Ron Davis
(716) 691-1999 x119
For Immediate Release:
August 10, 1998
ATTO Introduces ExpressPCI UL2D Ultra2 SCSI Dual Channel Host Adapter with
ADS Technology
AMHERST, NEW YORK -- ATTO Technology, Inc., announces the introduction of
their new ExpressPCI Ultra2/WIDE dual channel SCSI host adapter (UL2D) with
Advanced Data Streaming (ADS) technology. This 64-bit/32-bit compatible
host adapter provides two independent SCSI channels -- each delivering up
to 80 Mbytes/sec. of data throughput for high-end digital video, imaging,
database and fileserver applications.
The ATTO ExpressPCI UL2D host adapter employs advanced Low Voltage
Differential (LVD) technology that doubles the throughput of UltraSCSI
performance and now allows users to connect up to 16 SCSI device IDs over a
distance of 12 meters per channel. In addition, the UL2D offers backward
compatibility with existing single-ended SCSI devices and features firmware
that supports both Macintosh and PC-based systems straight-out-of-the-box.
"The ExpressPCI UL2D takes SCSI to the highest performance level possible,"
says Scott Day, ATTO ExpressPCI product manager. "It provides the
tremendous bandwidth of two independent SCSI channels - yet occupies only
one PCI slot. With the UL2D, cabling distances and device connectivity are
essentially quadrupled over that of UltraSCSI.
The ATTO ExpressPCI UL2D offers problem-solving flexibility - enabling
users to attach one channel to their Single-Ended devices and one to their
Low Voltage Differential devices. The UL2D also offers performance
comparable to more expensive data storage interfaces - without the need to
reinvest, relearn or migrate to a whole new technology.
Through ATTO's exclusive Advanced Data Streaming (ADS) technology, the
ExpressPCI UL2D optimizes the performance of SCSI-based systems and
improves I/O performance with enhancements such as an embedded RISC SCSI-3
processor, bus mastering, full-block buffering, improved data interleave
and optimized SCSI-3 algorithms.
The ATTO ExpressPCI UL2D represents the next logical step in the evolution
of ATTO's complete family of SCSI host adapters, and offers outstanding
performance features including: Compatibility with both Macintosh and PC
systems; Support for Tagged Command Queuing; Multiple Initiator Support;
Flash BIOS ROM for easy field updates; PCI 2.1 Compliance; and includes
ATTO ExpressPro-Tools Disk Utility Software. Made in the U.S.A., the ATTO
ExpressPCI UL2D is shipping in August of 1998 at a suggested list price of
Based in Amherst, New York, ATTO Technology, Inc., is a global leader in
SCSI and Fibre Channel storage technology. Since its founding in 1988, ATTO
has been engineering award-winning solutions specifically for
data-intensive digital video, multimedia and networking applications in the
Macintosh, PC and Workstation markets. ATTO distributes its products
worldwide through Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Distributors,
VARs, System Integrators and direct to Corporate Users.