Revision Buddies launch GCSE Science Suite
Revision Buddies has now completed its GCSE Science Suite of revision apps. In addition to the Maths, History, French, RS & Geography apps, students can test their knowledge, further their understanding and monitor their progress in the lead up to their Biology, Physics & Chemistry GCSE exams using this personalized learning apparatus.
Featuring 1000s of original, syllabus specific questions, students may repeat difficult questions or select new questions at random. As with all Revision Buddies apps, these are written in accordance with the OCR, Edexcel and AQA GCSE exam boards.
Given the nature of the Science syllabus, Revision Buddies say they've ensured that each student can mould their app specifically to their exam board requirements; they can pick and choose their board, whether they are studying the Additional or Core topics, and then differentiate between higher and foundation tiers within that.
Revision Buddies has a provision for direct links to past papers and mark schemes. It also provides instant access to exam layouts, questions and how they're expected to be answered.
As well as using the app independently, it can also be used collaboratively through the sharing of results on Facebook and Twitter. This collaborative nature of our apps is currently in development and Revision Buddies say they're looking to integrate new features that will allow for teacher assessment and joint classroom learning in the future.
The apps are free to download and try, with in-app purchasing available. There are also "for schools" versions with all topics enabled that are part of Apple's VPP program, offering teachers a 50% discount. Go to for more info.