[NPL] Pardeikes Welcome Plugin 3.0 beta 5
27th July 1999, Andreas Pardeike announces his new beta of
Pardeikes Welcome Plugin 3.0 beta 5
"Welcome" is a WSAPI-compatible server plugin that already provides
features like
- virtual hosting
- authentication schemes based on almost every connection
- flexible, Apache like, URL manipulations and redirection
- realtime hits/visits/error statistics in text/graphic form
- remote configuration and flexible external scripting with
auto-reloadable configuration files
3.0b5 adds the following new features:
- AppleScript support in "Rules"
Now you can build your own database password checking
or customize Welcome to host your shopping basket
transparently. A whole new world of possibilities...
- Extended Log Format
File naming was enhanced. Rolled logs are renamed with
your patterns. A bug was fixed that stripped the virtual
subfolder wrong from files that started with the same
- Virtual Host Grouping
Now you can define patterns for virtual host definitions
that can contain wildcards and match several host name
at once.
This beta release is full functional and expires at the end of August 99.
There are no limitations so don't hesitate and try it!
Get it here: http://welcome.pardeike.net/?B5
Have fun!
Andreas Pardeike