AKVIS releases OilPaint 6.0 for macOS
AKVIS (www.akvis.com) has released AKVIS OilPaint 6.0, and update of the photo-to painting software for macOS and Winows. The new version offers users the freedom to generate abstract style paintings full of shapes and color.
On the Mac platform, the software requires macOS 10.7 or higher. The product is available as a standalone application and as a Photoshop plugin filter.
AKVIS OilPaint 6.0 Home sells for $49, the Deluxe version for $69, and the Business for $89. One license key allows activating and using the software on two computers. Version 6.0 is a free upgrade for recent buyers, as well for those who bought “1 Year of Updates” during the last 12 months. Users, whose license is not valid for the new version, can get OilPaint 6.0 for $14.95. A demo is available for download.