Recommended Reading: 'Javascript for Kids'
JavaScript is the programming language of the Web — and it's the perfect first programming language for kids because it runs in any web browser.
To this end, No Starch Press has published "JavaScript for Kids" ( The 336-page, US$34.95 book is designed to hook young readers on coding with its collection of fun programs, patient explanations, and adorable illustrations.
The author behind this introduction, Nick Morgan, begins with programming basics like working with strings, arrays, and loops, then moves on to more advanced topics like building interactivity with jQuery and drawing graphics with Canvas. Each chapter builds on the last, and lively code examples show the reader how to create bouncing balls, buzzing bees, and even complete games like Snake. Programming challenges at the end of each chapter are designed to stretch young brains and to inspire the next generation of coders to create their own amazing programs.
Of course, while written for kids, "JavaScript for Kids" is fine for any beginner who wants a gentle and fun introduction to programming. The author, Nick Morgan, is a front-end engineer at Twitter.