[NPL] Creating Dazzling Web Graphics Book
CONTACT: Andy Shafran, 513-794-1912
Media Review Copies Available
E-Mail: mailto:ashafran@muskalipman.com
TO: Mr. Raines Cohen Editor Net Professional
Creating Dazzling Web Graphics That Work
Everyone with a web page knows that a picture says a thousands words.
Attractive quick loading original graphics lure and direct visitors through
the flow of the message. Web page functionality and ease of use hinge on
the balance and blending of text and color graphics. Navigation,
interaction, feedback -- the essential elements of success in this
multidirectional communication medium must all come together -- harmonize
with the presentation of graphics and text. Graphics performance are
important to customers and visitors. The key is to create a graphical
impression that offers a pleasant visual virtual experience and complements
your abilities and purpose.
You don't have to hire a high-priced graphic artist. You can do it yourself
with the newest edition of "Creating Paint Shop Pro Web Graphics: 2nd
edition". Currently # 5 on the Barnes and Noble On-Line Bestseller List,
Andy Shafran, best-selling author of over a dozen Internet books and
currently on-line instructor at Ziff-Davis University, packs this book with
his extensive experience in designing and developing innovative web sites,
and creating web graphics with Paint Shop Pro (a painting and image editing
program by Jasc Software, Inc).
Creating Paint Shop Pro Web Graphics is for anyone who needs web graphics
on their web site -- it's as easy-to-use for first time do-it-yourselfers
as to professional web site designers and publishers. Hundreds of pages of
full-color examples teach how to create simple as well as detailed highly
sophisticated web site graphics all focused on optimizing your pages for
maximum visitor enjoyment.
Shafran's approach is based on the observation that pictures present a
professional image and add to the wow factor. The book covers the creation
and use of vivid buttons, headlines, banners, backgrounds icons,
photographs and all the new interactive techniques. You can learn how to
jazz up web sites using picture tubes, deformation and special effects for
amazing and colorful graphics, and how to use the latest in scanner and
digital camera technology to edit and enhance your photos. The goal --
making the web site visitor's life easier. This exceedlingly valuable book
provides a roadmap to achieving the proper balance between aesthetics and
technology -- simplicity and power.
In short, "Creating Paint Shop Pro Graphics: 2nd Edition" is the perfect
book for anyone wanting to focus on the real world techniques and examples
to create a bookmark worthy and effective web site. The long-term
investment in the book is enhanced by a companion web site which contains
up-to-date free information on the world of web graphics, new resources to
use to stay on the cutting edge, and the ability to interact directly with
the book staff via e-mail.
"Creating Paint Shop Pro Graphics: 2nd Edition" by Andy Shafran; US$44.99.
Muska & Lipman Publishing: 513-794-1912 ashafran@muskalipman.com