QuizMaker Pro 5.6 Released
JULY 19, 2005. Hudson, Ohio. Class One Software, Shareware for
Education, announces the release of QuizMaker Pro version 5.6 for
Macintosh OS X, Classic Macintosh, and Windows 98-XP. QuizMaker Pro
is a full featured application which can create, archive, administer,
grade, and analyze multiple choice, matching and short answer
quizzes. QuizMaker Pro is used by teachers, parents, home-schoolers
and individuals who need a complete study, assessment and evaluation
Fixes & Features - QuizMaker Pro Version 5.6
* Added ability to speak questions and answers while taking a test
* Added option to prohibit seeing scores when finished on a test
by test basis.
* Help now available while taking a test. Added Menu shortcut.
* Clearer instructions when adding an individual name not
connected to a class
* Added an error catch when QMPro encounters a corrupted quiz file.
* Fixed bug: After showing a picture during test, entering via
keyboard would no longer work.
* Fixed bug: App would crash when dismissing the Results Screen
with (Return)
QuizMaker Pro 5.6 is available as shareware. Version 5.6
registrations are $18 personal, $100 site, Upgrades for registered
users are free.
More Information: (http://www.classonesoftware.com/C_htmls/QuizMaker.html)
Home Page: (http://www.classonesoftware.com)
Direct Download:
OS X version: (http://www.classonesoftware.com/QMP5/QMP5.6(OSX).sit.hqx )
Mac OS 9: (http://www.classonesoftware.com/QMP5/QMP5.6_mac.sit.hqx )
Windows version: (http://www.classonesoftware.com/QMP5/QMP56_setup.exe )
contact: info@classonesoftware.com
System Requirements:
- minimum 640x480 screen resolution
- 6 Megs of hard drive space
Mac: - PPC Macintosh running OS 8.6 - 9.x or OS 10.1 or later
Win: - Pentium processor running Windows 98 or later
About Class One Software
Class One Software (formerly MacMuse Software) has been creating
useful, fun, and challenging educational software for 11 years.
Registered users include elementary schools to colleges as well as
interested parents and tutors. For additional information, visit our
web site at: