MacHack PR: Register and Win, Hacking Not Required.
MacHack: The Annual Conference for Leading Edge Developers
c/o Expotech
1264 Bedford Road
Grosse Point Park, MI 48230
Contact: Carol Lynn
Tel: (313) 882-1824
Dearborn, MI -- March 22, 1999 -- MacHack, The Annual Conference For
Leading Edge Developers, is proud to announce that all attendees who
register for the conference by April 15, will be entered to win a
Palm III connected organizer from Palm Computing, Inc., a 3Com
Three of the Macintosh friendly organizers will be given away. One
student attendee and two regular attendees will be the lucky winners.
These users will receive their Palm III units connected organizer
prior to the June, 1999, MacHack conference.
These lucky hackers are encouraged, though not required, to enter
this year's Best Hack Contest using their Palm Computing organizer
as a platform for clever hacks. Palm Computing (
has also graciously provided numerous Palm Computing devices for use
by the conference so Palm Hacking should be a popular event.
"Palm has extended its support of the Macintosh platform with the
release of the Palm MacPac version 2," says Douglas Wirnowski,
product marketing manager at Palm Computing, "and our participation
at MackHack is a reflection of our commitment to the Macintosh
Attendees who have already registered are automatically entered to
win. For those that have not yet registered, entering is easy. Simply
go to the conference web site ( and register
either via the secure online form or via the snail mail form.
This represents an unprecedented value for conference attendees. All
attendees who register by April 15, 1999, will get a significant
discount off of the regular registration rate, but now, they can net
even more value.
Student registration is limited to 50 and is available for the deeply
discounted price of $50. This price includes a meal package provided
by MindVision Software ( and a 1 in 50
chance of winning a Palm III connected organizer.
MacHack, in its fourteenth year, remains centered around cutting edge
software development. Each year the conference brings together
well-known names in the software business, as well as many students
and other upstarts whose names we'll know soon enough, and fosters
interaction between all of the attendees. MacHack's uniqueness
derives from the informal feel and the LIVE coding that occurs
around-the-clock during the conference.
MacHack 1999 will take place June 23-26 in Dearborn, Michigan.