Jan 96 URLs
Volume Number: | | 12
Issue Number: | | 1
Column Tag: | | Uniform Resource Locators
Uniform Resource Locators 
By Jim Straus, URLs@mactech.com
Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.
Spare your fingers and find the list at
Or (for a limited time), send mail to:
MacTech-URLs@class.com and youll receive the latest list back.
Latest Updates
Internet Related
Consensus http://www.consensus.com/
Excite Netsearch http://www.excite.com/
Jon Pugh http://iw.cts.com/~jonpugh/software/Hypercard/URLs.sit.hqx
TopSoft (Internet Users Group) http://www.topsoft.org/
Other Programmer Resources
Club Macintosh de Québec http://www2.zone.ca/~cmq/
Everything Macintosh http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~xray/mac.html
Robert Lentz http://www.astro.nwu.edu/lentz/mac/
Programmers Challenge http://www.mactech.com/mail-list.html#prog-challenge
Vendors, Products and Miscellaneous
Cyclos http://www.cyclos.com
Entertaining Macintosh
see also http://www.princeton.edu/~pjcreath/macgames/
JYACC http://www.jyacc.com/
MacVonk http://www.ccinet.ab.ca/macvonk/
MacWay mailing list mailto: listproc@abs.apple.com
in the body of the message put: subscribe MACWAY your name
MacWorld http://www.macworld.com/
Play it Again Mac http://www.pht.com/macpages/name_me.html
Architext is a small company (started by six Stanford students) who have some interesting text indexing software. Their software tries to index based on concepts as well as keywords. To demonstrate their wares, theyve taken to indexing the World Wide Web and making their database available. Check them out and try searching for some concepts.
Excite Netsearch http://www.excite.com/
Jon Pugh has created a new bookmarking HyperCard stack. This free program can help you keep track of your URLs, especially if you end up with lots of them, as I do.
Jon Pugh http://iw.cts.com/~jonpugh/software/Hypercard/URLs.sit.hqx
For those of you who would like to read your Macintosh news in something besides English, I suggest the Club Macintosh de Québec. This site is a French-Canadian Macintosh users group, and they have nicely organized a lot of Macintosh information. A good source for those whose French is better than their English.
Club Macintosh de Québec http://www2.zone.ca/~cmq/
Heres another huge index of Macintosh resources. Nathan Raymond has put together quite an extensive list of information.
Everything Macintosh http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~xray/mac.html
Weve all known that Robert Lentz has a great site for Mac developers, but recently Ive been looking through some of his other pages. Hes done an equally outstanding job with lots of information of interest to anybody with any interest in the Mac. Its time to check him out again.
Robert Lentz http://www.astro.nwu.edu/lentz/mac/
Ive come across a couple of sites about gaming on the Macintosh. While we await the Pippin machine from Bandai Co. Ltd., you can see whats new in gaming on the Mac. Theres lots of information on both shareware/freeware and commercial games.
Entertaining Macintosh http://www.fen.bris.ac.uk/students/am4001/macgames/
see also http://www.princeton.edu/~pjcreath/macgames/
Play it again Mac http://www.pht.com/macpages/name_me.html
Guy Kawasaki has another mailing list hes running. This one is more evangelism than Semper Fi, but if youre trying to sell to the Macintosh community, it would be a good resource to track.
MacWay mailing list mailto: listproc@abs.apple.com
in the body of the message put: subscribe MACWAY your name
Finally, if youre interesting in the monthly Programmers Challenge, you can join our mailing list of discussion relating to the challenge. Our mailing list web page as a form to allow you to subscribe.
Programmers Challenge http://www.mactech.com/mail-list.html#prog-challenge
Neat non-Macintosh site of the Month
If you didnt know, people have been putting cameras around and posting the pictures on the Internet. Normally a camera is set up to take a new image periodically (every 5 minutes, for example) and the picture posted. Cameras have been set up overlooking a golf course in Hawaii, in an elementary school classroom, looking at a fish tank, and any number of people offices. For a fairly complete list, check out this page.
Cameras, Cameras, and More Cameras http://www.intertain.net/~cameras/
Well, thats it for this month. As always, if you find something interesting, or have updates, send them to URLs@MacTech.com
Thanks this month to Christopher Allen, Bill Goodman, Robert Lentz, Jon Pugh, Nathan Raymond, and many others for their contributions for their suggestions and pointers to new and old sites.