[NPL] iCat Commerce Online Developer Network Directory
The free and easy way to expand your business!
Cash in on the booming success of iCat Commerce Online by listing your
services in the iCat Commerce Online Developer Network Directory.
iCat Corporation, the Seattle-based leader in e-commerce software and
services today announced the iCat Commerce Online Developer Network, an
impressive collection of Internet professionals who offer store-building
services and consulting to small- and medium-sized businesses that want to
set up shop on the Internet.
Merchants eager to build Web stores with iCat Commerce Online need your
help. If you offer Web development, graphic design, image preparation, or
data entry services, sign up today. There is no enrollment fee to qualified
companies, and you'll immediately become known to thousands of
highly-motivated, targeted new customers.
Accepted members will be listed in our directory located at www.icat.com
and merchants looking for store development services will be able to
contact you directly. By joining now, you can also automatically enroll in
the iCat Affiliate program, which allows you to share in the ongoing
revenue stream of these merchants whose stores you create using iCat
Commerce Online.
You earn up to 20% of their monthly store rental - for two years - for
every store you build with iCat Commerce Online! You'll also earn this for
every customer you personally refer to iCat Commerce Online, even if they
build the store themselves.
There's no reason to delay - join today!
Information about the iCat Commerce Online Developer Network:
Information about the iCat Commerce Online Affiliate Program: