Kool Tools: File Cabinet Pro for OS X
Writes for All’s Cabinet Pro, a file manager for the OS X menubar, allows users to open, move, rename, tag, trash, copy and paste files, all from a popover window that appears from the menubar. It also lets you place files in iCloud Drive without opening windows in the Finder.
File Cabinet Pro isn’t just a file manager; it’s also a document based application that ships with a built in text-editor, image viewer, PDF viewer, and media player. File Cabinet Pro can open many document types natively including txt, rtf, rtfd, png, bmp, mov, mp4 and many more. If you don’t want to use File Cabinet Pro's built-in document editors and viewers, you can opt out in the settings menu.
File Cabinet Pro is the most convenient place to store files you access often, as it eliminates desktop clutter. Features include the ability to:
° Create subdirectories;
° Click into subdirectories and open documents;
° Store files locally and in iCloud;
° Drag and drop files to and from iCloud;
° Tag files — select files in File Cabinet Pro, right click, and then simply add or remove file tags from the control in the context menu;
° Show in Finder;
° Rename files;
° Copy and paste files;
° Trash files;
° View items as icons or in columns;
° Launch the application at login.
File Cabinet Pro costs US$29.99 and requires Mac OS X . It’s available worldwide exclusively at the App Tyrant website (http://www.apptyrant.com).