Low-cost tablets to help grow global touchscreen market
The Technavio (www.technavio.com) research group has published a report saying the global tablet touchscreen market is expected to grow at a CAGR [compound annual growth rate] of 11.5% from 2015-2019.
The report draws attention towards the availability of low-cost tablets as well as increased internet penetration in emerging markets like China and India, which has led tablet shipments to increase by a significant amount.
"A number of local market participants have started introducing tablets in their respective countries, which is expected to increase tablet sales considerably over the forecast period," says Faisal Ghaus, vice president of Technavio.
The new Technavio report also emphasizes the emergence of multi-touch screens, which is expected to propel market growth in the coming years. Multi-touch is seen only in capacitive touchscreen displays and not in resistive touchscreen displays, and can be used as a replacement for keypads.
"Apple first introduced multi-touch technology by using pinching and stretching gestures for zoom control. Now, the Samsung Galaxy Tab series and iPad series use multi-touchscreens as their USPs to market their tablets," says Ghaus.
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