Dina Tanzi
Phone: 800-819-1335
Fax: 301-513-9466
WWW.RATINGS.ORG, The New Standard For Rating Software Via The Internet
COLLEGE PARK, MD -- October 16, 1996 (MMG) -- The National
Multimedia Association of America, the largest non-profit multimedia
professional association in the United States, will begin operations of a
new service to the Internet community: WWW.RATINGS.ORG.
The purpose of RATINGS.ORG is to help users select the best
software for their needs and to improve communications between end
user's and developers.
Any individual who has experience with a specific software application
(shareware, freeware, or commercial) can rate the application via the
Internet. Each overall rating is based on a possible score of 100
points. The individual rates the software on ten questions ranging from
ease of installation, to quality of features. After rating a specific
software package, he or she also has the opportunity to give comments
that are good, bad or helpful. This information is instantly updated in
the databases, and made available to both the general public and the
software developer.
"If you are interested in saving time and money before you download or
purchase a software application, you should use RATINGS.ORG," said
Kevin Yorke, Executive Director of the NMAA. "There was an
overwhelming need for the Internet community to develop a standard by
which the end user can judge software. RATINGS.ORG is that standard."
"One of the charms of the site is its sense of humor." added Bart
Casiello, President of the NMAA "It pokes fun at the love hate
relationship we have with our computers. So not only will save yourself
time and money you will also get a good laugh "
Once a year RATINGS.ORG will distribute awards for the top rated
software in each category. RATINGS.ORG gives credence to what the
public has to say about a software application.
NMAA operates RATINGS.ORG as a means of fostering the healthy
growth of the Multimedia Industry and of offering the Internet user a
chance to interface with the industry. All users of software are
welcomed to join TEAM RATINGS.ORG for free.
Kevin S. Yorke, Executive Director, NMAA
Bartholomew P. Casiello, President, NMAA
National Multimedia Association of America
4920 Niagara Road, 3rd Floor, College Park, Maryland 20740
Tel.: 800-819-1335 or 301-474-4107; fax: 301-513-9466;