[NPL] 'Vicom Technology' Changes Name To 'Vicomsoft'
'Vicom Technology' Changes Name To 'Vicomsoft'
Why 'Vicom Technology' has changed its name to 'Vicomsoft'
- More Appropriate to our Business
Although the software products we create incorporate some original,
exciting and leading edge technologies, our customers usually come to us
for software solutions and not for the technologies by themselves.
Accordingly, it is more appropriate for us to be known as 'Vicomsoft'
rather than 'Vicom Technology'.
- Easier to Find on the Internet
With the increase in the use of the Internet as a communications medium, it
was important for us to have a domain name that was easy for our users to
find and remember. The domain name we were using 'vicomtech.com' was
neither intuitive nor easy to find. Now, our business name and domain name
are the same.
Effective immediately our domain now is 'vicomsoft.com', our web site is
at: http://www.vicomsoft.com and email to us is now addressed using the new
domain. For example 'sales@vicomtech.com' will now be 'sales@vicomsoft.com'
(The old 'vicomtech.com' URLs and email addresses will continue to work for
an extended period but will be automatically redirected to 'vicomsoft.com')
The name change won't affect the high quality products and services we
provide. Those will remain the same!
Further details on the name change can be found at: