Micromat revamps Techtool Pro 8 for Mac OS X
Micromat (www.micromat.com) has announced a new version of Techtool Pro. The company calls the new version Techtool Pro 8 and says the new version offers a number of significant new features.
"Techtool Pro 8 is a major leap forward compared to our prior versions," says Jeff Baudin, president of Micromat. "Version 8 brings us to the level of ASD (Apple Service Diagnostics). Added with Techtool's legacy battery of tests and repair functions, it takes us quite a bit further."
Of the new features included in version 8, he says the most significant is the component tests. Depending on the model of Macintosh, it can now check up to 150 new components, sensors and voltage levels "of which we previously could not test," Baudin says.
What's more, Micromat has integrated its Protogo product into this version of Techtool. Protogo allows users to create bootable diagnostic devices out of external hard drives or flash drives.
Techtool Pro 8 can be ordered through select dealers and resellers worldwide or directly from Micromat (www.micromat.com). The suggested retail price of the complete program is US$99.99. Owners of earlier versions of Techtool Pro may upgrade for $39.99.