Tension Software announces URL Extractor 1.0.
URL Extractor allows to extract URL from inside text files, as example web
pages, and save the url on disk, in a usable format, to import in database
or manipulate to create new pages.
It's a true Mac program, all written in C++ and optimized for the Mac
memory handling.
It's not a port from other platform. It's a Macintosh only program! The
user can use it in two modes:
The first one lets him open and see a single file and navigate inside it
and collect the urls as he decides step by step (or in one shot if he
The second lets the user use a Batch window and process files
automatically, all in one step.
He can even drop a folder on the URL Extractor icon, and all the files
inside that folder, also files inside other folders and nested at any
level, will be processed to extract urls.
URL Extractor can be automatized at different levels, you can also set it
to run on unattended Mac, do its work, save (or append) automatically the
result on disk, and quit.
No coding necessary, just some buttons to click in the preferences dialog!
You can see (and dowload the 1.0.0 version) from the Tension Software site
at http://www.pair.com/tnet/tensionsw/
Price for a single user reg. of URL Extractor is US$ 45.00
Also available the Site License for US$ 450.00
For further info contact us at TensionSW@kagi.com
Roberto Panetta
Tension Software
(tensionSW@kagi.com) (mc5230@mclink.it)