Demonstration Program Lists
// *******************************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************************
// This program allows the user to open a window and a movable modal dialog by choosing the
// relevant items in the Demonstration menu. The window and the dialog both contain two
// lists.
// The cells of one list in the window, and of both lists in the dialog, contain text. The
// cells of the second list in the window contain icons.
// The text lists use the default list definition function. The list with the icons uses a
// custom list definition function.
// The currently active list is indicated by a keyboard focus frame, and can be changed by
// clicking in the non-active list or by pressing the tab key.
// The text list in the window uses the default cell-selection algorithm; accordingly,
// multiple cells, including discontiguous multiple cells, may be selected. The cell-
// selection algorithm for the other lists is customised so as to allow the selection of only
// one cell at a time.
// All lists support arrow key selection. The text list in the window and one of the lists in
// the dialog support type selection.
// The window is provided with an "Extract" push button. When this button is clicked, or when
// the user double clicks in one of the lists, the current selections in the lists are
// extracted and displayed in the bottom half of the window. In the dialog, the user's
// selections are displayed in static text fields embedded in placards below each list.
// The program utilises the following resources:
// o A 'plst' resource.
// o An 'MBAR' resource, and 'MENU' resources for Apple, File, Edit and Demonstration menus
// (preload, non-purgeable).
// o A'DLOG' resource (purgeable) (initially not visible) and associated 'dlgx', 'dftb', and
// 'DITL' resources (purgeable).
// o 'CNTL' resources (purgeable) for various controls in both the window and dialog box,
// including the list controls for the dialog box.
// o 'ldes' resources associated with the list controls for the dialog box.
// o 'STR#' resources (purgeable) containing the text strings for the text lists and for the
// titles of the icons.
// o An icon suite (non-purgeable) containing the icons for icon list.
// o An 'LDEF' resource (preload, locked, non-purgeable) containing the custom list
// definition function used by the icon list.
// o 'hrct' and 'hwin' (purgeable) resources for balloon help.
// o A 'SIZE' resource with the acceptSuspendResumeEvents, canBackground,
// doesActivateOnFGSwitch, and isHighLevelEventAware flags set.
// *******************************************************************************************
// .................................................................................. includes
#include <Carbon.h>
// ................................................................................... defines
#define rMenubar 128
#define mAppleApplication 128
#define iAbout 1
#define mFile 129
#define iQuit 12
#define mDemonstration 131
#define iHandMadeLists 1
#define iListControlLists 2
#define cExtractButton 128
#define cGroupBox 129
#define cSoftwareStaticText 130
#define cHardwareStaticText 131
#define rTextListStrings 128
#define rIconListIconSuiteBase 128
#define rIconListStrings 129
#define rListsDialog 128
#define iDateFormatList 4
#define iWatermarkList 5
#define iDateFormatStaticText 7
#define iWatermarkStaticText 9
#define rDateFormatStrings 130
#define rWatermarkStrings 131
#define kUpArrow 0x1e
#define kDownArrow 0x1f
#define kTab 0x09
#define kScrollBarWidth 15
#define kMaxKeyThresh 120
#define kSystemLDEF 0
// .................................................................................. typedefs
typedef struct
ListHandle textListHdl;
ListHandle iconListHdl;
ControlRef extractButtonHdl;
} docStructure, **docStructureHandle;
typedef struct
RGBColor backColour;
PixPatHandle backPixelPattern;
Pattern backBitPattern;
} backColourPattern;
// ....................................................................... function prototypes
void main (void);
void doPreliminaries (void);
OSStatus appEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef,EventRef,void *);
OSStatus windowEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef,EventRef,void *);
void doAdjustMenus (void);
void doMenuChoice (MenuID,MenuItemIndex);
void doSaveBackground (backColourPattern *);
void doRestoreBackground (backColourPattern *);
void doSetBackgroundWhite (void);
void doOpenListsWindow (void);
void doKeyDown (SInt8,EventRecord *);
void doDrawContent (WindowRef);
void doActivateDeactivate (WindowRef,Boolean);
void doInContent (Point,UInt32);
void doControlHit (WindowRef,ControlRef,Point);
ListHandle doCreateTextList (WindowRef,Rect,SInt16,SInt16);
void doAddRowsAndDataToTextList (ListHandle,SInt16,SInt16);
void doAddTextItemAlphabetically (ListHandle,Str255);
ListHandle doCreateIconList (WindowRef,Rect,SInt16,ListDefUPP);
void doAddRowsAndDataToIconList (ListHandle,SInt16);
void doHandleArrowKey (SInt8,EventRecord *,Boolean);
void doArrowKeyMoveSelection (ListHandle,SInt8,Boolean);
void doArrowKeyExtendSelection (ListHandle,SInt8,Boolean);
void doTypeSelectSearch (ListHandle,EventRecord *);
SInt16 searchPartialMatch (Ptr,Ptr,SInt16,SInt16);
Boolean doFindFirstSelectedCell (ListHandle,Cell *);
void doFindLastSelectedCell (ListHandle,Cell *);
void doFindNewCellLoc (ListHandle,Cell,Cell *,SInt8,Boolean);
void doSelectOneCell (ListHandle,Cell);
void doMakeCellVisible (ListHandle,Cell);
void doResetTypeSelection (void);
void doRotateCurrentList (void);
void doDrawFrameAndFocus (ListHandle,Boolean);
void doExtractSelections (void);
void doDrawSelections (Boolean);
void listDefFunction (SInt16,Boolean,Rect *,Cell,SInt16,SInt16,ListHandle);
void doLDEFDraw (Boolean,Rect *,Cell,SInt16,ListHandle);
void doLDEFHighlight (Rect *);
void doListsDialog (void);
Boolean eventFilter (DialogPtr,EventRecord *,SInt16 *);
// *******************************************************************************************
// Lists.c
// *******************************************************************************************
// .................................................................................. includes
#include "Lists.h"
// .......................................................................... global variables
ListDefUPP gListDefFunctionUPP;
Boolean gRunningOnX = false;
backColourPattern gBackColourPattern;
// ************************************************************************************** main
void main(void)
MenuBarHandle menubarHdl;
SInt32 response;
MenuRef menuRef;
EventTypeSpec applicationEvents[] = { { kEventClassApplication, kEventAppActivated },
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventProcessCommand },
{ kEventClassMenu, kEventMenuEnableItems } };
// ........................................................................ do preliminaries
// ..................................................... create universal procedure pointers
gListDefFunctionUPP = NewListDefUPP((ListDefProcPtr) listDefFunction);
// ............................................................... set up menu bar and menus
menubarHdl = GetNewMBar(rMenubar);
if(menubarHdl == NULL)
if(response & gestaltMenuMgrAquaLayoutMask)
menuRef = GetMenuRef(mFile);
if(menuRef != NULL)
DeleteMenuItem(menuRef,iQuit - 1);
gRunningOnX = true;
menuRef = GetMenuRef(mFile);
if(menuRef != NULL)
// ....................................................... install application event handler
InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP((EventHandlerProcPtr) appEventHandler),
// .............................................................. run application event loop
// *************************************************************************** doPreliminaries
void doPreliminaries(void)
// *************************************************************************** appEventHandler
OSStatus appEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef eventHandlerCallRef,EventRef eventRef,
void * userData)
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr;
UInt32 eventClass;
UInt32 eventKind;
HICommand hiCommand;
MenuID menuID;
MenuItemIndex menuItem;
WindowClass windowClass;
eventClass = GetEventClass(eventRef);
eventKind = GetEventKind(eventRef);
case kEventClassApplication:
if(eventKind == kEventAppActivated)
case kEventClassCommand:
if(eventKind == kEventProcessCommand)
menuID = GetMenuID(;
menuItem =;
if((hiCommand.commandID != kHICommandQuit) &&
(menuID >= mAppleApplication && menuID <= mDemonstration))
result = noErr;
case kEventClassMenu:
if(eventKind == kEventMenuEnableItems)
if(windowClass == kDocumentWindowClass)
result = noErr;
return result;
// ************************************************************************ windowEventHandler
OSStatus windowEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef eventHandlerCallRef,EventRef eventRef,
void* userData)
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr;
UInt32 eventClass;
UInt32 eventKind;
WindowRef windowRef;
EventRecord eventRecord;
docStructureHandle docStrucHdl;
ControlRef controlRef = NULL;
ControlPartCode controlPartCode;
SInt8 charCode;
UInt32 modifiers;
Point mouseLocation;
eventClass = GetEventClass(eventRef);
eventKind = GetEventKind(eventRef);
case kEventClassWindow: // event class window
case kEventWindowDrawContent:
result = noErr;
case kEventWindowActivated:
result = noErr;
case kEventWindowDeactivated:
result = noErr;
case kEventWindowClickContentRgn:
result = noErr;
case kEventWindowClose:
docStrucHdl = (docStructureHandle) GetWRefCon(windowRef);
DisposeHandle((Handle) docStrucHdl);
result = noErr;
case kEventClassMouse: // event class mouse
case kEventMouseDown:
controlRef = FindControlUnderMouse(mouseLocation,FrontWindow(),&controlPartCode);
result = noErr;
case kEventClassKeyboard: // event class keyboard
case kEventRawKeyDown:
eventRecord.what = keyDown;
eventRecord.message = charCode;
eventRecord.when = EventTimeToTicks(GetEventTime(eventRef));
eventRecord.modifiers = modifiers;
result = noErr;
return result;
// ***************************************************************************** doAdjustMenus
void doAdjustMenus(void)
MenuRef menuRef;
menuRef = GetMenuRef(mDemonstration);
// ****************************************************************************** doMenuChoice
void doMenuChoice(MenuID menuID,MenuItemIndex menuItem)
if(menuID == 0)
case mAppleApplication:
if(menuItem == iAbout)
case mDemonstration:
if(menuItem == iHandMadeLists)
else if(menuItem == iListControlLists)
// ************************************************************************** doSaveBackground
void doSaveBackground(backColourPattern *gBackColourPattern)
GrafPtr currentPort;
PixPatHandle backPixPatHdl;
gBackColourPattern->backPixelPattern = NULL;
backPixPatHdl = NewPixPat();
if((*backPixPatHdl)->patType != 0)
gBackColourPattern->backPixelPattern = backPixPatHdl;
gBackColourPattern->backBitPattern = *(PatPtr) (*(*backPixPatHdl)->patData);
// *********************************************************************** doRestoreBackground
void doRestoreBackground(backColourPattern *gBackColourPattern)
// ********************************************************************** doSetBackgroundWhite
void doSetBackgroundWhite(void)
RGBColor whiteColour = { 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF };
Pattern whitePattern;
// *******************************************************************************************
// WindowList.c
// *******************************************************************************************
// .................................................................................. includes
#include "Lists.h"
// .......................................................................... global variables
ListHandle gCurrentListHdl;
Str255 gStringArray[16];
TypeSelectRecord gTSStruct;
SInt16 gTSResetThreshold;
ListHandle gTSLastListHit;
extern ListDefUPP gListDefFunctionUPP;
extern backColourPattern gBackColourPattern;
extern Boolean gRunningOnX;
// ************************************************************************* doOpenListsWindow
void doOpenListsWindow(void)
OSStatus osError;
Rect contentRect = { 100,100,502,357 };
WindowRef windowRef;
docStructureHandle docStrucHdl;
ControlRef controlRef;
Str255 software = "\pSoftware:";
Str255 hardware = "\pHardware:";
SInt16 fontNum;
Rect textListRect, pictListRect;
ListHandle textListHdl, iconListHdl;
EventTypeSpec windowEvents[] = { { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowDrawContent },
{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowActivated },
{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowDeactivated },
{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClickContentRgn },
{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClose },
{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDown },
{ kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown } };
// ................... open window, attach document structure, set background colour/pattern
osError = CreateNewWindow(kDocumentWindowClass,kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute,
if(osError != noErr)
SetWTitle(windowRef,"\pHand Made Lists");
if(!(docStrucHdl = (docStructureHandle) NewHandle(sizeof(docStructure))))
SetWRefCon(windowRef,(SInt32) docStrucHdl);
// ................................................................ create window's controls
if(!((*docStrucHdl)->extractButtonHdl = GetNewControl(cExtractButton,windowRef)))
if(!(controlRef = GetNewControl(cSoftwareStaticText,windowRef)))
if(!(controlRef = GetNewControl(cHardwareStaticText,windowRef)))
if(!(controlRef = GetNewControl(cGroupBox,windowRef)))
// ....................................................................... set window's font
// ............................... create lists, assign handles to document structure fields
textListHdl = doCreateTextList(windowRef,textListRect,1,kSystemLDEF);
iconListHdl = doCreateIconList(windowRef,pictListRect,1,gListDefFunctionUPP);
(*docStrucHdl)->textListHdl = textListHdl;
(*docStrucHdl)->iconListHdl = iconListHdl;
// .......................... assign handles to list structure refCon fields for linked ring
SetListRefCon(textListHdl,(SInt32) iconListHdl);
SetListRefCon(iconListHdl,(SInt32) textListHdl);
// ......................................................... make text list the current list
gCurrentListHdl = textListHdl;
// ............................................................ install window event handler
NewEventHandlerUPP((EventHandlerProcPtr) windowEventHandler),
// ..................................... save and set background colour/pattern, show window
// ********************************************************************************* doKeyDown
void doKeyDown(SInt8 charCode,EventRecord * eventStrucPtr)
docStructureHandle docStrucHdl;
Boolean allowExtendSelect;
docStrucHdl = (docStructureHandle) GetWRefCon(FrontWindow());
if(charCode == kTab)
else if(charCode == kUpArrow || charCode == kDownArrow)
if(gCurrentListHdl == (*docStrucHdl)->textListHdl)
allowExtendSelect = true;
allowExtendSelect = false;
if(gCurrentListHdl == (*docStrucHdl)->textListHdl)
// ***************************************************************************** doDrawContent
void doDrawContent(WindowRef windowRef)
docStructureHandle docStrucHdl;
ListHandle textListHdl, iconListHdl;
RgnHandle visibleRegionHdl = NewRgn();
docStrucHdl = (docStructureHandle) GetWRefCon(windowRef);
textListHdl = (*docStrucHdl)->textListHdl;
iconListHdl = (*docStrucHdl)->iconListHdl;
doDrawSelections(windowRef == FrontWindow());
// ********************************************************************** doActivateDeactivate
void doActivateDeactivate(WindowRef windowRef,Boolean becomingActive)
GrafPtr oldPort;
ControlRef controlRef;
docStructureHandle docStrucHdl;
ListHandle textListHdl, iconListHdl;
RgnHandle visibleRegionHdl = NewRgn();
docStrucHdl = (docStructureHandle) GetWRefCon(windowRef);
textListHdl = (*docStrucHdl)->textListHdl;
iconListHdl = (*docStrucHdl)->iconListHdl;
// ******************************************************************************* doInContent
void doInContent(Point mouseLocation,UInt32 modifiers)
WindowRef windowRef;
docStructureHandle docStrucHdl;
Rect textListRect, pictListRect;
Boolean isDoubleClick;
windowRef = FrontWindow();
docStrucHdl = (docStructureHandle) GetWRefCon(windowRef);
if(PtInRect(mouseLocation,&textListRect) || PtInRect(mouseLocation,&pictListRect))
if((PtInRect(mouseLocation,&textListRect) &&
gCurrentListHdl != (*docStrucHdl)->textListHdl) ||
(PtInRect(mouseLocation,&pictListRect) &&
gCurrentListHdl != (*docStrucHdl)->iconListHdl))
isDoubleClick = LClick(mouseLocation,modifiers,gCurrentListHdl);
// ****************************************************************************** doControlHit
void doControlHit(WindowRef windowRef,ControlRef controlRef,Point mouseLocation)
docStructureHandle docStrucHdl;
docStrucHdl = (docStructureHandle) GetWRefCon(windowRef);
if(controlRef == (*docStrucHdl)->extractButtonHdl)
if((mouseLocation.h < 165 && gCurrentListHdl != (*docStrucHdl)->textListHdl) ||
(mouseLocation.h > 165 && gCurrentListHdl != (*docStrucHdl)->iconListHdl))
// ************************************************************************** doCreateTextList
ListHandle doCreateTextList(WindowRef windowRef,Rect listRect,SInt16 numCols,SInt16 lDef)
Rect dataBounds;
Point cellSize;
ListHandle textListHdl;
Cell theCell;
listRect.right = listRect.right - kScrollBarWidth;
textListHdl = LNew(&listRect,&dataBounds,cellSize,lDef,windowRef,true,false,false,true);
return textListHdl;
// **************************************************************** doAddRowsAndDataToTextList
void doAddRowsAndDataToTextList(ListHandle textListHdl,SInt16 stringListID,
SInt16 numberOfStrings)
SInt16 stringIndex;
Str255 theString;
for(stringIndex = 1;stringIndex < numberOfStrings + 1;stringIndex++)
// *************************************************************** doAddTextItemAlphabetically
void doAddTextItemAlphabetically(ListHandle listHdl,Str255 theString)
Boolean found;
ListBounds dataBounds;
SInt16 totalRows, currentRow, cellDataOffset, cellDataLength;
DataHandle dataHandle;
Cell aCell;
found = false;
totalRows = dataBounds.bottom -;
currentRow = -1;
currentRow += 1;
if(currentRow == totalRows)
found = true;
dataHandle = GetListDataHandle(listHdl);
MoveHHi((Handle) dataHandle);
HLock((Handle) dataHandle);
if(CompareText(theString + 1,((Ptr) (*listHdl)->cells[0] + cellDataOffset),
StrLength(theString),cellDataLength,NULL) == -1)
found = true;
HUnlock((Handle) dataHandle);
currentRow = LAddRow(1,currentRow,listHdl);
LSetCell(theString + 1,(SInt16) StrLength(theString),aCell,listHdl);
// ************************************************************************** doCreateIconList
ListHandle doCreateIconList(WindowRef windowRef,Rect listRect,SInt16 numCols,
ListDefUPP listDefinitionFunctionUPP)
Rect dataBounds;
Point cellSize;
ListHandle iconListHdl;
Cell theCell;
ListDefSpec listDefSpec;
listRect.right = listRect.right - kScrollBarWidth;
listDefSpec.u.userProc = listDefinitionFunctionUPP;
return iconListHdl;
// **************************************************************** doAddRowsAndDataToIconList
void doAddRowsAndDataToIconList(ListHandle iconListHdl,SInt16 iconSuiteBase)
ListBounds dataBounds;
SInt16 rowNumber, suiteIndex, index = 0;
Handle iconSuiteHdl;
Cell theCell;
rowNumber = dataBounds.bottom;
for(suiteIndex = iconSuiteBase;suiteIndex < (iconSuiteBase + 10);suiteIndex++)
rowNumber = LAddRow(1,rowNumber,iconListHdl);
rowNumber += 1;
// ************************************************************************** doHandleArrowKey
void doHandleArrowKey(SInt8 charCode,EventRecord * eventStrucPtr,Boolean allowExtendSelect)
Boolean moveToTopBottom = false;
if(eventStrucPtr->modifiers & cmdKey)
moveToTopBottom = true;
if(allowExtendSelect && (eventStrucPtr->modifiers & shiftKey))
// ******************************************************************* doArrowKeyMoveSelection
void doArrowKeyMoveSelection(ListHandle listHdl,SInt8 charCode,Boolean moveToTopBottom)
Cell currentSelection, newSelection;
if(charCode == kDownArrow)
// ***************************************************************** doArrowKeyExtendSelection
void doArrowKeyExtendSelection(ListHandle listHdl,SInt8 charCode,Boolean moveToTopBottom)
Cell currentSelection, newSelection;
if(charCode == kDownArrow)
// ************************************************************************ doTypeSelectSearch
void doTypeSelectSearch(ListHandle listHdl,EventRecord * eventStrucPtr)
Cell theCell;
ListSearchUPP searchPartialMatchUPP;
if((gTSLastListHit != listHdl) || ((eventStrucPtr->when - gTSStruct.tsrLastKeyTime) >=
gTSResetThreshold) || (StrLength(gTSStruct.tsrKeyStrokes) == 63))
gTSLastListHit = listHdl;
gTSStruct.tsrLastKeyTime = eventStrucPtr->when;
searchPartialMatchUPP = NewListSearchUPP((ListSearchProcPtr) searchPartialMatch);
if(LSearch(gTSStruct.tsrKeyStrokes + 1,StrLength(gTSStruct.tsrKeyStrokes),
// ************************************************************************ searchPartialMatch
SInt16 searchPartialMatch(Ptr searchDataPtr,Ptr cellDataPtr,SInt16 cellDataLen,
SInt16 searchDataLen)
SInt16 result;
if((cellDataLen > 0) && (cellDataLen >= searchDataLen))
result = IdenticalText(cellDataPtr,searchDataPtr,searchDataLen,searchDataLen,NULL);
result = 1;
return result;
// ******************************************************************* doFindFirstSelectedCell
Boolean doFindFirstSelectedCell(ListHandle listHdl,Cell *theCell)
Boolean result;
result = LGetSelect(true,theCell,listHdl);
return result;
// ******************************************************************** doFindLastSelectedCell
void doFindLastSelectedCell(ListHandle listHdl,Cell *theCell)
Cell aCell;
Boolean moreCellsInList;
*theCell = aCell;
moreCellsInList = LNextCell(true,true,&aCell,listHdl);
// ************************************************************************** doFindNewCellLoc
void doFindNewCellLoc(ListHandle listHdl,Cell oldCellLoc,Cell *newCellLoc,SInt8 charCode,
Boolean moveToTopBottom)
ListBounds dataBounds;
SInt16 listRows;
listRows = dataBounds.bottom -;
*newCellLoc = oldCellLoc;
if(charCode == kUpArrow)
(*newCellLoc).v = 0;
else if(charCode == kDownArrow)
(*newCellLoc).v = listRows - 1;
if(charCode == kUpArrow)
if(oldCellLoc.v != 0)
(*newCellLoc).v = oldCellLoc.v - 1;
else if(charCode == kDownArrow)
if(oldCellLoc.v != listRows - 1)
(*newCellLoc).v = oldCellLoc.v + 1;
// *************************************************************************** doSelectOneCell
void doSelectOneCell(ListHandle listHdl,Cell theCell)
Cell nextSelectedCell;
Boolean moreCellsInList;
if(nextSelectedCell.v != theCell.v)
moreCellsInList = LNextCell(true,true,&nextSelectedCell,listHdl);
// ************************************************************************* doMakeCellVisible
void doMakeCellVisible(ListHandle listHdl,Cell newSelection)
ListBounds visibleRect;
SInt16 dRows;
if(newSelection.v > visibleRect.bottom - 1)
dRows = newSelection.v - visibleRect.bottom + 1;
else if(newSelection.v <
dRows = newSelection.v -;
// ********************************************************************** doResetTypeSelection
void doResetTypeSelection(void)
gTSLastListHit = NULL;
gTSResetThreshold = 2 * LMGetKeyThresh();
if(gTSResetThreshold > kMaxKeyThresh)
gTSResetThreshold = kMaxKeyThresh;
// *********************************************************************** doRotateCurrentList
void doRotateCurrentList(void)
ListHandle oldListHdl, newListHdl;
oldListHdl = gCurrentListHdl;
newListHdl = (ListHandle) GetListRefCon(gCurrentListHdl);
gCurrentListHdl = newListHdl;
// *********************************************************************** doDrawFrameAndFocus
void doDrawFrameAndFocus(ListHandle listHdl,Boolean inState)
Rect borderRect;
borderRect.right += kScrollBarWidth;
if(listHdl == gCurrentListHdl)
// *********************************************************************** doExtractSelections
void doExtractSelections(void)
docStructureHandle docStrucHdl;
ListHandle textListHdl, iconListHdl;
SInt16 a, cellIndex, offset, dataLen;
ListBounds dataBounds;
Cell theCell;
Rect theRect;
docStrucHdl = (docStructureHandle) GetWRefCon(FrontWindow());
textListHdl = (*docStrucHdl)->textListHdl;
iconListHdl = (*docStrucHdl)->iconListHdl;
gStringArray[a][0] = 0;
for(cellIndex = 0;cellIndex < dataBounds.bottom;cellIndex++)
LGetCell(gStringArray[cellIndex] + 1,&dataLen,theCell,textListHdl);
gStringArray[cellIndex][0] = (SInt8) dataLen;
GetIndString(gStringArray[15],rIconListStrings,theCell.v + 1);
// ************************************************************************** doDrawSelections
void doDrawSelections(Boolean inState)
Rect theRect;
SInt16 a, nextLine = 190;
CFStringRef stringRef;
if(inState == kThemeStateActive)
if(gStringArray[a][0] != 0)
stringRef = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(NULL,gStringArray[a],
SetRect(&theRect,36,nextLine,240,nextLine + 15);
nextLine += 12;
stringRef = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(NULL,gStringArray[15],
// *************************************************************************** listDefFunction
void listDefFunction(SInt16 message,Boolean selected,Rect *cellRect,Cell theCell,
SInt16 dataOffset,SInt16 dataLen,ListHandle theList)
case lDrawMsg:
case lHiliteMsg:
// ******************************************************************************** doLDEFDraw
void doLDEFDraw(Boolean selected,Rect *cellRect,Cell theCell,SInt16 dataLen,
ListHandle theList)
GrafPtr oldPort;
Rect drawRect;
Handle iconSuiteHdl;
Str255 theString;
drawRect = *cellRect; += 2;
drawRect.left += 10;
drawRect.right -= 10;
drawRect.bottom -= 18;
if(dataLen == sizeof(Handle))
GetIndString(theString,129,theCell.v + 1);
SetRect(&drawRect,drawRect.left - 10, + 36,drawRect.right + 10,
drawRect.bottom + 16);
// *************************************************************************** doLDEFHighlight
void doLDEFHighlight(Rect *cellRect)
UInt8 hiliteVal;
hiliteVal = LMGetHiliteMode();
// *******************************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************************
// .................................................................................. includes
#include "Lists.h"
// ***************************************************************************** doListsDialog
void doListsDialog(void)
DialogPtr dialogPtr;
GrafPtr oldPort;
ModalFilterUPP eventFilterUPP;
ControlRef dateFormatControlRef, watermarkControlRef, controlRef;
ListHandle dateFormatListHdl, watermarkListHdl;
SInt16 itemHit;
Cell theCell;
SInt16 dataLen, offset;
Str255 dateFormatString, watermarkString;
Boolean wasDoubleClick = false;
// .......................... explicitly deactivate front window if it exists, create dialog
if(!(dialogPtr = GetNewDialog(rListsDialog,NULL,(WindowRef) -1)))
// ................................................................ set default push button
// ............................ create universal procedure pointer for event filter function
eventFilterUPP = NewModalFilterUPP((ModalFilterProcPtr) eventFilter);
// ........... add rows to lists, store data in their cells, modify cell selection algorithm
// ...................................................... show dialog and set keyboard focus
// .................................................................. enter ModalDialog loop
if(itemHit == iDateFormatList)
LGetCell(dateFormatString + 1,&dataLen,theCell,dateFormatListHdl);
dateFormatString[0] = (SInt8) dataLen;
else if(itemHit == iWatermarkList)
LGetCell(watermarkString + 1,&dataLen,theCell,watermarkListHdl);
watermarkString[0] = (SInt8) dataLen;
} while(itemHit != kStdOkItemIndex && wasDoubleClick == false);
// ................................................................................ clean up
// ******************************************************************************* eventFilter
Boolean eventFilter(DialogPtr dialogPtr,EventRecord *eventStrucPtr,SInt16 *itemHit)
Boolean handledEvent;
GrafPtr oldPort;
SInt8 charCode;
ControlRef controlRef, focusControlRef;
ListHandle watermarkListHdl;
handledEvent = false;
if(eventStrucPtr->what == keyDown)
charCode = eventStrucPtr->message & charCodeMask;
if(charCode != kUpArrow && charCode != kDownArrow && charCode != kTab)
if(controlRef == focusControlRef)
handledEvent = true;
handledEvent = StdFilterProc(dialogPtr,eventStrucPtr,itemHit);
return handledEvent;
// *******************************************************************************************
Demonstration Program Lists Comments
When this program is run, the user should open the window and movable modal dialog by choosing
the relevant items in the Demonstration menu. The user should manipulate the lists in the
window and dialog, noting their behaviour in the following circumstances:
o Changing the active list (that is, the current target of mouse and keyboard activity) by
clicking in the non-active list and by using the Tab key to cycle between the two lists.
o Scrolling the active list using the vertical scroll bars, including dragging the scroll
box/scroller and clicking in the scroll arrows and gray areas/track.
o Clicking, and clicking and dragging, in the active list so as to select a particular cell,
including dragging the cursor above and below the list to automatically scroll the list to
the desired cell.
o Pressing the Up-Arrow and Down-Arrow keys, noting that this action changes the selected cell
and, where necessary, scrolls the list to make the newly-selected cell visible.
o In the lists in the window:
o Double-clicking on a cell in the active list.
o Pressing the Command-key as well as the Up-Arrow and Down-Arrow keys, noting that, in both
the text list and the picture list, this results in the top-most or bottom-most cell being
o In the "Software" list in the window:
o Shift-clicking and dragging in the list to make contiguous multiple cell selections.
o Command-clicking and dragging in the list to make discontiguous multiple cell selections,
noting the differing effects depending on whether the cell initially clicked is selected or
not selected.
o Shift-clicking outside a block of multiple cell selections, including between two fairly
widely separated discontiguous selected cells.
o Pressing the Shift-key as well as the Up-Arrow and Down-Arrow keys, noting that this
results in multiple cell selections.
o When the text list in the window, or the right hand list in the dialog, is the active list,
typing the text of a particular cell so as to select that cell by type selection, noting the
effects of any excessive delay between keystrokes.
The user should also send the program to the background and bring it to the foreground again,
noting the list deactivation/activation effects.
rListsDialog represents the resource ID of the dialog's 'DLOG' resource. CExtractButton and
the following three constants represent the resource IDs of the window's controls. The next
three constants represent the resource IDs of resources containing the strings for the window's
text list, the icon suite for the icon list, and the strings for the icon titles.
rListsDialog represents the resource ID of the dialog's 'DLOG', 'dlgx', and 'dftb' resources.
The following four constants represent the item numbers of items in the dialog's 'DITL'
resource. The next two constants represent the resource IDs of the 'STR#' resources containing
the strings for the dialog's lists.
The next three constants represent the character codes returned by the Up Arrow, Down Arrow,
and Tab keys. kScrollBarWidth represents the width of the lists' vertical scroll bars.
kMaxKeyThresh is used in the type selection function. kSystemLDEF represents the resource ID
of the default list definition function.
The type docStructure will be used to store the handles to the two list structures for the
window and the reference to the window's push button. The handle to this structure will be
stored in the window object.
The backColourPattern data type will be used to save and restore the background colour and
Lists.c is simply the basic "engine" which supports the demonstration. There is little in this
file that has not featured in previous demonstration programs.
A universal procedure pointer is created for the custom list definition function used by the
second list in the window.
When the kEventWindowClickContentRgn event type is received, doInContent is called. The mouse
location in local coordinates and the modifier keys are passed in the call.
When the kEventWindowClose event type is received, a handle to the window's document structure
is retrieved so as to be able to pass the handles to the window's two list structures in the
two calls to LDispose. LDispose disposes of all memory associated with the specified list.
When the kEventRawKeyDown event type is received, doKeyDown is called with the address of a
variable of type EventRecord passed in the second parameter. Note that, in the case of this
particular event type, the function ConvertEventRefToEventRecord does not "fill in" the event
record's what, message, and modifiers fields. Accordingly, in lieu of a call to
ConvertEventRefToEventRecord, the character code and modifiers are extracted from the event and
a fully fleshed-out event record is constructed by the program prior to the call to doKeyDown.
doSaveBackground, doRestoreBackground, and doSetBackgroundWhite
doSaveBackground and doRestoreBackground save and restore the background colour and the
background bit or pixel pattern, and are called only when the program is run on Mac OS 8/9.
doSetBackgroundWhite sets the background colour to white and the background pattern to the
pattern white.
WindowList.c contains the functions pertaining to the lists in the window.
Global Variables
gCurrentListHandle will be assigned the handle to the list structure associated with the
currently active list in the window. gStringArray will be assigned strings representing the
selections from the lists. The next three global variables are associated with the type
selection functions.
doOpenListsWindow creates the window and its controls, and calls the functions which create the
two lists for the window.
SetThemeWindowBackground is called to set the window's background colour/pattern and, if the
program is running on Mac OS 8/9, doSaveBackground is called to save this background
colour/pattern for later use in the function doDrawFrameAndFocus. The call to
doSetBackgroundWhite at this point is required only on Mac OS X to ensure that the background
within the list frames is drawn in white.
CreateRootControl creates a root control for the window so as to simplify the task of
activating and deactivating the window's controls. (This call is not required on Mac OS X
because, on Mac OS X, the root control will be created automatically for windows which have at
least one control.) The window's remaining controls are then created.
The calls to doCreateTextList and doCreateIconList create the lists. First, the rectangles in
which the lists are to be displayed are defined. These are then passed in the calls to
doCreateTextList and doCreateIconList. The handles to the list structures returned by these
functions are then assigned to the relevant fields of the window's document structure.
The next block assigns the icon list's handle to the refCon field of the text list's list
structure and the text list's handle to the refCon field of the icon list's list structure.
This establishes the "linked ring" which will be used to facilitate the rotation of the active
list via Tab key presses.
The next line establishes the text list as the currently active list.
The first line gets the handle to the document structure.
If the key pressed was the Tab key, doRotateCurrentList is called to change the currently
active list.
If the key pressed was either the Up Arrow or the Down Arrow key, and if the current list is
the text list, a variable which specifies whether multiple cell selections via the keyboard are
permitted is set to true. If the current list is the icon list, this variable is set to false.
This variable is then passed as a parameter in a call to doHandleArrowKey, which further
processes the Arrow key event.
If the key pressed was neither the Tab key, the Up Arrow key, or the Down Arrow key, and if the
active list is the text list, the event is passed to doTypeSelectSearch (the type selection
function) for further processing.
doDrawContent is called when the kEventWindowDrawContent event type is received. The calls to
LUpdate update (that is, redraw) the lists and the calls to doDrawFrameAndFocus draw the focus
rectangles in the appropriate state. The call to doDrawSelections simply draws the current
list selections in the rectangle at the bottom of the window.
The calls to TextMode if the program is running on Mac OS X are required because of certain
machinations in the function doDrawFrameAndFocus.
doActivateDeactivate is called when the kEventWindowActivated and kEventWindowDeactivated event
types are received.
If the program is running on Mac OS 8/9 the root control is activated or deactivated, as
appropriate, thus activating or deactivating all the controls in the window. (This is done
automatically on Mac OS X.)
If the window is becoming active, the following occurs. For both lists, LActivate is called
with true passed in the first parameter so as to highlight the currently selected cells. The
calls to TextMode and LUpdate when the program is running on Mac OS 8/9 are required for
cosmetic purposes only. LUpdate causes a redraw of all of the list's text in the srcOr mode.
The calls to doDrawFrameAndFocus draw the list box frames in the active state and ensure that a
keyboard focus frame is redrawn around the currently active list. The call to
doResetTypeSelection resets certain variables used by the type selection function. (This
latter is necessary because it is possible that, while the application was in the background,
the user may have changed the "Delay Until Repeat" setting in the Keyboard control panel (Mac
OS 8/9) or System Preferences/Keyboard (Mac OS X), a value which is used in the type selection
function.) doDrawSelections redraws the current list selections in the srcOr mode.
Except for the call to doResetTypeSelection, much the same occurs if the window is becoming
inactive, except that LActivate removes highlighting from the currently selected cells, LUpdate
redraws the lists' text in the grayishTextOr mode (on Mac OS 8/9), doDrawFrameAndFocus removes
the keyboard focus frame from the active list and draws the list box frames in the inactive
state, and doDrawSelections redraws the current list selections in the grayishTextOr mode.
doInContent is called when the kEventWindowClickContentRgn event type is received. Note that
the mouse location received in the mouseLocation formal parameter is in local coordinates.
The calls to GetListViewBounds get the lists' display rectangles.
If the mouse click was in one of the list rectangles, and if that rectangle is not the current
list's rectangle, doRotateCurrentList is called to change the currently active list. Next,
LClick is called to handle all user action until the mouse-button is released. If LClick
returns true, a double-click occurred, in which case doExtractSelections is called to extract
and display the contents of the currently selected cells.
doControlHit is called when the kEventMouseDown event type is received and a call to
FindControlUnderMouse reports that there is a control under the mouse cursor.
If the control is the Extract push button, TrackControl is called to handle user actions until
the mouse button is released. If the cursor is still within the control when the mouse button
is released, doExtractSelections is called to extract and display the contents of the currently
selected cells.
If the control is one of the lists' scroll bars, doRotateCurrentList is called to change the
currently active list. (This is necessary because the function doInContent only responds to
clicks in the lists' display rectangles, which exclude the scroll bars.) LClick is then called
to handle user interaction with the scroll bar.
doCreateTextList, supported by the two following functions, creates the text list.
SetRect sets the rectangle which will be passed as the rDataBnds parameter of the LNew call to
specify one column and (initially) no rows. SetPt sets the variable that will be passed as the
cellSize parameter so as to specify that the List Manager should automatically calculate the
cell size. The next line adjusts the received list rectangle to eliminate the area occupied by
the vertical scroll bar.
The call to LNew creates the list. The parameters specify that the List Manager is to
calculate the cell size, the default list definition function is to be used, automatic drawing
mode is to be enabled, no room is to be left for a size box, the list is not to have a
horizontal scroll bar, and the list is to have a vertical scroll bar.
The call to doAddRowsAndDataToTextList adds rows to the list and stores data in its cells.
The next two lines set the cell at the topmost row as the initially-selected cell.
doResetTypeSelection calls a function which initialises certain variables used by the type
selection function. The last line returns the handle to the list.
doAddRowsAndDataToTextList adds rows to the text list and stores data in its cells. The data
is retrieved from a 'STR#' resource.
The for loop copies the strings from the specified 'STR#' resource and passes each string as a
parameter in a call to doAddTextItemsAlphabetically, which inserts a new row into the list and
copies the string to that cell.
Note at this point that the strings in the 'STR#' resource are not arranged alphabetically.
doAddTextItemAlphabetically does the heavy work in the process of adding the rows to the text
list and storing the text. The bulk of the code is concerned with building the list in such a
way that the cells are arranged in alphabetical order.
The first line sets the variable found to false. The next line sets the variable totalRows to
the number of rows in the list. (In this program, this is initially 0.) The next line sets
the variable currentRow to -1.
The while loop executes until the variable found is set to true.
Within the loop, the first line increments currentRow to 0. The first time this function is
called, currentRow will equal totalRows at this point and the loop will thus immediately exit
to the first line below the loop. The call to LAddRow at this line adds one row to the list,
inserting it before the row specified by currentRow. The list now has one row (cell (0,0)).
LSetCell copies the string to this cell. The function then exits, to be re-called by
doAddRowsAndDataToTextList for as many times as there are remaining strings.
The second time the function is called, the first line in the while loop again sets currentRow
to 0. This time, however, the if block does not execute because totalRows is now 1. Thus
SetPt sets the variable aCell to (0,0) and LGetCellDataLocation retrieves the offset and length
of the data in cell (0,0). This allows the string in this cell to be alphabetically compared
with the "incoming" string using CompareText. If the incoming string is "less than" the string
in cell (0,0), CompareText returns -1, in which case:
o The loop exits. LaddRow inserts one row before cell(0,0) and the old cell (0,0) thus becomes
cell(0,1). The list now contains two rows.
o SetPt sets cell (0,0) and LSetCell copies the "incoming" string to that cell. The "incoming"
string, which was alphabetically "less than" the first string, is thus assigned to the
correct cell in the alphabetical sense.
o The function then exits, to be re-called for as many times as there are remaining strings.
If, on the other hand, CompareText returns 0 (strings equal) or 1 ("incoming" string "greater
than" the string in cell (0,0), the loop repeats. At the first line in the loop, currentRow is
incremented to 1, which is equal to totalRows. Accordingly, the loop exits immediately,
LAddRow inserts a row before cell (0,1) (that is, cell (0,1) is created), LSetCell copies the
"incoming" string to that cell, and the function exits, to be re-called for as many times as
there are remaining strings.
The ultimate result of all this is an alphabetically ordered list.
doCreateIconList, supported by the following function, creates the icon list. This list uses a
custom list definition function; accordingly, CreateCustomList, rather than LNew, is used to
create the list.
SetRect sets the rectangle which will be passed as the dataBounds parameter of the
CreateCustomList call to specify one column and (initially) no rows. SetPt sets the variable
which will be passed as the cellSize parameter so as to specify that the List Manager should
make the cell size of all cells 52 by 52 pixels. The next line adjusts the list rectangle to
reflect the area occupied by the vertical scroll bar. The line after that assigns the
universal procedure pointer to the custom list definition function to the userProc field of the
variable of type ListDefSpec that will be passed in the theSpec parameter of the
CreateCustomList call.
The call to CreateCustomList creates the list. The parameters specify that the List Manager is
to make all cell sizes 52 by 52 pixels, a custom list definition function is to be used,
automatic drawing mode is to be enabled, no room is to be left for a size box, the list is not
to have a horizontal scroll bar, and the list is to have a vertical scroll bar.
The next line assigns lOnlyOne to the selFlags field of the list structure, meaning that the
List Manager's cell selection algorithm is modified so as to allow only one cell to be selected
at any one time.
The call to doAddRowsAndDataToIconList adds rows to the list and stores data in its cells.
The next two lines select the cell at the topmost row as the initially-selected cell. The last
line returns the handle to the list.
doAddRowsAndDataToIconList adds ten rows to the icon list and stores a handle to an icon suite
in each of the eight cells.
The first two lines set the variable rowNumber to the current number of rows, which is 0.
The for loop executes ten times. Each time through the loop, the following occurs:
o GetIconSuite creates a new icon suite and fills it with icons with the specified resource ID
and of the types specified in the last parameter (that is, large icons only).
o LAddRow inserts a new row in the list at the location specified by the variable rowNumber.
SetPt sets this cell and LSetCell stores the handle to the icon suite as the cell's data.
The last line increments the variable rowNumber, which is passed in the SetPt call.
doHandleArrowKey further processes Down Arrow and Up Arrow key presses. This is the first of
eleven functions dedicated to the handling of key-down events.
Recall that doHandleArrowKey's third parameter (allowExtendSelect) is set to true by the
calling function (doKeyDown) only if the text list is the currently active list.
The first line sets the variable moveToTopBottom to false, which can be regarded as the
default. At the next two lines, if the Command key was also down at the time of the Arrow key
press, this variable is set to true.
If the text list is the currently active list and the Shift key was down,
doArrowKeyExtendSelection is called; otherwise, doArrowKeyMoveSelection is called.
doArrowKeyMoveSelection further processes those Arrow key presses which occurred when either
list was the currently active list but the Shift key was not down. The effect of this function
is to deselect all currently selected cells and to select the appropriate cell according to,
firstly, which Arrow key was pressed (Up or Down) and, secondly, whether the Command key was
down at the same time.
The if statement calls doFindSelectedCell, which searches for the first selected cell in the
specified list. That function returns true if a selected cell is found, or false if the list
contains no selected cells.
If true is returned by that call, the variable currentSelection will hold the first selected
cell. However, this could be changed by the second line within the if block if the key pressed
was the Down-Arrow. doFindLastSelectedCell finds the last selected cell (which could, of
course, well be the same cell as the first selected cell if only one cell is currently
selected). Either way, the variable currentSelection will now hold either the only cell
currently selected, the first cell selected (if more than one cell is currently selected and
the key pressed was the Up Arrow), or the last cell selected (if more than one cell is
currently selected and the key pressed was the Down Arrow).
With that established, doFindNewCellLoc determines the next cell to select, which will depend
on, amongst other things, whether the Command key was down at the time of the key press (that
is, on whether the moveToTopBottom parameter is true or false). The variable newSelection will
contain the results of that determination.
doSelectOneCell then deselects all currently selected cells and selects the cell specified by
the variable newSelection.
It is possible that the newly-selected cell will be outside the list's display rectangle.
Accordingly, doMakeCellVisible, if necessary, scrolls the list until the newly-selected cell
appears at the top or the bottom of the display rectangle.
doArrowKeyExtendSelection is similar to the previous function except that it adds additional
cells to the currently selected cells. This function is called only when the text list is the
currently active list and the Shift key was down at the time of the Arrow key press.
By the fifth line, the variable currentSelection will hold either the only cell currently
selected, the first cell selected (if more than one cell is currently selected and the key
pressed was the Up Arrow), or the last cell selected (if more than one cell is currently
selected and the key pressed was the Down Arrow).
doFindNewCellLoc determines the next cell to select, which will depend on, amongst other
things, whether the Command key was down at the time of the key press (that is, on whether the
moveToTopBottom parameter is true or false). The variable newSelection will contain the
results of that determination. The similarities between this function and
doArrowKeyMoveSelection end there.
At the next line, LGetSelect is called to check whether the cell specified by the variable
newSelection is selected. If it is not, LSetSelect selects it. (This check by LGetSelect is
advisable because, for example, the first-selected cell as this function is entered might be
cell (0,0), that is, the very top row. If the Up-Arrow was pressed in this circumstance, and
as will be seen, doFindNewCellLoc returns cell (0,0) in the newSelection variable. There is no
point in selecting a cell which is already selected.)
It is possible that the newly-selected cell will be outside the list's display rectangle.
Accordingly, doMakeCellVisible, if necessary, scrolls the list until the newly-selected cell
appears at the top or the bottom of the display rectangle.
doTypeSelectSearch is the main type selection function. It is called from doKeyDown whenever
the key pressed is not the Tab key, the Up Arrow key or the Down Arrow key.
The global variables gTSStruct, gTSResetThreshold, and gTSLastListHit are central to the
operation of doTypeSelectSearch. gTSStruct holds the current type selection search string
entered by the user and the time in ticks of the last key press. gTSResetThreshold holds the
number of ticks which must elapse before type selection resets, and is dependent on the value
the user sets in the "Delay Until Repeat" setting in the Keyboard control panel (Mac OS 8/9) or
System Preferences/Keyboard (Mac OS X). gTSLastListHit holds a handle to the last list that
type selection affected.
The first block will cause doResetTypeSelection, which resets type selection, to be called if
either of the following situations prevail: if the list which is the target of the current key
press is not the same as the list which was the target of the previous key press; if a number
of ticks since the last key press is greater than the number stored in gTSResetThreshold; if
the current length of the type selection string is 63 characters.
The next line stores the handle to the list which is the target of the current key press in
gTSLastListHit so as to facilitate the comparison at the first if block the next time the
function is called. The next line stores the time of the current key press in gTSLastKeyTime
for the same purpose.
The call to TypeSelectNewKey extracts the character code from the message field of the event
structure and adds the character to the tsrKeyStrokes field of gTSStruct. That field now holds
all the characters received since the last type selection reset.
SetPt sets the variable theCell to represent the first cell in the list. This is passed as a
parameter in the LSearch call, and specifies the first cell to examine. LSearch examines this
cell and all subsequent cells in an attempt to find a match to the type selection string. If a
match exists, the cell in which the first match is found will be returned in theCell parameter,
LSearch will return true and the following three lines will execute.
Of those three lines, ordinarily only the call to LSetSelect (which deselects all currently
selected cells and selects the specified cell) and the last line (which, if necessary, scrolls
the list so that the newly-selected cell is visible in the display rectangle) would be
necessary. However, because the function doSelectOneCell has no effect unless there is
currently at least one selected cell in the list, the call to doSelectOneCell is included to
account for the situation where the user may have deselected all of the text list cells using
Command-clicking or dragging.
The actual matching task is performed by the match (callback) function the universal procedure
pointer to which is passed in the third parameter to the LSearch call. Note that the default
match function has been replaced by the custom callback function doSearchPartialMatch.
doSearchPartialMatch is the custom match function called by LSearch, in the previous function,
to attempt to find a match to the current type selection string. For the default function to
return a match, the type selection string would have to match an entire cell's text.
doSearchPartialMatch, however, only compares the characters of the type selection string with
the same number of characters in the cell's text. For example, if the type selection string is
currently "fr" and a cell with the text "Fractal Painter" exists, doSearchPartialMatch will
report a match.
A comparison by IdenticalText (which returns 0 if the strings being compared are equal) is only
made if the cell contains data and the length of that data is greater than or equal to the
current length of the type selection string. If these conditions do not prevail,
doSearchPartialMatch returns 1 (no match found). If these conditions do prevail, IdenticalText
is called with, importantly, both the third and fourth parameters set to the current length of
the type selection string. IdenticalText will return 0 if the strings match or 1 if they do
not match.
doFindFirstSelectedCell and the following four functions are general utility functions called
by the previous Arrow key handling and type selection functions. doFindFirstSelectedCell
searches for the first selected cell in a list, returning true if a selected cell is found and
providing the cell's coordinates to the calling function.
SetPt sets the starting cell for the LGetSelect call. Since the first parameter in the
LGetSelect call is set to true, LGetSelect will continue to search the list until a selected
cell is found or until all cells have been examined.
doFindFirstSelectedCell returns true when and if a selected cell is found.
doFindLastSelectedCell finds the last selected cell in a list (which could, of course, also be
the first selected cell if only one cell is selected).
If the call to doFindFirstSelectedCell reveals that no cells are currently selected,
doFindlastSelectedCell simply returns. If, however, doFindFirstSelectedCell finds a selected
cell, that cell is passed as the starting cell in the LGetSelect call.
As an example of how the rest of this function works, assume that the first selected cell is
(0,1), and that cell (0,4) is the only other selected cell. LGetSelect examines this cell and
returns true, causing the loop to execute. The first line in the while loop thus assigns (0,1)
to theCell and the next line increments aCell to (0,2). LGetSelect starts another search using
(0,2) as the starting cell. Because cells (0,2) and (0,3) are not selected, LGetSelect
advances to cell (0,4) before it returns. Since it has found another selected cell, LGetSelect
again returns true, so the loop executes again. aCell now contains (0,4), and the first line
in the while loop assigns that to theCell. Once again, LNextCell increments aCell, this time
to (0,5).
This time, however, LGetSelect will return false because neither cell (0,5) nor any cell below
it is selected. The loop thus terminates, theCell containing (0,4), which is the last selected
doFindNewCellLoc finds the new cell to be selected in response to Arrow key presses. That cell
will be either one up or one down from the cell specified in the oldCellLoc parameter (if the
Command key was not down at the time of the Arrow key press) or the top or bottom cell (if the
Command key was down).
The first line gets the number of rows in the list. (Recall that the List Manager sets the
dataBounds.bottom coordinate to one more than the vertical coordinate of the last cell.)
If the Command key was down (moveToTopBottom is true) and the key pressed was the Up Arrow, the
new cell to be selected is the top cell in the list. If the key pressed was the Down Arrow
key, the new cell to be selected is the bottom cell in the list.
If the Command key was not down and the key pressed was the Up Arrow key, and if the first
selected cell is the top cell in the list, the new cell to be selected remains as set at the
second line in the function; otherwise, the new cell to be selected is set as the cell above
the first selected cell. If the key pressed was the Down Arrow key, and if the last selected
cell is the bottom cell in the list, the new cell to be selected remains as set at the second
line in the function; otherwise, the new cell to be selected is set as the cell below the last
selected cell.
doSelectOneCell deselects all cells in the specified list and selects the specified cell.
If no cells in the list are selected, the function returns immediately. Otherwise, the first
selected cell is passed as the starting cell in the call to LGetSelect.
The while loop will continue to execute while a selected cell exists between the starting cell
specified in the LGetSelect call and the end of the list. Within the loop, if the current
LGetSelect starting cell is not the cell specified for selection, that cell is deselected.
When the loop exits, LSetSelect selects the cell specified for selection.
Note that defeating the de-selection of the cell specified for selection if it is already
selected (the if statement within the while loop) prevents the unsightly flickering which would
occur as a result of that cell being deselected inside the loop and then selected again after
the loop exits.
doMakeCellVisible checks whether a specified cell is within the list's display rectangle and,
if not, scrolls the list until that cell is visible.
The first line gets a copy of the rectangle that encompasses the currently visible cells.
(Note that this rectangle is in cell coordinates.) The if statement tests whether the
specified cell is within this rectangle. If it is not, the list is scrolled as follows:
o If the specified cell is "below" the bottom of the display rectangle, the variable dRows is
set to the difference between the cell's v coordinate and the value in the bottom field of the
display rectangle, plus 1. (Recall that the List Manager sets the bottom field to one greater
than the v coordinate of the last visible cell.)
o If the specified cell is "above" the top of the display rectangle, the variable dRows is set
to the difference between the cell's v coordinate and the value in the top field of the display
With the number of cells to scroll, and the direction to scroll, established, LScroll is called
to effect the scroll.
doResetTypeSelection resets the global variables which are central to the operation of the type
selection function doTypeSelectSearch.
The first line resets the tsrKeyStrokes and tsrLastKeyTime fields of gTSStruct to NULL and 0
respectively. The next line sets the variable which holds the handle to the list which is the
target of the current key press to NULL. The next line sets the variable which holds the type
selection reset threshold to twice the value stored in the low memory global variable
KeyThresh. However, if this value is greater than the value represented by the constant
kMaxKeyThresh, the variable is made equal to kMaxKeyThresh.
doRotateCurrentList rotates the currently active list in response to the Tab key and to
mouse-downs in the non-active list.
The first line saves the handle to the currently active list. The next line retrieves the
handle to the new list to be activated from the refCon field of the currently active list's
list structure. The third line makes the new list the currently active list.
The last two lines cause the keyboard focus frame to be erased from the previously current
list, the list box frame to be drawn around the previously current list, and the keyboard focus
frame to be drawn around the new current list.
doDrawFrameAndFocus is called by doDrawContent, doActivateDeactivate, and doRotateCurrentList
to draw or erase the keyboard focus frame from the specified list, and to draw the list box
frame in either the activated or deactivated state.
The second and third lines get the list's rectangle from the rView field of the list structure
and expand it to the right by the width of the scroll bar.
The machinations at the next four lines are for cosmetic purposes only. If the program is
running on Mac OS 8/9, the current background colour and pattern will be white, so the saved
background colour/pattern must be restored before the first call to DrawThemeFocusRect, which
erases the keyboard focus frame to the background colour/pattern.
Depending on the value received in the inState formal parameter, the list box frame is drawn in
either the activated or deactivated state. If the specified list is the current list,
DrawThemeFocusRect is called again, this time to draw the keyboard focus frame.
If the program is running on Mac OS 8/9, the last two lines reset the backgound colour/pattern
to white.
doExtractSelections is called when the user clicks the Extract push button or double clicks an
item in a list.
The first block gets the handles to the lists. The next two lines initialise the Str255 array
that will be used to hold the extracted strings.
The next block copies the data from the selected cells in the text list to the Str255 array.
The for loop is traversed once for each cell in the list. SetPt increments the v coordinate of
the variable theCell. If the specified cell is selected (LGetSelect), LGetCellDataLocation is
called to get the length of the data in the cell, and LGetCell is called to copy the cell's
data into an element of the Str255 array.
The next block gets the selected cell in the icon list, retrieves the related string from the
specified STR# resource, and assigns it to the 15th element of the Str255 array. SetPt sets
the starting cell for the LGetSelect search.
The last two lines force a kEventWindowDrawContent event, which will cause the function
doDrawSelections to draw the contents of the Str255 array in the group box at the bottom of the
doDrawSelections is called by doDrawContent and doActivateDeactivate to draw the contents of
the Str255 array "filled in" by the function doExtractSelections.
listDefFunction the custom list definition (callback) function used by the window's icon list.
The List Manager sends a list definition function four types of messages in the message
parameter. Only two of these are relevant to this list definition function. listDefFunction
calls the appropriate function to handle each message type.
doLDEFDraw handles the lDrawMsg message, which relates to a specific cell.
The first two lines save the current graphics port and set the graphics port to the port in
which the list is drawn.
EraseRect erases the cell rectangle. The next line gets a copy of the 52 pixel by 52 pixel
cell rectangle. The next four lines adjust this rectangle to the size of a 32 by 32 pixel
The if statement checks whether the cell's data is 4 bytes long (the size of a handle). If it
is, LGetCell is called to get the cells's data into the variable iconSuiteHdl and PlotIconSuite
is called to draw the icon within the specified rectangle. If the list is active,
kTransformNone is passed in the transform parameter, otherwise kTransformDisabled is passed.
This latter causes the icon to be drawn in the disabled (dimmed) state.
GetIndString is then called to get the string corresponding to the icon. The rectangle used to
draw the icon is adjusted and passed, together with the string, in a call to TETextBox.
TETextBox draws the string, with centre justification, underneath the icon.
If the lDrawMsg message indicated that the cell was selected, the cell highlighting function is
called. The previously saved graphics port is then restored
doLDEFHighlight handles the lHiliteMsg message and may also be called from doLDEFDraw.
A copy of the value in the low memory global HiliteMode is acquired, BitClr is called to clear
the highlight bit, and HiliteMode is set to this new value. The last line highlights the cell.
doListsDialog contains the main functions pertaining to the lists in the movable modal dialog.
doListsDialog creates a movable modal dialog using 'DLOG', 'dlgx', 'dftb', and 'DITL'
resources. The 'DITL' resource contains, amongst other items, two list controls. Each list
control is supported by an 'ldes' resource. Both 'ldes' resources specify no rows, one column,
a cell height of 14 pixels, a vertical scroll bar, and the system LDEF. The 'dftb' resource
specifies the small system font for the list controls.
At the first block, the window, if open, is explicitly deactivated. The dialog is then
created. At the next block, the Dialog Manager is told which items are the default and Cancel
A custom event filter function is used. The call to NewModalFilterProc creates the associated
universal procedure pointer.
At the next block, and for each list control, the handle to the list control is obtained, the
handle to the associated list structure is obtained, the function doAddRowsAndDataToTextList is
called to add the specified number of rows and the data to the list's cells, the cell-selection
algorithm is customised to allow the selection of one cell only, and the first cell is
ShowWindow is then called to display the dialog. The call to SetKeyboardFocus sets the
keyboard focus to the "Date Format" list.
Within the do-while loop, ModalDialog retains control until an enabled item is hit. If the
push buttons are hit, or if the last click in one of the list boxes was a double-click, the
loop exits.
If the item hit is the "Date Format" list, SetPt sets the variable theCell to represent the
first cell in the list. This is passed as a parameter in the LGetSelect call, which searches
the list until it finds a cell that is selected. LGetDataLocation is called to get the length
of the data in that cell and LGetCell is called to copy the data (a string) to a local Str255
variable. At the next block, a reference to the static text control associated with this list
is obtained and its text is set with the string obtained by LGetCell. Draw1Control is then
called to draw the static text field control with this newly-set text.
The last action is to check whether the last click in the list box was a double-click. If the
last click was a double-click, the variable wasDoubleClick is set to true, causing the loop to
The same general procedure is followed in the event of a hit on the "Watermark" list.
When the OK push button is hit, or one of the lists has been double-clicked, the dialog and the
universal procedure pointer are disposed of.
A custom event filter function is used to intercept keyDown events so as to support type
selection in the "Watermark" list.
If the event is a keyDown event, the character code is extracted from the event structure's
message field.
If the key hit was not the Up-Arrow, Down-Arrow, or tab key, the following occurs.
GetDialogItemAsControl is called to get the reference to the "Watermark" list control,
GetControlData is called to get the handle to the associated list, and GetKeyboardFocus is
called to get the reference to the control with keyboard focus. If the "Watermark" list
control currently has the focus, the function doTypeSelectSearch is called (to handle type
selection) and Draw1Control is called on the list control to ensure that the type-selected item
is highlighted. handledEvent is then set to true to inform ModalDialog that the filter
function handled the event.
Apart from supporting type-selection in the "Watermark" list, this arrangement means that the
only keyDown events received by ModalDialog in respect of the "Date Format" list will be
Up-Arrow, Down-Arrow, and tab key events.