Nickelodeon intros new broadband features with TurboNick 2.0
Featuring Flash video technology, TurboNick 2.0 now allows Mac and PC users to access hundreds of Nick long and short form programming videos online, including select new episodes immediately after they air on the network. Since its initial "soft launch" (Sept. 20 to Oct. 1), TurboNick 2.0 has generated close to 19 million content streams, an increase of over 911 percent versus last year's equivalent time period, which is almost 10 times the amount of streams for the same time period in 2005, according to the folks at Nickelodeon. TurboNick 2.0 is averaging 236,000 daily unique visitors, a 489-plus percent increase over last year , they add.
TurboNick premiered as a broadband player for kids in July of 2005 to compliment Nickelodeon's on-air programming, and initially featured 20 hours of new programming every week organized by "channels." TurboNick 2.0 is organized by content channels as well as by property icons. The broadband service is scheduled to rollout in international territories including Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom in late 2006/early 2007.