[NPL] New Apple-Listserver Documentation site
From: Chuq Von Rospach (chuq@apple.com)
Subject: New Apple-Listserver Documentation site.
I'm very thrilled to announce that the new, tango-driven documentation
system (project code name: "project from hell") for our listservers has
been finished and released, and is now accessible from
(http://www.lists.apple.com/). We have rewritten the site AND the system
documentation from scratch to make things easier to use, easier to update
and maintain, and resolve as many of the problems users had with the old
documentation on how to use these lists.
If you have problems with it, or updates/additions/corrections, please let
me know.
If you have mailing lists you want added to the directory to please e-mail
them to (mailto:postmaster@public.lists.apple.com).
No URLs were injured in the development of this server. I've put in
redirects for all of the old .html pages from the previous version, so
they'll all end up at an appropriate page, not a broken link.
If you have a page that points to someplace on www.lists.apple.com, please
check your links and update them as necessary, and consider re-doing the
URLs to the new site's URLs as you maintain your pages. (Believe it or not
-- we still get hits to pages that haven't existed in three years, and
that's despite my tracking down some of the worst offenders as far as
obsolete links and sending multiple requests to get them updated... Not
Apple Listmaster.
Chuq Von Rospach, Apple Mail List Gnome
(mailto:chuq@apple.com) + (mailto:chuqui@plaidworks.com)
(http://www.plaidworks.com/) + (http://www.lists.apple.com/)