MonkeyBread Software Releases Make Icon 1.0
MonkeyBread Software Releases Make Icon 1.0
NICHENICH, Germany (December 2, 2003) -- Monkeybread Software releases Make
Icon v1.0, a utility to create file icons based on the file content.
On Mac OS X, the application can read PDF files and uses the first page to
create the icon. On non PDF files, it tries to open the file as a picture
using QuickTime and takes the main image inside the file. So it should work
with all file types QuickTime can read. e.g. TIFF, JPEG, BMP, Photoshop,
GIF, PNG, etc.
Make Icon v1.0 is made with REALbasic from REAL Software, Inc.
Requires Mac OS 8 or newer; source code is included. This application shows
REALbasic developers how to use the PDF and Icon classes to generate icons
based on a given picture and how to make a picture from a page in a PDF
The application is freeware, but contributions are accepted through PayPal.
All freeware applications:
The Multiple Picture Viewer website: