Recommended reading: Humble Bundle ebook deals
Tech book publisher No Starch Press is no stranger to Humble Bundle ebook deals, where readers pay what they want for collections of best-selling ebooks. No Starch Press fans love these bundles—two previous No Starch Press bundles brought in nearly $1 million each in just two weeks, raising $500,000 for charity.
Now No Starch Press is teaming up with Humble Bundle once again to offer a bundle of Python ebooks, featuring some of the best-selling titles on the market.
This ebook bundle includes best sellers like “Python Crash Course,” “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python” and “Python for Kids”; hacker favorites like “Gray Hat Python” and “Black Hat Python”; and beginner-friendly reads like “Teach Your Kids to Code” and “Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python.”
Valued at over $230, this bundle is a must-have for any Python enthusiast. And with Humble Bundle's trademark pay-what-you-want model, readers can pay whatever price they think is fair. The Humble Book Bundle: Python benefits the Python Software Foundation (PSF), an organization dedicated to advancing the Python programming language and facilitating the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers.
As with all Humble Bundle promotions, customers choose how much of their money goes to the publisher, Humble Bundle, and the benefiting nonprofit. The Humble Book Bundle: Python ( for two weeks and ends on April 19.