60, 108,227,30,62
DATA 0,192,1,128,51,51,31,51,28,120,7,12,0, 6,25,153
DATA 152,253,0,1,15,224,32,0,128,253,0,9, 102,102,113,147
DATA 51,51,1,224,1,128,253,51,8,50,48,3,12, 0,6,25
DATA 153,159,253,0,1,15,224,34,0,128,253,0, 10,102,102,97
DATA 195,51,51,0,48,3,0,63,254,51,9,56,48,3, 15,128
DATA 6,25,143,1,128,254,0,1,15,224,33,0,128, 253,0,9
DATA 102,126,96,227,51,51,0,48,6,0,253,51,9, 28,48,3
DATA 0,192,6,15,153,129,128,254,0,1,15,224, 33,0,128,253
DATA 0,9,102,96,96,115,51,51,0,48,6,0,253,51 ,9,14
DATA 48,3,0,192,6,1,153,129,128,254,0,1,15, 224,33,0
DATA 128,253,0,2,100,98,97,254,51,3,2,49, 134,0,253,51
DATA 9,38,48,3,0,192,6,3,25,145,128,254,0,1, 15,224
DATA 33,0,128,253,0,10,120,60,96,227,30,51, 1,225,134,0
DATA 51,254,31,8,28,24,3,8,204,6,14,15,15, 253,0,1
DATA 15,224,17,0,128,241,0,0,3,254,0,2,3,7, 140,249
DATA 0,1,15,224,15,0,128,241,0,0,35,252,0,0, 4,249
DATA 0,1,15,224,15,0,128,241,0,0,30,252,0,0, 8,249
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DATA 0,255,13


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