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Mar 13
MacHack 2003: Sessions, Papers Announced
MacHack 2003: Sessions, Papers Announced MacHack: By Developers, For Developers March 13, 2003-Dearborn, MI- After toiling away for months, the MacHack content committees are ready to unveil the fruits of their labors. Numerous technical sessions are ready to be revealed and more will be added as the conference draws near. Openings for speakers are still available, so don't hesitate to check the conference website for details on how to participate. The technical sessions are numerous and varied. A preliminary list includes such topics as: Bash Metrowerks Birds of a Feather: Contracting Birds of a Feather: Selling Shareware BSD Security on Mac OS X C++ for Yoots! Codewarrior Do's and Don'ts of Shareware Everything You Wanted To Know About PDF, But Were Afraid To Ask eXtreme Programming Hacking the Press Hacking Objective-C Patching with Unsanity Application Enhancer Performance Analysis Porting Applications PowerPlant X ROBOLAB: LEGO Mindstorms for Schools (and...
Mar 13
Casady & Greene Releases Clone'X
Casady & Greene is pleased to announce the release of Clone'X, the tool that allows you to Clone, Restore and Copy your system to one or multiple computers. Clone'X, originally developed by TED in France, was the first System duplication and restore tool for Mac OS X. Clone'X supports Mac OS 10.x, as well as Mac OS 8.6-9.x. Casady & Greene has signed a distribution agreement with TED (TRI-EDRE DEVELOPMENTS), developers of software for the French market, to bring Clone'X and the soon-to-be-released Tri-CATALOG to the US and Canadian markets. Thierry Rolland, President of TED said, "We are very excited to have Clone'X distributed and supported by Casady & Greene, enhancing this powerful utility for the Mac community. As a Macintosh utility developer, we are proud to offer software products for the exciting Mac OS X operating system." A clone or copy of your system can restore a damaged or corrupted system. Clone'X is a must-have tool which can be used to: * Easily create and...
Mar 12
MonkeyBread Software REALbasic plug-in updated to version 3.1
Monkeybread Software Germany releases version 3.1 of their REALbasic Plugin Collection. A lot of new stuff is in the plugin showing a thousand new functions like compiling AppleScript code on the fly, compressing files using Stuffit, captureing images from digital cameras, adding global menus to the menu bar on Mac OS X or just encrypt data. This plugin adds around 4400 functions, methods and classes to REALbasic. Growed over the last two years this plugin covers this main features: * Encryption using RC4 and hashes using SHA1. * Support for Image Captureing (Scanner and digital cameras) * Stuffit classes. * Statusitems (menus near the clock on Mac OS X). * Information classes for the current Midi configuration. * Classes for DiscRecording on Mac OS X 10.2 * pdflib support in the Addon plugin named "Monkeybread Software Pro Plugin" * Support for the Dock Tile Menu * A Rendezvous network class for Mac OS X 10.2. * A KeyCodes class for converting ascii chars to key codes. *...
Mar 12
Arkeia Enhances Flagship Network Backup Solution
Arkeia Enhances Flagship Network Backup Solution; v5.1 Adds Convenient Functions for System Administrators; New Features Extend Leadership in Heterogeneous Network Coverage Business Editors/High-Tech Writers CARLSBAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 12, 2003--Arkeia Corp. today released a newly updated version of its award-winning enterprise backup solution that incorporates an assortment of innovative features for augmenting the program's inherently powerful heterogeneous network functions. Arkeia v5.1 includes expanded remote access capabilities, embedded supervision functions, and even broader heterogeneous support and compatibility with the latest tape drive technologies. "Version 5.1 consolidates Arkeia's position as the Linux market leader while confirming its position as providing the most extensive platform support among network backup products," Arkeia CEO Phil Roussel asserted. "We're not standing still here. A major part of the reason we are a leader in backup...
Mar 12
24U Simple Suite
Subject: [ANN] 24U released 24U Simple Suite Wednesday, March 12, 2003, 24U Software Introduces 24U Simple Suite, an integrated suite of FileMaker plug-ins, specifically designed to simplify development of complex database solutions based on FileMaker Pro, an industry-leading cross-platform database environment. "FileMaker, Inc. made database development simple with FileMaker Pro, and we make FileMaker development simple with our plug-ins," said Honza Koudelka, Quality Control Manager of 24U. "It is not only our goal to add new functionality to FileMaker Pro, but to make it easier to implement in the first place." 24U Simple Suite is a great new way of licensing 24U's FileMaker plug-ins. After paying a fairly low annual licensing fee, you will have the right to use all 24U's plug-ins in their most recent versions. This includes any upgrades and/or new plug-in releases. "We plan to release significant upgrades to all our plug-ins, as well as brand new products later this year, and in...
Mar 11
Extensis Announces Updates to Suitcase Server and Windows
Extensis Announces Updates to Suitcase Server and Suitcase for Windows Free updates offer additional access control for Server users Portland, Ore. - March 11, 2003 - Extensis today announced two free updates to the Suitcase Server product line, extending the capabilities of its workgroup font management solution. Suitcase 10.2.1 for Macintosh offers server administrators additional control for their workgroup users, including individual font license management. Additionally, a free update to the Windows version of Suitcase, available in April 2003, will allow users to administer Suitcase Server from a Windows PC. The new Suitcase Server allows administrators to control local font access on a per-user basis, manage font licenses, be alerted of potential license problems, and even administer fonts remotely. These controls can be used to prevent users from adding their own fonts to Suitcase, stopping unlicensed fonts from entering a workflow, and enabling the administrator to monitor...
Mar 11
Chartsmith v1.2 Now Shipping
Chartsmith v1.2 Now Shipping Chartsmith Adds Keynote Integration, Enhances Error Bars, Trends, and AppleScript Features Reston, Virginia - March 10, 2003 - Blacksmith, developers of enterprise-class custom and commercial software for Mac OS X and Web Objects, today announced the immediate availability of Chartsmith v1.2. This release of the popular charting and graphing application for Mac OS X provides enhancements for Business, Scientific, and AppleScript-built charts and graphs. Chartsmith v1.2 includes support for Apple's Keynote presentations, major enhancements to Error Bars, Trend Line equation annotations, and an expanded AppleScript interface. "Chartsmith v1.2 continues Blacksmith's tradition for giving users what they want, the way they want it," said Tony Rennier, President and CEO of Blacksmith. "With each new release we gain better insight to our users and their needs. User feedback for Chartsmith has been overwhelmingly positive. The rich interaction between our users...
Mar 10
TypeRecorder X for Macintosh OS X Released
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TypeRecorder X for Macintosh OS X Released PALM BEACH, FL - Mar. 10, 2003 -- Rampell Software, LLC has released TypeRecorder X for Macintosh, the first version of TypeRecorder to work with Apple's new OS X operating system. TypeRecorder X, like its Macintosh Classic cousin, records all keystrokes typed and applications used on a computer. An effective backup tool, TypeRecorder X is a must for users who do a lot of typing. TypeRecorder X automatically saves all work to a daily log file, which can be retrieved in the event of an application or computer crash---or if any sort of work is accidentally deleted or modified. Because TypeRecorder X records all keystrokes along with the applications they were typed in and the time they were typed, it is easy to reconstruct any lost work, or go back to an earlier draft of a document. Even if you forget to save, TypeRecorder will always be recording. TypeRecorder X also provides a comprehensive record of computer use, and...
Mar 10
Xtools 1.2: An Alternative X11 Desktop for Mac OS X
Xtools 1.2: An Alternative X11 Desktop for Mac OS X Supports Macintosh applications on a Rooted X11 Dedicated Screen Santa Barbara, CA, March 10, 2003. Tenon Intersystems is now shipping Xtools 1.2 a free update to their X Window Server for Mac OS X. The new Xtools 1.2 supports XFree86 4.2.1 and X11R6.6. Improvements have been made to on screen rendering, refresh and redraw operations, OpenGL and Motif, pseudocolor, visuals, support for antialias fonts, XDM, key mapping, secure shell handling and support for Jaguar. There is also improved compatibility for CDE, KDE, and Gnome desktops and for Fink X11 applications. In addition, the new Xtools now includes the ability to view Macintosh applications on the X Window desktop while running in full (dedicated) screen mode, something none of the X11 Mac OS X alternatives can do! Open source alternatives for X11, such as XDarwin and OrborOSX, are available for Mac OS X, and Apple recently announced an X11 beta, which may become bundled with...
Mar 10
QueueSocket 1.1
QUEUESOCKET 1.1 RELEASED 10 MARCH 2003 -- QueueSocket, the first complete open-source Socket solution for REALbasic developers, was updated to version 1.1 today from developer Drew Hamlin of Vizspring Software. QueueSocket is the first and only open-source solution made available to REALbasic developers to improve Internet and network communication using the Socket control. QueueSocket provides a simple introduction program as well as a complex, fully developed Network Tic-Tac-Toe game with accompanying source code and internet tracker application. QueueSocket was created based on the fundamental principal that all data can fit into a queue data type, which in turn can be converted into a string and sent across a local network or the Internet. Version 1.1 adds REALbasic 5.x compatibility and also extends compatibility back to REALbasic 3.x. Users upgrading to QueueSocket 1.1 from a previous version should note that the "In" queue has been renamed to "Incoming" QueueSocket is available...
Mar 10
Blugs 1.2 Open Source Released
Subject: [ANN] Blugs 1.2 Open Source Released For immediate release. I am pleased to announce that the Mac OS DataBrowser's foremost competitor, the Blugs List Management Engine, is now available under an extremely liberal open source license. Today's release is the "Developer Seed" 1.2d3, meaning that the number of bugs is potentially infinite and the API is not yet fixed. Scared? Neither am I. Blugs has been around for several years; it has a small following of developers who seem to really like it. Yet somehow a library that was designed for System 7 compatibility is at a disadvantage under OS X.... Now it is time for us to do something about that. If you are sick of messing with DataBrowser, waiting to get questions answered, waiting to get bugs fixed, waiting (or trying) to figure out what capabilities were present in a given version of CarbonLib, then I invite you to try my implementation. I give no apologies. If you don't like it then just return to DataBrowser or fix the...
Mar 10
Netopia Enhances netOctopus Enterprise Systems Management...
NETOPIA ENHANCES NETOCTOPUS ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT PLATFORM netOctopus 4.2 Provides Comprehensive Software Deployment Tools Emeryville, CA, March 10, 2003 - Netopia, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTPA), a market leader in broadband equipment, software and services, today announced the release of netOctopus Enterprise Systems Manager, version 4.2. Netopia's award-winning netOctopus Enterprise Systems Manager is used by IT staff to inventory, track and remotely manage all of the computers and software on a corporate network. With this release, netOctopus has added enhanced software deployment tools, and new early-warning systems to alert managers about impending equipment failure. In partnership with Mindvision, netOctopus now includes a special version of Installer VISE for Windows and Macintosh, along with a new netOctopus application, File Scripter Pro. Using these tools, network administrators can take a snapshot of a computer hard drive before and after installing new software, compare them...
Mar 09
Dejal announces Simon 1.1
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dejal announces Simon 1.1 A Mac OS X application to monitor sites for changes or failures. PORTLAND, Oregon -- March 7, 2003 -- Dejal Systems today announced the immediate availability of Dejal Simon 1.1 , the essential site monitoring tool for Mac OS X. It checks sites for changes or failures, and notifies you via e-mail, sound, speech, or other means. You can use it to track updated sites, and to alert you when an important site goes down or recovers. Developed in Cocoa, it is a native Mac OS X application with an intuitive and attractive Aqua interface. David Sinclair, President of Dejal, says: "Here at Dejal, we use Simon to monitor our sites, to track downloads of our products, and to get notifications of updates to our favorite news and entertainment websites. Simon is very versatile; our customers tell us that they use it to check for web mail, watch for product announcements, monitor their ISP's site, track poll questions, keep an eye on auctions, and...
Mar 06
4DVersion 1.0
Committed Software Ships 4DVersion 1.0 -- New Version Control Tool Gives 4th Dimension Developers Greater Flexibility and Control in Application Development -- HAMDEN, Conn., March 6, 2003 - Committed Software, creators of software tools to enhance the 4th Dimension development experience, today announced the immediate availability of 4DVersion 1.0. a version control system for 4D project methods. 4D Version is available immediately, starting at $399 directly from ( Designed to give 4D developers greater control over code revisions, 4DVersion tracks modifications made to project methods over the lifetime of projects, with version history and viewable differences. Developers can revert to older versions, code share amongst projects and code share between programmers on the same project. "4D is used by developers worldwide for rapid application development and deployment, from small-and medium-sized projects to large enterprise solutions," said Brendan...
Mar 06
IOXperts Announces 802.11B Driver For Mac Os X
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 5, 2003 IOXperts ANNOUNCES 802.11b DRIVER FOR MAC OS X CAMBRIDGE, MA, March 5, 2003 - IOXperts is pleased to announce Mac OS X support for more than 60 different 802.11b wireless networking cards on PowerBooks equipped with PC Card slots. The IOXperts driver brings back support for WaveLAN and Orinoco cards while adding support for dozens of additional cards. As wireless networks become the standard for homes and businesses, an amazing variety of low-cost networking cards are available, but very few of these provide Mac support off the shelf. IOXperts solves this problem by providing Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 support for more than 60 different wireless cards, including many popular models from Agere, Lucent, Linksys, and Netgear. The IOXperts 802.11b driver for Mac OS X provides support for AppleTalk (with an AppleTalk-compatible base station), 64- and 128-bit WEP, AirPort password algorithm, and listing of available networks. PRICING AND AVAILABILITY Pricing...
Mar 05
OpenLink Releases Open Source ODBC and JDBC Driver Benchmark...
OpenLink Releases Open Source ODBC and JDBC Driver Benchmark Utilities OpenLink Simplifies Data Access Driver and Database Engine Benchmarking Burlington, MA, March 3, 2003 - OpenLink Software, Inc., a leading provider of Universal Data Access and Enterprise Information Integration middleware, announces the release of OpenLink ODBC Bench and OpenLink JDBC Bench under the GPL Open Source license. These cross platform, Open Source benchmarking utilities enable users to produce their own local empirical data for objective comparison and analysis of the performance and scalability of ODBC and JDBC Drivers, underlying database engines, and host operating systems. Each utility enables concurrent single- and multi-threaded benchmarks across chosen Drivers, with a real-time visualization of the entire benchmark run. All benchmark results can be saved to an ODBC or JDBC compliant database of choice and/or an XML file. In addition, thanks to the Open Source release, Benchmark methods may be...
Mar 05
MacASP 1.1
MacASP 1.1 MacASP 1.1 is released, providing server-side processing for Mac web servers to allow the creation of dynamic web sites. It is not designed to be compatible with Microsoft's ASP, but rather to take advantage of specific Mac technologies (AppleScript, Quicktime...) The new version adds a new core graphic engine, mail attachments, pre-rendered pages, code checking and a lot of fixes and improvements. MacASP is available for Mac OS X and Mac OS 8.1 and up. It is free for use with Apple's Personal Web Sharing Classic and MacHTTP, 299 Euros for other Mac web servers. link:
Mar 05
4D, Inc. Announces Three New Deployment Options for 4D Engine...
4D, Inc. Announces Three New Deployment Options for 4D Engine 2003 -- New Editions of 4D Engine Give Developers Even Greater Flexibility for Application Distribution -- SAN JOSE, Calif., March 5, 2003 - 4D, Inc., publishers of the 4th Dimension RAD/RDBMS environment and 4D WebSTAR Server Suite, today announced three new deployment options that offer developers even greater flexibility for application distribution. 4D Engine 2003 is a professional deployment tool for fast and secure application distribution, and will be available in 4D Engine Light Edition, 4D Engine Sponsored Edition, and 4D Engine Professional Edition, when 4th Dimension 2003 is released. "4D Engine is the ultimate way to distribute 4th Dimension applications with speed and security, and our new deployment options give developers a greater number of customizable, affordable choices," said Brendan Coveney, president and CEO of 4D, Inc. "Our new 4D Engine licenses open-up deployment options for distribution of anything...
Mar 05
Trolltech's Qtopia: Over 1000 3rd Party Apps Now Available
Market Momentum Building for Trolltech's Qtopia Trolltech releases new version of Qtopia, announces over 1,000 apps for the platform OSLO, Norway and SANTA CLARA, Calif-March 5, 2003 - The rapid evolution of Trolltech's(r) Qtopia(r) continues with the latest release of Qtopia 1.6, an embedded Linux application platform, and the announcement that there are now over 1000 3rd party applications available. Qtopia 1.6 is a complete, powerful application platform, enabling the creation of state of the art mobile devices. Being able to customize not only the look and feel, but also the screen size and orientation of a mobile device, gives manufacturers the control they seek over their devices. The Qtopia developer community, representing both open source and commercial developers, have created over a thousand applications for the platform. Based on the multiplatform Qt(r) C++ application framework, the Qtopia SDK enables developers to create powerful applications efficiently. Additionally,...
Mar 04
FileMaker Enhances Program for Corporate and Commercial...
FileMaker Enhances Program for Corporate and Commercial Developers SANTA CLARA, CA - March 3, 2003 - Keeping pace with the evolution of its database software line, FileMaker announced enhancements to its FileMaker Solutions Alliance (FSA) program for professional developers, consultants, trainers and publishers worldwide. Among the new program changes, FSA members will receive new products, including FileMaker Developer, product updates, technical information, and -- in some instances - volume licensing pricing discounts. The company also announced new pricing to reflect these enhancements. "FileMaker developers -whether corporate developers or independent database consultants -- are creating the leading workgroup solutions in enterprises, small businesses and education throughout the world," said FileMaker president Dominique Goupil. "As the needs of our customers and developers evolve, the FSA program must also evolve to ensure FileMaker strengthens its leadership position in...
Mar 04
( BW)(CA-GOODBYESPAM-COM) Crusading Parent Declares War on Spam; An Entire Family Can Live Spam-Free for Just $5.32 Per Month News Editors/High-Tech Writers SAN CLEMENTE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 4, 2003--Jeff Schwartz is an Internet entrepreneur and protective parent who was fed up with the increasing flood of spam in his family's inboxes. "I was frustrated because I couldn't protect my kids from pornography, gambling and other 'adult' content," Schwartz said. "So I did something about it. I developed an anti-spam program that stops spam dead in its tracks --" According to a January 2003 Harris Poll, 80 percent of people online find spam "very annoying." Moreover, a recent study by the Radicati Group projects that spam will account for more than 45 percent of all e-mail messages this year, and grow to 70 percent by 2007. But GoodbyeSpam eliminates spam. Period. The Professional Version protects an unlimited number of e-mail accounts so...
Mar 04
RADicode 1.1
For immediate Release RADicode(TM) 1.1 CONTINUES TO ENHANCE POWERPLANT DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTIVITY Somerville, MA 02144; March 4, 2003 - Solidwave Software, Inc. has just released RADicodeTM 1.1, a new version of its rapid application development tool for Macintosh programmers. RADicode leverages REALbasic's graphical layout environment to provide a powerful resource editor. Programmers can build and test interfaces quickly and intuitively in REALbasic, then drag and drop REALbasic project files on the RADicode icon to generate PowerPlant source code. The code can then be customized for additional functionality. The new version features improved code generation and support for Mach-O PowerPlant targets and REALbasic 4.5 and 5.0. It can generate Mac OS X and Classic icons and multiple document types from REALbasic, and CodeWarrior stationaries are provided to facilitate project configuration. RADicode streamlines the time-consuming process of writing, debugging, and testing GUI code by...
Mar 04
Mushroom 1.2
Mushroom 1.2 Tired of wasting time when localizing your applications? Mushroom is an easy to use developer tool dedicated to the management of the localized strings. More than a simple editor, it is a fully featured solution which assists you to create and maintain the localized strings of your projects and to keep them synchronized with the source code. Mushroom can make you save a considerable amount of time. Main features include - Designed to work on projects. - Reports all incoherences inside your project. - Automatizes the whole localization process. - Distributed localization support (to improve team workflow, especially with third party translators). This major update is a full rewriting of the application and includes several new functionalities and changes. - The most important new feature is the support for distributed localization. It is based on an export/import mechanism which allows to delegate the localization of specific languages. This feature has especially been...
Mar 04
Core Mac OS X & Unix Programming Class Returns to the Big...
Core Mac OS X and Unix Programming Class Returns to the Big Nerd Ranch Atlanta, GA - March 4, 2003 - The Big Nerd Ranch announces the return of Core Mac OS X and Unix Programming. Core Mac OS X Programming will allow programmers to harness the power of Mac OS X's Unix foundation. For the week of March 31 - April 4, 2003, Core Instructor Mark Dalrymple ( will return to the Big Nerd Ranch. After a successful Core Class in November 2002, the Big Nerd Ranch has edited and improved the instruction materials to enhance the Core learning experience. This class is the only Core offering currently scheduled for 2003. As with Cocoa classes, the Big Nerd Ranch intensive training methods will guide students' progress. Class topics include: * Multi-threading * Daemons * Distributed objects * Network programming * Rendezvous * Performance tuning * Advanced debugging techniques * The security framework * Exception handling For a complete course listing,...
Mar 04
Prosoft Engineering Announces New Upgrades to Data Rescue
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Prosoft Engineering Announces New Upgrades to Data Rescue Pleasanton, CA - March 4, 2003 - Prosoft Engineering, makers of professional-grade software for the rest of us, announces the first major upgrade of the popular data recovery utility Data Rescue. Data Rescue X version 10.2 and Data Rescue Classic version 4.2 are now available for Mac OS X and Mac OS 8.6 to 9.x. The new version of Data Rescue, a proven data recovery utility, has new, enhanced algorithms used in the scanning process to significantly improve data recovery performance. New resizable windows (which include file size information) and improved search capabilities are included in the new user interface which offers better integration into Prosoft's Data Safety System TM family of products. To ensure a convenient and effective recovery, Data Rescue X now ships on a bootable Mac OS X v10.2.3 CD and Data Rescue Classic ships on a bootable Mac OS v9.2.2 CD. Data Rescue works seamlessly with Data...
Mar 04
DiamondSoft Ships Font Reserve Server 1.6
DiamondSoft Ships Font Reserve Server 1.6 Version 1.6 debuts Mac OS X client software, system font handling and system-wide automatic font activation. San Francisco, CA - March 4, 2003 - DiamondSoft Inc. today announced the availability of a significant update to Font Reserve Server, the company's award-winning font management system for workgroups. Font Reserve Server 1.6 introduces client software for Mac OS X, while continuing to provide font management for Mac OS 9 and Classic environments. To help administrators address the challenges of managing fonts in users' many System Fonts folders - especially in Mac OS X - the update provides sophisticated system font handling. Version 1.6 also adds system-wide automatic font activation and allows administrators to activate fonts on client systems. Font Reserve Server 1.6 is available today and free to all customers who purchased it within the last six months (since Macworld New York, July 2002). For more information about upgrade pricing...
Mar 03
Juno Introduces Mac Version of Its Value-Priced Internet Access
Juno Introduces Mac Version of Its Value-Priced Platinum Internet Access Westlake Village, Calif. - March 3, 2003 - United Online, Inc. (Nasdaq: UNTD), a leading provider of value-priced Internet access through its NetZero, Juno and BlueLight Internet consumer brands, today announced the availability of a Mac version of its value-priced Juno Platinum Internet access service. Based on strong demand and feedback from the Mac user community, the company developed a Juno Platinum version for Mac that finally offers the millions of Mac OS X users a reliable and affordable means for getting online via a dial-up connection. Juno Platinum for Mac offers Mac OS X users easy-to-use, reliable Internet service with thousands of access numbers nationwide, fast connections, compatibility with all of the most popular instant messaging programs, and Web-based e-mail that is accessible from any Internet connection, for only $9.95 a month. That's less than 1/2 the standard price of AOL. * Available...
Mar 03
MacTech Magazine Announces New Column By Scott Knaster
MACTECH MAGAZINE ANNOUNCES NEW COLUMN BY SCOTT KNASTER -- Scott Knaster joins the magazine as columnist -- Acclaimed writer returns to the Macintosh fold Westlake Village, CA -- March 3, 2003 -- MacTech Magazine is proud to announce that renowned book author and technical writer Scott Knaster is joining the magazine as a columnist. The new column for MacTech is called "Mac OS X Programming Secrets", and starts in the April 2003 issue. Scott is best known for his classic books "How to Write Macintosh Software" and "Macintosh Programming Secrets", which helped teach a generation of Macintosh programmers their craft. Now Scott brings his informative and humorous style to the heart of the Mac programming community with his new column for MacTech. "Scott not only has an incredible writing style, but he understands the issues that concern many Mac programmers out there." says Neil Ticktin, Publisher of MacTech Magazine. "An icon in the community, a long time supporter of the magazine, and a...
Feb 28
Trinfinity Software Releases Time Track 1.2.2
TRINFINITY SOFTWARE RELEASES TIME TRACK 1.2.2 FOR MACINTOSH AND WINDOWS For immediate release. NEW YORK, N.Y. - - February 28, 2003 - - Trinfinity Software released today an update to Time Track, it's popular "time tracking" software. This update fixes a bug that caused Time Track to crash when printing all logs and a bug that caused Time Track to quit when being sent to the background on launch. This update also fixed the Undo & Redo code so that it does not fill up the application's memory and cause it to quit when editing large files. It fixed bugs in the Rate Calculator, the Log File selection dialog, and the Main Window as well. The popup menus on these windows previously showed invisible files from the Logs folder. All of these popup menus now use the same code, which does not show invisible files. Time Track now automatically checks to see if there is a newer version available and informs the user if there is one available. This feature can be disabled. The user can also...
Feb 28
OpenOSX WinTel 1.0.0
(CA-OPENOSX-COM) OpenOSX WinTel 1.0.0 Available Now Business Editors/High-Tech Writers CROWLEY LAKE, Calif.--(OPENOSX-COM)--Feb. 28th, 2003-- OpenOSX today announced the immediate availability of WinTel 1.0.0 for Mac OS X Jaguar that is a easy-to-use solution for configuring and utilizing the proven open source "Bochs" software that allows x86/Pentium(R)-based operating systems on Macintosh computers. This newest edition delivers increased performance and is over 200% faster than previous versions of the WinTel product, bringing updated software, additional features and enhancements and was entirely rebuilt for Jaguar bringing enhanced performance and stability. The new product also features a customizable single-click installer with separate disk images of 10 ready-to-use, popular open source x86 operating systems pre-installed, including RedHat Linux, FreeDos and FreeBSD. WinTel has successfully been tested Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2K, Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP...
Feb 27
PDF compression tool for Mac OS X, version 4.0
For immediate release Berlin, Germany - February 27th, 2003 metaobject announces the immediate availability of version 4.0 of the popular PDF compression tool for Mac OS X. Version 4.0 adds image downsampling, the feature most requested by our customers. We took a little extra time to ensure best quality results and the ease of use users have come to expect from metaobject. PdfCompress has received rave reviews from users and a 4.7 star rating (of 5 possible) from pdfworker, better than any other PDF compression utility. PdfCompress still costs just US $25 per copy to license, and version 4.0 is a free upgrade for existing users of previous versions. PdfCompress is a fully native Cocoa application, not just a Cocoa wrapper around legacy libraries. For more information, downloads and purchasing, see our Products page at: ( or contact Marcel Weiher + 49 / 171 / 958 6433 About metaobject Located in view of...
Feb 27
iScreensaver Designer 3.0
iScreensaver Designer 3.0 LOS ANGELES, February 26, 2003 - Multimedia software producer Xochi Media Inc ( announces the Release of iScreensaver Designer version 3.0, the world's only cross-platform screensaver editor. First released in 1998, this third major release in the iScreensaver series has enough power for professional use in high-volume marketing and promotional campaigns, while its visual editor makes it easy to use for smaller projects. 3.0 - A Major New Release: iScreensaver Designer 3.0 includes full support for Mac OS X and Windows XP, as well as a brand new Slide Show editor with features not found in any other product. The editor software is available for Windows and Macintosh, and either version will build a screensaver for both platforms. The software and license codes are available for download immediately. The iScreensaver download is free and all features can tested with no time limit before purchase. iScreensaver Designer will convert all...
Feb 26
UniHelp 1.4.2 for REALbasic
UPDATED: UniHelp 1.4.2 for REALbasic Cross-Platform HELP Module for Your REALbasic Applications! Apple Help Viewer, Microsoft HTML Help, WinHelp.... Why waste your precious development time designing and compiling a different Help system for each platform when you can easily use UniHelp for all of them? NO additional plugins or classes needed. Just drag the UniHelp module and its graphics folder into your REALbasic project, add a few lines of code, create your external help pages, and that's it -- instant online help for your compiled REALbasic applications that looks and functions the same on Classic Mac, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows 98/NT/ME/2000/XP. Winner of the 2002 Cubie Award for Best Development Aid, UniHelp includes a built-in Search Engine and supports HTML pages, URL Links, Relative Links, Images, Multimedia, Back/Forward History navigation, Printing, and much more! "UniHelp" and "Electric Butterfly" are never mentioned anywhere on the UniHelp interface, providing you...
Feb 25
Objective Development announces Little Snitch for Mac OS X
Objective Development announces Little Snitch for Mac OS X Vienna, Austria - February 25, 2003 -- Objective Development, makers of the popular LaunchBar utility, today announced the availability of Little Snitch for Mac OS X, the company's new must have security application that monitors outgoing network connections. Little Snitch hooks into the operating system and monitors all applications, system utilities and other Unix processes for outgoing network connections. It intercepts the connection and brings up an alert panel with connection details including the name of the application which initiated the connection. The user has the choice to allow the connection, deny it or to add a permanent rule for similar connections. Due to the application centric design, Little Snitch is much more than a simple firewall. It is an efficient weapon against applications which phone home, internet worms, trojans and other network parasites, not affecting normal operation. By adding rules...
Feb 25
Electric Rain Announces Swift 3D 3.0 For Mac OS X
ELECTRIC RAIN ANNOUNCES DEVELOPMENT OF SWIFT 3D 3.O FOR MAC OS X Popular 3D Flash application will leverage Mac OS X's advanced graphics architecture, memory management system and multitasking capabilities Boulder, CO - February 25, 2003 - Today Electric Rain, Inc. announced the upcoming release of Swift 3D 3.0 for Mac OS X. Swift 3D is a standalone application for designers to build and export 3D animations to the Macromedia Flash=F4 (SWF) file format, as well as other major vector and raster formats. Swift 3D for Mac OS X will be available late spring 2003 as a free upgrade to existing Swift 3D 3.0 users. "Electric Rain is proud to broaden its support for the Mac community by making Swift 3D available for Mac OS X," said Mike Soucie, President of Electric Rain, Inc. "Swift 3D is a powerful 3D authoring tool that becomes even more compelling when paired with Mac OS X and its advanced capabilities." "Mac OS X, with Quartz Extreme, has the most advanced graphics architecture available...
Feb 25
Bare Bones Software Ships TextWrangler 1.0
Bare Bones Software Ships TextWrangler 1.0 New General Purpose Text Editing Product for Writers, Programmers and System Administrators BEDFORD, Mass. - February 25, 2003 - Bare Bones Software, Inc. today shipped TextWrangler(tm), a new product for general purpose text editing and processing of data. TextWrangler runs only on the Mac(R) OS (including Mac OS X) and is available immediately for electronic delivery from ( for an affordable introductory price of US$49. Efficient and low-overhead, TextWrangler serves as an editor for composing and modifying plain text and text-oriented data, including Unicode (UTF-8 and UTF-16) files and most non-Roman single-byte files. To aid in its use for composition, TextWrangler includes an integrated spell checker and an assortment of character formatting commands. TextWrangler is a powerful tool for system administrators, able to transparently read and write text files originating on a variety of platforms, and on...
Feb 24
Plone 1.0 Installer for Apple's Mac OS X
Plone 1.0 Installer for Apple's Mac OS X LAGUNA HILLS, California -- February 24, 2003 -- Tyrell Software Corporation announced the availability of the Plone 1.0 Installer for Apple's Mac OS X operating system today, a ready-to-install package containing the Zope application server and the Plone Content Management System, which redefines the open source CMS landscape. "We searched high and low for a content management system that provided powerful tools and Macintosh ease of use. When we found Plone, we knew our search was over," said Mark F. Murphy, Tyrell's Director of Software Development. "We believe Mac OS X is an ideal platform for this sort of enterprise level application, and are proud to help Plone extend its reach by making it accessible to the Macintosh community." Plone was the talk of the show at SolutionsLinux 2003 in Paris, France, earlier in the month, when Plone 1.0 was announced. Many Plone-powered sites have appeared on the Internet during the road to 1.0, and more...
Feb 24
eMail Verifier-X v1.1.2
Max Programming, LLC - eMail Verifier-X v1.1.2 February, 24 2003 Max Programming is proud to present a new release of Mail Verifier, the very first tool available on the Macintosh platform for batch e-mail validity checking. (Classic and Mac OS X) Product Home Page: )Overview If your database contains incorrect e-mail addresses, this disadvantages you in two ways. First, you have to put up with annoying 'undeliverable' messages. And second, you lose the ability to communicate by e-mail with your contacts. Email Verifier checks the validity of your e-mail addresses without actually sending e-mails. You can use the list of failed addresses to build a list for a 'please update' campaign. Email Verifier is a very effective piece of software that can verify over 10 e-mails per second . It can verify single e-mails or huge lists. (eMail Verifier is multithreaded, providing high speed verifying) eMail Verifier is your powerful solution for the...
Feb 24
Cumulus 5.5.2 from Canto
Cumulus 5.5.2 includes various improvements, enhanced compatibility with Mac OS X in Classic Mode as well as improved OPI support and more Berlin, Germany =96 February 24, 2003 =96 Canto, the global leader in Digita= l Asset Management solutions, today announced the immediate availability of Cumulus 5.5.2, a free upgrade to its award-winning, cross platform line of Digital Asset Management solutions for enterprises, workgroups and single users. Cumulus 5.5.2 is a service update to previous versions. In addition to bug fixes and improved user handling it includes enhancements in compatibility with Mac OS X Classic Mode and enhanced OPI. Cumulus 5.5.2 will be offered with an Update Installer so that the update process of earlier 5.5.x versions is simplified, for example, all settings for the Information Window will be converted from 5.x to 5.5.2, so updating no longer requires users to set those settings all over. Cumulus 5.5.2 also offers an enhanced Pix Asset Converter which enables...
Feb 24
REALbasic 5 for Macintosh
REALbasic 5 for Macintosh now available with enhanced Jaguar support REALbasic 5 makes creating software fun and easy, builds smaller applications, improves support for Jaguar, adds powerful new Internet capabilities, comprehensive Unicode support and powerful new server development option. February 24th, 2003. Austin, Texas - REAL Software announces the availability of REALbasic 5 for Macintosh, the powerful, easy-to-use tool for creating your own software for Macintosh and Windows. This new version of the award-winning software includes enhanced support for Mac OS X version 10.2 "Jaguar" including drawers, brushed-metal windows and toolbars. "REALbasic 5 is the most significant release in several years," said Geoff Perlman, President and CEO of REAL Software. "REALbasic is still the fastest, easiest way to create Macintosh applications and now those applications look and feel more at home on Mac OS X than ever before." REALbasic 5 sports powerful new Internet communications...
Feb 23
ODBC Networking System Updated
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FEBRUARY 21, 2003 ODBC Networking System Updated LAS VEGAS, NV: August Software today delivered a major update to its Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) networking system, ODBC Router, adding full support for the new ODBC features built-in to Mac OS X 10.2 and FileMakerPro, as well as providing substantial performance improvements, a free evaluation mode, enhanced network database browsers and special support for applications that pass images as SQL query-parameters. Available now from, ODBC Router leverages a standard PC to enable mainframe, UNIX and Windows database access from Mac OS X, Mac OS, Windows and Linux. Pricing for ODBC Router starts at US$99 with substantial discounts for education and health services. About August Software Founded in 1990, August Software provides enterprise database software on the web at August Software maintains a dedication to providing the highest performing solutions with the service and...
Feb 21
WWDC 2003: Exhibit Fair Returns
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE EXHIBIT FAIR SHOWCASE RETURNS TO APPLE'S WWDC 2003 - Exhibit Fair Expands To Include QuickTime & Enterprise Markets! - Turnkey Station Packages Now Available For Under $2500! - Exhibit space is limited and expected to sell out! WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA -- February 21, 2003 -- Xplain Custom Services today announced the return of the popular "WWDC Exhibit Fair" to Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, May 19-23, at the San Jose Convention Center. Vendors in the WWDC Exhibit Fair have a unique opportunity to showcase their latest technical products to the thousands of Mac OS X developers who attend this annual event. In 2003, the WWDC Exhibit Fair has expanded to include products and services for Enterprise IT organizations as well as QuickTime content creators. "The WWDC Exhibit Fair is always the focal point for seeing the latest technical wares on the Mac," said Neil Ticktin, CEO of Xplain Corporation and Publisher of MacTech Magazine. "With its expanded focus...
Feb 20
Blue World Announces Availability Of Lasso Resource Guide
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BLUE WORLD ANNOUNCES AVAILABILITY OF LASSO RESOURCE GUIDE Bellevue, WA--February 19, 2003--Blue World Communications, Inc.--pioneers of the Web Data Engine(tm)--today announced the immediate availability of the printed and electronic versions of the Lasso Resource Guide. The Lasso Resource Guide is a free resource containing useful information about resources available to users of Blue World Lasso products. The guide is produced in partnership between Blue World and Co-Media Marketing. "The Lasso Resource Guide lets prospective Lasso users quickly discover the wealth of quality resources afforded the Lasso community," said Bill Doerrfeld, CEO of Blue World. "The Lasso Resource Guide is also a useful marketing tool for current Lasso developers when selling Lasso-related products and services to their customers." The guide is available for download via the Lasso Resource Guide Web site at ( The guide is also available in printed...
Feb 20
4D WebSTAR V v5.2.4 Update
4D, Inc. Ships 4D WebSTAR V v5.2.4 Update -- Now with Built-in Support for Web Services, New Administration Options, Advanced 4D WebMail Pro and More -- SAN JOSE, Calif., February 20, 2003 - 4D, Inc., publishers of the 4th Dimension RAD/RDBMS environment and 4D WebSTAR Server Suite, today announced the immediate availability of 4D WebSTAR V v5.2.4, now with built-in support for Web Services, new administration options, significantly updated 4D WebMail Pro, and more. The new 4D WebSTAR V v5.2.4 update is a free update for all registered users of 4D WebSTAR Server Suite V for Mac(R) OS X and available immediately, directly from ( "4D WebSTAR V is the easiest to administer Internet server suite on Mac OS X, and proven faster than Apache," said Brendan Coveney, president and CEO of 4D, Inc. "Now 4D WebSTAR V can integrate with applications by connecting via Web Services in 4th Dimension 2003 and other Web Services. 4D WebSTAR V v5.2.4 demonstrates our commitment to...
Feb 18
Arkeia Expands Product Line: X Backup Support, Client Avail
Arkeia Expands Product Line to Include Mac OS X Backup Support; Beta Version of Mac Client Now Available With MySQL Plug-In Business Editors & High-Tech Writers CARLSBAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 18, 2003--Arkeia Corp. today announced that its Arkeia v5 network backup solution now supports Mac OS X operating systems and offers a plug-in to safeguard Mac MySQL databases. The Arkeia beta version of the Mac OS X client performs backup of all files, including documents and applications, as well as important system files such as the Netinfo database. In addition, users can preserve privilege information and special file system features like Mac OS resource forks and Finder attributes. The backup solution is compatible with 10.1 and above Mac OS X and Mac OS X server operating systems. "Thousands of heterogeneous networks around the world include Macintosh computers within their business," said Phil Roussel, Arkeia CEO. "We're filling a gap in the Mac OS environment for companies...
Feb 18
24U Transcoding Table Utility for FileMaker
Today, 24U Software introduced a new 24U Transcoding Table Utility for creating and working with transcoding tables. What is 24U Transcoding Table Utility? 24U Transcoding Plug-In Utility is a new support file for 24U Transcoding Plug-In. It contains several utility functions for working with transcoding tables, witch you can use to translate text between text encodings. You can use it to create, combine, analyze, and test transcoding tables before implementing them in your solutions. More info and download: What is 24U Transcoding Plug-In? 24U Transcoding Plug-In is a powerful FileMaker Pro plug-in, that allows your databases to transcode and convert text and numbers in several ways. More info and download: About 24U Software Since 2000, 24U company has been committed to software development, modifications and distribution, creating custom software solutions for Mac OS, Mac OS X and Windows users....
Feb 13
Kaidan and EyeSee360 Announce PhotoWarp 2.0 and SLR Bracket
Kaidan and EyeSee360 Announce PhotoWarp 2.0 Public Preview and Support for Digital and Film SLR Cameras Major new panoramic software release and SLR camera support enables high-volume virtual tour production capabilities and high-resolution output Feasterville, PA - February 14, 2002: Kaidan Incorporated and EyeSee360 Inc. today announced major enhancements to their single-shot panoramic imaging solution, 360 One VR. The companies have announced PhotoWarp 2.0 Public Preview and the SLR Bracket which provide new capabilities and enhancements that streamline the production of panoramic virtual tours and permit the use of professional, high-resolution digital and film cameras. PhotoWarp 2.0 Public Preview 360 One VR is an optical system that captures a complete 360=B0 panoramic image in a single camera shot. It consists of a lightweight, rugged and precise optical camera attachment and the innovative EyeSee360 PhotoWarp software. Starting today, a Public Preview of the next generation...
Feb 12
IntelliMerge SQL 1.1
Intelli Innovations, Inc. is pleased to deliver IntelliMerge SQL 1.1, a new functionality update to its high-end, database-enabled business communication software. IntelliMerge SQL 1.1 adds: - Automatic Duplicate Skipping. For databases with multiple e-mail address matches in a single table (such as, for example, our transaction-based order database), IntelliMerge SQL can keep a local cache of which e-mail addresses have already received a specific message, and optionally skip over duplicates within a scope of a single campaign. - IntelliMergeStatus Code Conversion in the SQL Console: Database operations in IntelliMerge SQL work in both directions. Customer information is downloaded from the database, and an IntelliMergeStatus integer field is updated in exchange. This new addition to the SQL Console allows the software to automatically convert this number to its text equivalent. IntelliMerge's other included SQL Tools include an automatic POP3 bounce...
Feb 12
EZxslt: First Xslt Stylesheet Generator For Filemaker Pro 6
[ANN] EZxslt v1.03 Update EZxslt: FIRST XSLT STYLESHEET GENERATOR FOR FILEMAKER PRO 6 UPDATED Updated application from Chaparral Software makes it easy to create Microsoft Word documents using data from FileMaker Pro 6 databases using XML and XSLT. CALABASAS, California USA - February 12, 2003 - Chaparral Software & Consulting Services, Inc. today has released EZxslt(tm) 1.03, an update to its application that simplifies the generation of Microsoft Word documents using data stored in FileMaker Pro 6 databases EZxslt 1.03 is a free update for all customers, and includes the following enhancements: - Added support for multiple-line data fields without requiring separate calculation field. - Improved handling of MS Word documents containing embedded lists with merge fields. - Fixed some more issues with Word 2000 generated RTF files. - Added a progress window to indicate activity for larger files. - Minor documentation updates. - Stylesheets now open...
Feb 11
Exhibit, an HTML Photo Gallery Creation Tool
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Saint Louis, Missouri -- February 11, 2003 -- Melonsoft announced the first release of Exhibit, an HTML photo gallery creation application geared towards photographers and artists. Exhibit uses a simple, straightforward interface to quickly guide the user through all the necessary steps to photo gallery creation. Exhibit allows the user to specify HTML 'templates' to quickly build dynamic, fully customizable photo galleries. Images linked to within the template are also automatically copied to their appropriate locations when galleries are built. Other features include the ability to scale down images by percentage and specify a number of thumbnails to display on each index page. Ryan Staake President / Lead MacOS Engineer Melonsoft

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Top Mobile Game Discounts
Every day, we pick out a curated list of the best mobile discounts on the App Store and post them here. This list won't be comprehensive, but it every game on it is recommended. Feel free to check out the coverage we did on them in the links... | Read more »
Price of Glory unleashes its 1.4 Alpha u...
As much as we all probably dislike Maths as a subject, we do have to hand it to geometry for giving us the good old Hexgrid, home of some of the best strategy games. One such example, Price of Glory, has dropped its 1.4 Alpha update, stocked full... | Read more »
The SLC 2025 kicks off this month to cro...
Ever since the Solo Leveling: Arise Championship 2025 was announced, I have been looking forward to it. The promotional clip they released a month or two back showed crowds going absolutely nuts for the previous competitions, so imagine the... | Read more »
Dive into some early Magicpunk fun as Cr...
Excellent news for fans of steampunk and magic; the Precursor Test for Magicpunk MMORPG Crystal of Atlan opens today. This rather fancy way of saying beta test will remain open until March 5th and is available for PC - boo - and Android devices -... | Read more »
Prepare to get your mind melted as Evang...
If you are a fan of sci-fi shooters and incredibly weird, mind-bending anime series, then you are in for a treat, as Goddess of Victory: Nikke is gearing up for its second collaboration with Evangelion. We were also treated to an upcoming... | Read more »
Square Enix gives with one hand and slap...
We have something of a mixed bag coming over from Square Enix HQ today. Two of their mobile games are revelling in life with new events keeping them alive, whilst another has been thrown onto the ever-growing discard pile Square is building. I... | Read more »
Let the world burn as you have some fest...
It is time to leave the world burning once again as you take a much-needed break from that whole “hero” lark and enjoy some celebrations in Genshin Impact. Version 5.4, Moonlight Amidst Dreams, will see you in Inazuma to attend the Mikawa Flower... | Read more »
Full Moon Over the Abyssal Sea lands on...
Aether Gazer has announced its latest major update, and it is one of the loveliest event names I have ever heard. Full Moon Over the Abyssal Sea is an amazing name, and it comes loaded with two side stories, a new S-grade Modifier, and some fancy... | Read more »
Open your own eatery for all the forest...
Very important question; when you read the title Zoo Restaurant, do you also immediately think of running a restaurant in which you cook Zoo animals as the course? I will just assume yes. Anyway, come June 23rd we will all be able to start up our... | Read more »
Crystal of Atlan opens registration for...
Nuverse was prominently featured in the last month for all the wrong reasons with the USA TikTok debacle, but now it is putting all that behind it and preparing for the Crystal of Atlan beta test. Taking place between February 18th and March 5th,... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

AT&T is offering a 65% discount on the ne...
AT&T is offering the new iPhone 16e for up to 65% off their monthly finance fee with 36-months of service. No trade-in is required. Discount is applied via monthly bill credits over the 36 month... Read more
Use this code to get a free iPhone 13 at Visi...
For a limited time, use code SWEETDEAL to get a free 128GB iPhone 13 Visible, Verizon’s low-cost wireless cell service, Visible. Deal is valid when you purchase the Visible+ annual plan. Free... Read more
M4 Mac minis on sale for $50-$80 off MSRP at...
B&H Photo has M4 Mac minis in stock and on sale right now for $50 to $80 off Apple’s MSRP, each including free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – M4 Mac mini (16GB/256GB): $549, $50 off... Read more
Buy an iPhone 16 at Boost Mobile and get one...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering one year of free Unlimited service with the purchase of any iPhone 16. Purchase the iPhone at standard MSRP, and then choose... Read more
Get an iPhone 15 for only $299 at Boost Mobil...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering the 128GB iPhone 15 for $299.99 including service with their Unlimited Premium plan (50GB of premium data, $60/month), or $20... Read more
Unreal Mobile is offering $100 off any new iP...
Unreal Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering a $100 discount on any new iPhone with service. This includes new iPhone 16 models as well as iPhone 15, 14, 13, and SE... Read more
Apple drops prices on clearance iPhone 14 mod...
With today’s introduction of the new iPhone 16e, Apple has discontinued the iPhone 14, 14 Pro, and SE. In response, Apple has dropped prices on unlocked, Certified Refurbished, iPhone 14 models to a... Read more
B&H has 16-inch M4 Max MacBook Pros on sa...
B&H Photo is offering a $360-$410 discount on new 16-inch MacBook Pros with M4 Max CPUs right now. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 16″ M4 Max MacBook Pro (36GB/1TB/... Read more
Amazon is offering a $100 discount on the M4...
Amazon has the M4 Pro Mac mini discounted $100 off MSRP right now. Shipping is free. Their price is the lowest currently available for this popular mini: – Mac mini M4 Pro (24GB/512GB): $1299, $100... Read more
B&H continues to offer $150-$220 discount...
B&H Photo has 14-inch M4 MacBook Pros on sale for $150-$220 off MSRP. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 14″ M4 MacBook Pro (16GB/512GB): $1449, $150 off MSRP – 14″ M4... Read more

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