December 6, 1999, Salinas, CA: In keeping with its commitment to remain the
leader in MP3 solutions for the Macintosh, Casady & Greene, Inc. today
released version 1.5 of its award-winning player/encoder SoundJam MP . When
queried about this most recent revision of SoundJam MP, Casady & Greene's
CEO, Dr. Charles Fulweiler stated, "In the dynamically changing
computer/audio industry, it is incumbent upon those providing goods and
services to stay abreast of both the consumers' needs and the technology
The success of this product has brought with it a slew of requests from its
users, who were hungry for a full-featured Macintosh MP3 Player/Encoder.
This latest revision of SoundJam MP focuses on enhancing its MP3 encoding
with significant quality and performance improvements, as well as providing
many new features.
SoundJam's new MP3 encoder includes:
*Variable Bit Rate (VBR) encoding
This allows SoundJam MP to maximize its encoding capabilities, by
allocating additional bits when the music it is encoding is more complex,
and by using fewer bits for less complicated passages.
*An extremely fast "Faster" MP3 encoding mode Encoding with this option at
high bit rates (160 kbps or higher) will result in very fast, yet high
quality encodings.
*Play While Converting
This innovative capability allows the user to listen to the converted
track, while it is being converted, for real-time feedback on your
conversion settings. Cleverly, conversion continues at full speed while you
listen to your music!
SoundJam 1.5 also includes better internet streaming performance, and batch
conversion of CD's. Batch conversion automatically encodes all songs on a
CD, when the CD is inserted. After all the songs are encoded, the CD will
optionally eject, allowing you to insert the next CD.
SoundJam MP's encoding capabilities are exceptional, even for the most
discerning Mac audiophile. As in previous versions, this new update is
optimized for the Power Macintosh G4 with Velocity Engine.
This update is available as a free download for current users of SoundJam
MP. To download the update, view the change history, or download the free
demo for SoundJam MP v1.5 please visit
SoundJam MP is available for purchase directly from Casady & Greene for
$39.95 by electronic download, and $49.95 plus shipping for the physical
product. The physical product includes 100+ MP3 songs and a 6 ft. stereo