[NPL] MacWebserver Resource Site
We are pleased to announce the opening of MacWebserver, the new Macintosh
Web Hosting Resource Site at http://www.macwebserver.com
Mac webmasters can now quickly locate and compare Mac hosting services
worldwide with the features they need. MacWebserver provides a fully
searchable database to locate ISPs offering Mac-based web hosting. Specific
search parameters include state, country, and hosts that provide Filemaker,
Lasso, Tango, or WebFM database hosting, among others. You can also choose
to search based on type of server, such as WebTen, WebStar or Quid Pro Quo.
In addition to the ISP listing, MacWebserver offers information on
Listservs of interest to webmasters. We will be enhancing the site further
with links to newsgroups and Mac web-related shareware and commercial
software providers, as well as editorial and news on what's happening on
the Mac web hosting front.
ISPs can add their listing online FREE OF CHARGE. The site also provides
ISPs with the means to edit their listing as they add new services. Mac
ISPs, please visit our site and add your free listing now. MacWebserver
offers ISPs and other vendors banner advertising opportunities to increase
visibility on the site.
Feel free to email us with comments, our goal is to keep improving the site.
Doug Noble
Email doug@macwebserver.com
WebMaster, MacWebServer http://www.macwebserver.com
WebMaster, MacTalent Employment Registry http://www.mactalent.com