Recommended Reading: 'The Art of iPhone Photography'
Lots of folks are using their iPhone as a camera, perhaps their main camera. However, most iPhoneographers can improve our skills. "The Art of iPhone Photography" from Rocky Nook helps you do just that.
The US$44.95 book explores how 45 of today's most creative iPhonegraphers from around the world conceived, composed, and edited some of their finest and best-known pieces -- all in their own words. Their visions, techniques, and creative decisions are presented in a way that will allow iPhoneographers of all levels to immediately apply what they learn to take their own photographic art to the next level. The book includes:
° A variety of genres: landscapes, street photography, abstracts, architecture, portraits, concept pieces and more;
° Step-by-step tutorials; works by contributing photographers offer descriptions of how each piece was created from both the creative and technical standpoint;
° Explanations for using nearly 100 apps;
° An iPhoneography gallery with a showcase of work by the book's contributing artists.
For more info on "The Art of iPhone Photography" go to .