Kool Tools: App Store Icon Resizer for Mac OS X
Power App AG]s (http://www.powerapp.ch) App Store Icon Resizer 1.0 is a new developer tool for Mac OS X. With a single action, it takes care of creating all sizes of app icons that are needed for every app in Apple's App Store.
With the latest release of Apple's software development kit, it became necessary to upload app icons in 15 different sizes. This was done to support different screen resolutions for the various Mac OS X and iOS devices.
App Store Icon Resizer prompts the user with a window, where the basic icon with a resolution of 1024x1024 pixels can be dragged in. After choosing the devices that the icon is meant to be used for, all necessary sizes can be exported to a user defined folder. A checkbox allows the user to generate .xcassets. The JSON file is generated along with the icons. After choosing the devices that the icon is meant to be used for, all necessary sizes can be exported to a user defined folder.
App Store Icon Resizer requires Mac OS X 10.7 or higher. It costs US$1.99 and is available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Developer Tools category.