December 2008 Issue
- Mac in the Shell
Learning Python on the Mac All about strings
- A Dashboard Widget that Supports Drag-and-Drop
How to drag-and-drop files and directories between Dashboard Widgets and/or Finder
- The Road to Code
Writing Even Less Code Introduction to Core Data
- Built for iPhone 2.0
Developing utility applications with the iPhone
- MacEnterprise
Managing Firefox Configuring Firefox for your organization's environment
- The MacTech Product Guide
- Kool Tools
Some Great iPhone 3G Accessories Must haves for the iPhone 3G
- The MacTech Spotlight
Mark Dalrymple Google, Borkware LLC
November 2008 Issue
- C4 (2) Conference
A report on this year's event
- Mac in the Shell:
Learning Python on the Mac An important, built-in scripting language
- Integrating OS X With OpenLDAP/Samba, Part 1
Configuring Your Mac To Work With Linux Samba and LDAP Servers
- The Road to Code:
Nobody's Perfect Document Change Count and Undo
- Code Signing - Get Used to It!
Digitally signed applications and you
- Geek Guide: Projectors
- Real World Reviews:
NEC NP3151W 52, Da-Lite Deluxe Insta-Theater
- MacEnterprise
MCX: No Excuses, Now! New options for managing workstations in OS X Leopard
- Advanced CVS
Get more out of your CVS Setup
- Book Review
Xcode 3 Unleashed
- The MacTech Spotlight
Blair Yakimovich, Transgaming, Inc.
October 2008 Issue
- The Road To Certification: Revisited
Increase your knowledge and build credibility on the way
- Mac in the Shell
Customizing the bash Experience Further Changing the bash shell to suit your needs
- The Road to Code
Come Together, Right Now Combining bindings, document-based applications, and table views
- MacEnterprise
Migrating FileVault Moving FileVault-encrypted accounts to a new machine
- A Dashboard Widget that Reads and Saves its Preferences
Create a Dashboard Widget that can save and read data after restarting it
- Packaging Special Payloads with PackageMaker
Bringing drivers, libraries, and plug-ins to the OS X target
- Kool Tools
Microsoft Expression Media 2
- Kool Tools
Kerio Mail Server
- MacTech Spotlight
Matthew Drayton: Nolobe Pty Ltd.
September 2008 Issue
- Mac in the Shell
Customizing the bash experience Get comfortable in the bash shell and make the experience your own
- MacEnterprise
FileVault in the Enterprise, Part 2 Data security for OS X administrators
- Writing Help for man
Learn how to write, install and test man help files on Mac OS X
- A Fresh Perspective On AppleScript:
An Interview with an AppleScript Newbie AppleScript insights and thoughts from a newcomer to the language
- The Road to Code
Writing Less Code Introduction to Cocoa bindings
- Beginning REALbasic:
Inside the Application
- Book Review
OS X Exploits and Defense "Own it...Just Like Windows or Linux!"
- Kool Tools
Jawbone 2 Headset
- MacTech Spotlight
Andrew Welch El Presidente, Ambrosia Software, Inc.
August 2008 Issue
- Major Releases, Benchmarks, and Feedback
Benchmarks and how the community contributes
- Creating Widgets with Dashcode
When to use Dashcode, and other important widget information
- LBackup
Flexible backup for system administrators
- MacTech Salutes the 2008 Apple Design Award Winners
Showcasing the best of the best of 2008
- Creating a Backup Policy
Design and document an effective backup system for your business
- AppleScript and BBEdit
Extend and enhance your BBEdit experience with AppleScript
- SNMP Primer for OSX Leopard
An article on "Understanding, Configuring, and Customizing SNMP on OS X Leopard" that might change the way you think about your Mac.
- The Road to Code: Patterns in the Sky
The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
- Book Review:
Take Control of Mac OS X Backups, Take Control of Easy Backup in Leopard Two backup titles in the Take Control of series
- Kool Tools: Axiotron Modbook
- MacTech Spotlight: Andy Lee
July 2008 Issue
- Beginning REALBasic
Designing the application
- FileVault in the Enterprise, Part 1
Data security for Mac Administrators
- VBA's Coming Back. Is it right for you?
VBA coming back is great, but it's not here yet, and even so, it may not be your best solution.
- The Road to Code:
One for the Archives Archiving objects and document-based applications
- Creating a Dashboard Widget that Processes an RSS Feed
What is an RSS feed and how do I process it from within a Dashboard Widget?
- Enhancing Your Application with NSStatusItem
How to Utilize the NSStatusItem API to add functionality
- Wiki Services in Leopard Server Overview
A "fast" introduction to wiki and blog services in OS X Server for the SysAdmin
- KoolTools
DVDxDV, DVDx Pro OmniGraffle Professional
- MacTech Spotlight:
Matt Giger Lunar Software
June 2008 Issue
- Mac in the Shell:
Packaging and Installing Simplify and scale your install methodology
- Printing with Leopard in the Enterprise
Changes for Mac Administrators
- Web Development for the iPhone
- Andy Inhatko:
A Helping Hand
- Packaging for Leopard
Introducing the new PackageMaker 3.0
- Textmate: Take Your (Text) Editing to the Next Level
Or: How to make friends with robot ninjas from Denmark
- The Road to Code:
More Cocoa Bits Interface Builder UI tweaking and introduction to table view
- MacTech Spotlight:
Dave Hayden Panic, Inc.
May 2008 Issue
- RubyCocoa
A new way to write Cocoa applications--Part 2
- Mac in the Shell
File Manipulation with PHP ... and other tips
- The Road to Certification--Part 5: ACSA and ACTC
Increase your knowledge and build credibility along the way
- Test-Driven Development Using AppleScript--Part 2
Creating AppleScript applications using ASUnit
- The iPhone SDK
Overview and initial reactions
- The Road to Code
Cocoa Puffs Views, controls, actions, notifications, and delegates
- Getting Started with REALBasic
Learning the ropes
- Moving Targets
Leopard's new mobile options help you better manage mobile computers
- Introduction to Core Animation
Using Core Animation in your Cocoa applications
- MacTech Spotlight
Alexander Schoen & Peter Maurer Many Tricks
April 2008 Issue
- Mac in the Shell:
Data Manipulation with PHP PHP provides easy access to MySQL on OS X
- Test-Driven Development Using AppleScript
Using testing frameworks to create more robust AppleScript applications
- Modularity
Continuing our look at creating deployment images, with an intro to InstaDMG
- RubyCocoa
A new way to write Cocoa applications--Part 1
- Grokking OS X's Undo Support
How to effectively use the Undo Manager built into Cocoa
- The Road to Code:
Nice and Gooey Writing your first Cocoa GUI interface
- What's in Your Target
Unit testing and analysis coverage
- Geoff Perlman on REALbasic
Catching up with Geoff and REALbasic 2008
- MacTech Spotlight:
Eberhard Rensch Founder, Pleasant Software
March 2008 Issue
- Office 2008 Benchmarks
How well does Office 2008 run compared to Office 2004?
- The Road To Certification-Part 4: Pro Apps
Increase your knowledge and build credibility along the way
- Mac in the Shell:
Scripting with PHP Forget that web stuff, PHP is a great scripting language
- Sharing with Git
Learn how to use Git to share your Xcode projects
- "Image"ine That!
A fresh look at creating deployment images
- The Road to Code:
Building on a Solid Foundation Exploring the Foundation framework
- What's in Your Target
Unit testing and analysis coverage
- Geoff Perlman on REALbasic
Catching up with Geoff and REALbasic 2008
- MacTech Spotlight:
Austin Meyer President, Laminar Research
February 2008 Issue
- Virtualization Benchmarking
How do Boot Camp, Parallels Desktop, and VMWare Fusion stack up?
- The Road To Certification-Part 3
Increase your knowledge and build credibility along the way
- Mac in the Shell:
What Has Really Changed in Leopard? Some differences for us Unixy scripty people
- Getting Started with Git
Learn how to use Git to manage your project
- Managed Preferences, Part 2
New options in Workgroup Manager in Leopard
- The Road to Code:
There's a Hole in Your Bucket Objective-C memory management
- Adobe CS3 and Apple Script
- MacTech Spotlight:
Marcus S. Zarra Owner, Zarra Studios, LLC
January 2008 Issue
- The Road To Certification-Part 2
Increase your knowledge and build credibility along the way
- Mac in the Shell:
Mass Remote Management with dshell Or, mass remote management without ARD
- Networked Backups Using Time Machine
Making easy backups even easier
- Command Line Goodies
New command line tools in Leopard
- The Road to Code:
You Have Your Mother's Eyes Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Managing Your Loadset, Post-Deploy
How to keep machines up to date from a central location
- MacTech Spotlight:
Peter N. Lewis Stairways Software Pty Ltd.