Chukong Technologies launches Cocos 3.7
Chukong Technologies has announced the merger of Cocos2d-JS into Cocos2d-x to form the Cocos 3.7 upgrade. With Cocos 3.7, developers have greater ease of use and less confusion over which product to use as well as the ability to customize their Coscos Framework, according to the folks at Chukong.
In addition, the Cocos SDKBOX is now fully launched and is a platform that provides an integration of third party SDK [software development kit] services with games developed with Cocos2d-x game engine. Cocos SDKBOX is an open platform that supports all major services for mobile game’s production and operation, in the areas of analytics, user acquisition, monetization, advertising, and more.
Cocos2d-x is now the largest open source mobile game engine with 490,000 registered mobile game developers and over 16,000 published titles, according to Kai Zhao, general manager of Chukong Technologies, USA. For more information on Cocos SDKBOX, go to