The REALbasic CD includes thousands of applications, example projects,
plug-ins etc. to provide REALbasic users with resources to help them get
more out of REALbasic. Here's your chance to be a part of it.
Why should you submit something for the REALbasic CD? Being on the CD will:
* Show off your talents
* Earn you the respect of others
* Promote your application, skills or service
* Win friends and influence people
* Improve your sex life (unlikely, but hey, it sounds good)
Submissions must be received by Thursday, May 10th. Submissions will be
accepted on a first come, first served basis. There is a limited amount of
space available on the CD and we have thousands of files to deal with so
the sooner you send in your submission, the more likely it will be included.
What can you submit?
* REALbasic example projects
* REALbasic plug-ins
* REALbasic classes/modules
* Applications made with REALbasic
* Anything that extends REALbasic in any way
* Any application that helps REALbasic users develop applications
For any submission, please include (in your email message) the Made with
REALbasic category (from the Made with REALbasic page) and subcategory for
the submission. You can find these categories at:
In order for projects to be accepted:
* They must be saved in v3 format
* They must run with the current v3 alpha/beta
* They must include all necessary resources (pictures, sounds, scripts, etc.
- if you can move your project to another computer and run it, you will know
that you have included all necessary items)
* It would be good to include a short READ ME file that describes the
project, what platforms it works on and include your email address and a web
site address (if applicable).
* Projects with commented code will certainly be more valuable to others
than those without comments (this is a suggestion not a requirement)
* Make sure that all windows will open on a 640 by 480 screen.
For plug-ins:
* Please include a READ ME that includes information on which platforms your
plug-in supports
* Please include any documentation
In order for applications made with REALbasic to be accepted:
* The about box or splash screen must include the Made With REALbasic logo.
* Your web site where people get information about your product must include
the Made With REALbasic logo.
Information about the Made with REALbasic program can be found at:
CAN BE DOWNLOADED. Only files sent to will be accepted.
If you have any questions or problems, email