RightDoc's ODBC integration with XML and CSS Internet standards
drives the creation of personalized business documents for
cross-media output.
(Colbert, WA - April 13, 1999) RightDoc Company
(http://www.rightdoc.com) announces the immediate availability of
RightDoc (TM) 2.0, an XML and CSS Internet standards-based business
document writer and cross-media publishing engine.
Application data-driven RightDoc creates multi-faceted Enterprise or
Web-based business document solutions, providing the ability to
produce personalized billing statements, letters, financial
statements, invoices, forms, legal contracts, and business
intelligence reports that get results fast. RightDoc also renders
documents cross-media: Directly View and Print, generate HTML 4.0 Web
format, and device independent PDF format, as well as PostScript
format for the printing industry.
RightDoc's native integration of external ODBC data combined with
conditional processing tags, reusable XML-based text elements,
conditional CSS formatting styles, and images makes it easy to create
'Intelligent' documents which have the ability to personalize
themselves based upon line-of-business data. For instance, it's easy
to conditionally insert one-to-one marketing and sales messages into
documents contingent upon data such as inventory levels and consumer
purchases, creating highly personalized cross-selling invoices,
billing statements, sales form letters, and financial statements.
Adding business intelligence to documents is a snap with RightDoc's
Query Designer assisting in the creation of ad-hoc Exception and
'Best Practices' reports. These documents can contain full paragraphs
of instructive text conditionally included based upon
line-of-business data, thus helping to improve operational
efficiencies and decision-making.
RightDoc's inherent ability to manipulate XML-based text elements
also makes it easy to conditionally assemble legal documents,
automatically writing out contracts such as loan origination
contracts, real estate contracts, and licensing agreements contingent
upon individual contract data, enabling the immediate presentation of
personalized contracts for signing.
RightDoc enables companies to build state-of-the-art XML and CSS
Internet standards-based business document solutions directly into
Enterprise and Web-based Visual Basic, C++, J++, Delphi, Access, and
Excel applications, or use RightDoc's standalone Workbench. RightDoc
is designed to allow document authors be middle-level users such as
Systems Analysts or entry-level programmers.
RightDoc is a compact, powerful, full-featured, whole product
solution which runs on Windows 95, 98, and NT (3.51 or above).
Introductory price of $299 per development seat.
Download link:
RightDoc Company is a privately held software company founded in
1998. Contact Elizabeth Kelley, Director of Sales and Marketing at
(509) 464-1059 or email to marketing@rightdoc.com for an evaluation
kit and more information.