Vicomsoft FTP Client 3.1.2
VICOMSOFT September 11, 2000
NEW RELEASE - FTP Client 3.1.2
Vicomsoft's top rated FTP Client has been improved - again!
The latest version of FTP Client has been optimized to dramatically
increase the speed of downloads. The speed of all downloads has been
greatly enhanced - with the download of folders showing an incredible gain
in time saved.
Not only has the download speed improved, but we are now offering ALL the
capabilities of the FTP Client Pro for evaluation in the shareware version!
The shareware version of Vicomsoft FTP Client will perform as the 'Pro'
version for a trial period, before reverting to the standard shareware FTP
Client. While running as the Pro version, users will have access to the
full range of host types, aliases, and AppleScript support.
After this free evaluation of FTP Client Pro's capabilities we are certain
you will be impressed!
Download FTP Client here
For more information go to
A BVRP Group Company