Subject: Press Release - Trend Micro
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 14:56:18 -0000
InterScan VirusWall First Complete Virus Protection Approved For Sun
Internet Mail Server Software
Trend Micro's award winning virus protection now available for Sun's
industry leading messaging platform
Cupertino, Calif.- 15 December 1998 - Trend Micro Inc., the leader in
centrally managed virus protection, has announced that its Internet
gateway virus scanning solution, InterScan(r) VirusWall(r) 2.6 for
Sun(tm) Solaris(tm), has been tested and approved by Sun (NASDAQ:
SUNW) for use with Sun(tm) Internet Mail Server(tm) software. With
this approval, InterScan VirusWall becomes the industry's first
interoperable virus scanning solution for Sun's high-powered
messaging platform.
After rigorous testing, Trend Micro's high performance scanning
solution demonstrated its complete interoperability with Sun Internet
Mail Server software. InterScan VirusWall provides high performance
real-time scanning of both in-bound and outbound SMTP (e-mail)
traffic to keep viruses and other known malicious code from getting
into or out of the network. Sun and Trend Micro have prepared
instructions detailing how to set up and configure InterScan
VirusWall to run with Sun's mail software.
"With Sun Internet Mail Server software the clear leader in Internet
messaging, Trend Micro's solution for virus protection is a natural
complement to the Sun platform," said Stuart Wells, vice president of
Sun's Network Software Products. "We are excited to see ISVs, like
Trend Micro, aggressively developing applications for the Sun
platform and enhancing the capabilities of Sun software."
"Most viruses today are infiltrating organisations as attachments to
e-mail," said Laura Ventura, market analyst with The Radicati Group,
Inc. a leading research firm specialising in messaging. "High
performing virus protection, like Trend Micro's InterScan VirusWall,
ensures that Sun's Internet Mail Server users are protected from
Internet-borne viruses without slowing mail delivery."
''We're delighted to offer our industry-leading Internet gateway
virus scanning solution to customers using the high-performance Sun
messaging platform," said Eva Chen, chief technology officer for
Trend Micro. "With Trend's reputation for high performance,
best-of-breed malicious code protection technology, customers can be
assured that they're getting a solution that will operate seamlessly
with Sun's Internet Mail Server and provide the best protection
available today on the market."
About InterScan VirusWall
Trend Micro's InterScan VirusWall is an award-winning tool for
blocking viruses, malicious applets and ActiveX objects at the
Internet gateway, and provides real-time scanning for all inbound and
outbound SMTP, HTTP and FTP file transfers. InterScan VirusWall is
invisible to end-users and can be installed on the same machine as
Sun Internet Mail Server software or on a different machine in
minutes. InterScan's high-performance, high-volume, 32-bit
multi-threading scan engine detects thousands of viruses.
Administration requires no attendance: all routine operations (e.g.,
downloading virus pattern updates, sending virus-event notifications
and deleting old log files) occur automatically. Trend's InterScan
VirusWall for Solaris has been tested and approved as supporting the
CVP protocol from Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., provider of
policy-based enterprise security and traffic management solutions.
This will enable seamless integration with Check Point Software's
FireWall-1 enterprise security suite.
Pricing and Availability
InterScan VirusWall 2.6 for Sun Solaris is available now and starts
at 1,295.00 for 50 users. Evaluation software is available for
download from Trend Micro's Web site,
About Sun Internet Mail Server
Based on Internet standards, Sun Internet Mail Server software is a
highly scalable solution designed for Internet Service Providers
(ISPs) or Enterprise Service Providers (ESPs) that require a
dependable, cost-effective messaging platform. Built for
business-critical use, Sun Internet Mail Server software's
client/server design and committed message transport, combined with
the proven reliability of the Solaris operating environment, delivers
a truly robust mail system. For more information on Sun's messaging
software, visit
About Trend Micro
Trend Micro provides centrally controlled server-based virus
protection. By protecting information that flows through file
servers, e-mail servers and Internet gateways, Trend Micro allows
companies worldwide to stop viruses from a central point before they
ever reach the desktop.
Trend Micro's award-winning products have been chosen by Check Point,
Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Lotus Softswitch, Microsoft, Netscape, Oracle,
Sun Microsystems, Wingra and WorldTalk as a key part of their server
security solutions. Trend Micro is publicly held in Japan with North
American headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., and offices worldwide.
Evaluation copies of all of Trend Micro's products may be downloaded
from its award-winning site, Web site
visitors may also test-drive products online through Trend Micro's
Virtual Lab. Recent Trend Micro awards:
* 1998-Trend Micro's network, anti-virus solution-OfficeScan
Corporate Edition, ServerProtect and Trend VCS -- declared a "Test
Center Hot Pick", by InfoWorld
* 1998-OfficeScan for Microsoft Small Business Server: Recommended by
Computer Reseller News/Spring COMDEX Test Center
* 1998-ServerProtect: Five Palm Award, Beverly Hills Software
* 1998-ScanMail for Lotus Notes: Gold Editors' Choice Security Award,
Lotus Notes and Domino Advisor
* 1997-ScanMail for Lotus Notes 1.0: Best of Test Center Award, InfoWorld
* 1997-HouseCall: Best of the Web, HomePC
* 1997-InterScan E-Mail VirusWall, Editors' Choice for Internet
E-mail Gateway Antivirus, PC Magazine
For Additional Information:
Penny Brennan Pat Bitton, Marketing Director
Marylebone Media Relations Trend Micro, Inc
E-mail: E-mail:
Tel: 0118 975 5188 Tel: 001 408-257-1500 x 6314