[NPL] AutoScript.fm repriced
Press release.
December 24, 1998
AutoScript.fm - the tool that makes life easier for FileMaker Pro
users and developers - has been repriced.
The price for admission to the world of efficient FileMaker Pro
scripting has been lowered to just US$48. It is hoped that
AutoScript.fm can subsequently become universally accepted by
FileMaker Pro users, aiding in the development of great FileMaker Pro
AutoScript.fm is a scripting utility for FileMaker Pro users that
makes the daunting task of transferring FileMaker Pro scripts from
one database to another much easier and quicker.
AutoScript.fm also facilitates the sharing of FileMaker Pro scripts
by saving scripts in a text format that can easily be copied and
emailed to friends and associates anywhere in the world. FileMaker
Pro magazines can use AutoScript.fm to make their sample scripts more
accessible, while FileMaker Pro user groups can use AutoScript.fm to
make group-shared scripts accessible, reproducible and portable.
The new price of $48 will be effective with the next release of
AutoScript.fm, version 1.0.6 due by December 31. The new version will
also feature a new VISE installer, a small bug fix and an enhancement
in the getting of custom FileMaker Pro window data.
The AutoScript.fm web site is now accelerated through FireWire via
the Reprahduce (Mac-friendly) ISP for extra speed. Version 1.0.5a and
newer of AutoScript.fm downloads are and will also be hosted by
Reprahduce, although only via http.
For details, please visit the AutoScript.fm web site or email the
author Gregory.
May all have a very merry Christmas, and a great new year.
Web: (http://www.gnb.com.hk/autoscript.fm/)
email: (autoscript.fm@gnb.com.hk)