Solutions Etcetera
685 Placerville Drive
Placerville, CA 95667
Tel: 530/644-7382
Fax: 530/647-8541
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PLACERVILLE, CA - Aug. 17, 1999 - Solutions Etcetera, today announced a
strategic partnership with IncWell DMG, Ltd., to provide new support
services and products that gives professional SuperCard developers
unprecedented access to information and technology to extend the powerful
authoring tool.
"Originally, we contracted with Solutions Etcetera to come on board to
publish an updated printed reference for the SuperTalk language, which many
of our developers had asked for. With IncWell's current primary focus on
the educational market, it seemed the next logical step to rely on
Solutions Etc.'s experience with professional developers, and their
additional resources to focus on bringing competent tools and services to
that community", said Keith Shaw, president of IncWell DMG, Ltd.
In addition to the currently available Script Language Reference, Solutions
Etcetera plans to offer a significantly updated version of the Internals
Toolbox external development environment and a variety of developer support
services, to be announced later this month.
"SuperCard has, for many years, been used by software developers for rapid
application development, interface design and prototyping. While this
clearly is not IncWell's primary market, it is a group which has done some
very substantial things using SuperCard. Our goal is to empower them even
further by providing more advanced products and services", said Scott
Simon, Product Manager for Solutions Etcetera.
SuperCard is a high-powered multimedia authoring environment that gives
users the ability to create custom applications and take full advantage of
the graphics and multimedia power of the Macintosh platform. At the heart
of SuperCard is a powerful scripting language called SuperTalk, which gives
complete control of the computer environment and makes development of
custom programs fast and efficient.
Solutions Etcetera specializes in technical products and services, with
experience spanning twenty years in the fields of personal computers,
telecommunications, and sound engineering.
Incwell DMG, Ltd. develops, markets and sells software tools and content
management solutions for deployment over any web, including award-winning
educational content, that exemplify ease of use. In addition to the
SuperCard family of products, Incwell DMG produces SPECTRUM, an educational
content service, recommended by the Discovery Channel Online, America
Online, Classroom Connect, Prodigy Homeschooling Center, and the Catholic
Educational Network. (
Press Contacts:
Scott Simon, Director of Product and Market Development