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Feb 19
[MD1] Version Master for Macintosh
18 February, 1997 -- Symmetry Software today released version 1.1 of Version Master for the Macintosh, the premier version tracking utility on the internet. Version Master is a client application which shows which software on a Macintosh is out-of-date and where on the internet users may find updates, patches, and upgrades. Version Master compiles a list of the software on a Mac and displays it in spreadsheet form. Users download the current version numbers and update locations from the Version Master server. The Version Master server currently tracks over 22,500 software titles localized in 45 regions of the world. Version Master keeps track of 680xx, PowerPC and FAT versions of software. It also tracks beta versions of software independently from release versions of the same software. Software is also categorized by "country code" so localized versions may be tracked. As an added bonus, users may indicate that they would like to receive e-mail notification whenever a newer...
Feb 19
[MD1] FileMaker Pro Server for NT
FILEMAKER PRO SERVER 3.0 FOR WINDOWS NT SHIPS Windows NT database speeds FileMaker performance up to sixty percent SANTA CLARA, Calif., - Feb. 19, 1997 - Claris Corporation announced the immediate availability of FileMaker Pro Server 3.0 for Windows NT, database software based on the company's popular FileMaker Pro 3.0 for Mac OS, Windows 95, Windows 3.1 and Windows NT that accelerates the performance of FileMaker Pro database files accessed by network users. Certified for Microsoft BackOffice compatibility, FileMaker Pro Server 3.0 for Windows NT is compliant with Microsoft's Windows NT Server requirements and supports FileMaker Pro 3.0 for Windows and Mac OS network users within small-to-medium size businesses and corporate workgroups within large organizations. On average, FileMaker Pro 3.0 Server for Windows NT performs 60% faster than peer-to-peer networking access of FileMaker Pro databases, according to Claris Corporation's benchmark testing. Continues Commitment of Claris to...
Feb 19
[MD1] Free CodeWarrior-plug-in Eiffel
From: (Joshua Dunfield) I have ported SmallEiffel to the Macintosh as a Metrowerks CodeWarrior plug-in. The compiler, a simple fractal example, and docs can be downloaded from: Beta version, use at your own risk, etc. The source code is available at the same URL. This is an unofficial port: the SmallEiffel authors were not involved. (From the README file:) * What are Eiffel and SmallEiffel? Eiffel is a clean, efficient object-oriented language. SmallEiffel is a free compiler for a subset (no garbage collection, no exceptions, no...) of Eiffel. As is typical of Eiffel compilers, it generates ANSI C code, not machine code. * Requirements Metrowerks CodeWarrior, preferably CW/10. The plug-in compiler is fat (both 68K and PPC code).
Feb 19
[MD1] Apprentice 6
Apprentice 6 is now available! And it is still the best and definitive CD-ROM collection of source code, utilities, and information for Mac programmers. It is invaluable for both the skilled software engineer and the novice weekend hacker. Weighing in at well over 600 megabytes, you'll find hundreds of high-quality and up-to-date source code examples. And all of the source code is either new or updated for this release! We've included some of the coolest new code, designed specifically to demonstrate the latest techniques, and all of the code is in C, C++, or Pascal, using CodeWarrior, Symantec, and MPW. You'll find complete working examples of full-blown applications, games, control panels, extensions, utilities, and much more. If you are new to programming, the included "frameworks" will help tremendously. These are complete program shells that take care of many of the tedious tasks associated with Mac programming, including menus, standard dialogs, file handling, and the like. Just...
Feb 17
[MD1] MacTech Japan Launch
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Neil Ticktin Publisher, MacTech Magazine Xplain Corporation Phone: 805-494-9797 Fax: 805-494-9798 Shinji Kobayashi Editor-in-Chief, MacTech Japan ASCII Corporation Phone: +81-3-5351-8165 Fax: +81-3-5351-8166 XPLAIN AND ASCII LAUNCH MACTECH JAPAN Westlake Village, CA and Tokyo, Japan -- February 17, 1997 -- Xplain Corporation, the publisher of MacTech Magazine, today announced that it is launching MacTech Japan with noted Japanese publisher, ASCII Corporation. Until today, Japanese MacOS developers have had to work twice as hard by using English based documentation. Not only did they have to battle the technical issues, but a language barrier as well. Now, MacTech Japan, a fully localized version of MacTech Magazine in the United States (MacTech US), solves that. Starting initially as a bi-monthly publication, MacTech Japan will not only include translated articles from MacTech US, but will also include...
Feb 16
[MD1] WebX for the MacOS
MacXperts Introduces WebX for the MacOS RICHMOND, Virginia -- February 13, 1997 -- MacXperts, Inc. today announced the release and immediate availability of WebX, a WebSTAR plug-in that enables you to connect a MacOS based web server to any Oracle7 database. "This is the only web-database tool that allows heuristic processing" said William Tyler, President and CEO of MacXperts, Inc. "This means when you send a query to the database, you don't simply get an HTML page returned, but that you can actually make secondary logic decisions based on the return from the query. You can't do that with other web-database solutions" continued Tyler. WebX generates dynamic HTML pages from Oracle stored procedures. Stored procedures retrieve and manipulate data from the Oracle database, format the data into HTML and return the pages to WebSTAR via the WebX plug-in. WebX offers the full power of PL/SQL to manipulate your data and the ability to gather/serve data locally or connect to a remote...
Feb 16
[MD1] Apple at InternetWorld
Attention Mac OS Developers! Be sure to visit Apple at the upcoming InternetWorld in Los Angeles, CA, March 12-14. This is your chance to see and learn about Apple's plans for publishing on the Internet. * Listen to Gil Amelio's keynote on March 12 from 1:15-2:00 * Attend one or more of the 75-minute workshops at Apple Developer Day on March 13 - Cool Server Tools - The Best Java Experience - Web Content Creation Tools for '97 - Developing With CyberDog, HotSauce, and Other Apple Internet Technologies * Visit Apple's interactive Internet publishing booth, #2034 - Internet Theater - Web site production studio - Multiple Apple and third-party stations representing key stages in publishing on the Internet/intranet * Relax in Apple's Internet Cafe (open to conference attendees) - Check your e-mails - Catch the latest Apple Internet technologies
Feb 16
[MD1] Apple Demos DVD Mac
Apple Computer Demonstrates First DVD-Enabled Macintosh at Milia 97 Company makes commitment to DVD, among the first computer makers to standardize on DVD-ROM; announces intent to establish DVD Web site Milia 97, Cannes France - February 12, 1997 - Apple Computer, Inc. (Cupertino, CA) today publicly demonstrated the first DVD-ROM Macintosh(R) prototype and announced support for the DVD-ROM format throughout most of the Apple Macintosh product line. DVD is a new industry standard for consumer electronics and computers that delivers vastly superior audio and video compared with current CD-ROM technology. As part of a MILIA presentation, Apple also noted that the first DVD-enabled Macintosh system could appear as soon as late 1997, with several new PowerBook(R) and desktop models expected to be shipping with DVD-ROM by early 1998. "Just as Apple was the first computer vendor to standardize on CD-ROM ten years ago, we now expect to take a leadership position with Macintosh and DVD-ROM,"...
Feb 16
[MD1] PRF - Resource files with unlimited resource count.
For those that interested there are a new release of the PRF-file system. It's under construction but I would like to share so I can get comments for improving it. Everyone that are interested should send me an e-mail and you will get the latest release. PRF-FILES --- RESOURCE FILES WITH UNLIMIT NUMBER OF RESOURCES I begin developing the PRF-file system as a part of an application. Since it might be useful for I have decided to make it public. Main festures: * 32-bit resource indexes and IDs * Unlimited number of resources * Quicker than ordinary resources * File cache system that enable shorter access time and make it able to open files that are larger then the free RAM memory * Free-of-charge to use New features: * Interfaces for Pascal and C (the later provisional) * ResType manipulation * File references, like the window's and control's reference * Transparent compression/decompression of resources * Files can be accessed by indexes, like CountTypes and GetIndType. Olle...
Feb 12
[MD1] Pict FM for FileMaker Pro 3.0
WEB BROADCASTING RELEASES WEB SERVER PICTURE ADD-ON FOR FILEMAKER PRO 3.0 FOR MAC OS PICT FM PERFORMS ON-THE-FLY IMAGE CONVERSION FOR FILEMAKER PRO 3.0 WEB SITES Palo Alto CA -- February 6, 1997 -- Web Broadcasting Corporation has announced the release of PICT FM 1.0, the first web server picture add-on product for Claris Corp.'s FileMaker(r) Pro 3.0v4 for Macintosh. PICT FM enables on-the-fly PICT to JPEG conversion of graphic images stored or referenced in FileMaker Pro 3.0 container fields. As a special purpose web server plug-in, image conversions are exceptionally fast. If a file reference to the source image rather than the image itself is stored in the container field, than PICT FM will convert the source image, if necessary, to the JPEG file format on-the-fly as it serves the image to the web browser. If the source image is already a GIF or JPEG file, than PICT FM does no conversion at all and will simply serve the source file as-is. BACKGROUND PICT FM was developed to solve...
Feb 12
[MD1] Web FM 3.0 for FileMaker Pro 3.0
WEB BROADCASTING CORP. SHIPS WEB FM 3.0 FOR FILEMAKER PRO 3.0 FOR MAC OS WEB SERVER PLUG-IN BRINGS INCREDIBLY FAST AND POWERFUL DATABASE PUBLISHING TO FILEMAKER PRO 3.0 POWERED WEB SITES Palo Alto, CA -- February 6, 1997 -- Web Broadcasting Corporation has announced the release of WEB FM 3.0. WEB FM 3.0 is a screaming fast, powerful, full-featured web server plug-in that links Claris Corp.'s FileMaker Pro 3.0 for Mac OS database application to the World Wide Web or a corporate Intranet. WEB FM enables FileMaker Pro 3.0 developers to quickly and easily build fast, dynamic, interactive, and reliable database solutions with a web browser interface. The 3.0 release of WEB FM replaces the previous CGI versions with support for Quarterdeck Corporations new WebSTAR API (W*API) plug-in standard. The W*API provides FileMaker Pro 3.0 customers with a faster and more efficient mechanism for linking their databases with Mac OS web servers. ACCELERATED PERFORMANCE MEASURED IN TICKS, NOT SECONDS!...
Feb 11
[MD1] Free Basic Compiler
Crimson Compilers are pleased to announce SC Basic, a new free Basic Compiler for the Macintosh platform. SC Basic is a complete development tool which produces compact 68K code and has a low memory and disk requirement. SC Basic may be downloaded from the Crimson Compilers home page at: Andy Drabble.
Feb 11
[MD1] Terran and Internet Video
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Terran Interactive and Iterated Systems Partner to Provide Superior Internet Video New York, NY, Equitable Building, February 10, 1996 --Terran Interactive (San Jose, CA), announced today that it will be bundling a version of Media Cleaner EZ that is optimized for usage with Iterated System's (Atlanta, GA) ClearVideo. Together the two products will demystify the traditionally complex task of compressing low bit rate video while providing superior image quality. This bundle will provide Webmasters an easy to use set of tools for publishing high-quality video for the Internet and Intranet. "We are entering the 'Era of Video,' but the complexities and barriers to entry are too great for the mass audience to be able to easily deliver high quality video over a network," said John Garrison, Iterated Systems' product manager. "The bundling of Terran's outstanding product with the power of ClearVideo to compress standard digital video down to extremely small file...
Feb 11
[MD1] Terran Supports RealMedia
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Terran Interactive Supports RealMedia Architecture New York, NY, Equitable Building, February 10, 1996 --Terran Interactive (San Jose, CA), announced today that it will extend its award-winning Movie Cleaner Pro to include support for the RealMedia Architecture (RMA). The RealMedia Architecture by Progressive Networks (Seattle, WA) is the first open multimedia streaming platform for the internet. Terran will first release RealMedia Cleaner Lite, a free demo version of Media Cleaner Pro 2.0 on February 10, 1997. Media Cleaner Pro 2.0 will be released April 7, 1997 at the NAB trade show in Las Vegas. Terran Interactive's tools will allow web authors to easily optimize and compress high-quality RealMedia movies for delivery over the Internet. "We are excited to have Terran support the Real Media Architecture. Terran's Movie Cleaner Pro has demonstrated itself as the best solution for compressing other video formats. With Terran's support, Web authors can now...
Feb 11
[MD1] MacHack Call for Papers
MacHack '97 Call For Papers: 2nd Call Beat the Valentine's Day Weekend Rush, Write for MacHack Did you know that MacHack papers form the cornerstone of the premiere Macintosh technical conference? Papers can cover a wide variety of cool topics. Anything from Adaptive Computing, the Business of Being a Mac Developer, and Game Programming, to Internet Development, Debugging PPC code, and figuring out spiffy NeXT OS hacks. Start 1997 off right by writing a paper for MacHack. Not only will you get accolades from your peers, but you will get free admission to the conference! MacHack will be held June 26th-28th in Dearborn Michigan. Send your idea or abstract to us at on or before February 15th, 1997. Visit our web-site at for more exciting information.
Feb 11
[MD1] Apple on state of Newton
Dear Newton Developers and Customers, Regrettably, there has been a great deal of misinformation in the newspapers of late regarding our Newton program. An uninformed outsider's view of the situation coupled with relentless doom-n-gloom reports in the popular media could lead one to believe Apple was in the process of "shutting-down" the Newton division. This is not the case. I want to take this opportunity to provide you with an update on our continued commitment to our products and to you, our developers and customers. We are committed to complete marketing and sales efforts to launch our two exciting products this quarter. Both of these products are in manufacturing ramp and are on target to ship later this quarter. And we continue to develop future products. On the marketing front, to support the shipment of the MP2000 and the eMate 300 we are participating in a number of events over the next couple of months including the following: * Demo '97 (Feb 10-12) * HIMMS -...
Feb 10
[MD1] Roizen to leave Apple
Roizen to leave Apple CUPERTINO, Calif.- February 10, 1997 - Apple Computer Inc. today announced that Heidi Roizen, 38, the company's vice president of Developer Relations, will be leaving the company on February 19, 1996. Roizen joined Apple one year ago (February 1996) with the stated intent "to get Apple back on track with the developer community," and in that time has successfully designed and implemented key programs that have strengthened Apple's position with software developers. "In her tenure at Apple, Heidi greatly improved Apple's developer relations activities-taking them from a nadir in 1996 to the much healthier, more open and interactive relationship we have today," said Guerrino de Luca, executive vice president Apple Marketing. "She implemented many new assistance programs. And most importantly, she brought a deeper understanding of the importance of the developer communitiy to Apple's management team. "While we will miss Heidi, the lessons she has taught the...
Feb 07
[MD1] Mac C and Pascal Guides for Free
ANNOUNCEMENT NOW AVAILABLE FREE ON THE INTERNET MACINTOSH C: A Hobbyist's Guide to Programming the Mac OS in C Version 1.1 MACINTOSH PASCAL: A Hobbyist's Guide to Programming the Mac OS in Pascal Initial Issue MACINTOSH C: A Hobbyist's Guide to Programming the Macintosh in C (Version 1.0) was first published on the Internet in March 1996. Since then, Version 1.0 has been completely revised and overhauled, the result being the new, improved Version 1.1, together with a small title change intended to accommodate Apple's recently-announced dual OS strategy. MACINTOSH PASCAL was developed in conjunction with Version 1.1 of MACINTOSH C. It is exactly the same as MACINTOSH C Version 1.1 except that, as you would expect, all the demonstration programs, code snippets, etc., are in Pascal rather than C. MACINTOSH C and MACINTOSH PASCAL both comprise: * An 809-page book, which is available for download in Microsoft Word and PDF formats. * A package of demonstration programs,...
Feb 07
[MD1] Apple Finalizes NeXT Acq.
Apple Computer, Inc. Finalizes Acquisition of NeXT Software Inc. Company Moves Forward with Operating System Strategy Incorporating NeXT Technology CUPERTINO, Calif.--Feb. 7, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced it has completed its acquisition of NeXT Software, Inc., after securing all necessary regulatory approvals. Apple announced on Dec. 20, 1996 its intention to purchase NeXT in a friendly acquisition for approximately $400 million. Steve Jobs, Chairman and CEO of NeXT Software, will serve as an advisor to Dr. Gilbert F. Amelio, Apple's Chairman and CEO. "The finalization of our acquisition of NeXT confirms our commitment to providing our customers and software developers with a solid OS strategy," said Dr. Gilbert F. Amelio, Chairman and CEO, Apple Computer Inc. "We embark upon Apple's third decade with renewed enthusiasm, and we look forward to working with our developers, customers, and industry colleagues to proliferate Apple's legacy of vision and technological...
Feb 06
[MD1] DynaMorph
DynaMorph (the Cross Platform Server Side Scripting Engine) continues to blaze new ground. With release 1.1 you will find: - Automatic periodic backup of the built-in database - The most powerful templating architecture on the market - A boatload of new commands for streamlining the process of site creation - Much improved set of examples Chat, Guestbooks, Hitcounting, Rotating Ads, OnLine Calendar, Form Processing and much much more - Extensive online manual with detailed tutorials on getting started as well as advanced topics including Advertisement management, Visitor tracking, and more All this with a Most Powerful Cross Platform scripting engine. Perfect for those who like their mac but need to deliver their sites to the Dark Side. Start enjoying site building for the Wild World Web ... Test Drive DynaMorph! Visit us now at Cheers, marc
Feb 06
[MD1] ObjectPlant Release
Version 1.2.3 of the Object Plant is now released. This version contains two bug fixes. One of the corrected bugs can cause ObjectPlant (version 1.2.2) to crash why I urge all of you using Object Plant to update to version 1.2.3 There is an updater (about 94k) available at: You must have version 1.2.2 to use this updater. Version 1.2.2 can be fetched from the web-site or any info-mac mirror. The Object Plant is a shareware Object Oriented Analysis and Design tool based on the Object Modeling Technique (OMT) notation. With the Object Plant you can create + Object Model diagrams + Event Trace diagrams + State diagrams Diagrams can be exported in PICT or EPS format. The information in the Object Models can be used for generation of C++ code. (Other languages can also be generated by modifying the code generation template files.) Requirements: System 7.1 or later 68020 or better 2 Mb free RAM More information about the Object Plant can be found at http...
Feb 06
[MD1] Runtime Analysis & Optimization
Professional C/C++/Java Developers: VisionSoft has recently developed a runtime analysis and optimization tool that will analyze the relative and actual execution performance of your Java and/or C/C++ applications. The C/C++/Java tool provides results as follows: For C/C++ by file, function, class, method, statement and if-clause True/False degrees of resolution. For Java by file, class/method, statement and if-clause True/False degrees of resolution. Once the analysis is performed the program can automatically or be directed to optimize your source structure to improve the C/C++ application performance dramatically. If you are interested in using this tool please send email to or visit our web site at and request an evaluation. For other tools that are currently released please visit our web site at regards, VisionSoft
Feb 06
[MD1] Amelio's Shareholder Mtg Speech
Dear Developers - Here is the text of Gil Amelio's Apple Shareholders' Meeting address. If you are interested in the direction and goals that Apple is setting, I recommend that you read it. Here are a couple of things that we'll call out to you: 1. There are new and impressive people in charge of marketing. 2. Rumor has it that the new PowerBook -- code named Hooper -- is really going to kick some butt. 3. Last quarter, the Mac OS (as opposed to Apple's hardware business alone) actually GREW 9% -- not shrank as the generic press would lead you to believe. Motorola, who sold 40,000 Mac OS units at Comdex, believes that these sales are new units, not something they are taking from Apple. I apologize for the length of this message -- but I thought it worthy. Neil Ticktin MacTech Magazine ========= Good morning. Members of the Board, Apple Executives, Fellow Shareholders, Fellow Employees. Welcome and thank you for coming. Our annual...
Feb 05
[MD1] NeoAccess used in NetObjects
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NeoLogic Technology Deployed in NetObjects Fusion NeoAccess Enables Highly Efficient Storage and Access of Objects in NetObjects Web Site Development Tool Berkeley, CA -- February 5, 1997 -- NeoLogic Systems Inc. announced today that its object database engine, NeoAccess, has been integrated as the database technology behind NetObjects' advanced web site construction product, NetObjects Fusion. Released in September, 1996, NetObjects Fusion allows developers to build professional quality, feature-rich web sites using a graphical user interface which virtually eliminates traditional HTML programming. "NeoAccess' small memory footprint and its ability to search rapidly through vast amounts of data, along with its well developed programming interface, was instrumental in the rapid development of NetObjects Fusion," said Martin Frid-Nielsen, vice president of engineering for NetObjects Inc. NetObjects Fusion has been designed to simplify the process of building web...
Feb 05
[MD1] Reference Manual for Chipmunk BASIC
From: (csaw) I have put together an html reference manual for Chipmunk Basic, which is a freeware interpreted Basic provided by Ronald Nicholson. He describes it as "an old-fashioned Basic interpreter", but he keeps adding features that are not very old-fashioned, like IAC, graphics extensions, object-oriented type and class definition, domain name resolution, and fast Fourier transform. Chipmunk Basic can be downloaded from Mr. Nicholson's Chipmunk Basic Home Page, The reference manual is also available there, but in a simplified form without enhanced navigation. I have posted the complete package to alt.source-code.mac. -Steve Wise
Feb 05
[MD1] WindowMenu
From: Joseph Strout ( I've added another little code module to my public collection... this one creates a "Windows" menu (you know, lists the open windows; pick one from the menu to bring it to the front). It's in C, and only requires a few calls to get the functionality (works fine from C++ too). Should work on any system or with any framework (or lack thereof). See: and click on "WindowMenu". Share and Enjoy, -- Joe P.S. The SimpleVector class has been much improved, thanks to some great feedback from Jesse Jones ( Available at same URL.
Feb 05
[MD1] Updating ANSI C/C++ from CW/10 to CW/11
From: Ron Liechty ( CodeWarriors, With CW/11 Metrowerks has changed the default ANSI C and C++ Libraries from a version licensed from Plum-Hall to Metrowerks owned libraries. These Libraries all source codes as well as projects you can modify to build custom libraries are located in the Metrowerks Standard Library folder, and are referred to as MSL C and MSL C++. We are still providing (and will continue to provide for some time) the older versions of the ANSI C and C++ libraries. These are located on the CodeWarrior Tools CD in the Metrowerks CodeWarrior : ( Obsolete ANSI Libraries) folder. Providing our own libraries allows us to ship the source code so users that want to build their own custom libraries or fine tune the provided code may do so. Furthermore, the Proposed ANSI/ISO Standard for C++ is now in the final stages and this new MSL C++ Library is more compliant than the previous Plum Hall version. If you are updating older projects moving to these...
Feb 04
[MD1] Roaster Licenses ObjectSpace's Java Generic Library
Press Contacts: ObjectSpace, Inc. Joel Zeff (214) 823-8242 eMail: Roaster Technologies Judith Steinbaum 617-876-7680 x1818 eMail: Roaster Technologies Licenses ObjectSpace's Java Generic Library Cambridge, Massachusetts (February 4, 1997) Roaster Technologies, a pioneer provider of tools for Java developers, and ObjectSpace, Inc., a leading provider of object-oriented technology, today announced a strategic licensing agreement. ObjectSpace's Java Generic Library (JGL) will be included with Roaster Technologies' eagerly awaited "Roaster Release 3" development environment for Java. "We are very excited about the Java Generic Library being included with Roaster," said Graham Glass, Director of Advanced Research for ObjectSpace. "The cutting-edge productivity benefits that Roaster brings to Java programmers will mean that our class libraries will be used to their fullest." JGL provides developers with over 11 data structures and 75 generic...
Feb 04
[MD1] WebSonar for the Net
Contact: Philip Van Cleave Virginia Systems, Inc. (804) 739-3200/FAX: (804) 739-8376 Email: WebSonar Powerful New Text Retrieval System for the Internet February 5, 1997, Midlothian, Virginia. Virginia Systems announced WebSonar, a new addition to their text retrieval product line. WebSonar allows users to publish information quickly and easily on either the Internet or an intranet, without having to convert their files into an HTML format. Based on Virginia Systems' Sonar Professional search engine, WebSonar can search over 12,000 pages per second, displaying the full content and exact page numbers of all found documents. Searching can be performed by any computer running a browser. WebSonar's features include: * Boolean, proximity, wild card, synonym, and phonetic searching. Synonym searching allows the user to search for all related information through WebSonar's built-in thesaurus. Phonetic searching allows searches to be performed by sound, if the user...
Feb 04
[MD1] Apple to ship eMate and MP 2000
Apple Intends to Ship eMate 300 and MessagePad 2000 this Quarter CUPERTINO, Calif.--Feb. 3, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. intends to ship the Apple eMate 300 and MessagePad 2000 Newton-based mobile computers this quarter as previously announced. The products are expected to be in the market next month. Both products, based on the Newton operating system, have received positive reviews from potential customers and media. The MessagePad 2000 is a handheld mobile computer for the business professional and provides desktop connectivity to both Windows and Macintosh computers. Core applications ranging from e-mail and web access to personal productivity are all built in. The MessagePad 2000, which weighs 1. 4 pounds, features the 160 MHz StrongARM processor which makes it one of the fastest handheld computers on the market. It is so power thrifty that four AA batteries can provide three to six weeks of typical usage. The eMate 300 is a low-cost mobile computer which features multi-platform...
Feb 04
[MD1] Apple Announces Reorg
Apple's New Structure Brings Sharp Focus on Key Businesses Apple Computer, Inc. today implemented a streamlined organizational structure that consolidates the Company's product development, marketing, sales, support, and operations efforts into groups sharply focused on Apple's strategy. With this organization, Apple is focusing research and development on products that are central to its key businesses, sales teams to its market strengths. It is also integrating Apple's and NeXT's development resources, to execute its OS strategy. "We are reshaping our product development, sales, and marketing efforts into simpler, leaner teams that can quickly bring exceptional products to market--and then aggressively market them to customers in our key markets" said Dr. Gilbert Amelio, Apple's Chairman and CEO. "The organization and team we're announcing today represent the right people, in the right places, to bring Apple back to its basics and return us to profitability by the end of the fiscal...
Jan 31
[MD1] Rhapsody Core OS Announcement
Dear Developers, As you know, we recently announced our intention to acquire NeXT Software, Inc. and deliver a new operating system based on NeXT and Apple technology code-named Rhapsody. At Macworld San Francisco, we shared our high level strategy and goals for this operating system. We want to share as much information as possible when important decisions have been reached. At Macworld, we indicated that Rhapsody will be based on a robust operating system foundation that features full preemptive multitasking, memory protection and SMP and we committed to announce our choice for the core OS within a month. We have chosen to deliver these capabilities using the Mach kernel. Apple completed a thorough evaluation of several options. Each of the options had both technical and business strengths. Mach represents the best balance of technology, business fit and maximizes our ability to deliver on our stated goals for Rhapsody. We believe the Mach-based core provides Apple and...
Jan 30
[MD1] Absoft Pro Fortran
Absoft is pleased to announce Pro Fortran, a new Fortran toolset for Power Macintosh. Pro Fortran is a complete development toolset which includes: F90 compiler, upgraded VAX compatible F77, and Plum Hall validated C/C++ compilers. All compilers utilize a common development environment, tools and user interface (individual compiler interfaces are also included). Selected source file will automatically invoke the proper compiler, and linker will include proper libraries. All languages are link compatible and mixed language applications can easily be created. Absoft's primary focus remains on Fortran compilers. The new F90 compiler is the first available for Power Macintosh. The upgraded F77, designed for porting legacy workstation code to the desktop now includes LS F77 extensions. New compile and runtime options allow byte swapping for porting code to/from Intel. The C/C++ compilers are included for those wishing mixed language development in a single environment. Special upgrade...
Jan 27
[MD1] FORTRAN on CodeWarrior
Fortran Warriors, I have just released v1.3.3 which makes Mac F2C fully compatible with MSL and CW11. Users can get it at: Thanks for your patience Igor Igor Mikolic-Torreira (finger for PGP public keys)
Jan 27
[MD1] Motorola C/C++ compiler for Macintosh DR4 avaible
More info here: What's New in DR4.0 for Mac OS: expanded details of optimizer's control variables general porting tips to PPC optimizing tips for PPC code/mcc usage tips list of supported pragma's is included new EDG C++ front end: 3.32 bug fixes more aggressive optimizations memset(), atan(), atan2() now in libmoto new improved memcpy in libmoto ability to selectively turn off warnings pragma unused now supported compiler supports profile driven feedback which allows the compiler to use runtime information to automatically optimize your apps installation program for all Mac OS products SPM preference panel tracebacks for debugger now generated produces output compatible with the Metrowerks Profiler (-p)
Jan 27
[MD1] MPEG for QuickTime
Apple Introduces High-Quality MPEG Software for QuickTime New QuickTime Extension Allows Playback of Popular MPEG-1 and VideoCD on PowerPC Mac OS Systems Cupertino, Calif.--Jan. 24, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced immediate availability of its' QuickTime MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) extension, enabling full-screen, software-only playback of MPEG-1 and VideoCD audio/video files on PowerPC Mac OS computers. MPEG is a worldwide industry standard for compressing synchronized audio and video for post-production and entertainment. The MPEG extension is available immediately for use with QuickTime 2.5 and may be downloaded from the QuickTime website at: Through the MPEG extension, VHS-quality, full-screen video, and CD-quality audio are now available as a synchronized data type in the QuickTime architecture. Apple has long recognized MPEG as an important industry standard and has supported hardware MPEG-1 playback on Macintosh since 1994. With...
Jan 27
[MD1] ProjectorVCS DropIn
This is a posting to announce ProjectorVCS - a CW IDE dropin that let's you connect to a ProjectorDB and do all of your VCS stuff. I have set up a little web site for it that contains the current version and some info. the url is: Comments, as always, are solicited. This constitutes a verion 1, and as such, if you use it, please pay the shareware fee. Ongoing support will definately happen. I NEED this thing too! Thanks, Phil Smy
Jan 27
[MD1] Metrowerks Acquires Latitude
METROWERKS TO ACQUIRE LATITUDE PORTING TECHNOLOGY CodeWarrior(R) To Be Hosted On Sun Microsystems(R)' Solaris(TM)-based UNIX(R) Workstations AUSTIN, Texas--January 27, 1997--Metrowerks Inc. (NASDAQ: MTWKF, TSE/ME:MWK), one of the world's leading providers of software development tools, today announced that it had signed a letter of intention to acquire the principle assets of The Latitude Group, Inc., of Mountain View, Calif. Latitude's principle assets include a porting library which allows Mac(TM) OS applications to be ported to UNIX-hosted operating systems, including Sun Microsystems' Solaris 2.3+, Silicon Graphics(R)' IRIX(TM) 5.2+ and Hewlett-Packard(R)'s HP-UX(R) 9.03+. The Latitude porting libraries redirect Mac OS commands to the target operating system, with a UNIX library containing a portable implementation of the Mac OS API at its core. Metrowerks will also take over providing the Latitude porting technology to The Latitude Group, Inc.'s existing clients already under...
Jan 22
[MD1] Word Services SDK
The Word Services SDK 1.0.8 has been released and is available via the Web from: Word Services allows any application to link to a speller, grammar checker or other text service as if it is a built-in menu item. It is a public protocol - no license fee or non-disclosure is required to use it. Once a user has a service application, it may be shared among all their Word Services client applications, so the user needs only one dictionary. Also, the user can obtain services in various languages from several vendors and add them to each Word Services client application. It is used, for example, by Qualcomm's Eudora Pro to link to Working Software's Spellswell 7. The SDK includes the complete protocol specification, tutorial documents, and the source code to Writeswell Jr., a simple Word Services word processor. Also available from the Web page is the source to WSI NewsWatcher, a version of NewsWatcher that allows you to spellcheck your posts. The...
Jan 20
[MD1] OpenStep, VOODOO, Guide, Tenon & ETO
Due to high traffic on MacDev-1 and to conserve your mailbox space, the following releases have been combined in this message: * OpenStep Docs Available * VOODOO 1.8 integrates with CodeWarrior * Apple Guide Development Tool * Tenon's CodeBuilder * Apple Location Manager * Apple Releases ETO #22 Full text of each of these announcements is below. Each announcement stands on its own and doesn't indicate any relation between companies or products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenStep Docs Available From: Jordan Dea-Mattson Apple Dev Tools Evangelism Folks, NeXT has started to make their programmer documentation available on the web for downloading. Currently, they have the following documents online (with more to come shortly0: Discovering OPENSTEP: A Developer Tutorial Object-Oriented Programming and the Objective-C Language Foundation Reference WebObjects Library...
Jan 20
[MD1] Parts, C100, MW/NEC, Willows, Obj Master
Due to high traffic on MacDev-1 and to conserve your mailbox space, the following releases have been combined in this message: * Part Bundles Avail Online * C100 Integrators * Metrowerks Signs Embedded Agreement with NEC * Willows RT for Embedded Systems * Altura acquires Object Master Full text of each of these announcements is below. Each announcement stands on its own and doesn't indicate any relation between companies or products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Bundles Avail Online January 14, 1997 In an effort to deliver a set of starter parts to end-users, six Component 100 members have agreed to bundle their products and have successfully deployed the bundles for sale on the Internet. Hutchings Software, Kantara Development, Corda Technologies, MetaMind Software, Eclipse Services, and SoftLinc are participating in the initial bundles. Users can purchase a mega-bundle, including Rapid-I(TM) Button, Kantara...
Jan 20
[MD1] BeyondRealms, Purity, 4D & Web, Blyth
Due to high traffic on MacDev-1 and to conserve your mailbox space, the following releases have been combined in this message: * Pacific Coast's BeyondRealms * Purity Previews BeOS Web Server * Purity's WebSentinel * Web Server 4D 1.0.6 * NetLink/4D 2.0 * Blyth Releases Omins Web RAD * Blyth Offers 4D Customers Easy Migration to Omnis Web RAD Full text of each of these announcements is below. Each announcement stands on its own and doesn't indicate any relation between companies or products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pacific Coast's BeyondRealms BEYONDREALMS' PROVIDES PAGE LEVEL PASSWORD PROTECTION, DYNAMIC HTML SECURITY AND CACHING FOR WEB SERVERS Pacific Coast Software introduces a new product that improves the performance and functionality of any Macintosh or Windows Web server SAN DIEGO, CALIF. (January 7, 1997) - Pacific Coast Software introduces a new product to their catalog of utilities for...
Jan 20
[MD1] SoundMaker, PowerFantasm, PowerTap, Seapine
Due to high traffic on MacDev-1 and to conserve your mailbox space, the following releases have been combined in this message: * Allegiant publishes SoundMaker * PowerFantasm Upgrade * PowerTap * Seapine Announces TestTrack 1.5 for Mac, W95 and NT * Seapine Software and Datacraft Announce TestTrack/4D * Seapine Software Introduces Solo Bug for Mac and Windows Full text of each of these announcements is below. Each announcement stands on its own and doesn't indicate any relation between companies or products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Allegiant publishes SoundMaker Allegiant Technologies, Inc. 9740 Scranton Road, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel.: 619/587-0500 Fax.: 619/587-1314 Internet: Press Contacts: Kathy Episcopo, Public Relations Manager ext. 127 ALLEGIANT TO PUBLISH SOUNDMAKER Innovative sound-editing software from Micromat to complement Allegiant's award-winning line of...
Jan 16
[MD1] DayStar's 12,000 MHz Mac
DAYSTAR INTROS ANOTHER MAC FIRST! MEDIA PROCESSING NETWORKED CLUSTERS Using DayStar nPOWER Technology Demonstrates nPOWER on 12,000 MHz Genesis MP system cluster Macworld San Francisco, Booth 2407 - January 7, 1997 -- Today, DayStar Digital, Inc., unveiled the next step for nPOWER the technology that has brought new levels of processing capability to media publishing professionals. Media publishing has gone digital, and professional processing of 3D animation, video effects and final encoding outstrips current multiprocessor systems. But, by combining these systems into clusters, processing power is concentrated to solve the most challenging problems, quickly and affordably. DayStar is demonstrating the first implementation of this technology at Macworld San Francisco. Combining 16 quad processor systems for a total of 12,000 MHz of performance, nPOWER solves one of the most time consuming media tasks currently Cinepak compression (encoding). DayStar originally brought new...
Jan 16
[MD1] NeTProfessional
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NeTProfessional - Macintosh Solutions for the Internet. New Macintosh-specific magazine for network and web professionals launches January 6 Contact: Jim Capparell, Publisher, 415-957-1911 ext 11 ( Raines Cohen, Editor, 415-957-1911 ext 36 ( 612 Howard Street, 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 NeTProfessional: Macintosh Solutions for the Internet debuts at Mactivity and Macworld Expo with 36 -page sneak preview; the full magazine premieres in March on a bi-monthly schedule and will offer full coverage of the Internet from a Macintosh perspective. Editor Raines Cohen says "NeTProfessional is about the Net, not just the Web, so in addition to regular Web coverage such as site design, maintenance, commerce and security, we will also look at intranets, e-mail solutions, news mailing lists, and the Mac Internet community as a whole." Cohen has seventeen years of experience in the Apple User Group community and spent...
Jan 16
[MD1] NI Spins Off Roaster Product Division
Contact: Judith Steinbaum 617-876-7680 x1818 Natural Intelligence Announces Spin Off of Roaster Product Division. January 6, 1997. Natural Intelligence, Inc. today issued the first of several new year announcements which reveal the new directions projected by this energetic technology company. The company will spin off its Roaster Products Division to "Roaster Technologies," a newly formed company specializing in Java Development Tools. For Natural Intelligence, this announcement officially begins the celebration of the company's upcoming 10 Year Anniversary, and is the first step of the 'New Year Resolutions' which will articulate the company's business strategies. "This is an exciting transition for all of us," said Joshua Wachs, President and CEO of Natural Intelligence. "This new arrangement liberates each company to continue to evolve and maintain its 'natural' focus. All of the Natural Intelligence energy will now be focused on our Consulting and Training...
Jan 16
[MD1] Phantom 2.0
For Immediate Release Maxum Development Announces Phantom 2.0, the Next Generation of Web Crawling for Macintosh Macworld, San Francisco, CA, January 7, 1997 -- Maxum Development Corp. today announced Phantom 2.0, a major upgrade to the currently released version, Phantom 1.1. Phantom 2.0 brings second generation Web crawling to Macintosh Webmasters and is still the only commercially available crawler/search engine for the Mac OS. As the Internet continues to expand, Web search and retrieval tools are becoming essential in making information not only available but accessible. Monolithic search engines such as Yahoo offer important services, but in many cases only add to the information overload. Phantom enables Webmasters to build targeted search and retrieval capabilities into their Web sites. It is perfect for organizations with multiple (even hundreds) of Web servers, allowing the Webmaster to make the entire site searchable from a single entry point. Phantom is also ideal for...
Jan 16
[MD1] Apple Club
Apple Enters Internet Commerce Market Web-based Club Offers One-stop Access for Software Updates MACWORLD/EXPO, SAN FRANCISCO--Jan. 7, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc., today announced it is entering the Internet commerce market with a new, web-based subscription service called Apple Club. The service, which will be initially available in the U.S., reaches out to Apple customers, developers, and service providers with high speed access to Apple software updates, newsletters, and services for the easiest, fastest, most convenient way to keep Macintosh systems up-to-date. "The Apple Club is phase one of our Internet commerce strategy for Apple solutions and services," said Mike Dionne, senior vice president and general manager of AppleAssist. "With the popularity of Internet services compounding daily, we have created easy to use 'diamond lane service' to deliver features that are valuable to our customers." Priced at U.S. $19.95 per year, the Club offers customers a full-service software...
Jan 16
[MD1] ICONIX ObjectModeler NextStep/Intel
ICONIX announces availability of ObjectModeler for NextStep/Intel ICONIX Software Engineering, Inc. ( is pleased to announce the immediate availability of all 10 ICONIX PowerTools modules, including ObjectModeler, the leading Macintosh OOA/OOD tool, for the NextStep operating system on the Intel platform. "ICONIX has been building development tools for the Macintosh since 1984, with a strong focus on object-oriented analysis and design since about 1990," stated company President Doug Rosenberg. "We think that ObjectModeler's advanced O-O modeling capabilities are a perfect match for NeXT's state-of-the-art Object-Oriented development environment. In particular, we believe ObjectModeler's support for OMT Class Modeling and Use Case driven modeling (Jacobson's Objectory) provides an excellent front-end for developing with the NeXT Enterprise Object Framework, Interface Builder, and, of course, WebObjects. We expect a significant number of new developers to begin...
Jan 16
[MD1] Lasso 2.0
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 6, 1997 Media Contact: Bill Doerrfeld, President Blue World Communications, Inc. (206) 313-1051, Lasso 2.0 Java-Enables FileMaker Pro Contains Built-in Web Server MACWORLD, SAN FRANCISCO, CA - January 6, 1997 - Blue World Communications, Inc. will demonstrate ground breaking features to be part of the next major upgrade to its popular Lasso program. Lasso Web-enables Claris Corporation FileMaker Pro databases, providing a powerful all-in-one dynamic Web data publishing solution. Java-Enabling FileMaker Pro Lasso 2.0 will allow Java applets and applications to access FileMaker Pro databases from anywhere on the internet. Java applets and applications will be able to search FileMaker Pro databases, and add, update, and delete records. Lasso 2.0 will ship with a set of Java classes that will allow developers to create their own applets and applications. Lasso 2.0 will also ship with a set of "canned" applets that non-programmers will be...

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Top Mobile Game Discounts
Every day, we pick out a curated list of the best mobile discounts on the App Store and post them here. This list won't be comprehensive, but it every game on it is recommended. Feel free to check out the coverage we did on them in the links... | Read more »
Price of Glory unleashes its 1.4 Alpha u...
As much as we all probably dislike Maths as a subject, we do have to hand it to geometry for giving us the good old Hexgrid, home of some of the best strategy games. One such example, Price of Glory, has dropped its 1.4 Alpha update, stocked full... | Read more »
The SLC 2025 kicks off this month to cro...
Ever since the Solo Leveling: Arise Championship 2025 was announced, I have been looking forward to it. The promotional clip they released a month or two back showed crowds going absolutely nuts for the previous competitions, so imagine the... | Read more »
Dive into some early Magicpunk fun as Cr...
Excellent news for fans of steampunk and magic; the Precursor Test for Magicpunk MMORPG Crystal of Atlan opens today. This rather fancy way of saying beta test will remain open until March 5th and is available for PC - boo - and Android devices -... | Read more »
Prepare to get your mind melted as Evang...
If you are a fan of sci-fi shooters and incredibly weird, mind-bending anime series, then you are in for a treat, as Goddess of Victory: Nikke is gearing up for its second collaboration with Evangelion. We were also treated to an upcoming... | Read more »
Square Enix gives with one hand and slap...
We have something of a mixed bag coming over from Square Enix HQ today. Two of their mobile games are revelling in life with new events keeping them alive, whilst another has been thrown onto the ever-growing discard pile Square is building. I... | Read more »
Let the world burn as you have some fest...
It is time to leave the world burning once again as you take a much-needed break from that whole “hero” lark and enjoy some celebrations in Genshin Impact. Version 5.4, Moonlight Amidst Dreams, will see you in Inazuma to attend the Mikawa Flower... | Read more »
Full Moon Over the Abyssal Sea lands on...
Aether Gazer has announced its latest major update, and it is one of the loveliest event names I have ever heard. Full Moon Over the Abyssal Sea is an amazing name, and it comes loaded with two side stories, a new S-grade Modifier, and some fancy... | Read more »
Open your own eatery for all the forest...
Very important question; when you read the title Zoo Restaurant, do you also immediately think of running a restaurant in which you cook Zoo animals as the course? I will just assume yes. Anyway, come June 23rd we will all be able to start up our... | Read more »
Crystal of Atlan opens registration for...
Nuverse was prominently featured in the last month for all the wrong reasons with the USA TikTok debacle, but now it is putting all that behind it and preparing for the Crystal of Atlan beta test. Taking place between February 18th and March 5th,... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

AT&T is offering a 65% discount on the ne...
AT&T is offering the new iPhone 16e for up to 65% off their monthly finance fee with 36-months of service. No trade-in is required. Discount is applied via monthly bill credits over the 36 month... Read more
Use this code to get a free iPhone 13 at Visi...
For a limited time, use code SWEETDEAL to get a free 128GB iPhone 13 Visible, Verizon’s low-cost wireless cell service, Visible. Deal is valid when you purchase the Visible+ annual plan. Free... Read more
M4 Mac minis on sale for $50-$80 off MSRP at...
B&H Photo has M4 Mac minis in stock and on sale right now for $50 to $80 off Apple’s MSRP, each including free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – M4 Mac mini (16GB/256GB): $549, $50 off... Read more
Buy an iPhone 16 at Boost Mobile and get one...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering one year of free Unlimited service with the purchase of any iPhone 16. Purchase the iPhone at standard MSRP, and then choose... Read more
Get an iPhone 15 for only $299 at Boost Mobil...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering the 128GB iPhone 15 for $299.99 including service with their Unlimited Premium plan (50GB of premium data, $60/month), or $20... Read more
Unreal Mobile is offering $100 off any new iP...
Unreal Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering a $100 discount on any new iPhone with service. This includes new iPhone 16 models as well as iPhone 15, 14, 13, and SE... Read more
Apple drops prices on clearance iPhone 14 mod...
With today’s introduction of the new iPhone 16e, Apple has discontinued the iPhone 14, 14 Pro, and SE. In response, Apple has dropped prices on unlocked, Certified Refurbished, iPhone 14 models to a... Read more
B&H has 16-inch M4 Max MacBook Pros on sa...
B&H Photo is offering a $360-$410 discount on new 16-inch MacBook Pros with M4 Max CPUs right now. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 16″ M4 Max MacBook Pro (36GB/1TB/... Read more
Amazon is offering a $100 discount on the M4...
Amazon has the M4 Pro Mac mini discounted $100 off MSRP right now. Shipping is free. Their price is the lowest currently available for this popular mini: – Mac mini M4 Pro (24GB/512GB): $1299, $100... Read more
B&H continues to offer $150-$220 discount...
B&H Photo has 14-inch M4 MacBook Pros on sale for $150-$220 off MSRP. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 14″ M4 MacBook Pro (16GB/512GB): $1449, $150 off MSRP – 14″ M4... Read more

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