Vicomsoft launches RapidCache
Vicomsoft launches RapidCache, a high-performance web caching server with
browser based administration, Java graphical administrator feedback and a
flexible offline library.
Available immediately, the RapidCache Server uses concurrent caching and
delivery to provide outstanding performance in the delivery of web pages to
users browsers. RapidCache follows industry standards to complement
existing Internet connection solutions that do not include caching.
The unique offline cache library provides easy access to cached content and
includes advanced features such as searching, locking and graphical browser
displays of content.
RapidCache administration is browser based providing extensive flexibility
in cross platform environments. Real-time performance feedback is shown in
a range of Java driven dynamic displays.
RapidCache Server can be purchased exclusively online, at introductory
prices from $149.
For more information, free trial software and online ordering, see: