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May 10
[MD1] Object Master and Mac2Win
Here's two announcements from Altura -- Object Master Professional Edition and new lower pricing for Mac2Win.s who purchase Object Master Professional Edition will receive the current Release and the following two releases all for one price. The new releases will automatically be distributed to Professional Edition subscription customers when they are made available. "Our experience, as a leading provider of cross-plaform development tools, tells us that in order for developers to be productive, it is imperative that they have the richest and most reliable tools," said Lorenzen. "Object Master Professional Edition will provide developers with the best development environment that their money can buy." NEW FEATURES Altura will be adding a number of new features to future releases of Object Master. For Release 6, currently planned for June 1997, Object Master will add the following capabilities: o Java - Full Java support, including the creation of new classes, class trees,...
May 10
[MD1] O'Reilly: Official Be Publisher
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 10, 1997 CONTACT: Sara Winge 707/829-0515 x285 O'REILLY & ASSOCIATES IS OFFICIAL TECHNICAL PUBLISHER FOR BE, INC. The "Be Book" is First Title in Publishing Program for Be Developers SEBASTOPOL, CA--Technical publisher O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., is the official publisher of technical documentation for the Be operating system (BeOS), O'Reilly and Be, Inc., announced today at the Be Developers' Conference in Santa Clara, CA. The first title, the two-volume "Be Book," will be published in July when the final version of the BeOS is released. The "Be Book" is the official programmer's reference manual for the BeOS, providing developers with direct access to the internals of this revolutionary new operating system. It includes two volumes and two CD-ROMs that contain the entire operating system. O'Reilly will be publishing more titles for Be programmers and users in late 1997 and 1998. "We're excited about the...
May 10
[MD1] AutoShare 1.3
AutoShare 1.3, a freeware list server and auto-responder for EIMS (formerly AIMS and MailShare), has been released and may be downloaded from ( and also from the mirror site at ( until it's up on Info-Mac in the comm/inet/mail directory. Version 1.3 offers - improvements and bug fixes - expanded full scriptability - improved Admin with balloon help - subscriber and administrator web forms - Mac-to-HTML and MIME-to-HTML character conversions - list-specific passwords for remote administration by e-mail - new post and nopost subscriber options - choice of RFC From vs envelope sender for subscriber lists - Mac-to-MIME configuration, unconditional option added - scripted e-mail using the Send Mail AppleScript command - updated Frontier glue document - using AutoShare with NewsRunner - monthly help files on a per-list basis - specific key strings for poll accounts -...
May 09
[MD1] MacTech CD Now Includes All of 'develop'
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Neil Ticktin Publisher, MacTech Magazine Xplain Corporation Phone: 805-494-9797 Fax: 805-494-9798 MACTECH CD NOW INCLUDES ALL OF "DEVELOP" Westlake Village, CA -- May 9, 1997 -- Xplain Corporation, the publisher of MacTech magazine, today announced that it is now shipping a new version of the MacTech CD including the entire history of 'develop', Apple's Technical Journal. As one of the first CD-ROM publishers, MacTech Magazine has continually updated it's historical CD. The MacTech CD, Volumes 1-12 includes every article from MacTech magazine (Nov, 1984 through May, 1997), every issue of develop (Volumes 1-29, 1990-1997), the original Inside Macintosh, the most complete set of FrameWorks magazine archives known, hundreds of megabytes of source code, the best utilities from the net, developer relevant demos, and much more. All of the articles are in THINK Reference format. THINK Reference is one of the most beloved developer tools...
May 08
[MD1] WindowDetective
From: Jeff Beeghly ( WindowDetective is a tool which allows you to view the WindowRecord and GrafPort records of any window. Once you have viewed the contents of a certain window, you may print the data, copy the data to the clipboard, or save the data as a text file. Developers can use WindowDetective to aid them in their development cycle. Are Quickdraw calls not drawing in the right location and you believe the Regions in you application (visible, clip, etc...) are getting corrupted? Use WindowDetective! Software testers (or Quality Assurance Engineers) can use WindowDetective for scripted regression testing and everyday guerrilla testing. You can find it in the dev folder on the Info-Mac sites, or from my home page: (
May 08
[MD1] BrainHex 1.1
BrainScan Software is pleased to announce the release of BrainHex 1.1, an updated version of the popular BrainHex file editor and browser for MacOS(tm) based computers. Billed as "the world's greatest (and noisiest) hexadecimal file editor for MacOS(tm)," BrainHex allows the user to view and edit the contents of either fork (data or resource) of any MacOS file in hexadecimal code as well as ASCII characters and also provides full-featured editing of file system information, the ability to edit values in many formats and much more. BrainHex users include software developers, data analysts, game hackers, and anyone curious about what's really in those files cluttering their disk drives. BrainHex 1.1 includes several user-requested features, and improves the usefulness and robustness of the product. New features of this release include a much enhanced Finder Info editing window, powerful file comparison features and improved management of multiple views open to a single file. A few...
May 08
[MD1] CodeWarrior Lounge at WWDC
If you are planning to attend WWDC in San Jose, please stop by the CodeWarrior Lounge (Room J-3). See the new 2.0 IDE, learn how CodeWarrior Latitude will make the transition to Rhapsody easier, and meet our engineers, who will be available to answer any questions you may have. CodeWarrior Latitude DR1 will be available next week and purchases can be made at WWDC, by calling our customer service department, and by contacting resellers. CodeWarrior Latitude: -Is a porting tool which allows you to quickly move existing Mac OS 7.X applications to UNIX, and soon Rhapsody. -Contains a set of shared libraries which perfom the functions of the Macintosh API. -Allows you to identify which portions of your code will port smoothly and which Mac Toolbox traps are not implemented, by compiling and linking your CodeWarrior project with the special Latitiude test libraries. CodeWarrior Latitude also includes: -Two free updates -Free technical support -Sun Solaris and SGI IRIX porting tools....
May 08
[MD1] CorelDraw Mac OS port
"When development manager Ian LeGrow asked Corel Corporation's management if he could port Windows-based CorelDRAW to the Mac OS platform, the idea was received less than enthusiastically. "In the summer of 1995, my managers were under the impression that the Macintosh was near death," says LeGrow. "But after discussing the size of the Mac OS installed base and the ease of porting a Windows-based product, they let my team have a go at it. "Now, two years later, Corel views the Mac OS platform in a whole different light." Thus begins an excellent porting PC-to-Mac success story, "How Corel Made Its Mark in the Mac OS Market," by Kris Dalebout Newby in the May issue of Apple Directions. I've included a brief summary of the article below, which you may reprint, including the URL for the online version of the article ( html). ********** Corel Finds Porting PC-to-Mac Easy and Lucrative Corel Corporation...
May 08
[MD1] CyberGauge
Neon Software Announces CyberGauge 2.0 LAFAYETTE, CA - April 23rd, 1996 - Neon Software announced today an upgrade to their popular MacOS Internet bandwidth measurement utility CyberGauge. Version 2.0 enhancements include the ability to monitor network interfaces on multiple routers, automatic creation of JPEG format graphs of bandwidth data, and auto-discovery of the routers which connect your Macintosh to the Internet. CyberGauge is an inexpensive yet powerful Internet management utility which allows users to monitor and analyse the throughput of virtually every Internet router available on the market. Based on the industry standard management protocol, SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), CyberGauge can also be used to determine bandwidth utilization on many network-connected devices, such as switches and hubs. The crucial decision of balancing bandwidth and price requires a thorough knowledge of current bandwidth utilization. CyberGauge shows whether or not you are getting...
May 08
[MD1] Gestalt Selectors List 3.8
From: (Rene G.A. Ros) Subject: Gestalt Selectors List 3.8 Dear Mac-programmers, Today I released version 3.8 of the Gestalt Selectors List (GSL) It lists all sorts of information about the Gestalt Manager, but mainly about selectors and the meaning of the returned values. The Gestalt Manager is part of the Apple Macintosh System Software to enable programmers to determine the availability of certain software and hardware. This version has lots of new selectors for Mac OS 8.0, QuickTime VR etc. You can obtain the latest version in several ways: - by sending email to the mail archive server at: with the subject: archive get recent/gestalt-selectors.etx or to get the compressed version: archive get recent/gestalt-selectors.sit.hqx - FTP to the info-mac archives at and get the file /info-mac/dev/info/gestalt-selectors-xx.hqx You can also use any of its...
May 08
[MD1] Management for ListSTAR mailing lists
Dada Typographics 2733 st paul st. #1 baltimore, MD 21218 ANNOUNCING LISTTOOLS 1.6 -- Management for ListSTAR mailing lists Shareware: $25 US ( listTools is a full-featured Frontier suite for managing StarNine Technologies' ListSTAR server. listTools is capable of replacing all your existing AppleScripts, and provides far more services than ListSTAR's default configurations allow. Because it takes advantage of Frontier's built-in database, you have comprehensive access to information about your services, and the standard listTools scripts run at blazing speed. Our new templates are designed to take advantage of listTools features by default. If you have existing services that use AppleScripts, you may either replace them by installing a new listTools template, or see the "LT Scripts" documentation for information on how to convert your existing services to take advantage of listTools features....
May 08
[MD1] Waste 1.3a4
From: "Thomas L. Ferrell" ( Subject: [ANN] Waste 1.3a4 at Info-Mac Just saw that Waste 1.3a4 has been uploaded to It has both CW11 and Sym C++ 8.1 projects included. Also see tom
May 06
[MD1] DISCOVER 4th DIMENSION road show
ACI US announces the DISCOVER 4th DIMENSION road show Cupertino, CA April 25, 1997. In conjunction with the 4D Pro ship date, ACI US also announced the Discover 4th Dimension road show. Beginning in May, ACI US will present an introductory seminar for the new 4th Dimension Version 6 developer and conduct high-end training classes designed for data management professionals and experienced 4D developers. The ACI US Discover 4th Dimension road show will visit seven major cities throughout the United States, and will be hosted by Walt Nelson, Director of Partner Development for ACI US. Each stop on the tour will include: * Two days of high-level 4D training: - Day One: "A Technical Look Under the Hood of 4D V6." - Day Two: "Optimizing 4D and 4D Server Applications" * The Discover 4th Dimension seminar for prospective customers and developers As part of the road show in each city, ACI US will participate in local and regional User Groups and Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings. The...
May 05
[MD1] OpenDoc Developers Reaffirm Commitment to MacOS
May 5, 1997 We, the undersigned, have developed and shipped software that works with Apple's OpenDoc component technology. As developers, we are firmly committed to OpenDoc, the MacOS, and Apple. Today, OpenDoc provides a superior development scenario for us and a superior usability scenario for our customers. Even in this time of difficult decisions and new directions, we believe Apple should strengthen its commitment to OpenDoc and related ongoing projects, such as ODF and Cyberdog. OpenDoc just works better. Someday, OpenDoc will rule the Desktop. Respectfully, Brad Hutchings, Hutchings Software Arni McKinley, MetaMind Software, Inc. Bob Horst, ComGrafix, Inc. Mike Nixon, Corda Technologies Dean Capone, Apollo Technologies, Inc. Contact Information: Brad Hutchings Mike Nixon General Partner, Corda Technologies Hutchings Software (801) 763-0517 (714) 470-1520 Arni McKinley, Bob Horst President and CEO, President,...
May 05
[MD1] Image Processing Tool Kit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Chris Russ Reindeer Games, Inc. 704/544-7023 704/544-7024 FAX Announcing The Image Processing Tool Kit Version 2.0 Charlotte, NC - May 2, 1997 - Reindeer Games announces the Image Processing Tool Kit, version 2.0. IPTK 2.0 is a set of image processing and analysis plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and compatible packages on both the Macintosh and the PC, and is intended as a companion to the popular Image Processing Handbook, 2nd Edition, CRC Press. The features in 2.0 include: - Hybrid CD for Macintosh and PC - 2x to 10x speed improvement from 1.0 - more than 75 plugins for the Mac and PC - New tools for FFT processing - An expanded tutorial for use with either Photoshop, NIH Image (on the Mac), or UTHSCSA ImageTool (on the PC) illustrating many of the types of problems requiring image processing tools - Tools to remove halftones from images - New color tools and arbitrary color separation...
Apr 30
[MD1] Crimson Basic Development System
Crimson Compilers are pleased to announce the availability of the 'Crimson Basic Development System', a new visual development system for the Macintosh range of computers. Features include : Integrated Development Environment. Visual Forms designer. In-built program Editor. Fully compiled Basic language. A demonstration version of this product is available from the Crimson web site at: The price of this product is initially set at 50 (U.K. Pounds) and payments are accepted in any currency. Visit the Crimson web page for more details and ordering information. Also available from this site for free download is the SC Basic compiler, a fully functional Basic compiler producing 68K code.
Apr 30
[MD1] Apple on Ellison Dropping Bid
Below is Apple's press release about Larry Ellison dropping his bid for Apple. For the story on Ellison (, you might want to read the article at the San Jose Mercury news web site. ------------------------------------------------------- Apple Issues Statement in Response to Ellison Release CUPERTINO, Calif.--April 29, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. today released the following statement in response to a press release from Oracle Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive, Lawrence J. Ellison: Apple has no specific comment related to Mr. Ellison's press release. Apple has a clearly articulated strategy and a detailed plan to return the Company to profitability. We have a seasoned management team and have undertaken a series of initiatives over the last year to streamline the business, improve quality, and sharply focus on our core markets (education, publishing, media authoring, consumer). Our recent product introductions have been met with...
Apr 29
[MD1] ScriptDemon
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Introducing ScriptDemon: Complete AppleScript Power over the Web! Royal Software, Inc. announces ScriptDemon! ScriptDemon is a browser plug-in that, for the first time, delivers the power AppleScript over the Web. The ScriptDemon plug-in executes the embedded AppleScript code included on a Web page. AppleScript is the most powerful device on any platform for creating tools and workflows, easily. It is THE superior automation tool for publishing and communication. As an extension of these abilities, this plug-in is designed to change the relationship between a user and the Internet/Intranet forever. No longer is the user's "net" experience limited to observing through a browser window. With this plug-in, an unprecedented level of interactivity is available. Now the user can say "Show me!" or "Guide me!" or even have a specific task done for them ON THEIR COMPUTER! Users can tap interactive help files; get...
Apr 29
[MD1] NeoAccess Used by AOL
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jesse Odell The Ford Odell Group 707/538-9592 NEOLOGIC OBJECT DATABASE DEPLOYED BY ONLINE INDUSTRY GIANT AOL --America Online Adopts NeoAccess Database Engine to Increase Performance and Optimize Memory Usage in AOL 3.0 Berkeley, CA - April 29, 1997 - NeoLogic Systems today announced that NeoAccess, the company's object database management system, has been deployed as the foundation technology for America Online's Macintosh client application. This follows the adoption of NeoAccess by Netscape, Compuserve and NetObjects, making NeoAccess the object database selected by four of today's leading Internet technology providers. "AOL's use of object technology represents the company's unwavering, forward-thinking drive to provide the best possible user experience for its customers," said NeoLogic President Bob Krause. "We are pleased to have provided the database infrastructure to support this application's sophisticated, streamlined design...
Apr 29
[MD1] Free OPENSTEP and WebObjects Development Tools
Prelude to Rhapsody Starts at WWDC Attendees at Apple's Upcoming Developers Conference to Get Free OPENSTEP and WebObjects Development Tools CUPERTINO, Calif. - April 29, 1997 - Continuing to build momentum for its next-generation operating system, code-named Rhapsody, Apple Computer,Inc. today announced that it will provide all Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) attendees, free of charge, a "Prelude to Rhapsody" software bundle, which includes the latest versions of OPENSTEP and WebObjects development tools. These tools will allow developers to begin learning the OPENSTEP programming environment which is the basis for Rhapsody. They also include WebObjects, which is Apple's industry-leading tool for easily creating powerful and full-featured dynamic web sites. Apple remains on schedule to deliver a Rhapsody Developer Release later this year, in preparation for the introduction of customer releases in 1998. Apple's WWDC is May 13 - 16 at the San Jose Convention Center, San Jose...
Apr 28
[MD1] Apple ships Cyberdog 2.0
Apple Updates Popular Suite of Internet Components: Cyberdog 2.0 CUPERTINO, Calif.--April 28, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced availability of Cyberdog(tm) 2.0, an updated version of its suite of Internet technologies for the Mac(r) OS. The software, which offers enhanced functionality particularly in email and web browsing capabilities, is available for downloading from the Cyberdog website ( and is expected to be included with the Mac OS 8 release later this year. Introduced in May 1996, Cyberdog broke new ground in the Internet access arena by providing users with the advantages of flexibility and integration on the Internet. With improvements in later releases, Cyberdog provides direct integration of the Internet into the desktop. Cyberdog provides an icon for Internet addresses (URLs, email addresses) and services (FTP sites, mail trays, Telnet sessions) that can be dragged to the desktop and organized in folders. With this capability,...
Apr 28
[MD1] StarNine Offers Free NASDAQ Template
For Immediate Release STARNINE OFFERS FREE NASDAQ TEMPLATE FOR WEBCOLLAGE -- Graphic Template Automatically Serves Nasdaq Stock Quotes on WebCollage Sites -- BERKELEY, Calif., April 28, 1996 -- StarNine Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Quarterdeck Corporation, today announced its latest product, WebCollage, will ship with free WebCollage templates allowing users to easily re-publish Nasdaq quotes of specific technology stocks. WebCollage will automatically retrieve the quotes from the StarNine ( or Nasdaq Web sites ( at intervals specified by the user, and publish the updated quote as a GIF file on any Web server. The graphics include a Nasdaq logo, which also serves as a live link to the Nasdaq site, and Nasdaq authorization for StarNine and it's users to republish these quotes in this format. The announcement today coincided with the shipping of WebCollage (see related release dated April 28, 1997), a new software product for content...
Apr 28
[MD1] StarNine ships WebCollage
For Immediate Release STARNINE SHIPS WEBCOLLAGE, AN INDUSTRY-FIRST CONTENT-CREATION DATABOT -- Revolutionary New Product Automates the Creation of Dynamic Infographics -- BERKELEY, Calif., April 28, 1996 -- StarNine Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Quarterdeck Corporation, today announced it is shipping WebCollage, a new product that automatically builds dynamic Web graphics containing up-to-the-minute data, and uploads them to any Web server on any platform on a scheduled basis. The Mac OS version of WebCollage is available today from StarNine for the special introductory price of $199. The introductory price is good until June 30, 1997, after which time WebCollage will cost $249. "StarNine's known for innovative, leading-edge Internet products and our new WebCollage is no exception," noted Avi Rappoport, product manager at StarNine. "WebCollage makes Web sites truly come alive by constantly refreshing the data being served - without anyone having to lift a finger to do it. Since...
Apr 28
[MD1] MacXperts' X2O: Generate Dynamic HTML
MacXperts Releases X2O, 1.0.5 to Generate Dynamic HTML for Mac OS Web servers RICHMOND, Virginia -- April 24, 1997 -- MacXperts, Inc. today announced the release and immediate availability of X2O, version 1.0.5, a WebSTAR plug-in that enables you to connect a Mac OS based Web server to any Oracle7 database. X2O was formerly known as WebX. X2O generates World Wide Web pages on-the-fly from Oracle stored procedures. It allows delivery of dynamic HTML pages and updates, while also allowing sites to take advantage of the kind of technology that eases site administration and management tasks. "This is the only Web-database tool that allows heuristic processing" said William Tyler, President and CEO of MacXperts, Inc. "This means when a query is sent to the database, not only is an HTML page returned, but the program actually makes secondary logic decisions based on the return from the query. You can't do that with other Web-database solutions" continued Tyler. X2O offers the full power of...
Apr 28
[MD1] J.Stream First to Get 100% Pure Java Certification
For Immediate Release J.Stream First In Line for 100% Pure Java Certification Vancouver, WA-April 24, 1997-J.Stream, the hot, new subsidiary of DataPak Software Inc., received 100% Pure Java certification Tuesday, April 22. This certification, which ensures the right to display the JavaSoft 100% Pure Java logo, assures potential users that J.Stream's WiredWrite publishing application, together with their J.Press Document (JPD) formats, maximizes cross-platform compatibility. Whether embedded in a web page, published on a CD-ROM or sent as e-mail attachments, JPDs are instantly cross-platform. They are also the first pure Java document format capable of converting a 10.2 meg. FrameMaker file to a 311K JPD. J.Press Documents are based on a proprietary three part document format that includes a unique 75K Java viewer applet, document word dictionary and data stream. The dictionary and Java based style runs utilize cutting edge technology that results in documents as little as 1/10th the...
Apr 28
[MD1] CodeWarrior for PalmPilot
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Contacts: Cynthia Fray Metrowerks, Inc. (512) 873-4758 METROWERKS INTRODUCES CODEWARRIOR FOR PALMPILOT, APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT TOOLS HOSTED ON WINDOWS 95/NT & MAC OS CodeWarrior Tools for U.S. Robotics' PalmPilot Connected Organizers To Include New Visual Resource Editing AUSTIN, Texas-April 28, 1997-Metrowerks Inc. (NASDAQ: MTWKF, TSE/ME: MWK), one of the world's leading providers of software development tools, today announced CodeWarrior for PalmPilot DR/2 ("Developer Release 2") hosted on Windows 95/NT and Mac OS. CodeWarrior for PalmPilot features the CodeWarrior Integrated Development Environment ("IDE") and allows software developers to build applications for the new PalmPilot Professional and PalmPilot Personal Connected Organizers from U.S. Robotics. "We are pleased to announce the availability of CodeWarrior for PalmPilot hosted on both Windows 95/NT and Mac OS," said Jean Blanger, chairman and chief executive officer of...
Apr 28
[MD1] ACI Ships 4D Desktop v6
ACI US SHIPS 4D DESKTOP VERSION 6 A cost-effective rapid application development (RAD) workshop Cupertino, CA April 25, 1997. ACI US, Inc. today shipped 4D Desktop, an out-of-the-box database development tool kit that combines the ACI US 4th Dimension Version 6 relational database, 4D Compiler, and 4D Insider, creating a cost-effective RAD workshop. The release of 4D Desktop marks the second phase in the ACI US Version 6 product line upgrades. On March 24, 1997, ACI US shipped 4th Dimension Version 6 (4D V6), the Web-enabled upgrade of their powerful 32-bit relational database. By creating a powerful and productive 4th Dimension database workshop, including 4D, 4D Compiler and 4D Insider, 4D Desktop delivers a complete set of products with three main benefits: - Consistency in development - Ease of maintenance - Cost-effectiveness 4D Compiler--a true machine-language compiler, is optimized to support a wide range of processors on both Macintosh and Windows platforms. 4D Compiler...
Apr 28
[MD1] Investing in Apple Computer
We hope that you will not consider this an intrusion. But we feel that it is important that you know how you can help Apple Computer to survive. The AUG Investment Club is a partnership of loyal MAC computer users who are investing in Apple Computer and other companies that support the Macintosh Operating System. We believe that our investment will show Apple Computer that we stand with them while they develop new and exciting computer technology that will once again prove that Apple Computer technology is far superior. We also believe that Apple Computer is under a lot of pressure from its major stockholders, investors that look for immediate profit and may not be willing to give Apple Computer the time it needs to make its plan succeed. The AUG Investment Club was started to give loyal MAC computer users the opportunity to invest without having to meet the high requirements set by the brokerage companies. Most brokerage companies require a minimum $1000. to open an account and...
Apr 24
[MD1] develop Teams Up with MacTech
Apple and MacTech Magazine Team Up to Deliver 'develop', Apple's Technical Journal MacTech to Present Award-Winning 'develop' Technical Content in a Special Section CUPERTINO, Calif.,--April 24, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced that it has joined forces with Xplain Corporation to publish the technical content of 'develop', Apple's award-winning quarterly technical journal, as a special section of MacTech magazine. Commencing with its May issue, MacTech magazine will deliver a special section of 'develop' written by Apple engineers and reviewed by Apple technical support that will enable develop's high-quality technical articles and code to reach more developers than ever before. "Apple is excited to be joining forces with MacTech magazine to deliver the kind of high-quality technical information previously published in the develop Technical Journal," said David Krathwohl, vice president of Apple Developer Relations. "develop's in-depth technical articles and vital...
Apr 23
[MD1] First look at Rhapsody at WWDC
*** Developers to get First look at Rhapsody and "Hands on" With Mac OS 8 at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference *** Rhapsody, Mac OS, Internet & Enterprise, Interactive Media, and Hardware Sessions Give Developers Grand Tour of What's Up at Apple CUPERTINO, Calif.--April 21, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced that its upcoming annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) will showcase a wide range of Apple technologies for software and hardware developers--from an overview of Apple's upcoming hardware to in-depth sessions on operating system and multimedia technologies. At WWDC Apple also plans to demonstrate an early version of Apple's next generation operating system, code named Rhapsody, as well as previewing Mac OS 8, a major upgrade to Mac OS planned for release in July 1997. Apple remains on schedule to deliver a developer version of Rhapsody later this year, in preparation for the introduction of customer releases of the operating system in 1998. The WWDC...
Apr 23
[MD1] Astrobyte's BeyondPress
Astrobyte(TM) Announces New Web Authoring XTension(TM) BeyondPress(TM) 3.0 Adds WYSIWYG Web Design, Multimedia, Font Support to Award-Winning Design Tool For Immediate Release: April 22, 1997 New York City - At the Seybold Seminars Conference today, Astrobyte announced BeyondPress 3.0, the latest version of its Web authoring XTension for QuarkXPress(TM). The 3.0 version supports both Windows(TM) and Mac(R) OS, includes all the document-conversion features of its predecessor, and adds powerful Web page authoring and management tools. WYSIWYG Web Authoring --------------------- BeyondPress 3.0 lets designers create Web pages using advanced text formatting and page layout tools. Using the Cascading Style Sheet support of Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 and the upcoming Netscape Navigator 4.0, plus Bitstream's TrueDoc(TM) font technology, BeyondPress converts stylized text in a QuarkXPress document to formatted text on a Web page, retaining the intended fonts and type size. BeyondPress...
Apr 23
[MD1] Purity Offers Competitve Upgrade
PURITY SOFTWARE OFFERS WEBSIPHON COMPETITIVE UPGRADE TO NETCLOAK AND NETFORMS USERS Austin, TX (April 23, 1997) - Purity Software announced today a competitive upgrade program that can save users $150 when purchasing WebSiphon, the powerful server-side web application development tool for Macintosh web sites. The offer enables users of any retail version of NetCloak or NetForms to purchase a full retail copy of WebSiphon v1.0.2 at a special promotional price of $345 and is available until June 30th, 1997. Users who purchase WebSiphon under this program will receive a free upgrade to WebSiphon v1.5 when it ships later this year. The competitive upgrade program was developed in response to requests by NetCloak and NetForms users who feel restricted by the limited feature-set available in current versions of these products. "We have spoken with many Macintosh WebMasters who have simply reached the point where they need more power than NetCloak and NetForms provide," said Nathan Nunn,...
Apr 22
[MD1] MessagePad 2000 Sales Booming
Apple MessagePad 2000 Sales Booming Less Than A Month After Product Ships CUPERTINO, Calif.--The Apple Newton MessagePad 2000 is roaring out of the gate. Apple Computer, Inc. reports that less than a month after its March 24 ship date, the newest member of its Newton family of mobile business appliances is selling briskly at both the corporate and retail levels. "The MessagePad 2000 is today's most powerful handheld computer," said Sandy Bennett, vice president of the Newton Systems Group at Apple Computer, Inc. "The sales we have achieved in our first 30 days and customer response validate our claim that the MessagePad 2000 is a compelling business machine. Our bookings rates are running five times as high as they were a year ago." Announced last October, the MessagePad 2000 offers features that are important for mobile professionals, including e-mail, fax, and Internet access capability (modem and Internet service provider account must be purchased separately), as well as...
Apr 22
[MD1] AppleShare IP 5.0
Apple Announces Pricing and Availability of AppleShare IP 5.0 SEYBOLD EXPO--NEW YORK--April 21, 1997--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced pricing and availability of its next-generation server software--AppleShare IP 5.0. The software will be included in the AppleShare Server Solution, one of three software configurations included with Apple's newly announced Workgroup Servers 7350/180 and 9650/233. A shrinkwrap version of AppleShare IP 5.0 is also scheduled for distribution in May 1997 by Claris Corporation. The recommended retail prices for AppleShare IP 5.0 vary based on configuration: SKU Version Price 452000Z AppleShare IP 5.0 (Unlimited Client Version) $1999 506092Z AppleShare IP 5.0 (50-Client Version) $1349 506091Z AppleShare IP 5.0 (5-Client Version) $ 799 506095Z AppleShare IP 5.0 (6-50 Additional Client License) $ 599 506096Z AppleShare IP 5.0 (51-Unlimited Additional Clients) $ 699 452005Z AppleShare IP 5.0 4....
Apr 22
[MD1] Motorola Bundles DAVE with StarMax
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Motorola Bundles DAVE(tm) with StarMax Systems --- Mac-compatible Vendor Provides PC Connectivity Using TCP/IP ARLINGTON, Texas--Thursby Software Systems, Inc. (TSS), the world's leading developer of Mac OS cross-platform solutions, announced a bundling agreement with Motorola Computer Group (MCG) that includes DAVE software to be shipped with StarMax systems beginning in mid-May. DAVE V1.0.1 is the latest release from Thursby Software. It is a very fast, new version of its powerful Mac OS to Windows networks connectivity software. A free, fully-functional evaluation copy of DAVE is available at Motorola has strategically included DAVE for cross-platform connectivity with new StarMax configurations focused on the "enterprise" market. "Providing value to our customers is our number one priority," said Dennis Schneider, vice president and general manager, Commercial Products Division, MCG. "That means offering the overall best solution...
Apr 22
[MD1] Kaidan announces KiWi
KAIDAN ANNOUNCES KiWi(tm): A LOW-COST PANORAMIC VR TRIPOD HEAD KAIDAN BREAKS THE $100 PRICE BARRIER WITH THEIR NEW LOW-COST KIWI PANORAMIC TRIPOD HEAD FEASTERVILLE, PA - Kaidan, Inc. today announced KiWi, the first truly affordable panoramic VR tripod head. KiWi brings digital photographic panoramas to an even wider audience. With the advent of easy-to-use and affordable VR panorama creation software, such as PictureWorks' Spin and Panimation's Nodester(tm), the KiWi panhead provides a complete solution that is ideal for anyone interested in adding digital VR panoramas to their websites, e-mail and multimedia applications. According to Jim Anders, President of Kaidan, "These applications represent the first wave of products that will catapult QuickTime VR and other photographic VR technologies such as RealVR and Surround Video squarely into the consumer market." "Although KiWi is inexpensive, we've designed it to provide a high degree of functionality and durability," said Krista...
Apr 22
[MD1] LetterRip 1.1
Fog City Software Releases LetterRip 1.1 -- Mac Mailing List Server Capitola, CA -- April 22, 1997 -- Fog City Software, Inc. announces an important new version of its powerful and easy to use mailing list server, LetterRip. LetterRip 1.1 delivers email even faster than before. Optimizations in the mail engine permit LetterRip to reliably deliver thousands of messages an hour. The high performance mail engine becomes crucial for - Announcements to thousands of customers or associates - Busy discussion lists where 100 messages to 1,000 subscribers can mean up to 100,000 message deliveries "It screams!", says Rich Gay of Foresight Technology who uses LetterRip to manage a number of busy lists. LetterRip 1.1 adds other features including - New message headers to make unsubscribing easier - Enhanced server logging - More automatically managed administrative accounts Setting LetterRip up is as easy as ever. Getting the server running is accomplished in minutes. Features such as digests...
Apr 22
[MD1] Altura Acquires WinSock SDK
Altura Software, Inc. Acquires WinSock SDK for Mac OS from NetManage, Inc. PACIFIC GROVE, Calif. -- April 21, 1997 -- Altura Software, Inc. announced today that it has acquired the WinSock SDK for Mac OS from NetManage, Inc. (NASDAQ: NETM) for an undisclosed amount. WinSock SDK for Mac OS provides a single network API common to both Windows and Mac OS making it easier to port TCP/IP applications to the Mac OS environment. ABOUT WINSOCK SDK FOR MAC OS WinSock SDK for Mac OS is the only WinSock API for the Mac OS platform. Bridging the TCP/IP network API gap between the Windows and Mac OS platforms, WinSock SDK for Mac OS gives developers a tool for porting their WinSock based applications from Windows to the Mac OS platform. Additionally, it gives developers a single API for writing applications to the two stack technologies currently available on the Mac OS platform - Open Transport and MacTCP. WinSock SDK for Mac OS is an ideal tool for developers who have been tasked with porting...
Apr 22
[MD1] Pictorius' iNet Developer
For Immediate Release Press Contact: Andrew Clarke 902.492.2880 ext. 248 Pictorius Announces iNet Developer for Macintosh Next Generation Intranet Application Tool Lets IS Managers Focus on IS Tasks and Content Providers Create and Manage Site Content in a Team Environment April 22, 1997 - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada - Pictorius Incorporated, the leading developer of Intranet software solutions for the corporate market, today announced Pictorius iNet Developer, a next generation Intranet development tool. Pictorius iNet Developer is a complete site development solution designed to give development teams the ability to easily create complex Intranet sites, connect to databases and change content instantly with an easy to use visual interface. Pictorius iNet Developer gives IS managers powerful tools to build custom functionality into a site and enables content providers (e.g. Marketing, Finance, HR departments) the freedom to update and manipulate a site's...
Apr 20
[MD1] Handheld Systems Conference
Handheld Systems Conference - Full Agenda and Speaker Bios Detailed sessions descriptions for The Handheld Systems Conference, including speaker names and biographies, have been posted to the company's Web site at Minor changes to previously-announced speakers include the substitution of Greg Galanos, President and CTO of Metrowerks, in place of Jean Belanger, Metrowerk's CEO. In addition, Kari Paukkeri, General Manager, Nokia Mobile Phones, Dallas will present a keynote entitled "Benefiting From Worldwide Mobile Markets". Conference hightlights include: - The Windows CE pavilion, a hands-on room containing a variety of Handheld PC hardware and software products; - Receptions April 24 and 25 hosted by Psion and Nokia Mobile Phones respectively; and - Exhibits that are open to the public from 1 - 5 PM April 25 and 26. For more information about the conference go to Creative Digital Publishing Inc.'s web site at or call 415.621.4252. Creative...
Apr 18
[MD1] BMUG MacFest
COME BE A PART OF THE PREMIERE EVENT FOR THE MAC USING COMMUNTIY! For Immediate Release BERKELEY, CA, April 17, 1997 - The Mac platform is alive and kicking! April 26 marks the date of the 7th annual BMUG MacFest. This year will prove to be the best yet with such big name vendors as Adobe, Connectix, Aladdin, Dantz, Iomega, Corel, Wacom, Techworks, Motorola, U.S. Robotics, APS Technologies, and MANY more. For the first time ever, vendors will be selling product and giving some great deals to attendees. Also, come hear two of the top titans in the industry- Ellen Hancock, Apple Vice President, will be our keynote speaker... and if that's not exciting enough, we'll also hear from Jean Louis Gassee, founder of Be, Inc*. Other conference speakers include industry analyst Dave Winer, TidBits Editor Adam Engst, MacWeek Columnist Don Crabb, Motorola Evangelist Bob Levitus and PhotoShop guru Bert Monroy - all cutting edge Mac people. Workshops will include Basic Mac Techniques, QuickTime 2.5...
Apr 18
[MD1] FTP Tool 1.2
FOR RELEASE: IMMEDIATE Royal Software, Inc., Largo, FL, announces the release of FTP Tool 1.2, the Internet connectivity solution for application developers. FTP Tool is a fully scriptable code resource supporting most modern scripting languages such as Hypercard, SuperCard, Oracle Media Objects and Director for dynamically transferring and managing files across the Internet. It provides a unique solution for developers wishing to implement dynamic Internet updating, interactive feedback and remote file management into their applications. No longer do you need to understand the complicated syntax of FTP and other languages to implement Internet connectivity into your applications. By providing a simple to use set of commands you can develop custom gateways and front ends to the Internet for multimedia, CBT, education or business. Unlike competitive products FTP Tool is fully self-contained and does not require a separate server application. It has been optimized for both 68K and...
Apr 18
[MD1] MacHack '97 call for Speakers
MacHack '97 call for Speakers MacHack '97 is just a few months away and YOU might be just the person we are looking for. We have many interesting sessions already lined up, but we have room for a few more. Have you been off in a garage somewhere developing some cool Macintosh technology in secret? Present that technology at MacHack and not only might you gain the adulation of your peers, but you will undoubtedly receive valuable feedback to help you do it even better. If you are planning to attend MacHack '97, scheduled for June 26-28, consider presenting a session to share your expertise. We are currently seeking speakers on all areas of Macintosh software development including OpenStep, Java, QTML, networking, game development, software design, software entrepreneurship, and more. Session speakers receive a $100 off the conference registration fee. Register before May 1 and receive an additional $100 discount. Have an idea for a session you want to present? Send a brief description...
Apr 18
[MD1] MicroStation 95
BENTLEY PR : Bentley releases localized versions of MicroStation 95 for Apple Macintosh MicroStation 95 for Apple Power Macintosh is the most complete release of MicroStation ever released on any platform Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, April 7, 1997-- Bentley, a worldwide leader in engineering software and user services today announced a major productivity upgrade for MicroStation users on the Apple Macintosh platform. The new release of its MicroStation flagship product is focused on maximizing user productivity while minimizing the efforts required to upgrade from the current MicroStation V5 release. MicroStation 95 for Apple Macintosh includes many new enhancements that have been developed since the initial release of MicroStation 95 on the Windows platform and is the most complete release of MicroStation that Bentley has ever released on any platform. MicroStation 95 new productivity features include a streamlined graphical user interface, the new AccuDraw and SmartLine drawing...
Apr 18
[MD1] New PalmPilot Bundle
Special Pricing for the New PalmPilot Bundle With the anticipated second release of CodeWarrior for PalmPilot, we are pleased to offer to all CodeWarriors a new bundle consisting of the new high-end Professional PalmPilot from U.S. Robotics and CodeWarrior for PalmPilot DR2. We are offering an unheard-of bargain on the Professional PalmPilot bundle! Customers purchasing the Professional PalmPilot bundle before May 1, 1997 will also receive a free copy of CodeWarrior for Windows 95/NT DR2 with their CodeWarrior for PalmPilot DR2, so you can build Windows 95/NT desktop application which HotSync with the PalmPilot. The great value does not stop there, the Professional Bundle will ship A.S.A.P. with a complimentary copy of CodeWarrior for PalmPilot DR1, giving you the opportunity to begin coding for their new Professional PalmPilot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Professional PalmPilot Bundle You get: CodeWarrior for PalmPilot DR 2 US$ 369...
Apr 18
[MD1] Visual Basic to Java Conversion
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Carmen Delessio, President Black Dirt Software 914-651-1599 914-651-0015 (fax) Article on Visual Basic to Java Conversion Published GOSHEN NY -- April 18, 1997 (INB) -- In a technical article published in Javology, Black Dirt Software ( discusses issues involved in designing and implementing a Visual Basic to Java Converter. The article is available online at The article written by Carmen Delessio, Black Dirt's President, compares common features in Visual Basic and Java. Components, event models, and the idea of an object-oriented converter are examined. The article describes an "ever-expanding converter" that can be extended and customized by third party vendors and end users. Carmen Delessio confirmed that the technical points in the article form the basis of Black Dirt's next generation converter. A beta product is scheduled...
Apr 18
[MD1] W*API Sapplet documentation
This announcement is from: Eric Zelenka, ( StarNine is proud to announce the availability of the W*API Sapplet documentation for writing W*API based server-side applets (or sapplets) for use with the WebSTAR Java VM. The WebSTAR Java VM is a PowerPC only W*API Plug-In included with WebSTAR 2.0 which gives WebSTAR the ability to run sapplets to perform a variety of useful server-side functions. Because of the power of the Java language, sapplets can easily be created to handle processing of HTML form results, database access, multi-user web applications that require shared space and out of band connectivity to Java applets running on the client side. Sapplets also have the power of the W*API for access to traditional CGI-like server functions including methods for getting and setting W*API parameters, opening and managing TCP/IP communication streams, and handling logging and messaging. To develop W*API sapplets you will need a Java development environment that...
Apr 18
[MD1] WWDC Preview - Online Chats
WWDC Preview - Online Chats Developers, Still thinking about WWDC and asking yourself the question, "what's in it for me?" Tune into one of our five online chat sessions starting next week. Our track managers will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about WWDC. This is your chance to ask tough questions and walk away with personal, knowledgeable answers. Then we'll leave it up to you to decide if this is an event you can really afford to miss. All chat sessions begin at 4:00 p.m. U.S. Pacific Daylight Time (24:00 hours GMT). To join a chat session, use your Java enabled browser (preferrably Netscape 3.0+ or Microsoft 3.01 Internet Explorer beta) to log on to the Apple Developer World web site at: ( (Note: URL won't be active until Tuesday, 4/22) Date Technology Track Track Manager -------- -------------------- ----------------- Wed 4/23 Mac OS Technologies Gordan Garb Thu 4/24 Interactive...
Apr 18
[MD1] Maxum Development Announces Rumpus, High Performance Mac...
Maxum Development Announces Rumpus, High Performance and Reliable FTP Services for the Macintosh Streamwood, IL, April 16, 1997 -- Maxum Development Corporation, a leading developer of Macintosh(r) Web server tools, today announced RumpusA, a full-service, high-performance FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Internet server. While the World Wide Web continues to garner the lion's share of the attention focused on the Internet, FTP remains the service of choice for transferring large amounts of data. In addition to performing file transfers, FTP is also the most popular method of uploading and maintaining Web content on Internet servers. Choices in FTP server tools for Macintosh have, until now, been rather limited, and Macintosh Internet developers have had few options outside of using shareware. While shareware offerings have been adequate, the Mac has no FTP server with workstation-like performance and reliability. With Rumpus, Maxum is filling this gap with a commercial-quality, high-...
Apr 18
[MD1] Update to BBEdit Light
BareBones has released version 4.0.1 of the freeware code editing tool BBEdit Lite on April 13th: ( Note, they released a maintenance update to their commercial editor, BBEdit v4.0.4, a few weeks ago: (

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Top Mobile Game Discounts
Every day, we pick out a curated list of the best mobile discounts on the App Store and post them here. This list won't be comprehensive, but it every game on it is recommended. Feel free to check out the coverage we did on them in the links... | Read more »
Price of Glory unleashes its 1.4 Alpha u...
As much as we all probably dislike Maths as a subject, we do have to hand it to geometry for giving us the good old Hexgrid, home of some of the best strategy games. One such example, Price of Glory, has dropped its 1.4 Alpha update, stocked full... | Read more »
The SLC 2025 kicks off this month to cro...
Ever since the Solo Leveling: Arise Championship 2025 was announced, I have been looking forward to it. The promotional clip they released a month or two back showed crowds going absolutely nuts for the previous competitions, so imagine the... | Read more »
Dive into some early Magicpunk fun as Cr...
Excellent news for fans of steampunk and magic; the Precursor Test for Magicpunk MMORPG Crystal of Atlan opens today. This rather fancy way of saying beta test will remain open until March 5th and is available for PC - boo - and Android devices -... | Read more »
Prepare to get your mind melted as Evang...
If you are a fan of sci-fi shooters and incredibly weird, mind-bending anime series, then you are in for a treat, as Goddess of Victory: Nikke is gearing up for its second collaboration with Evangelion. We were also treated to an upcoming... | Read more »
Square Enix gives with one hand and slap...
We have something of a mixed bag coming over from Square Enix HQ today. Two of their mobile games are revelling in life with new events keeping them alive, whilst another has been thrown onto the ever-growing discard pile Square is building. I... | Read more »
Let the world burn as you have some fest...
It is time to leave the world burning once again as you take a much-needed break from that whole “hero” lark and enjoy some celebrations in Genshin Impact. Version 5.4, Moonlight Amidst Dreams, will see you in Inazuma to attend the Mikawa Flower... | Read more »
Full Moon Over the Abyssal Sea lands on...
Aether Gazer has announced its latest major update, and it is one of the loveliest event names I have ever heard. Full Moon Over the Abyssal Sea is an amazing name, and it comes loaded with two side stories, a new S-grade Modifier, and some fancy... | Read more »
Open your own eatery for all the forest...
Very important question; when you read the title Zoo Restaurant, do you also immediately think of running a restaurant in which you cook Zoo animals as the course? I will just assume yes. Anyway, come June 23rd we will all be able to start up our... | Read more »
Crystal of Atlan opens registration for...
Nuverse was prominently featured in the last month for all the wrong reasons with the USA TikTok debacle, but now it is putting all that behind it and preparing for the Crystal of Atlan beta test. Taking place between February 18th and March 5th,... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

AT&T is offering a 65% discount on the ne...
AT&T is offering the new iPhone 16e for up to 65% off their monthly finance fee with 36-months of service. No trade-in is required. Discount is applied via monthly bill credits over the 36 month... Read more
Use this code to get a free iPhone 13 at Visi...
For a limited time, use code SWEETDEAL to get a free 128GB iPhone 13 Visible, Verizon’s low-cost wireless cell service, Visible. Deal is valid when you purchase the Visible+ annual plan. Free... Read more
M4 Mac minis on sale for $50-$80 off MSRP at...
B&H Photo has M4 Mac minis in stock and on sale right now for $50 to $80 off Apple’s MSRP, each including free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – M4 Mac mini (16GB/256GB): $549, $50 off... Read more
Buy an iPhone 16 at Boost Mobile and get one...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering one year of free Unlimited service with the purchase of any iPhone 16. Purchase the iPhone at standard MSRP, and then choose... Read more
Get an iPhone 15 for only $299 at Boost Mobil...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering the 128GB iPhone 15 for $299.99 including service with their Unlimited Premium plan (50GB of premium data, $60/month), or $20... Read more
Unreal Mobile is offering $100 off any new iP...
Unreal Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering a $100 discount on any new iPhone with service. This includes new iPhone 16 models as well as iPhone 15, 14, 13, and SE... Read more
Apple drops prices on clearance iPhone 14 mod...
With today’s introduction of the new iPhone 16e, Apple has discontinued the iPhone 14, 14 Pro, and SE. In response, Apple has dropped prices on unlocked, Certified Refurbished, iPhone 14 models to a... Read more
B&H has 16-inch M4 Max MacBook Pros on sa...
B&H Photo is offering a $360-$410 discount on new 16-inch MacBook Pros with M4 Max CPUs right now. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 16″ M4 Max MacBook Pro (36GB/1TB/... Read more
Amazon is offering a $100 discount on the M4...
Amazon has the M4 Pro Mac mini discounted $100 off MSRP right now. Shipping is free. Their price is the lowest currently available for this popular mini: – Mac mini M4 Pro (24GB/512GB): $1299, $100... Read more
B&H continues to offer $150-$220 discount...
B&H Photo has 14-inch M4 MacBook Pros on sale for $150-$220 off MSRP. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 14″ M4 MacBook Pro (16GB/512GB): $1449, $150 off MSRP – 14″ M4... Read more

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