MacHack Endorses the Apple Student Developers Program, Announces
Student Discounts
MacHack: The Annual Conference for Leading Edge Developers
c/o Expotech
1264 Bedford Road
Grosse Point Park, MI 48230
Contact: Carol Lynn
Tel: (313) 882-1824
Dearborn, MI -- MacHack: The Annual Conference for Leading Edge
Developers proudly announces endorsement of the Apple Student
Developer Program, Apple Computer's new deeply discounted developer
support option for full time students.
Student participation is essential to the MacHack conference. The
annual Hack contest always draws out the best talent and programming.
In fact, at the 1998 conference two of the top five hacks came from
student developer who were first time conference attendees.
"Students are the ones who still believe that anything is possible.
They have the unbridled enthusiasm and determination to overcome
conventional obstacles and create the impossible," said Marshall
Vale, Conference Chairman. "Apple's new student developer program
shows that that they are committed to nurturingthe young talent
required to advance the Macintosh platform in the years to come."
Students also get alot from MacHack. Students get the chance to work
as peers with some of the best talent in Macintosh programming today.
Also, contacts made at the annual conference have resulted in
internships and full time opportunities with numerous companies
including Apple. Results may vary, of course.
Discounts for student developers have always been available for
MacHack . The 1999 conference is no different. $50 (US) gets students
full conference access and participation, a savings of $475 off the
regular conference admission. Students need only provide proof of
enrollment in a full time academic program. This includes students
from elementary school through graduate school. Student registration
is limited to 50 at the student rate. Full details on this and other
attendance packages are available at the MacHack web site.
Interested developers should check out Apple's Student Developer
Program at (
Students with the mettle to conquer the unique conference environment
that is MacHack should check the conference URL at
MacHack is a conference that, in its fourteenth year, remains
centered around cutting edge software development. Each year the
conference brings together well-known names in the software business,
as well as many students and upstarts whose names we'll know soon
enough, and fosters interaction between all of the attendees.
MacHack's uniqueness derives from the informal feel of the conference
and the LIVE coding that occurs around-the-clock during the
The 1999 MacHack conference will take place June 23-26 in Dearborn,
Michigan. Topics for the 1999 conference include networking, rapid
application and cross platform development.