Established in 1984, MacTech Magazine is the only monthly magazine focused on Macintosh technology. Distributed in over 50 countries, MacTech is read by tens of thousands of technical Macintosh users ... from network administrators to programmers, from solution providers to Enterprise, and in general anyone that's interested in the Macintosh beyond the user level. Subscribe risk free today!
December 2010 Issue
Cowboy Consultant:
Enough Talk—Let's Start Something!
Preparation, forms, plans and advice
Mac in the Shell:
Ruby Basics for IT
Useful Ruby for the Mac OS X Administrator
CoreSec: Security topics for administrators and programmers:
Securing the Holidays
Keep your holidays happy and safe with some security basics
Gadgets for Geeks
Fun stuff any self-respecting geek would love
SysAdmin Street Cred
10 essentials you need to be taken seriously by other Unix Sysadmins
Developer to Developer:
Logging with a Purpose
A look at logging techniques in Objective-C applications
Managing Software Installs with Munki—Part 3
Using munki for installs, updates, removals and more
2011 Buyer's Guide
Kool Tools:
Aunsoft Video Converter
The MacTech Spotlight:
Jamie Phelps, Epiphany Media
November 2010 Issue
Mac in the Shell:
Automating System Administration Tasks
Development tools to be a better sysadmin
An Open Letter on Teaching System Administration
Developer to Developer:
Thanks for the Memory, Part 2
A look at how memory is managed in Objective-C
MacTech Labs:
Office 2011 Benchmarks
How well does Office for Mac 2011 run compared to Office 2008 and 2004?
Backup 101
A consultant's guide to the complicated world of data backup
Managing Software Installs with Munki, Part 2
Setting up a demonstration Munki Server
CoreSec: Security topics for administrators and programmers
To Flash or Not to Flash
A look at the Flash controversy from a strictly security perspective
Kool Tools:
360 Works Email Plugin
Softpress Systems Freeway 5.5
Matrox DualHead2Go DP Edition
The MacTech Spotlight:
MacTech Conference 2010
Photo highlights of our first annual conference
October 2010 Issue
Mac in the Shell:
No-Mouse GUI Control
Or, more shell-like antics in the GUI
Consultant Cowboy:
Your Own Software Consultancy Business: More Starting Thoughts
Things to think about, about yourself, before going out on your own
Maker Faire NYC, 2010:
A unique, fun learning experience
MacTech Showcase:
Thursby Software
Leaders in Mac-Windows Integration
Managing Software Installs with Munki
An introduction to software deployment with Munki
The Receipts Database
How post-10.4 systems keep track of installed software
Developer to Developer:
Thanks for the Memory
A look at how memory is managed in Objective-C
CoreSec: Security topics for administrators and programmers
Is Your Mail Really Safe?
An overview of current mail-delivery methods and their security options
Kool Tools:
Good, but no replacement for cable
The MacTech Spotlight:
Andrew Pepperell
September 2010 Issue
Mac in the Shell
Window Management for Keyboard Junkies
Or, making the GUI act like the command line
Sharkfest 2010
The Annual Wireshark Network and Packet Analysis Conference
Scripting with SatImage, Part 2
A Second Date with AAMEE
Revisiting Adobe Application Manager, Enterprise Edition
Your Own Software Consultancy Business: Starting Thoughts
Things to think about before going out on your own
Developer to Developer
What's Your Style?
A look at coding style and formatting in Objective-C
Installing Joomla! on a Mac
CoreSec: It's Not Your Kid's Cell Phone Any More
iOS 4 is changing the portable device game with serious enterprise features
Kool Tools
Checkout MailPlane
Hansaworld Enterprise TrueShip ReadyShipper
The MacTech Spotlight:
Philippe Casgrain
TransGaming, Inc.
August 2010 Issue
Mac in the Shell
Five Favorite Shell Tricks
My favorite ways to make bash easier and more powerful
The Knowledge Bias
Techniques for keeping things in perspective
From iPhone to iPad
Converting an iPhone app to a Universal app
Managing Firefox, Revisited
Managing Firefox Settings for your organization
CoreSec: Knock Knock, It's the Year 2010 Calling
An interview with Sven Gossel, CEO of Charismathics
Scripting with SatImage, Part 1
Introducing the SatImage scripting addition
Creating a Dashboard Widget that Supports Localization
The MacTech Spotlight
Jayson Adams Circus Ponies Software
July 2010 Issue
Swaine Manor
The Object of Our Affliction
A few facts and non-facts about Objective-C
Mac in the Shell
Math in the Shell
Down to some lesser-used aspects of bash
CoreSec: Understanding 802.1x
Network access controls keep unauthorized machines off the network
An introduction to Adobe Application Manager, Enterprise Edition
Mind Mapping
Making your point visually
NSConference 2010
A summary of this year's NSConference
A Dashboard Widget that Supports Copy-and-Paste
How to implement Copy-and-Paste in Dashboard
Authoring Daemons in Mac OS X
A framework for writing and deploying background processes easily
Kool Tools:
Data Recovery Software
MacSpeech Scribe
PureCM Professional
AccountEdge 2010
The MacTech Spotlight:
Jacob Gorban
Apparent Software
June 2010 Issue
Swaine Manor
Oh Noes! Apple is Turning into the Borg!
...Or IBM. Or Google. Or Something. Anyway, It's Time to Panic.
GitConfig GUI
Building a Gui for git-config
Mac in the Shell:
bash String Operations
Or, doing more with less
CoreSec: Security topics for administrators and programmers
iPad in the Enterprise
Is Apple's latest creation an enterprise tool?
BBEdit Language Modules
Adding new language support to BBEdit and TextWrangler
The MacTech Spotlight:
Boisy G. Pitre
May 2010 Issue
- Swaine Manor
Apple’s Tough Love So a Priest, a Rabbi, and an iPhone Prototype Walk into a Bar...
- Mac in the Shell:
Dating Files Or, dating files through scripting
- MacEnterprise
WWDC For Enterprise Admins
What to do at WWDC 2010
- Development in the Age of the iPad
Changes in the iPhone 3.2 SDK
- The Road to Code:
Calling All CPUs
Operation Cues and Grand Central Dispatch
- Making PKG files with The Luggage
- Source Metrics on Xcode
Writing metrics for Xcode’s new script system
- The MacTech Spotlight
Daniel Stodle
April 2010 Issue
- Swaine Manor
Flash in the Pad What's all this fuss I keep hearing about Flash in the iPad?
- Using JAMF Software's Casper Suite to Deploy Windows
within a Mac Dual-boot environment
- MacEnterprise
Sparseimage Conversion Scripting the conversion of a Filevault sparseimage to a sparsebundle
- Branching Out with Git
Learn how to use Git to manage code branches
- The Road to Code:
Building Blocks Introduction to blocks
- Game Development for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, Part 3:
Using the cocos2d and Chipmunk Frameworks Tools for building 2D games
- Plugging Up BBEdit
Learn how to write a BBEdit tool plug-in with Xcode
- The MacTech Spotlight
Daniel Treiman
March 2010 Issue
- Swaine Manor
iPonder iPad Everything that needs to be said about the iPad
- How To Watch HD From A Cable Or Satellite Receiver On Your Mac
- Integrating Podcast Producer 2 and Your CMS
How to use Podcast Producer 2 and several popular CMS packages
- Mac in the Shell:
Dropbox in the Shell Or, Integrating Dropbox and bash!
- MacEnterprise:
Local MCX Revisited Using an alternate local directory node for MCX data
- The MacTech 25 (3)
The 25 most influential Rock Stars, MVPs, Prophets, and Pundits in the Apple Technical Community
- Game Development for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
Using the cocos2d and Chipmunk Frameworks Tools for building 2D games
- 25 Years of MacTech
Mac Memories by Adam Engst
- Kool Tools:
Fiber Channel Connectivity Products for Mac OS X CS Odessa's ConceptDraw Office Fresh-Squeezed Review: Aquafadas' iDive 2
- The MacTech Spotlight:
Vlad Alexa
February 2010 Issue
- MacWorld 2010 Roundup
Or, What happened, and what didn't?
- An Introduction to Gnuplot
What Gnuplot is and how to use it
- Mac in the Shell:
Where to Begin The path of learning begins with you
- Websites that Sell
All we know about starting an Apple business, from the idea, to product launch and beyond.
- iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch Game Development Frameworks
Tools for building 2D games
- 25 Years of MacTech
Mac Memories by Gary Vodvorka
- The Flat Package
Examining a newer package format
- MacEnterprise:
Custom Slide Show Screen Savers Leveraging a new Snow Leopard feature for informational displays
- Kool Tools:
PowerBook Medic's Dual Drives Flash Decompiler Trillix Cognito Software's MoneyWorks CarMD's Handheld Tester & Software System
- The MacTech Spotlight:
Andy Kim, The Potion Factory
January 2010 Issue
- Swaine Manor
Of Bling, and Bing, and Ning
A riff on Macworld, Roman Numerals, and Chinese Theaters
by Michael Swaine
- Mac in the Shell
Debugging Python with MacVim
IDE-like debugging without leaving vim
- Unlocking Podcast Producer v2: Under the Hood
Customizing and extending workflows
- Reducing Xserve Fan Speeds
Forgotten maintenance increases wear on your server
- The Road to Code:
Custom House
Creating and using custom frameworks
- MacEnterprise:
Screen Saver and loginwindow: Friends at Last
Using MCX to manage a new Snow Leopard feature
- Develop for Quality
All we know about starting an Apple business, from the idea, to product launch and beyond.
- New Tools for Collaboration:
A Passion for Exchange Clients
"Bells and whistles," or, "Do what you do well."
- 25 Years of MacTech
Mac Memories by Brian Greenstone
- MacTech Labs:
Head to Head: Parallels Desktop for Mac vs. VMware Fusion
How do VMware Fusion 3 and Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac compare?
- The MacTech Spotlight
Aaron Smith: