[MD1] Apple at InternetWorld
Attention Mac OS Developers! Be sure to visit Apple at the upcoming
InternetWorld in Los Angeles, CA, March 12-14. This is your chance to see
and learn about Apple's plans for publishing on the Internet.
* Listen to Gil Amelio's keynote on March 12 from 1:15-2:00
* Attend one or more of the 75-minute workshops at
Apple Developer Day on March 13
- Cool Server Tools
- The Best Java Experience
- Web Content Creation Tools for '97
- Developing With CyberDog, HotSauce, and Other Apple Internet Technologies
* Visit Apple's interactive Internet publishing booth, #2034
- Internet Theater
- Web site production studio
- Multiple Apple and third-party stations representing key stages
in publishing on the Internet/intranet
* Relax in Apple's Internet Cafe (open to conference attendees)
- Check your e-mails
- Catch the latest Apple Internet technologies